Ejemplo n.º 1
        public ArtAttack()
            Name = "Art Attack";

            MoveInfo = new MoveActionData(new CroppedTexture2D(AssetManager.Instance.LoadRawTexture2D($"{ContentGlobals.BattleGFX}.png"), new Rectangle(202, 987, 39, 36)),
                                          "Draw around the enemy as many times as you can!", Enumerations.MoveResourceTypes.SSSP,
                                          400, Enumerations.CostDisplayTypes.Shown, Enumerations.MoveAffectionTypes.Other, TargetSelectionMenu.EntitySelectionType.All,
                                          false, null, Enumerations.EntityTypes.Enemy);
            DamageInfo = new DamageData(1, Enumerations.Elements.Star, true, Enumerations.ContactTypes.None, Enumerations.ContactProperties.Ranged, null, true, false,
                                        Enumerations.DefensiveActionTypes.None, Enumerations.DamageEffects.None);

            StartingDrawLoc = SpriteRenderer.Instance.WindowCenter;

            SetMoveSequence(new ArtAttackSequence(this));
            actionCommand = new ArtAttackCommand(MoveSequence, StartingDrawLoc, StartingDrawTime);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public Gulp()
            Name = "Gulp";

            MoveInfo = new MoveActionData(null, string.Empty, Enumerations.MoveResourceTypes.FP, 4, Enumerations.CostDisplayTypes.Shown,
                                          Enumerations.MoveAffectionTypes.Enemy, TargetSelectionMenu.EntitySelectionType.First, true,
                                          new Enumerations.HeightStates[] { Enumerations.HeightStates.Grounded, Enumerations.HeightStates.Hovering });

            DamageInfo = new DamageData(4, Enumerations.Elements.Normal, true, Enumerations.ContactTypes.Approach, null,

            GulpSequence gulpSequence = new GulpSequence(this);

            actionCommand = new GulpCommand(MoveSequence, gulpSequence.WalkDuration / 2f, 500f, 1f);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public ArtAttack()
            Name = "Art Attack";

            SPCost = 400;

            MoveInfo = new MoveActionData(null, "Draw around the enemy as many times as you can!", Enumerations.MoveResourceTypes.SP,
                                          0, Enumerations.CostDisplayTypes.Shown, Enumerations.MoveAffectionTypes.Enemy, TargetSelectionMenu.EntitySelectionType.All,
                                          false, null);
            DamageInfo = new DamageData(1, Enumerations.Elements.Star, true, Enumerations.ContactTypes.None, null, true, false,
                                        Enumerations.DefensiveMoveOverrides.None, Enumerations.DamageEffects.None);

            StartingDrawLoc = SpriteRenderer.Instance.WindowCenter;

            SetMoveSequence(new ArtAttackSequence(this));
            actionCommand = new ArtAttackCommand(MoveSequence, StartingDrawLoc, StartingDrawTime);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public Gulp()
            Name = "Gulp";

            MoveInfo = new MoveActionData(new CroppedTexture2D(AssetManager.Instance.LoadRawTexture2D($"{ContentGlobals.BattleGFX}.png"), new Rectangle(874, 14, 22, 22)),
                                          string.Empty, Enumerations.MoveResourceTypes.FP, 4, Enumerations.CostDisplayTypes.Shown,
                                          Enumerations.MoveAffectionTypes.Other, TargetSelectionMenu.EntitySelectionType.First, true,
                                          new Enumerations.HeightStates[] { Enumerations.HeightStates.Grounded, Enumerations.HeightStates.Hovering }, User.GetOpposingEntityType());

            DamageInfo = new DamageData(4, Enumerations.Elements.Normal, true, Enumerations.ContactTypes.SideDirect, Enumerations.ContactProperties.WeaponDirect, null,

            GulpSequence gulpSequence = new GulpSequence(this);

            actionCommand = new GulpCommand(MoveSequence, gulpSequence.WalkDuration / 2f, 500f, 1f, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys.R);
        public QuakeHammerAction(int numBadges)
            Name = "Quake Hammer";

