Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void OnNotification(BleGattCharacteristic characteristic, BleValue value)
            string val = value.ToString();

            val += "";
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the Open Vario device identification information
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Identification information if the operation succeeded, null otherwise</returns>
        public async Task <IdentificationInfo> GetIdentificationInfo()
            // Check if identification information has already been retrieved
            if (_identification_info == null)
                // List characteristics
                await ListCharacteristics();

                // Look for the command and identification information characteristics
                bool found = true;
                BleGattCharacteristic command_char = null;
                BleGattCharacteristic info_char    = null;
                    command_char = BleCharacteristics[CommandGuid];
                    info_char    = BleCharacteristics[IdentificationInfoGuid];
                catch (KeyNotFoundException)
                    found = false;
                if (found)
                    // Read identification information
                    bool     success  = true;
                    BleValue read_val = new BleValue();
                    _identification_info = new IdentificationInfo();
                    success = success && await BleDevice.WriteValueAsync(command_char, new BleValue((byte)0u));

                    success = success && await BleDevice.ReadValueAsync(info_char, read_val);

                    if (success)
                        _identification_info.GattVersion = read_val.ToString();
                    success = success && await BleDevice.WriteValueAsync(command_char, new BleValue((byte)1u));

                    success = success && await BleDevice.ReadValueAsync(info_char, read_val);

                    if (success)
                        _identification_info.SoftwareVersion = read_val.ToString();
                    success = success && await BleDevice.WriteValueAsync(command_char, new BleValue((byte)2u));

                    success = success && await BleDevice.ReadValueAsync(info_char, read_val);

                    if (success)
                        _identification_info.SoftwareManufacturerName = read_val.ToString();
                    success = success && await BleDevice.WriteValueAsync(command_char, new BleValue((byte)3u));

                    success = success && await BleDevice.ReadValueAsync(info_char, read_val);

                    if (success)
                        _identification_info.HardwareVersion = read_val.ToString();
                    success = success && await BleDevice.WriteValueAsync(command_char, new BleValue((byte)4u));

                    success = success && await BleDevice.ReadValueAsync(info_char, read_val);

                    if (success)
                        _identification_info.HardwareManufacturerName = read_val.ToString();
                    success = success && await BleDevice.WriteValueAsync(command_char, new BleValue((byte)5u));

                    success = success && await BleDevice.ReadValueAsync(info_char, read_val);

                    if (success)
                        _identification_info.HardwareSerialNumber = read_val.ToString();
                    success = success && await BleDevice.WriteValueAsync(command_char, new BleValue((byte)6u));

                    success = success && await BleDevice.ReadValueAsync(info_char, read_val);

                    if (success)
                        _identification_info.HardwareManufacturingDate = read_val.ToString();
                    if (!success)
                        _identification_info = null;

            // Return a copy of the identification information
            IdentificationInfo identification_info = null;

            if (_identification_info != null)
                identification_info = (_identification_info.Clone() as IdentificationInfo);