Ejemplo n.º 1
        // Gets a stateId but... if the shape doesn't have one, it will return
        // an automatically generated one
        internal string GetStateId()
            string stateId = Common.GetCellString(shape, ShapeProperties.StateId);

            if (stateId.Length == 0)
                stateId = BuildStateIdForStorage(StatePrefixAndNumberManager.GetCurrentStateIdPrefix(),
                                                 StatePrefixAndNumberManager.GetNextAvailableNumber(), String.Empty);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        virtual internal void SetStateId(string stateId)
            // remove the old prefix+number from the list

            Common.SetCellString(shape, ShapeProperties.Play.StateId, stateId);
            shape.Text = StateIdForDisplay(stateId);

            // add the new prefix+number to the list
            StatePrefixAndNumberManager.Add(this, shape);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public override void OnBeforeShapeDelete()

            // check to see if any max handlers use this - if so change to hang up
            List <Shadow> shadowList = PathMaker.LookupAllShadows();

            foreach (Shadow s in shadowList)
                if (s.RemoveGotosThatDontUseConnectors(shape.get_UniqueID((short)VisUniqueIDArgs.visGetOrMakeGUID)))
                    Common.ErrorMessage("Shape was being used as a goto in " + s.GetGotoName() + " - changing to Hang up");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public override void OnShapeExitTextEdit()
            string prefix, number, name, errorMessage;
            string newName = StateIdForDisplay(shape.Text);

            DisectStateIdIntoParts(newName, out prefix, out number, out name);

            // always use uppercase prefixes
            prefix = prefix.ToUpper();

            // They can enter anything in the shape text - here we make sure it's a good stateid
            // and, if not, we make it one.
            if (!ValidateStateIdTextBoxStrings(prefix, number, name, out errorMessage))
                if (GetStateId().Length > 0)
                    string oldPrefix, oldNumber, oldName;
                    DisectStateIdIntoParts(GetStateId(), out oldPrefix, out oldNumber, out oldName);
                    newName = oldPrefix.ToUpper() + oldNumber + Strings.StateIdWordDisplayDelimiter + newName;
                    newName = StatePrefixAndNumberManager.GetCurrentStateIdPrefix() +
                              StatePrefixAndNumberManager.GetNextAvailableNumber() + Strings.StateIdWordDisplayDelimiter + newName;
                // make sure we pick up the uppercase prefix
                newName = prefix + number + Strings.StateIdWordDisplayDelimiter + name;

            string oldStateId = GetStateId();
            string newStateId = StateIdForStorage(newName);

            StartShadow shadowStart = PathMaker.LookupStartShadow();

            if (shadowStart != null && !oldStateId.Equals(newStateId))
                string promptIdFormat = shadowStart.GetDefaultSetting(Strings.DefaultSettingsPromptIDFormat);
                if (promptIdFormat.Equals(Strings.PromptIdFormatFull) || promptIdFormat.Equals(Strings.PromptIdFormatPartial))
                    RedoPromptIds(0, promptIdFormat);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        // Validates the individual components used by dialog boxes to represent a stateId
        public bool ValidateStateIdTextBoxStrings(string prefix, string number, string name, out string errorMessage)
            string oldPrefix, oldNumber, oldName;

            DisectStateIdIntoParts(GetStateId(), out oldPrefix, out oldNumber, out oldName);

            if (prefix.Length != StatePrefixAndNumberManager.PrefixLength)
                errorMessage = "Enter a valid 2-letter uppercase state prefix";
                if (!Regex.Match(prefix, AllowedPrefixRegEx).Success)
                    errorMessage = "Prefix must be 2 uppercase alpha characters";

            if (number.Length != StatePrefixAndNumberManager.NumberLength)
                errorMessage = "Enter a valid 4 digit state number";
                if (!Regex.Match(number, AllowedNumberRegEx).Success)
                    errorMessage = "Number must consist of 4 numberical characters";

            if (StatePrefixAndNumberManager.ContainsPrefixAndNumber(prefix + number) && (!((prefix == oldPrefix) && (number == oldNumber))))
                errorMessage = "State prefix and number are already assigned to another state";
                errorMessage = String.Empty;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        void OnShapeAdd(Shape shape)
            ShapeTypes type = Common.GetShapeType(shape);
            bool       is1D = shape.OneD != 0;