            MoveInfo = new MoveActionData(new CroppedTexture2D(AssetManager.Instance.LoadRawTexture2D($"{ContentGlobals.BattleGFX}.png"), new Rectangle(907, 102, 23, 24)),
                                          "Slightly damage all ground\nenemies.", MoveResourceTypes.FP, 3 /*2 FP in PM*/, CostDisplayTypes.Shown,
                                          MoveAffectionTypes.Other, TargetSelectionMenu.EntitySelectionType.All, true,
                                          new HeightStates[] { HeightStates.Grounded, HeightStates.Ceiling }, User.GetOpposingEntityType());

            //Scale by the number of badges the move has
            int damage = BaseDamage + (DamageScalePerBadge * (numBadges - 1));

            DamageInfo = new DamageData(damage, Elements.Normal, true, ContactTypes.None, ContactProperties.Ranged, null, DamageEffects.FlipsShelled | DamageEffects.FlipsClefts);

            SetMoveSequence(new QuakeHammerSequence(this));
            actionCommand = new HammerCommand(MoveSequence, 4, 500d);
        public RallyWinkAction()
            Name = "Rally Wink";

            MoveInfo = new MoveActionData(new CroppedTexture2D(AssetManager.Instance.LoadRawTexture2D($"{ContentGlobals.BattleGFX}.png"), new Rectangle(874, 75, 22, 22)),
                                          "Wink at Mario to give him the\ncourage for an extra attack.", MoveResourceTypes.FP, 4, CostDisplayTypes.Shown, MoveAffectionTypes.Ally,
                                          TargetSelectionMenu.EntitySelectionType.Single, false, null, null);

            //Rally Wink has damage data for a failed Action Command
            //It's used to show the move is ineffective
            DamageInfo = new DamageData(0, Elements.Normal, false, ContactTypes.None, ContactProperties.Ranged, null, true, false,
                                        DefensiveActionTypes.Guard | DefensiveActionTypes.Superguard, DamageEffects.None);

            SetMoveSequence(new RallyWinkSequence(this));
            actionCommand = new RallyWinkCommand(MoveSequence, new Keys[] { Keys.Z, Keys.X }, 100d, 4000d, 1000d, 10d, .2d, new Vector2(200f, 1f),
                                                 new ActionCommandGlobals.BarRangeData(66f, 101f, 1, ActionCommand.CommandRank.Nice, Color.AliceBlue));
        public BombSquadAction(BattleEntity user, int bombCount, int bombDamage) : base(user)
            Name = "Bomb Squad";

            BombCount  = bombCount;
            BombDamage = bombDamage;

            MoveInfo = new MoveActionData(new CroppedTexture2D(AssetManager.Instance.LoadRawTexture2D($"{ContentGlobals.BattleGFX}.png"), new Rectangle(874, 14, 22, 22)),
                                          "Throw three bombs that\nwill explode one turn later.", MoveResourceTypes.FP, 3,
                                          CostDisplayTypes.Shown, MoveAffectionTypes.Other, Enumerations.EntitySelectionType.All, false,
                                          new HeightStates[] { HeightStates.Grounded, HeightStates.Hovering, HeightStates.Airborne }, User.GetOpposingEntityType());

            DamageInfo = new DamageData(BombDamage, Elements.Explosion, false, ContactTypes.None, ContactProperties.Ranged, null, DamageEffects.None);

            SetMoveSequence(new BombSquadSequence(this, BombCount));

            actionCommand = new BombSquadCommand(MoveSequence, BombCount);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the ItemAction's properties based on the item it has.
        /// </summary>
        protected void SetActionProperties()
            Name = ItemUsed.Name;

            //NOTE: Refactor and make cleaner in some way

            IHPHealingItem        hpHealing        = ItemUsed as IHPHealingItem;
            IFPHealingItem        fpHealing        = ItemUsed as IFPHealingItem;
            IDamagingItem         damageItem       = ItemUsed as IDamagingItem;
            IStatusHealingItem    statusHealing    = ItemUsed as IStatusHealingItem;
            IStatusInflictingItem statusInflicting = ItemUsed as IStatusInflictingItem;
            IDamageEffectItem     damageEffectItem = ItemUsed as IDamageEffectItem;

            MoveAffectionTypes moveAffectionType = ItemUsed.EntityType == User.EntityType ? MoveAffectionTypes.Ally : MoveAffectionTypes.Enemy;

            if (ItemUsed.TargetsSelf == true)
                moveAffectionType = MoveAffectionTypes.Self;

