Merge() private method

private Merge ( int locals, int localsTop, int stack, int stackTop, ConstantPool pool ) : bool
locals int
localsTop int
stack int
stackTop int
pool ConstantPool
return bool
Ejemplo n.º 1
			/// <summary>
			/// Perform a merge of type state and add the super block to the work
			/// list if the merge changed anything.
			/// </summary>
			/// <remarks>
			/// Perform a merge of type state and add the super block to the work
			/// list if the merge changed anything.
			/// </remarks>
			private void FlowInto(SuperBlock sb)
				if (sb.Merge(this.locals, this.localsTop, this.stack, this.stackTop, this._enclosing.itsConstantPool))
Ejemplo n.º 2
			/// <summary>Replace the contents of a super block with no-ops.</summary>
			/// <remarks>
			/// Replace the contents of a super block with no-ops.
			/// The above description is not strictly true; the last instruction is
			/// an athrow instruction. This technique is borrowed from ASM's
			/// developer guide:
			/// The proposed algorithm fills a block with nop, ending it with an
			/// athrow. The stack map generated would be empty locals with an
			/// exception on the stack. In theory, it shouldn't matter what the
			/// locals are, as long as the stack has an exception for the athrow bit.
			/// However, it turns out that if the code being modified falls into an
			/// exception handler, it causes problems. Therefore, if it does, then
			/// we steal the locals from the exception block.
			/// If the block itself is an exception handler, we remove it from the
			/// exception table to simplify block dependencies.
			/// </remarks>
			private void KillSuperBlock(SuperBlock sb)
				int[] locals = new int[0];
				int[] stack = new int[] { TypeInfo.OBJECT("java/lang/Throwable", this._enclosing.itsConstantPool) };
				// If the super block is handled by any exception handler, use its
				// locals as the killed block's locals. Ignore uninitialized
				// handlers, because they will also be killed and removed from the
				// exception table.
				for (int i = 0; i < this._enclosing.itsExceptionTableTop; i++)
					ExceptionTableEntry ete = this._enclosing.itsExceptionTable[i];
					int eteStart = this._enclosing.GetLabelPC(ete.itsStartLabel);
					int eteEnd = this._enclosing.GetLabelPC(ete.itsEndLabel);
					int handlerPC = this._enclosing.GetLabelPC(ete.itsHandlerLabel);
					SuperBlock handlerSB = this.GetSuperBlockFromOffset(handlerPC);
					if ((sb.GetStart() > eteStart && sb.GetStart() < eteEnd) || (eteStart > sb.GetStart() && eteStart < sb.GetEnd()) && handlerSB.IsInitialized())
						locals = handlerSB.GetLocals();
				// Remove any exception table entry whose handler is the killed
				// block. This removes block dependencies to make stack maps for
				// dead blocks easier to create.
				for (int i_1 = 0; i_1 < this._enclosing.itsExceptionTableTop; i_1++)
					ExceptionTableEntry ete = this._enclosing.itsExceptionTable[i_1];
					int eteStart = this._enclosing.GetLabelPC(ete.itsStartLabel);
					if (eteStart == sb.GetStart())
						for (int j = i_1 + 1; j < this._enclosing.itsExceptionTableTop; j++)
							this._enclosing.itsExceptionTable[j - 1] = this._enclosing.itsExceptionTable[j];
				sb.Merge(locals, locals.Length, stack, stack.Length, this._enclosing.itsConstantPool);
				int end = sb.GetEnd() - 1;
				this._enclosing.itsCodeBuffer[end] = unchecked((byte)ByteCode.ATHROW);
				for (int bci = sb.GetStart(); bci < end; bci++)
					this._enclosing.itsCodeBuffer[bci] = unchecked((byte)ByteCode.NOP);