/// <summary>
        /// BuildTeachersTable
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ws"></param>
        /// <param name="Teachers"></param>
        private static void BuildTeachersTable(ExcelWorksheet ws, IEnumerable<OfficeVisitsByTeacher> Teachers)

            ws.Column(1).Width = 17.86;
            ws.Column(2).Width = 12.43;

            //Set Header titles
            ws.Cells[4, 1].Value = "Teachers";
            ws.Cells[4, 1].Style.Font.Bold = true;
            ws.Cells[5, 1].Value = "Teacher Name";
            ws.Cells[5, 1].Style.Border.BorderAround(ExcelBorderStyle.Thin);
           // ws.Cells[5, 1].AutoFilter = true;
            ws.Cells[5, 2].Value = "Office Visits";
            ws.Cells[5, 2].Style.Border.BorderAround(ExcelBorderStyle.Thin);
           // ws.Cells[5, 2].AutoFilter = true;

            //Get Data for Teachers       
            for (int i = 0; i < Teachers.Count(); i++)
                ws.Cells[i + 6, 1].Value = Teachers.ElementAt(i).sent_by_contact_name;
                ws.Cells[i + 6, 1].Style.Border.BorderAround(ExcelBorderStyle.Thin);
                ws.Cells[i + 6, 2].Value = Teachers.ElementAt(i).total_visits;
                ws.Cells[i + 6, 2].Style.Border.BorderAround(ExcelBorderStyle.Thin);

            //Set Header style
            using (ExcelRange rng = ws.Cells[4, 1, 5 + Teachers.Count(), 2])

 private void SetColumns(ExcelWorksheet worksheet)
     worksheet.Column(1).Width = 20;
     worksheet.Column(2).Width = 20;
     worksheet.Column(3).Width = 20;
     worksheet.Column(4).Width = 20;
     worksheet.Column(5).Width = 20;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void SetColumnWidth(string ColumnIndex, int Width)
            if (worksheet == null)
            int nColumnIndex = 1;

            if (Int32.TryParse(ColumnIndex, out nColumnIndex))
                worksheet.Column(nColumnIndex).Width = Width;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public void AutoFitAll()
     for (int i = 1; i < workSheet.Dimension.End.Column + 1; i++)
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private static EpplusResult FormatResult(ExcelWorksheet ws, int count, PropertyInfo[] cols, ExcelPackage ep)
            var range = ws.Cells[1, 1, count + 1, cols.Length];
            var table = ws.Tables.Add(range, "Members");
            table.ShowFilter = false;
            table.TableStyle = TableStyles.Light9;
            int userdatacol = 1;
            int groupcol = 1;
            int questionscol = 1;
            for (var i = 0; i < cols.Length; i++)
                var col = i + 1;
                var name = cols[i].Name;
                table.Columns[i].Name = name;
                var colrange = ws.Cells[1, col, count + 2, col];

                if (name.Contains("Date") || name == "LastAttend")
                    colrange.Style.Numberformat.Format = "mm-dd-yy";
                    colrange.Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Right;
                    ws.Column(col).Width = 12;
                switch (name)
                    case "UserData":
                        colrange.Style.WrapText = true;
                        userdatacol = col;
                    case "Groups":
                        colrange.Style.WrapText = true;
                        groupcol = col;
                    case "Questions":
                        colrange.Style.WrapText = true;
                        questionscol = col;
            if(userdatacol > 1)
                ws.Column(userdatacol).Width = 40.0;
            if(groupcol > 1)
                ws.Column(groupcol).Width = 60.0;
            if(questionscol > 1)
                ws.Column(questionscol).Width = 40.0;
            return new EpplusResult(ep, "OrgMember.xlsx");
Ejemplo n.º 6
		private static void AdjustExcel(int count, ExcelWorksheet excel, int iRow)
			for(var j = 1; j <= count; j++)
				for(var i = 1; i < iRow; i++)
					excel.Cells[i, j].Style.Border.BorderAround(ExcelBorderStyle.Thin, Color.Gray);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private void CreateHeaderClearWeights(ExcelWorksheet workSheet)
            var cell = workSheet.Cells["A2:H2"];
            cell.Merge = true;
            cell.Value = "";
            cell.Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;

            SetStyleToAllLinesSquare(cell, ExcelBorderStyle.Thick);

            FillHeaderSquare(workSheet.Cells["A3"], "№ п/п");
            workSheet.Column(1).Width = 11;

            FillHeaderSquare(workSheet.Cells["B3"], "Профиль");
            workSheet.Column(2).Width = 11;

            FillHeaderSquare(workSheet.Cells["C3"], "Типоразмер");
            workSheet.Column(3).Width = 15;

            FillHeaderSquare(workSheet.Cells["D3"], "Марка стали");
            workSheet.Column(4).Width = 25;

            FillHeaderSquare(workSheet.Cells["E3"], "ГОСТ на сортамент");
            workSheet.Column(5).Width = 25;

            FillHeaderSquare(workSheet.Cells["F3"], "Вес");
            workSheet.Column(6).Width = 14;

            FillHeaderSquare(workSheet.Cells["G3"], "Коэфф. использ.");
            workSheet.Column(7).Width = 8;

            FillHeaderSquare(workSheet.Cells["H3"], "Вес с отходом");
            workSheet.Column(8).Width = 14;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private void SetStyleAddress(StyleBase sender, Style.StyleChangeEventArgs e, ExcelAddressBase address, ExcelWorksheet ws, ref Dictionary<int, int> styleCashe)
            if (address.Start.Column == 0 || address.Start.Row == 0)
                throw (new Exception("error address"));
            else if (address.Start.Row == 1 && address.End.Row == ExcelPackage.MaxRows)
                ExcelColumn column;
                //Get the startcolumn
                ulong colID = ExcelColumn.GetColumnID(ws.SheetID, address.Start.Column);
                if (!ws._columns.ContainsKey(colID))
                    column = ws._columns[colID] as ExcelColumn;

                var index = ws._columns.IndexOf(colID);
                while(column.ColumnMin <= address.End.Column)
                    if (column.ColumnMax > address.End.Column)
                        var newCol = ws.CopyColumn(column, address.End.Column + 1, column.ColumnMax);
                        column.ColumnMax = address.End.Column;

                    if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(column.StyleID))
                        column.StyleID = styleCashe[column.StyleID];
                        ExcelXfs st = CellXfs[column.StyleID];
                        int newId = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                        styleCashe.Add(column.StyleID, newId);
                        column.StyleID = newId;

                    if (index >= ws._columns.Count)
                        column = (ws._columns[index] as ExcelColumn);

                if (column._columnMax < address.End.Column)
                    var newCol = ws.Column(column._columnMax + 1) as ExcelColumn;
                    newCol._columnMax = address.End.Column;

                    if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(newCol.StyleID))
                        newCol.StyleID = styleCashe[newCol.StyleID];
                        ExcelXfs st = CellXfs[column.StyleID];
                        int newId = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                        styleCashe.Add(newCol.StyleID, newId);
                        newCol.StyleID = newId;