            MoveInfo = new MoveActionData(null, ItemUsed.Description, MoveResourceTypes.FP, 0, CostDisplayTypes.Hidden,
                                          moveAffectionType, ItemUsed.SelectionType, false, ItemUsed.HeightsAffected);

            //Set the damage data
            if (damageItem != null || statusInflicting != null)
                int                  damage        = damageItem != null ? damageItem.Damage : 0;
                Elements             element       = damageItem != null ? damageItem.Element : Elements.Normal;
                StatusChanceHolder[] statuses      = statusInflicting != null ? statusInflicting.StatusesInflicted : null;
                DamageEffects        damageEffects = damageEffectItem != null ? damageEffectItem.InducedDamageEffects : DamageEffects.None;

                DamageInfo = new DamageData(damage, element, true, ContactTypes.None, statuses, damageEffects);

            //Set the healing data
            if (hpHealing != null || fpHealing != null || statusHealing != null)
                int           hpHealed       = hpHealing != null ? hpHealing.HPRestored : 0;
                int           fpHealed       = fpHealing != null ? fpHealing.FPRestored : 0;
                StatusTypes[] statusesHealed = statusHealing != null ? statusHealing.StatusesHealed : null;

                HealingInfo = new HealingData(hpHealed, fpHealed, statusesHealed);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public ShellTossAction(BattleEntity user) : base(user)
            Name = "Shell Toss";

            MoveInfo = new MoveActionData(new CroppedTexture2D(AssetManager.Instance.LoadRawTexture2D($"{ContentGlobals.BattleGFX}.png"), new Rectangle(216, 845, 22, 22)),
                                          "Shoot yourself at an enemy.", MoveResourceTypes.FP, 0, CostDisplayTypes.Shown,
                                          MoveAffectionTypes.Other, Enumerations.EntitySelectionType.First, true,
                                          new HeightStates[] { HeightStates.Grounded, HeightStates.Hovering }, User.GetOpposingEntityType(), EntityTypes.Neutral);

            DamageInfo = new DamageData(1, Elements.Normal, false, ContactTypes.SideDirect, ContactProperties.Protected, null, DamageEffects.RemovesSegment);

            //If a partner (Kooper or Koops) is using this move, the base damage is the Partner rank
            PartnerStats partnerStats = User.BattleStats as PartnerStats;

            if (partnerStats != null)
                DamageInfo.Damage = (int)partnerStats.PartnerRank;

            SetMoveSequence(new ShellTossSequence(this));
            actionCommand = new HammerCommand(MoveSequence, 4, 500d);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        protected override void SequenceStartBranch()
            switch (SequenceStep)
            case 0:
                //Move to the opponent
                CurSequenceAction = new MoveToSeqAction(BattleManager.Instance.GetPositionInFront(EntitiesAffected[0], User.EntityType != Enumerations.EntityTypes.Enemy), MoveTime);

            case 1:
                //Jump up to their height
                CurSequenceAction = new MoveToSeqAction(EntitiesAffected[0].BattlePosition + new Vector2(0f, 10f), JumpTime);

            case 2:
                //Fall down and latch
                CurSequenceAction = new MoveAmountSeqAction(new Vector2(0f, -10f), JumpTime);

            case 3:
                //Override defensive actions as the latching shouldn't be guardable
                DamageData damageData = Action.DamageProperties;
                damageData.ContactType       = Enumerations.ContactTypes.Latch;
                damageData.Damage            = 0;
                damageData.DefensiveOverride = Enumerations.DefensiveActionTypes.Guard | Enumerations.DefensiveActionTypes.Superguard;

                //Deal 0 damage
                //If we go to the Main branch, then we can start the action command
                //Otherwise an interruption or miss occurred, so handle that in those branches
                AttemptDamage(0, EntitiesAffected[0], damageData, true);

Ejemplo n.º 11
        public TornadoJumpAction(BattleEntity user) : base(user)
            Name = "Tornado Jump";

            MoveInfo = new MoveActionData(new CroppedTexture2D(AssetManager.Instance.LoadRawTexture2D($"{ContentGlobals.BattleGFX}.png"), new Rectangle(939, 390, 38, 34)),
                                          "Execute superbly to damage\nall midair enemies.", MoveResourceTypes.FP, 3,
                                          CostDisplayTypes.Shown, MoveAffectionTypes.Other,
                                          Enumerations.EntitySelectionType.Single, false,
                                          new HeightStates[] { HeightStates.Grounded, HeightStates.Hovering, HeightStates.Airborne }, User.GetOpposingEntityType(), EntityTypes.Neutral);