            // Tricky - when pasting, Visio gives out new uids to the shapes if there are duplicates
            // in this document.  So, we are going to stash the original ones - unless we are pasting.
            // If we are pasting, the paste end will fix the ones that were added.
            if (!visioControl.Document.Application.get_IsInScope((int)VisUICmds.visCmdUFEditPaste) &&
                string uid    = shape.get_UniqueID((short)VisUniqueIDArgs.visGetOrMakeGUID);
                string cached = Common.GetCellString(shape, Strings.CutCopyPasteTempCellName);

                // when undoing a delete page, you can't write this yet so this check will ignore it
                if (!uid.Equals(cached))
                    Common.SetCellString(shape, Strings.CutCopyPasteTempCellName, uid);
            else if (Common.GetShapeType(shape) == ShapeTypes.OffPageRef)
                Common.ErrorMessage("Pasted off-page reference needs to be connected.  Double click on it to repair.");
                // Because these can be cut and pasted from a single document, clearing these fields
                // allows us to avoid having more than one off page connector pointing to a single other one
                // which causes issues with tracking things in the shadows.  This way here, double clicking
                // on the connector will ask which page to connect it to.
                Common.SetCellString(shape, ShapeProperties.OffPageConnectorDestinationPageID, "");
                Common.SetCellString(shape, ShapeProperties.OffPageConnectorDestinationShapeID, "");

            if (type == ShapeTypes.None && is1D)
                // rogue connector - need to make it conform
                Common.SetCellString(shape, ShapeProperties.ShapeType, ((int)ShapeTypes.Connector).ToString());
                                   (short)VisCellIndices.visLineEndArrow).FormulaU = "13";
                                   (short)VisCellIndices.visLineRounding).FormulaU = "0.25 in";
                                   (short)VisCellIndices.visLockTextEdit).FormulaU = "1";

                // just in case

                // make every row in the shape data section invisible
                short row = (short)VisRowIndices.visRowFirst;
                while (shape.get_CellsSRCExists((short)VisSectionIndices.visSectionProp, row, (short)VisCellIndices.visCustPropsInvis, (short)VisExistsFlags.visExistsAnywhere) != 0)
                    shape.get_CellsSRC((short)VisSectionIndices.visSectionProp, row++, (short)VisCellIndices.visCustPropsInvis).FormulaU = "TRUE";

            // when a shape is copied and pasted, it will be an exact copy of the previous shape
            // we need fix the duplicate name issue before we do anything else
            string oldPastedStateName = String.Empty;

            if (visioControl.Document.Application.get_IsInScope((int)VisUICmds.visCmdUFEditPaste) ||
                string stateId = Common.GetCellString(shape, ShapeProperties.StateId);
                if (stateId.Length > 0)
                    if (!StatePrefixAndNumberManager.IsStateIdOkayForUse(stateId))
                        oldPastedStateName = stateId;
                        // NEVER, NEVER do this without going through the shadow except here, before the shadow is made
                        Common.SetCellString(shape, ShapeProperties.StateId, String.Empty);

            Shadow shadow = Common.MakeShapeShadow(shape);

            if (shadow != null)
                // if we have a pasted name that conflicted, this will reuse the name portion
                // but get us a new prefix and number and then renumber any prompts
                if (oldPastedStateName.Length > 0)
                    string prefix, number, name;
                    StateShadow.DisectStateIdIntoParts(oldPastedStateName, out prefix, out number, out name);
                    shape.Text = StateShadow.StateIdForDisplay(name).Trim();
                    // this just pretends we just typed the name portion into the shape itself

                    // and now let's renumber any prompts if we're not using the "number" option
                    List <Shadow> shadowList = LookupShadowsByShapeType(ShapeTypes.Start);
                    if (shadowList.Count > 0)
                        StartShadow startShadow    = shadowList[0] as StartShadow;
                        string      promptIdFormat = startShadow.GetDefaultSetting(Strings.DefaultSettingsPromptIDFormat);
                        if (promptIdFormat.Equals(Strings.PromptIdFormatFull) || promptIdFormat.Equals(Strings.PromptIdFormatPartial))
                            StateShadow stateShadow = shadow as StateShadow;
                            if (stateShadow != null)
                                stateShadow.RedoPromptIds(0, promptIdFormat);
                shadowShapeMap.Add(shape.get_UniqueID((short)VisUniqueIDArgs.visGetOrMakeGUID), shadow);