                    //column._columnMax = address.End.Column;

                //Set for individual cells in the spann. We loop all cells here since the cells are sorted with columns first.
                foreach (ExcelCell cell in ws._cells)
                    if (cell.Column >= address.Start.Column &&
                       cell.Column <= address.End.Column)
                        if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(cell.StyleID))
                            cell.StyleID = styleCashe[cell.StyleID];
                            ExcelXfs st = CellXfs[cell.StyleID];
                            int newId = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                            styleCashe.Add(cell.StyleID, newId);
                            cell.StyleID = newId;

            else if(address.Start.Column==1 && address.End.Column==ExcelPackage.MaxColumns)
                for (int rowNum = address.Start.Row; rowNum <= address.End.Row; rowNum++)
                    ExcelRow row = ws.Row(rowNum);
                    if (row.StyleID == 0 && ws._columns.Count > 0)
                        //TODO: We should loop all columns here and change each cell. But for now we take style of column A.
                        foreach (ExcelColumn column in ws._columns)
                            row.StyleID = column.StyleID;
                            break;  //Get the first one and break.

                    if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(row.StyleID))
                        row.StyleID = styleCashe[row.StyleID];
                        ExcelXfs st = CellXfs[row.StyleID];
                        int newId = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                        styleCashe.Add(row.StyleID, newId);
                        row.StyleID = newId;

                //Get Start Cell
                ulong rowID = ExcelRow.GetRowID(ws.SheetID, address.Start.Row);
                int index = ws._cells.IndexOf(rowID);

                index = ~index;
                while (index < ws._cells.Count)
                    var cell = ws._cells[index] as ExcelCell;
                    if(cell.Row > address.End.Row)
                    if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(cell.StyleID))
                        cell.StyleID = styleCashe[cell.StyleID];
                        ExcelXfs st = CellXfs[cell.StyleID];
                        int newId = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                        styleCashe.Add(cell.StyleID, newId);
                        cell.StyleID = newId;
            else             //Cellrange
                for (int col = address.Start.Column; col <= address.End.Column; col++)
                    for (int row = address.Start.Row; row <= address.End.Row; row++)
                        ExcelCell cell = ws.Cell(row, col);
                        if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(cell.StyleID))
                            cell.StyleID = styleCashe[cell.StyleID];
                            ExcelXfs st = CellXfs[cell.StyleID];
                            int newId = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                            styleCashe.Add(cell.StyleID, newId);
                            cell.StyleID = newId;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private void CreateHeaderBillInnerShift(ExcelWorksheet workSheet)
            workSheet.PrinterSettings.Orientation = eOrientation.Landscape;
            workSheet.PrinterSettings.PaperSize = ePaperSize.A4;
            workSheet.PrinterSettings.FitToPage = true;
            workSheet.PrinterSettings.FitToWidth = 1;

            workSheet.Cells["B2"].Value = "Накладная №";
            workSheet.Cells["B3"].Value = "Дата";
            workSheet.Cells["C3"].Style.Numberformat.Format = "dd.mm.yyyy";

            workSheet.Cells["A5"].Value = "Отправитель";
            workSheet.Cells["A6"].Value = "Получатель";

            workSheet.Cells["B2"].Style.Font.Bold = true;
            workSheet.Cells["B2"].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Right;
            workSheet.Cells["B3"].Style.Font.Bold = true;
            workSheet.Cells["B3"].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Right;
            workSheet.Cells["A5"].Style.Font.Bold = true;
            workSheet.Cells["A5"].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Right;
            workSheet.Cells["A6"].Style.Font.Bold = true;
            workSheet.Cells["A6"].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Right;

            FillHeaderSquare(workSheet.Cells["A8"], "Наименование");
            FillHeaderSquare(workSheet.Cells["B8"], "№ заказа");
            FillHeaderSquare(workSheet.Cells["C8"], "№ чертежа");
            FillHeaderSquare(workSheet.Cells["D8"], "Профиль");
            FillHeaderSquare(workSheet.Cells["E8"], "Типоразмер");
            FillHeaderSquare(workSheet.Cells["F8"], "Кол-во шт.");
            FillHeaderSquare(workSheet.Cells["G8"], "Примечание");
            FillHeaderSquare(workSheet.Cells["H8"], "Тех. маршрут");

            workSheet.Column(1).Width = 23;
            workSheet.Column(2).Width = 9;
            workSheet.Column(3).Width = 25;
            workSheet.Column(4).Width = 15;
            workSheet.Column(5).Width = 10;
            workSheet.Column(6).Width = 7;
            workSheet.Column(7).Width = 13;
            workSheet.Column(8).Width = 30;

            workSheet.Cells["D2"].Style.WrapText = true;
        public ActionResult DescargaHistorico(string __a)
            Int32  _fila = 2;
            String _servidor;
            String _ruta;

            if (__a.Length == 0)

            List <AsignaLecturaReLectura> _lista = MvcApplication._Deserialize <List <AsignaLecturaReLectura> >(__a);

            _servidor = String.Format("{0:ddMMyyyy_hhmmss}.xlsx", DateTime.Now);
            _ruta     = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("/Lecturas/Temp"), _servidor);

            FileInfo _file = new FileInfo(_ruta);

            if (_file.Exists)
                _file = new FileInfo(_ruta);

            using (Excel.ExcelPackage oEx = new Excel.ExcelPackage(_file))
                Excel.ExcelWorksheet oWs = oEx.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Historico de Lecturas");

                oWs.Cells[1, 1].Value = "MEDIDOR";
                oWs.Cells[1, 2].Value = "FECHA DE LECTURA";
                oWs.Cells[1, 3].Value = "LECTURA";
                oWs.Cells[1, 4].Value = "OPERARIO";
                oWs.Cells[1, 5].Value = "OBSERVACION";
                oWs.Cells[1, 6].Value = "ESTADO";

                foreach (AsignaLecturaReLectura oBj in _lista)
                    oWs.Cells[_fila, 1].Value = oBj.medidorLectura;
                    oWs.Cells[_fila, 2].Value = oBj.fecLectura;
                    oWs.Cells[_fila, 3].Value = (oBj.lectura);
                    oWs.Cells[_fila, 4].Value = (oBj.ope_nombre);
                    oWs.Cells[_fila, 5].Value = (oBj.obsLectura);
                    oWs.Cells[_fila, 6].Value = (oBj.Estado);


                oWs.Row(1).Style.WrapText            = true;
                oWs.Row(1).Style.Font.Bold           = true;
                oWs.Row(1).Style.HorizontalAlignment = Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;
                oWs.Row(1).Style.VerticalAlignment   = Style.ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

                oWs.Column(1).Style.Font.Bold = true;


            return(new ContentResult
                Content = "{ \"__a\": \"" + _servidor + "\" }",
                ContentType = "application/json"
        public string Reporte_DetalleLecturas(int id_local, int id_servicio, string fechaini, string fechaFin, int ipOperario, int categoriaLectura)
            string Res = "";
            string _servidor;
            string _ruta;
            string resultado = "";
            int    _fila     = 2;
            string FileRuta  = "";
            string FileExcel = "";