            //The base damage is Mario's current Boot level
            //If Mario isn't the one using this move, it defaults to 1
            int        baseDamage = 1;
            MarioStats marioStats = User.BattleStats as MarioStats;

            if (marioStats != null)
                baseDamage = (int)marioStats.BootLevel;

            DamageInfo = new DamageData(baseDamage, Elements.Normal, false, ContactTypes.TopDirect, ContactProperties.None, null,
                                        DamageEffects.FlipsShelled | DamageEffects.RemovesWings);

            //Second part
            //The second part's damage is Piercing, starts as 2, and cannot be increased with Power Plus, All Or Nothing, or P-Up, D-Down
            //Equipping a 2nd badge increases the FP cost from 3 to 6 and increases the damage of the Jump by 1 and the air attack by 2
            TornadoJumpSecondPart = new MoveAction(User, string.Empty, new MoveActionData(null, string.Empty, MoveResourceTypes.FP, 0f, CostDisplayTypes.Shown,
                                                                                          MoveAffectionTypes.Other, Enumerations.EntitySelectionType.All, false, new HeightStates[] { HeightStates.Hovering, HeightStates.Airborne },
                                                                                          new EntityTypes[] { EntityTypes.Enemy }), new NoSequence(TornadoJumpSecondPart),
                                                   new DamageData(2, Elements.Normal, true, ContactTypes.None, ContactProperties.Ranged, null, DamageEffects.None));

            TornadoJumpSequence tornadoJumpSequence = new TornadoJumpSequence(this, TornadoJumpSecondPart);


            actionCommand = new TornadoJumpCommand(MoveSequence, tornadoJumpSequence.JumpDuration,
                                                   (int)(tornadoJumpSequence.JumpDuration / 2f), 10000d);
        public ElectroDashAction(BattleEntity user) : base(user)
            Name = "Electro Dash";

            MoveInfo = new MoveActionData(new CroppedTexture2D(AssetManager.Instance.LoadRawTexture2D($"{ContentGlobals.BattleGFX}.png"), new Rectangle(216, 845, 22, 22)),
                                          "Pierce enemy defense, dealing 5 damage.", MoveResourceTypes.FP, 0, CostDisplayTypes.Shown, MoveAffectionTypes.Other,
                                          Enumerations.EntitySelectionType.Single, true, null, new EntityTypes[] { User.GetOpposingEntityType() });

            DamageInfo = new DamageData(3, Elements.Electric, true, ContactTypes.SideDirect, ContactProperties.None, null, DamageEffects.None);

            //If a Partner (Watt) is using this move, the base damage is increased by 1 per Partner rank above Normal
            PartnerStats partnerStats = User.BattleStats as PartnerStats;

            if (partnerStats != null)
                DamageInfo.Damage += ((int)partnerStats.PartnerRank - 1);

            ElectroDashSequence electroDashSequence = new ElectroDashSequence(this);

            actionCommand = new GulpCommand(MoveSequence, electroDashSequence.CommandDur, 500d, 1d, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys.Z);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public Hammer()
            Name = "Hammer";

            MoveInfo = new MoveActionData(null, "Whack an enemy with your Hammer.", MoveResourceTypes.FP, 0, CostDisplayTypes.Shown,
                                          MoveAffectionTypes.Enemy, TargetSelectionMenu.EntitySelectionType.First, true,
                                          new HeightStates[] { HeightStates.Grounded, HeightStates.Hovering });

            //The base damage for Hammer is Mario's current Hammer level
            //If Mario isn't the one using this move, it defaults to 1
            int        baseDamage = 1;
            MarioStats marioStats = User.BattleStats as MarioStats;

            if (marioStats != null)
                baseDamage = (int)marioStats.HammerLevel;

            DamageInfo = new DamageData(baseDamage, Elements.Normal, false, ContactTypes.Approach, null, DamageEffects.None);

            SetMoveSequence(new HammerSequence(this));
            actionCommand = new HammerCommand(MoveSequence, 4, 500d);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public Hammer()
            Name = "Hammer";

