Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void pbBoxSlot_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (DragInfo.slotDragDropInProgress)

            if (DragInfo.slotLeftMouseIsDown)
                // The goal is to create a temporary PKX file for the underlying Pokemon
                // and use that file to perform a drag drop operation.

                // Abort if there is no Pokemon in the given slot.
                PictureBox pb = (PictureBox)sender;
                if (pb.Image == null)

                int slot = getSlot(pb);
                int box  = slot >= 30 ? -1 : CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex;
                if (SAV.getIsSlotLocked(box, slot))

                // Set flag to prevent re-entering.
                DragInfo.slotDragDropInProgress = true;

                DragInfo.slotSource           = this;
                DragInfo.slotSourceSlotNumber = slot;
                DragInfo.slotSourceBoxNumber  = box;
                DragInfo.slotSourceOffset     = getPKXOffset(DragInfo.slotSourceSlotNumber);

                // Prepare Data
                DragInfo.slotPkmSource = SAV.getData(DragInfo.slotSourceOffset, SAV.SIZE_STORED);

                // Make a new file name based off the PID
                byte[] dragdata = SAV.decryptPKM(DragInfo.slotPkmSource);
                Array.Resize(ref dragdata, SAV.SIZE_STORED);
                PKM    pkx      = SAV.getPKM(dragdata);
                string filename = pkx.FileName;

                // Make File
                string newfile = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Util.CleanFileName(filename));
                    File.WriteAllBytes(newfile, dragdata);
                    var img = (Bitmap)pb.Image;
                    DragInfo.Cursor    = Cursor.Current = new Cursor(img.GetHicon());
                    pb.Image           = null;
                    pb.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.slotDrag;
                    // Thread Blocks on DoDragDrop
                    DragInfo.CurrentPath = newfile;
                    DragDropEffects result = pb.DoDragDrop(new DataObject(DataFormats.FileDrop, new[] { newfile }), DragDropEffects.Move);
                    if (!DragInfo.SourceValid || result != DragDropEffects.Link) // not dropped to another box slot, restore img
                        pb.Image = img;
                    else // refresh image
                        getQuickFiller(pb, SAV.getStoredSlot(DragInfo.slotSourceOffset));
                    pb.BackgroundImage = null;

                    if (DragInfo.SameBox && DragInfo.DestinationValid)
                        SlotPictureBoxes[DragInfo.slotDestinationSlotNumber].Image = img;
                catch (Exception x)
                    Util.Error("Drag & Drop Error", x);
                Cursor = DefaultCursor;

                // Browser apps need time to load data since the file isn't moved to a location on the user's local storage.
                // Tested 10ms -> too quick, 100ms was fine. 500ms should be safe?
                new Thread(() =>
                    if (File.Exists(newfile) && DragInfo.CurrentPath == null)