            List <ResumenLecturas> loDatos = new List <ResumenLecturas>();

                NLectura obj_negocio = new NLectura();
                loDatos = obj_negocio.NListaLecturaDetalladoEstado(id_local, id_servicio, fechaini, fechaFin, ipOperario, categoriaLectura);

                if (loDatos.Count == 0)
                    return(_Serialize("0|No hay informacion para mostrar.", true));

                _servidor = String.Format("{0:ddMMyyyy_hhmmss}.xlsx", DateTime.Now);
                FileRuta  = System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/Upload/Detalle_Resumen_Lecturas_" + _servidor);
                string rutaServer = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["servidor-archivos"];

                FileExcel = rutaServer + "Detalle_Resumen_Lecturas_" + _servidor;
                FileInfo _file = new FileInfo(FileRuta);
                if (_file.Exists)
                    _file = new FileInfo(FileRuta);

                using (Excel.ExcelPackage oEx = new Excel.ExcelPackage(_file))
                    Excel.ExcelWorksheet oWs = oEx.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("ControlProcesos");
                    oWs.Cells.Style.Font.SetFromFont(new Font("Tahoma", 9));

                    oWs.Cells[1, 1].Value = "Lecturista";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 2].Value = "Direccion";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 3].Value = "Suministro";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 4].Value = "Medidor";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 5].Value = "Zona";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 6].Value = "Lectura";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 7].Value = "Confirmacion Lectura";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 8].Value = "Observacion";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 9].Value = "Estado";

                    //marco detalle CABECERA
                    for (int i = 1; i <= 11; i++)
                        oWs.Cells[1, i].Style.Font.Size = 9;
                        oWs.Cells[1, i].Style.Font.Bold = true;
                        oWs.Cells[1, i].Style.Border.BorderAround(OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Thin);    //marco
                        oWs.Cells[1, i].Style.VerticalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

                    foreach (ResumenLecturas obj in loDatos)
                        //marco detalle
                        for (int i = 1; i <= 9; i++)
                            oWs.Cells[_fila, i].Style.Border.BorderAround(OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Thin);    //marco

                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 1].Value = obj.id_Operario_Lectura;
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 2].Value = obj.direccion_lectura;
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 3].Value = obj.suministro_lectura;
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 4].Value = obj.medidor_lectura;
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 5].Value = obj.Zona_lectura;
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 6].Value = obj.LecturaMovil_Lectura;
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 7].Value = obj.confirmacion_Lectura;
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 8].Value = obj.abreviatura_observacion;
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 9].Value = obj.descripcion_estado;


                    oWs.Cells.Style.Font.Size            = 8; //letra tamaño
                    oWs.Row(1).Style.Font.Bold           = true;
                    oWs.Row(1).Style.HorizontalAlignment = Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;
                    oWs.Row(1).Style.VerticalAlignment   = Style.ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

                    for (int i = 1; i <= 9; i++)

                return(_Serialize("1|" + FileExcel, true));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(_Serialize("0|" + ex.Message, true));
Ejemplo n.º 12
        private void SetStyleAddress(StyleBase sender, Style.StyleChangeEventArgs e, ExcelAddressBase address, ExcelWorksheet ws, ref Dictionary <int, int> styleCashe)
            if (address.Start.Column == 0 || address.Start.Row == 0)
                throw (new Exception("error address"));
            else if (address.Start.Row == 1 && address.End.Row == ExcelPackage.MaxRows)
                ExcelColumn column;
                int         col = address.Start.Column, row = 0;
                //Get the startcolumn
                //ulong colID = ExcelColumn.GetColumnID(ws.SheetID, address.Start.Column);
                if (!ws._values.Exists(0, address.Start.Column))
                    column = ws.Column(address.Start.Column);
                    column = ws._values.GetValue(0, address.Start.Column) as ExcelColumn;

                //var index = ws._columns.IndexOf(colID);
                while (column.ColumnMin <= address.End.Column)
                    if (column.ColumnMax > address.End.Column)
                        var newCol = ws.CopyColumn(column, address.End.Column + 1, column.ColumnMax);
                        column.ColumnMax = address.End.Column;
                    var s = ws._styles.GetValue(0, column.ColumnMin);
                    if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(s))
                        //column.StyleID = styleCashe[s];
                        ws._styles.SetValue(0, column.ColumnMin, styleCashe[s]);
                        ws.SetStyle(0, column.ColumnMin, styleCashe[s]);
                        ExcelXfs st    = CellXfs[s];
                        int      newId = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                        styleCashe.Add(s, newId);
                        //column.StyleID = newId;
                        ws.SetStyle(0, column.ColumnMin, newId);


                    if (!ws._values.NextCell(ref row, ref col) || row > 0)
                        column._columnMax = address.End.Column;
                        column = (ws._values.GetValue(0, col) as ExcelColumn);

                if (column._columnMax < address.End.Column)
                    var newCol = ws.Column(column._columnMax + 1) as ExcelColumn;
                    newCol._columnMax = address.End.Column;

                    var s = ws._styles.GetValue(0, column.ColumnMin);
                    if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(s))
                        //newCol.StyleID = styleCashe[s];
                        //ws._styles.SetValue(0, column.ColumnMin, styleCashe[s]);
                        ws.SetStyle(0, column.ColumnMin, styleCashe[s]);
                        ExcelXfs st    = CellXfs[s];
                        int      newId = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                        styleCashe.Add(s, newId);
                        //newCol.StyleID = newId;
                        ws.SetStyle(0, column.ColumnMin, newId);

                    column._columnMax = address.End.Column;