            MoveInfo = new MoveActionData(new CroppedTexture2D(AssetManager.Instance.LoadRawTexture2D($"{ContentGlobals.BattleGFX}.png"), new Rectangle(216, 845, 22, 22)),
                                          "Whack an enemy with your Hammer.", MoveResourceTypes.FP, 0, CostDisplayTypes.Shown,
                                          MoveAffectionTypes.Other, TargetSelectionMenu.EntitySelectionType.First, true,
                                          new HeightStates[] { HeightStates.Grounded, HeightStates.Hovering }, User.GetOpposingEntityType(), EntityTypes.Neutral);

            //The base damage for Hammer is Mario's current Hammer level
            //If Mario isn't the one using this move, it defaults to 1
            int        baseDamage = 1;
            MarioStats marioStats = User.BattleStats as MarioStats;

            if (marioStats != null)
                baseDamage = (int)marioStats.HammerLevel;

            DamageInfo = new DamageData(baseDamage, Elements.Normal, false, ContactTypes.SideDirect, ContactProperties.WeaponDirect, null, DamageEffects.None);

            SetMoveSequence(new HammerSequence(this, 0));
            actionCommand = new HammerCommand(MoveSequence, 4, 500d);
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public MoveAction(string name, MoveActionData moveProperties, Sequence moveSequence, DamageData damageInfo) : this(name, moveProperties, moveSequence)
     DamageInfo = damageInfo;
 public SpecialMoveAction(string name, MoveActionData moveProperties, Sequence moveSequence, ActionCommand actionCommand, DamageData damageInfo, StarPowerTypes spType, float spCost) : base(name, moveProperties, moveSequence, actionCommand, damageInfo)
     SPType = spType;
     SPCost = spCost;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 /// <summary>
 /// Convenience function for attempting damage with only one entity.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="damage">The damage the BattleAction deals to the entity if the attempt was successful</param>
 /// <param name="entity">The BattleEntity to attempt to inflict damage on</param>
 /// <param name="damageInfo">The damage information to use.</param>
 /// <param name="isTotalDamage">Whether the damage passed in is the total damage or not.
 /// If false, the total damage will be calculated</param>
 protected int[] AttemptDamage(int damage, BattleEntity entity, DamageData damageInfo, bool isTotalDamage)
     return(AttemptDamage(damage, new BattleEntity[] { entity }, damageInfo, isTotalDamage));
Ejemplo n.º 18
        ///Have an attacker attempt to deal damage to a set of victims.
        ///<para>Based on the ContactType of this BattleAction, this can fail, resulting in an interruption.
        ///In the event of an interruption, no further entities are tested.</para>
        ///<param name="attacker">The BattleEntity dealing the damage.</param>
        ///<param name="victims">The BattleEntities to attempt to inflict damage on.</param>
        ///<param name="damageInfo">The damage information to use.</param>
        ///<param name="onVictimMiss">A delegate invoked when the attacker misses a victim.</param>
        ///<returns>An array of InteractionResults containing all the interactions.
        ///Some entries of the array will have null values if the attacker misses or is interrupted.</returns>
        public static InteractionResult[] AttemptDamageEntities(BattleEntity attacker, IList <BattleEntity> victims, DamageData damageInfo,
                                                                VictimMissInteraction onVictimMiss)
            //No damage can be dealt if either of these are null, so return
            if (attacker == null || victims == null)
                Debug.LogError($"{nameof(attacker)} and/or {nameof(victims)} is/are null in {nameof(AttemptDamageEntities)}, so no damage can be dealt!");
                return(new InteractionResult[0]);

            //The final interactions between entities
            InteractionResult[] finalInteractions = new InteractionResult[victims.Count];

            //Go through all the entities and attempt damage
            for (int i = 0; i < victims.Count; i++)
                InteractionResult finalResult = GetDamageInteraction(new InteractionParamHolder(attacker, victims[i], damageInfo.Damage,
                                                                                                damageInfo.DamagingElement, damageInfo.Piercing, damageInfo.ContactType, damageInfo.ContactProperty,
                                                                                                damageInfo.Statuses, damageInfo.DamageEffect, damageInfo.CantMiss, damageInfo.DefensiveOverride));

                //Store the interaction result
                finalInteractions[i] = finalResult;

                //Make the victim take damage upon a PartialSuccess or a Success
                if (finalResult.VictimResult.DontDamageEntity == false)
                    //Check if the attacker hit
                    if (finalResult.VictimResult.Hit == true)
                    //Handle a miss otherwise
                        if (onVictimMiss != null)
                            //Break if the method returns false
                            bool continueVal = onVictimMiss();
                            if (continueVal == false)