                if (shadow.GetShapeType() == ShapeTypes.DocTitle ||
                    shadow.GetShapeType() == ShapeTypes.ChangeLog ||
                    shadow.GetShapeType() == ShapeTypes.AppDesc ||
                    shadow.GetShapeType() == ShapeTypes.PrefixList ||
                    shadow.GetShapeType() == ShapeTypes.Start)
                    if (LookupShadowsByShapeType(shadow.GetShapeType()).Count > 1)
                        Common.ErrorMessage("Cannot have two Start, Change Log, or Document Title, App Description or Prefix List shapes");
                        Common.ForcedSetShapeText(shape, Strings.ToBeDeletedLabel);
                Common.ErrorMessage("Invalid non-PathMaker shape added");
                try {
                    Common.ForcedSetShapeText(shape, Strings.ToBeDeletedLabel);
                catch {
                    // it may be a shape with two subshapes (play/interaction) so try this too
                    try {
                        Common.ForcedSetShapeText(shape.Shapes[0], Strings.ToBeDeletedLabel);
                    catch {
                        // copying from non-PathMaker visios can cause this to fail depending on shape sheets, locks, etc.
                        // We did our best - we can ignore these
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private void OnSrcDocumentChange()
            int  pathMakerVersion = Common.GetDocumentSchemaVersion(visioControl.Document);
            bool repaired         = false;


            if (pathMakerVersion < Common.GetResourceInt(Strings.PathMakerSchemaVersionRes))
                if (!Repair.UpgradeDocumentToCurrentSchemaVersion(visioControl.Document))
                    visioControl.Src = System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + @"\\" + Strings.VisioTemplateFile;
                    repaired = true;

            if (pathMakerVersion > Common.GetResourceInt(Strings.PathMakerSchemaVersionRes))
                Common.ErrorMessage("This file was created using a newer schema than this version of\n"
                                    + "PathMaker supports.  Upgrade to a newer version to edit this file.");
                visioControl.Src = System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + @"\\" + Strings.VisioTemplateFile;
                repaired         = false;

            try {
                // For some reason our template will cause an exception if you add a new
                // page to it before you have put a shape on it.  My guess is something to
                // do with it being a vst but it only happens in the activeX control, not
                // standard visio.  Either way, this little trick of putting a connector on and
                // deleting it seems to solve the problem.  One other note, the shape you drop
                // matters.  A comment shape didn't work...
                Page     page    = visioControl.Document.Application.ActivePage;
                Document stencil = visioControl.Document.Application.Documents[Strings.StencilFileName];
                if (page != null)
                    Shape shape = page.Drop(stencil.Masters["Dynamic connector"], 1, 1);
            catch {
                // fails if the window isn't up yet - can be ignored

            // when starting from the template, the doc title and change log cut copy paste temp
            // data isn't set - so let's set it here
            foreach (Page page in visioControl.Document.Pages)
                foreach (Shape shape in page.Shapes)
                    string uid = shape.get_UniqueID((short)VisUniqueIDArgs.visGetOrMakeGUID);
                    Common.SetCellString(shape, Strings.CutCopyPasteTempCellName, uid);

            // if we didn't do a repair, make it so the hack above doesn't mean we have to save
            if (!repaired)
                visioControl.Document.Saved = true;

            // set up our gotoPageComboBox on the toolbar
            gotoPageComboBox.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;
            foreach (Page p in visioControl.Document.Pages)
            if (visioControl.Document.Application.ActivePage != null)
                string pageName = visioControl.Document.Application.ActivePage.Name;
                int    index    = visioControl.Document.Pages[pageName].Index;
                gotoPageComboBox.SelectedIndex = index - 1;


            // set titlebar
            string filename = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(visioControl.Src);

            if (filename.Contains(Strings.VisioTemplateFileSuffix))
                Text = Common.StripExtensionFileName(Strings.DefaultFileName) + Strings.TitleBarSuffix;
                Text = Common.StripExtensionFileName(filename) + Strings.TitleBarSuffix;

            // we rebuild this every time we get a new document
            // and add the event handlers which are associated with the document (as opposed to the application)

            //JDK added this to update older formats for date stamps to version stamps
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public StateShadow(Shape shape) : base(shape)
     StatePrefixAndNumberManager.Add(this, shape);