                //Set for individual cells in the span. We loop all cells here since the cells are sorted with columns first.
                var cse = new CellsStoreEnumerator <int>(ws._styles, address._fromRow, address._fromCol, address._toRow, address._toCol);
                while (cse.Next())
                    if (cse.Column >= address.Start.Column &&
                        cse.Column <= address.End.Column)
                        if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(cse.Value))
                            ws.SetStyle(cse.Row, cse.Column, styleCashe[cse.Value]);
                            ExcelXfs st    = CellXfs[cse.Value];
                            int      newId = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                            styleCashe.Add(cse.Value, newId);
                            //cse.Value = newId;
                            ws.SetStyle(cse.Row, cse.Column, newId);
            else if (address.Start.Column == 1 && address.End.Column == ExcelPackage.MaxColumns)
                for (int rowNum = address.Start.Row; rowNum <= address.End.Row; rowNum++)
                    //ExcelRow row = ws.Row(rowNum);
                    var s = ws._styles.GetValue(rowNum, 0);
                    if (s == 0)
                        //iteratte all columns and set the row to the style of the last column
                        var cse = new CellsStoreEnumerator <int>(ws._styles, 0, 1, 0, ExcelPackage.MaxColumns);
                        while (cse.Next())
                            s = cse.Value;
                            var c = ws._values.GetValue(cse.Row, cse.Column) as ExcelColumn;
                            if (c != null && c.ColumnMax < ExcelPackage.MaxColumns)
                                for (int col = c.ColumnMin; col < c.ColumnMax; col++)
                                    if (!ws._styles.Exists(rowNum, col))
                                        ws._styles.SetValue(rowNum, col, s);
                        ws.SetStyle(rowNum, 0, s);
                    if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(s))
                        ws.SetStyle(rowNum, 0, styleCashe[s]);
                        //row.StyleID = styleCashe[s];
                        ExcelXfs st    = CellXfs[s];
                        int      newId = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                        styleCashe.Add(s, newId);
                        ws._styles.SetValue(rowNum, 0, newId);
                        ws.SetStyle(rowNum, 0, newId);

                //Get Start Cell
                //ulong rowID = ExcelRow.GetRowID(ws.SheetID, address.Start.Row);
                //int index = ws._cells.IndexOf(rowID);

                //index = ~index;
                var cse2 = new CellsStoreEnumerator <int>(ws._styles, address._fromRow, address._fromCol, address._toRow, address._toCol);
                //while (index < ws._cells.Count)
                while (cse2.Next())
                    //var cell = ws._cells[index] as ExcelCell;
                    //if(cell.Row > address.End.Row)
                    //    break;
                    var s = cse2.Value;
                    if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(s))
                        ws.SetStyle(cse2.Row, cse2.Column, styleCashe[s]);
                        ExcelXfs st    = CellXfs[s];
                        int      newId = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                        styleCashe.Add(s, newId);
                        cse2.Value = newId;
                        ws.SetStyle(cse2.Row, cse2.Column, newId);
            else             //Cellrange
                //var cse = new CellsStoreEnumerator<int>(ws._styles, address._fromRow, address._fromCol, address._toRow, address._toCol);
                for (int col = address.Start.Column; col <= address.End.Column; col++)
                    for (int row = address.Start.Row; row <= address.End.Row; row++)
                        //ExcelCell cell = ws.Cell(row, col);
                        //int s = ws._styles.GetValue(row, col);
                        var s = GetStyleId(ws, row, col);
                        if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(s))
                            ws.SetStyle(row, col, styleCashe[s]);
                            ExcelXfs st    = CellXfs[s];
                            int      newId = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                            styleCashe.Add(s, newId);
                            ws.SetStyle(row, col, newId);
Ejemplo n.º 13
    private ExcelWorksheet CreateListView_Table(ExcelWorksheet worksheet, DataRow dr,
        int row, string fieldformat, System.Drawing.Color colFromHex, DataSet ds_columns)
        worksheet.Column(1).Width = 15;
        worksheet.Column(2).Width = 15;

        worksheet.Cells["A1"].Value = "TableName";
        worksheet.Cells["B1"].Value = dr["name"].ToString();
        worksheet.Cells["A2"].Value = "ViewType";
        worksheet.Cells["B2"].Value = "ListView";
        worksheet.Cells["A3"].Value = "ViewName";
        worksheet.Cells["B3"].Value = dr["name"].ToString() + "_ListView";
        worksheet.Cells["A4"].Value = "Title";
        worksheet.Cells["A5"].Value = "Root Service URL";
        worksheet.Cells["B5"].Value = "output/service";
        worksheet.Cells["A6"].Value = "Order By";

        worksheet.Cells["A7"].Value = "Filter";
        worksheet.Cells["B7"].Value = "TRUE";
        worksheet.Cells["A8"].Value = "PageSize";
        worksheet.Cells["B8"].Value = "20";
        worksheet.Cells["A9"].Value = "EditView";
        worksheet.Cells["A10"].Value = "FilterView";
        worksheet.Cells["A11"].Value = "InputParameters";
        worksheet.Cells["A12"].Value = "FilterParameters";
        worksheet.Cells["A13"].Value = "MasterPage";

        worksheet.Cells["A14"].Value = "ButtonNew";
        worksheet.Cells["B14"].Value = "TRUE";
        worksheet.Cells["C14"].Value = "Caption";
        worksheet.Cells["D14"].Value = "เพิ่ม";
        worksheet.Cells["E14"].Value = "AppearanceRules";
        worksheet.Cells["F14"].Value = "TRUE";
        worksheet.Cells["A15"].Value = "ButtonSave";
        worksheet.Cells["B15"].Value = "FALSE";
        worksheet.Cells["C15"].Value = "Caption";
        worksheet.Cells["D15"].Value = "บันทึก";
        worksheet.Cells["E15"].Value = "AppearanceRules";
        worksheet.Cells["F15"].Value = "FALSE";
        worksheet.Cells["A16"].Value = "ButtonDelete";
        worksheet.Cells["B16"].Value = "TRUE";
        worksheet.Cells["C16"].Value = "Caption";
        worksheet.Cells["D16"].Value = "ลบ";
        worksheet.Cells["E16"].Value = "AppearanceRules";
        worksheet.Cells["F16"].Value = "TRUE";
        worksheet.Cells["A17"].Value = "SqlSelect";
        worksheet.Cells["A18"].Value = "SqlInsert";
        worksheet.Cells["A19"].Value = "SqlUpdate";
        worksheet.Cells["A20"].Value = "SqlDelete";
        worksheet.Cells["F17"].Value = "SqlSelectParameter";
        worksheet.Cells["F18"].Value = "SqlInsertParameter";
        worksheet.Cells["F19"].Value = "SqlUpdateParameter";
        worksheet.Cells["F20"].Value = "SqlDeleteParameter";