                //Make the attacker take damage upon a PartialSuccess or a Failure
                //Break out of the loop when the attacker takes damage
                if (finalResult.AttackerResult.DontDamageEntity == false)


Ejemplo n.º 19
 public SpecialMoveAction(BattleEntity user, string name, MoveActionData moveProperties, Sequence moveSequence, DamageData damageInfo)
     : base(user, name, moveProperties, moveSequence, damageInfo)
Ejemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempt to deal damage to a set of entities with this BattleAction.
        /// <para>Based on the ContactType of this BattleAction, this can fail, resulting in an interruption.
        /// In the event of an interruption, no further entities are tested, the ActionCommand is ended, and
        /// we go into the Interruption branch</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="damage">The damage the BattleAction deals to the entity if the attempt was successful</param>
        /// <param name="entities">The BattleEntities to attempt to inflict damage on</param>
        /// <param name="damageInfo">The damage information to use.</param>
        /// <param name="isTotalDamage">Whether the damage passed in is the total damage or not.
        /// If false, the total damage will be calculated</param>
        /// <returns>An int array containing the damage dealt to each BattleEntity targeted, in order</returns>
        protected int[] AttemptDamage(int damage, BattleEntity[] entities, DamageData damageInfo, bool isTotalDamage)
            if (entities == null || entities.Length == 0)
                Debug.LogWarning($"{nameof(entities)} is null or empty in {nameof(AttemptDamage)} for Action {Name}!");
                return(new int[0]);

            //Ensure the MoveAction associated with this sequence supports damage
            if (Action.DealsDamage == false)
                Debug.LogError($"Attempting to deal damage when {Action.Name} does not support it, as {nameof(Action.DamageProperties)} is null");
                return(new int[0]);

            int totalDamage = isTotalDamage == true ? damage : GetTotalDamage(damage);

            //Check for the All or Nothing Badge if the move is affected by it
            //We check for it here since the CommandResult is fully determined by this point
            if (damageInfo.AllOrNothingAffected == true)
                //If it's equipped, add the number to the damage if the Action Command succeeded, otherwise set the damage to the minimum value
                int allOrNothingCount = User.GetEquippedBadgeCount(BadgeGlobals.BadgeTypes.AllOrNothing);
                if (allOrNothingCount > 0)
                    if (CommandResult == ActionCommand.CommandResults.Success)
                        totalDamage += allOrNothingCount;
                    else if (CommandResult == ActionCommand.CommandResults.Failure)
                        totalDamage = int.MinValue;

            //The damage dealt to each BattleEntity
            int[] damageValues = new int[entities.Length];

            //Go through all the entities and attempt damage
            for (int i = 0; i < entities.Length; i++)
                BattleEntity victim = entities[i];

                InteractionResult finalResult = Interactions.GetDamageInteraction(new InteractionParamHolder(User, victim, totalDamage,
                                                                                                             damageInfo.DamagingElement, damageInfo.Piercing, damageInfo.ContactType, damageInfo.Statuses, damageInfo.DamageEffect,
                                                                                                             damageInfo.CantMiss, damageInfo.DefensiveOverride));

                //Set the total damage dealt to the victim
                damageValues[i] = finalResult.VictimResult.TotalDamage;

                //Make the victim take damage upon a PartialSuccess or a Success
                if (finalResult.VictimResult.HasValue == true)
                    //Check if the attacker hit
                    if (finalResult.VictimResult.Hit == true)
                    //Handle a miss otherwise

                //Make the attacker take damage upon a PartialSuccess or a Failure
                //Break out of the loop when the attacker takes damage
                if (finalResult.AttackerResult.HasValue == true)


Ejemplo n.º 21
 public MoveAction(BattleEntity user, string name, MoveActionData moveProperties, Sequence moveSequence, ActionCommand actioncommand, DamageData damageInfo)
     : this(user, name, moveProperties, moveSequence, actioncommand)
     DamageInfo = damageInfo;
 public SpecialMoveAction(string name, MoveActionData moveProperties, Sequence moveSequence, ActionCommand actionCommand, DamageData damageInfo) : base(name, moveProperties, moveSequence, actionCommand, damageInfo)