Ejemplo n.º 1
        //Method: Main
        //Purpose: Decide what actions to take based on created people types
        //Restriction: Will not display information about all the courses for a student
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Courses courses = new Courses();
            // create our People SortedList!
            People people = new People();

            // create and initialize our person object
            Person person = null;

            string sAction = null;

            while (sAction != "quit")

                Console.Write("Add, Edit, Delete, List, Live, Quit => ");
                sAction = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();

                string email = null;

                switch (sAction)
                case "add":
                    person = null;

                    Console.Write("Person type (student/teacher) => ");
                    string sType = Console.ReadLine();

                    // create the person object depending on the type they selected
                    // note that an object of the Person class can point to either a Student or Teacher
                    if (sType.ToLower().StartsWith("s"))
                        person = new Student();
                        person = new Teacher();

                    // edit the new person
                    EditPerson(ref person);

                    // add the new person to the SortedList array using the email as index
                    // note that this uses the index property in the class which does additional exception handling
                    // to catch the case of a duplicated email index
                    people[person.email] = person;

                    // we could have done
                    //       people.sortedList.Add(email, person);
                    // but then we would need to add the exception handling here


                case "edit":
                    Console.Write("Email of person to edit => ");
                    email = Console.ReadLine();

                    person = people[email];

                    // if this email was not found in the list, the get property operator returns null
                    // note that because we overloaded the == operator,
                    // we need to cast null as (object) to ensure that the signature does not match the existing overload
                    // otherwise it tries to treat null as a Person and raises an exception trying to access null.age
                    // test it yourself without the (object) cast!
                    if (person == (object)null)
                        Console.WriteLine("That email does not exist.");
                        // because there cannot be duplicates in the Sorted List
                        // remove the existing entry from the list

                        // edit the selected person
                        EditPerson(ref person);

                        // re-add the updated person to the list
                        people[person.email] = person;

                case "delete":
                    Console.Write("Email of person to delete => ");
                    email = Console.ReadLine();



                case "list":
                    int i = 0;

                    // list each person in the collection
                    // iterating through a Sorted List uses a special type called KeyValuePair
                    // each list entry has a Key and a Value
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Person> thisEntry in people.sortedList)
                        // thisEntry.Key contains the email index
                        // and thisEntry.Value contains the Person object
                        // declare a Person reference variable to access all of the common fields of the derived classes
                        Person thisPerson = (Person)thisEntry.Value;

                        Console.Write($"{i + 1}: {thisPerson.email} | {thisPerson.name} | {thisPerson.age} | {thisPerson.LicenseId} | ");

                        if (thisPerson.GetType() == typeof(Student))
                            // gpa only belongs to Student, so we need a Student reference variable to output that
                            Student student = (Student)thisPerson;
                            foreach (string thisEntry2 in student.courseCodes)
                            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Course> thisEntry3 in courses.sortedList)
                                /*THIS PART OF CODE WILL NOT WORK, LINE 131 will not allow me to create a new course with given data, as it says thisEntry3.value
                                 * is a inaccessible due to protection level, but all my CourseLib is public
                                 * Course course = new Course(thisEntry3.value, thisEntry3.value.description);
                                 * Console.Write($"{course.courseCode}");
                                 * Console.Write(" - ");
                                 * Console.Write($"{course.description}");
                                 * for (int j = 0; j < course.schedule.daysOfWeek.Count; j++)
                                 * {
                                 *  Console.Write(" ");
                                 *  Console.Write($"{course.schedule.daysOfWeek[j]}");
                                 * }
                                 * Console.Write(" ");
                                 * Console.Write($"{course.schedule.startTime: hh:mmtt}");
                                 * Console.Write(" ");
                                 * Console.Write($"{course.schedule.endTime: hh:mmtt}");

                        if (thisPerson.GetType() == typeof(Teacher))
                            // specialty only belongs to Teacher, so we need a Teacher reference variable to output that
                            Teacher teacher = (Teacher)thisPerson;


                case "live":
                    Console.Write("Email of person to live for a day => ");
                    email = Console.ReadLine();

                    person = people[email];

                    if (person != (object)null)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        //Method: EditPerson
        //Purpose: Adds information to person
        public static void EditPerson(ref Person thisPerson)
            // for each field, display the current value, if any
            // only replace the value if a new value was entered

            Console.Write($"Email ({thisPerson.email}) => ");
            string sEmail = Console.ReadLine();

            if (sEmail.Length > 0)
                thisPerson.email = sEmail;

            Console.Write($"Name ({thisPerson.name}) => ");
            string sName = Console.ReadLine();

            if (sName.Length > 0)
                thisPerson.name = sName;

                Console.Write($"Age ({thisPerson.age})=> ");
                string sAge = Console.ReadLine();
                if (sAge.Length > 0)
                    if (int.TryParse(sAge, out thisPerson.age))
            } while (true);

                Console.Write($"Drivers License ID ({thisPerson.LicenseId}) => ");
                string sLicenseID = Console.ReadLine();
                if (sLicenseID.Length > 0)
                    int nLicenseId;
                    if (int.TryParse(sLicenseID, out nLicenseId))
                        // note that we cannot pass an operator field to int.TryParse()
                        // we need to use a temporary int variable to parse into
                        // the LicenseId property applies additional rules to setting the licenseId field
                        thisPerson.LicenseId = nLicenseId;
            } while (true);

            if (thisPerson.GetType() == typeof(Student))
                Student thisStudent = (Student)thisPerson;

                    Console.Write($"GPA ({thisStudent.gpa})=> ");
                    string sGPA = Console.ReadLine();
                    if (sGPA.Length > 0)
                        if (double.TryParse(sGPA, out thisStudent.gpa))
                } while (true);

                    Console.Write("Enter course numbers: ");
                    string input = Console.ReadLine();
                    if (input.Length > 0)
                }while (true);

            if (thisPerson.GetType() == typeof(Teacher))
                Teacher thisTeacher = (Teacher)thisPerson;

                Console.Write($"Specialty ({thisTeacher.specialty})=> ");
                string sSpecialty = Console.ReadLine();
                if (sSpecialty.Length > 0)
                    thisTeacher.specialty = sSpecialty;