        ////Add the headers
        worksheet.Cells["A21"].Value = "Caption";
        worksheet.Cells["B21"].Value = "Column";
        worksheet.Cells["C21"].Value = "Format";
        worksheet.Cells["D21"].Value = "TextAlignment";
        worksheet.Cells["E21"].Value = "IsHideResize";
        worksheet.Cells["F21"].Value = "CustomStyle";

        colFromHex = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#FFFF00");
        worksheet.Cells["A21:F21"].Style.Fill.PatternType = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelFillStyle.Solid;

        row = 22;

        foreach (DataRow dr_columns in ds_columns.Tables["columns"].Rows)
            fieldformat = "";
            if (row == 22)
                if (dr_columns["CONSTRAINT_TYPE"].ToString().ToLower() == "pk")
                    worksheet.Cells["B11"].Value = dr_columns["name"].ToString();

            string[] typename = dr_columns["type_name"].ToString().Split(' ');

            if (typename[0].ToString().ToString() == "date" || typename[0].ToString().ToString() == "datetime")
                fieldformat = "d MMM yyyy";

            else if (typename[0].ToString().ToString() == "int" || typename[0].ToString().ToString() == "decimal"
                || typename[0].ToString().ToString() == "numeric" || typename[0].ToString().ToString() == "money")
                fieldformat = "n2";

            worksheet.Cells["A" + row.ToString()].Value = dr_columns["name"].ToString();
            worksheet.Cells["B" + row.ToString()].Value = dr_columns["name"].ToString();
            worksheet.Cells["C" + row.ToString()].Value = fieldformat;

        worksheet.Cells["A1:F" + row.ToString()].Style.Border.Top.Style = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin;
        worksheet.Cells["A1:F" + row.ToString()].Style.Border.Right.Style = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin;
        worksheet.Cells["A1:F" + row.ToString()].Style.Border.Bottom.Style = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin;
        worksheet.Cells["A1:F" + row.ToString()].Style.Border.Left.Style = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin;
        worksheet.Cells["A1:F" + row.ToString()].Style.Font.Name = "Tahoma";
        worksheet.Cells["A1:F" + row.ToString()].Style.Font.Size = 10;

        return worksheet;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public static void ExportGridToExcel(ExcelWorksheet ws, DataGridView grid)
            for (int i = 0; i < grid.Columns.Count; i++)
                // header
                var hCell = ws.Cells[1, i + 1];
                hCell.Value = grid.Columns[i].HeaderText;
                hCell.Style.Fill.PatternType = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelFillStyle.Solid;

                for (int j = 0; j < grid.Rows.Count; j++)
                    ws.Cells[j + 2, i + 1].Value = (grid[i, j].Value ?? string.Empty);

                ws.Column(i + 1).AutoFit();
        /// <summary>
        /// BuildViolationsTable
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ws"></param>
        /// <param name="OffenseTypes"></param>
        private static void BuildViolationsTable(ExcelWorksheet ws, IEnumerable<OfficeVisitsByOffenseType> OffenseTypes)

            ws.Column(11).Width = 50;
            ws.Column(11).Style.WrapText = true;
            ws.Column(12).Width = 12.14;

            ws.Cells[4, 11].Value = "Violations";
            ws.Cells[4, 11].Style.Font.Bold = true;
            ws.Cells[5, 11].Value = "Offense Type";
            ws.Cells[5, 11].Style.Border.BorderAround(ExcelBorderStyle.Thin);
            ws.Cells[5, 12].Value = "Office Visits";
            ws.Cells[5, 12].Style.Border.BorderAround(ExcelBorderStyle.Thin);

            for (int i = 0; i < OffenseTypes.Count(); i++)
                ws.Cells[i + 6, 11].Value = OffenseTypes.ElementAt(i).offense_type;
                ws.Cells[i + 6, 11].Style.Border.BorderAround(ExcelBorderStyle.Thin);
                ws.Cells[i + 6, 12].Value = OffenseTypes.ElementAt(i).total_visits;
                ws.Cells[i + 6, 12].Style.Border.BorderAround(ExcelBorderStyle.Thin);

            //Set Header style
            using (ExcelRange rng = ws.Cells[4, 11, 5 + OffenseTypes.Count(), 12])
Ejemplo n.º 16
        private void saveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (dataTable.RowCount == 0)
            int            rowIndex = dataTable.Rows.Add();
            string         filename;
            SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog();

            sfd.Filter = "Xlsx files|*.xlsx|Xls files|*.xls";
            DialogResult res = sfd.ShowDialog();

            filename = sfd.FileName;
            var   regExp = @"^(?:[\w]\:|\\)(\\[\p{L}_\-\.\s0-9]+)+\.((xlsx)|(xls))$";
            Regex regex  = new Regex(regExp);

            if (res == DialogResult.OK && regex.IsMatch(filename))
                filename = sfd.FileName;
            else if (res == DialogResult.Cancel)
                MessageBoxIcon messageBoxIcon = MessageBoxIcon.Error;
                MessageBox.Show("Could not save file\nTry again!", "Saving failed", MessageBoxButtons.OK, messageBoxIcon);
            using (ExcelPackage excel = new ExcelPackage())
                //var xlApp = new OfficeOpenXml.FormulaParsing.Excel.Application();
                FileInfo excelFile = new FileInfo(filename);
                OfficeOpenXml.ExcelWorksheet excelWorkSheet = excel.Workbook.Worksheets["Worksheet1"];

                var style = new CellStyle();
                style.HorizontalAlignment        = HorizontalAlignmentStyle.Center;
                style.VerticalAlignment          = VerticalAlignmentStyle.Center;
                excelWorkSheet.Cells["A1"].Value = "Date:";
                excelWorkSheet.Cells["B1"].Value = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                excelWorkSheet.Column(2).Width   = 20;
                excelWorkSheet.Cells["A2"].Value = "Available sources:";
                excelWorkSheet.Cells["B2"].Value = "Robots:";
                excelWorkSheet.Cells["B2"].Style.HorizontalAlignment = (OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment)HorizontalAlignmentStyle.Right;
                excelWorkSheet.Cells["B3"].Value = "Operators:";
                excelWorkSheet.Cells["B3"].Style.HorizontalAlignment = (OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment)HorizontalAlignmentStyle.Right;
                excelWorkSheet.Cells["C3"].Value = robotLimit;
                excelWorkSheet.Cells["C2"].Value = operatorLimit;
                excelWorkSheet.Cells["A5"].Value = "Product";
                excelWorkSheet.Cells["B5"].Value = "Number of robots";
                excelWorkSheet.Cells["C5"].Value = "Number of operators";
                excelWorkSheet.Cells["D5"].Value = "Profit";

                var mergedRange = excelWorkSheet.Cells["A4:D4"];
                mergedRange.Merge = true;
                mergedRange.Value = "Allocation by products";
                mergedRange.Style.HorizontalAlignment = (OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment)HorizontalAlignmentStyle.Center;

                for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++)
                    excelWorkSheet.Cells["A" + i].Style.HorizontalAlignment = (OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment)HorizontalAlignmentStyle.Center;
                    excelWorkSheet.Cells["B" + i].Style.HorizontalAlignment = (OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment)HorizontalAlignmentStyle.Center;
                    excelWorkSheet.Cells["C" + i].Style.HorizontalAlignment = (OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment)HorizontalAlignmentStyle.Center;
                    excelWorkSheet.Cells["D" + i].Style.HorizontalAlignment = (OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment)HorizontalAlignmentStyle.Center;

                //writeText.WriteLine("Available sources:;" + "robots;" + 10);
                //writeText.WriteLine(";operators;" + 4);
                //writeText.Write("All products: " + ";" + prodCount + "\n");
                //writeText.WriteLine("Allocation by products:");
                //writeText.Write("Product" + ";" + "Number of robots" + ";" + "Number of operators" + ";" + "Profit\n");
                string fromYellowLine;
                string toYellowLine;
                string all;
                int    prodcnt = 1;
                int    rowCnt  = 6;
                foreach (var i in indexList) //
                    Table  table  = tables[i.Product];
                    double profit = form.getU(i.Product, i.Robot, i.Worker);
                    Console.WriteLine("pr: " + profit);
                    excelWorkSheet.Cells["A" + rowCnt].Value = i.Product + 1 + ".";
                    excelWorkSheet.Cells["B" + rowCnt].Value = i.Robot;
                    excelWorkSheet.Cells["C" + rowCnt].Value = i.Worker;
                    excelWorkSheet.Cells["D" + rowCnt].Value = profit;
                    //excelWorkSheet.Cells["D" + rowCnt].Style.Numberformat = (OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelNumberFormat)NumberFormatBuilder.Accounting(3, true);
                    //writeText.WriteLine(prodcnt + "." + ";" + i[j] + ";" + i[j + 1] + ";" + profit);
                    fromYellowLine = "A" + rowCnt.ToString();
                    toYellowLine   = "D" + rowCnt.ToString();
                    all            = fromYellowLine + ":" + toYellowLine;
                    excelWorkSheet.Cells[all].Style.HorizontalAlignment = (OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment)HorizontalAlignmentStyle.Center;
                    all = fromYellowLine + ":" + toYellowLine;

                excelWorkSheet.Cells["A" + rowCnt].Value = "Total";
                excelWorkSheet.Cells["B" + rowCnt].Value = allRobot;
                excelWorkSheet.Cells["C" + rowCnt].Value = allWorker;
                excelWorkSheet.Cells["D" + rowCnt].Value = profitSum;
                fromYellowLine = "A" + rowCnt.ToString();
                toYellowLine   = "D" + rowCnt.ToString();
                all            = fromYellowLine + ":" + toYellowLine;
                excelWorkSheet.Cells[all].Style.Fill.PatternType = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelFillStyle.Solid;
                excelWorkSheet.Cells[all].Style.HorizontalAlignment = (OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment)HorizontalAlignmentStyle.Center;


Ejemplo n.º 17
        public void GetReportAsExcelSpreadsheet(List <int> listOfMeterIDs, MemoryStream ms, CustomerLogic result)
            timeIsolation.IsolationType = SensorAndPaymentReportEngine.TimeIsolations.None;

            // Start diagnostics timer
            System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();

            DateTime NowAtDestination = Convert.ToDateTime(this._CustomerConfig.DestinationTimeZoneDisplayName);

            // Now gather and analyze data for the report
            SensorAndPaymentReportEngine.RequiredDataElements requiredDataElements = new SensorAndPaymentReportEngine.RequiredDataElements();
            requiredDataElements.NeedsSensorData            = true;
            requiredDataElements.NeedsPaymentData           = true;
            requiredDataElements.NeedsOverstayData          = true;
            requiredDataElements.NeedsEnforcementActionData = true;

            this._ReportEngine = new SensorAndPaymentReportEngine(this._CustomerConfig, this._ReportParams);
            this._ReportEngine.GatherReportData(listOfMeterIDs, requiredDataElements, result);

            OfficeOpenXml.ExcelWorksheet ws = null;

            using (OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage pck = new OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage())
                // Let's create a report coversheet and overall summary page, with hyperlinks to the other worksheets
                ws = pck.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Summary");

                // Render the standard report title lines
                rowIdx = 1; // Excel uses 1-based indexes
                colIdx = 1;
                RenderCommonReportTitle(ws, this._ReportName);

                // Render common report header for enforcement activity restriction filter, but only if its not for all activity
                if (this._ReportParams.ActionTakenRestrictionFilter != SensorAndPaymentReportEngine.ReportableEnforcementActivity.AllActivity)
                    colIdx = 1;

                // Render common report header for regulated hour restriction filter
                colIdx = 1;

                using (OfficeOpenXml.ExcelRange rng = ws.Cells[2, 1, rowIdx, numColumnsMergedForHeader])
                    rng.Style.Fill.PatternType = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelFillStyle.Solid;                 //Set Pattern for the background to Solid
                    rng.Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(207, 221, 237)); //Set color to lighter blue FromArgb(184, 204, 228)

                colIdx = 1;
                int hyperlinkstartRowIdx = rowIdx;

                if (_ReportParams.IncludeMeterSummary == true)
                    RenderWorksheetHyperlink(ws, "Meter Enforcement", "Meter Enforcement summary");
                if (_ReportParams.IncludeSpaceSummary == true)
                    RenderWorksheetHyperlink(ws, "Space Enforcement", "Space Enforcement summary");
                if (_ReportParams.IncludeAreaSummary == true)
                    RenderWorksheetHyperlink(ws, "Area Enforcement", "Area Enforcement summary");
                if (_ReportParams.IncludeDailySummary == true)
                    RenderWorksheetHyperlink(ws, "Daily Enforcement", "Daily Enforcement summary");
                if (_ReportParams.IncludeMonthlySummary == true)
                    RenderWorksheetHyperlink(ws, "Monthly Enforcement", "Monthly Enforcement summary");
                if (_ReportParams.IncludeDetailRecords == true)
                    RenderWorksheetHyperlink(ws, "Details", "Enforcement details");

                colIdx = 1;

                using (OfficeOpenXml.ExcelRange rng = ws.Cells[hyperlinkstartRowIdx, 1, rowIdx, numColumnsMergedForHeader])
                    rng.Style.Fill.PatternType = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelFillStyle.Solid;                 //Set Pattern for the background to Solid

                // Now start the report data summary header

                //  --- END OF OVERALL SUMMARY WORKSHEET ---

                // Should we include a worksheet with Meter aggregates?
                if (_ReportParams.IncludeMeterSummary == true)
                    RenderMeterSummaryWorksheet(pck, "Meter Enforcement");

                // Should we include a worksheet with Space aggregates?
                if (_ReportParams.IncludeSpaceSummary == true)
                    RenderSpaceSummaryWorksheet(pck, "Space Enforcement");

                // Should we include a worksheet with Area aggregates?
                if (_ReportParams.IncludeAreaSummary == true)
                    RenderAreaSummaryWorksheet(pck, "Area Enforcement");

                // Should we include a worksheet with Daily aggregates?
                if (_ReportParams.IncludeDailySummary == true)
                    RenderDailySummaryWorksheet(pck, "Daily Enforcement");

                // Should we include a worksheet with Monthly aggregates?
                if (_ReportParams.IncludeDailySummary == true)
                    RenderMonthlySummaryWorksheet(pck, "Monthly Enforcement");

                // Should we include a Details worksheet?
                if (_ReportParams.IncludeDetailRecords == true)
                    // Create the worksheet
                    ws = pck.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Details");
                    int detailColumnCount = 18;

                    // Render the header row
                    rowIdx = 1; // Excel uses 1-based indexes
                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 1, "Space #");
                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 2, "Meter #");
                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 3, "Area #");
                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 4, "Area");
                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 5, "Arrival");
                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 6, "Departure");

                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 7, "Start of" + Environment.NewLine + "Overstay Violation");
                    ApplyWrapTextStyleToCell(ws, rowIdx, 7);
                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 8, "Overstay  Violation" + Environment.NewLine + "Duration");
                    ApplyWrapTextStyleToCell(ws, rowIdx, 8);
                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 9, "Overstay Violation" + Environment.NewLine + "Action Taken");
                    ApplyWrapTextStyleToCell(ws, rowIdx, 9);
                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 10, "Overstay Violation" + Environment.NewLine + "Action Taken Timestamp");
                    ApplyWrapTextStyleToCell(ws, rowIdx, 10);

                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 11, "Overstay Rule");

                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 12, "Payment Timestamp");
                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 13, "Payment Expiration");
                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 14, "Payment Zeroed-out" + Environment.NewLine + "Timestamp");
                    ApplyWrapTextStyleToCell(ws, rowIdx, 14);

                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 15, "Start of" + Environment.NewLine + "Payment Violation");
                    ApplyWrapTextStyleToCell(ws, rowIdx, 15);
                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 16, "Payment Violation" + Environment.NewLine + "Duration");
                    ApplyWrapTextStyleToCell(ws, rowIdx, 16);
                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 17, "Payment Violation" + Environment.NewLine + "Action Taken");
                    ApplyWrapTextStyleToCell(ws, rowIdx, 17);
                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 18, "Payment Violation" + Environment.NewLine + "Action Taken Timestamp");
                    ApplyWrapTextStyleToCell(ws, rowIdx, 18);

                    Dictionary <int, List <string> > ColumnLinesForRow = new Dictionary <int, List <string> >();

                    // Format the header row
                    using (OfficeOpenXml.ExcelRange rng = ws.Cells[1, 1, 1, detailColumnCount])
                        rng.Style.Font.Bold        = true;
                        rng.Style.Fill.PatternType = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelFillStyle.Solid;                 //Set Pattern for the background to Solid
                        rng.Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(79, 129, 189));  //Set color to dark blue

                    // Increment the row index, which will now be the 1st row of our data

                    #region Populate data for each record

                    foreach (SensorAndPaymentReportEngine.CommonSensorAndPaymentEvent repEvent in this._ReportEngine.ReportDataModel.ReportableEvents)
                        // Ignore unoccupied sections or dummy sensor events
                        if (repEvent.SensorEvent_IsOccupied == false)
                        if (repEvent.IsDummySensorEvent == true)

                        // The details only need to list records that are involved in either payment or overstay violations (unenforceable sensor and payment events can be ignored)
                        if ((repEvent.PaymentVios.Count == 0) && (repEvent.Overstays.Count == 0))

                        // Start with fresh collections for each column's text lines for current row
                        for (int nextCol = 1; nextCol <= detailColumnCount; nextCol++)
                            ColumnLinesForRow[nextCol] = new List <string>();

                        AreaAsset areaAsset = _ReportEngine.GetAreaAsset(repEvent.BayInfo.AreaID_PreferLibertyBeforeInternal);

                        // Output row values for data
                        if (areaAsset != null)
                        ColumnLinesForRow[5].Add(repEvent.SensorEvent_Start.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt"));
                        ColumnLinesForRow[6].Add(repEvent.SensorEvent_End.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt"));

                        // Add sensor ins/outs for each "repeat" sensor event
                        foreach (SensorAndPaymentReportEngine.CommonSensorAndPaymentEvent repeatEvent in repEvent.RepeatSensorEvents)
                            ColumnLinesForRow[5].Add(repEvent.SensorEvent_Start.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt"));
                            ColumnLinesForRow[6].Add(repEvent.SensorEvent_End.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt"));

                        foreach (SensorAndPaymentReportEngine.OverstayVioEvent overstay in repEvent.Overstays)
                            ColumnLinesForRow[7].Add(overstay.StartOfOverstayViolation.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt"));

                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(overstay.EnforcementActionTaken))

                            if (overstay.EnforcementActionTakenTimeStamp > DateTime.MinValue)
                                ColumnLinesForRow[10].Add(overstay.EnforcementActionTakenTimeStamp.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt"));

                            if (overstay.OverstayBasedOnRuleDetail != null)
                                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                                sb.Append(Enum.ToObject(typeof(DayOfWeek), overstay.OverstayBasedOnRuleDetail.DayOfWeek).ToString() + " ");
                                sb.Append(overstay.OverstayBasedOnRuleDetail.StartTime.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt") + " - " +
                                          overstay.OverstayBasedOnRuleDetail.EndTime.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt") + ", ");
                                sb.Append(overstay.OverstayBasedOnRuleDetail.Type + ", Max Stay: " + overstay.OverstayBasedOnRuleDetail.MaxStayMinutes.ToString());


                        foreach (SensorAndPaymentReportEngine.PaymentEvent payEvent in repEvent.PaymentEvents)
                            if (payEvent.PaymentEvent_IsPaid == false)

                            ColumnLinesForRow[12].Add(payEvent.PaymentEvent_Start.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt"));
                            if (payEvent.WasStoppedShortViaZeroOutTrans == true)
                                ColumnLinesForRow[13].Add(payEvent.OriginalPaymentEvent_End.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt"));
                                ColumnLinesForRow[14].Add(payEvent.PaymentEvent_End.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt"));
                                ColumnLinesForRow[13].Add(payEvent.PaymentEvent_End.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt"));

                        foreach (SensorAndPaymentReportEngine.PaymentVioEvent payVio in repEvent.PaymentVios)
                            ColumnLinesForRow[15].Add(payVio.StartOfPayViolation.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt"));

                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(payVio.EnforcementActionTaken))

                            if (payVio.EnforcementActionTakenTimeStamp > DateTime.MinValue)
                                ColumnLinesForRow[18].Add(payVio.EnforcementActionTakenTimeStamp.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt"));

                        int linesForRow = 1;
                        for (int nextCol = 1; nextCol <= detailColumnCount; nextCol++)
                            int           columnRowLines = 0;
                            StringBuilder sb             = new StringBuilder();
                            bool          firstLine      = true;
                            foreach (string nextLine in ColumnLinesForRow[nextCol])
                                if (firstLine == false)
                                firstLine = false;
                            ws.SetValue(rowIdx, nextCol, sb.ToString());

                            if (columnRowLines > linesForRow)
                                linesForRow = columnRowLines;

                            if (columnRowLines > 1)
                                using (OfficeOpenXml.ExcelRange rowrange = ws.Cells[rowIdx, nextCol])
                                    ws.Cells[rowIdx, nextCol].Style.WrapText = true;

                        // Do we need to resize the row?
                        if (linesForRow > 1)
                            ws.Row(rowIdx).Height = (ws.DefaultRowHeight * linesForRow);
                            using (OfficeOpenXml.ExcelRange rowrange = ws.Cells[rowIdx, 1, rowIdx, detailColumnCount])
                                rowrange.Style.VerticalAlignment = ExcelVerticalAlignment.Top;

                        // Increment the row index, which will now be the next row of our data

                    // We will add autofilters to our headers so user can sort the columns easier
                    using (OfficeOpenXml.ExcelRange rng = ws.Cells[1, 1, rowIdx, detailColumnCount])
                        rng.AutoFilter = true;

                    // Apply formatting to the columns as appropriate (Starting row is 2 (first row of data), and ending row is the current rowIdx value)

                    // Column 1 & 2 are numeric integer
                    ApplyNumberStyleToColumn(ws, 1, 2, rowIdx, "@", ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left);
                    ApplyNumberStyleToColumn(ws, 2, 2, rowIdx, "@", ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left);
                    ApplyNumberStyleToColumn(ws, 3, 2, rowIdx, "@", ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left);
                    ApplyNumberStyleToColumn(ws, 4, 2, rowIdx, "@", ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left);
                    ApplyNumberStyleToColumn(ws, 5, 2, rowIdx, "@", ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left);
                    ApplyNumberStyleToColumn(ws, 6, 2, rowIdx, "@", ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left);
                    ApplyNumberStyleToColumn(ws, 7, 2, rowIdx, "@", ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left);
                    ApplyNumberStyleToColumn(ws, 8, 2, rowIdx, "@", ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left);
                    ApplyNumberStyleToColumn(ws, 9, 2, rowIdx, "@", ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left);
                    ApplyNumberStyleToColumn(ws, 10, 2, rowIdx, "@", ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left);
                    ApplyNumberStyleToColumn(ws, 11, 2, rowIdx, "@", ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left);
                    ApplyNumberStyleToColumn(ws, 12, 2, rowIdx, "@", ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left);
                    ApplyNumberStyleToColumn(ws, 13, 2, rowIdx, "@", ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left);
                    ApplyNumberStyleToColumn(ws, 14, 2, rowIdx, "@", ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left);
                    ApplyNumberStyleToColumn(ws, 15, 2, rowIdx, "@", ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left);
                    ApplyNumberStyleToColumn(ws, 16, 2, rowIdx, "@", ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left);
                    ApplyNumberStyleToColumn(ws, 17, 2, rowIdx, "@", ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left);
                    ApplyNumberStyleToColumn(ws, 18, 2, rowIdx, "@", ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left);

                    // And now lets size the columns
                    for (int autoSizeColIdx = 1; autoSizeColIdx <= detailColumnCount; autoSizeColIdx++)
                        using (OfficeOpenXml.ExcelRange col = ws.Cells[1, autoSizeColIdx, rowIdx, autoSizeColIdx])

                    // And now finally we must manually size the columns that have wrap text (autofit doesn't work nicely when we have wrap text)
                    ws.Column(1 + 6).Width = 24;
                    ws.Column(1 + 7).Width = 24;
                    ws.Column(1 + 8).Width = 24;
                    ws.Column(1 + 9).Width = 27;

                    ws.Column(1 + 13).Width = 24;
                    ws.Column(1 + 14).Width = 24;
                    ws.Column(1 + 15).Width = 24;
                    ws.Column(1 + 16).Width = 24;
                    ws.Column(1 + 17).Width = 27;

                // All cells in spreadsheet are populated now, so render (save the file) to a memory stream
                byte[] bytes = pck.GetAsByteArray();
                ms.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

            // Stop diagnostics timer
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(this._ReportName + " generation took: " + sw.Elapsed.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 18
        private void SetStyleAddress(StyleBase sender, Style.StyleChangeEventArgs e, ExcelAddressBase address, ExcelWorksheet ws, ref Dictionary <int, int> styleCashe)
            if (address.Start.Column == 0 || address.Start.Row == 0)
                throw (new Exception("error address"));
            else if (address.Start.Row == 1 && address.End.Row == ExcelPackage.MaxRows)
                ExcelColumn column;
                int         col = address.Start.Column, row = 0;
                bool        isNew;
                //Get the startcolumn
                if (!ws._values.Exists(0, address.Start.Column))
                    column = ws.Column(address.Start.Column);
                    isNew  = true;
                    column = (ExcelColumn)ws._values.GetValue(0, address.Start.Column);
                    isNew  = false;
                var prevColumMax = column.ColumnMax;
                while (column.ColumnMin <= address.End.Column)
                    if (column.ColumnMin > prevColumMax + 1)
                        var newColumn = ws.Column(prevColumMax + 1);
                        newColumn.ColumnMax = column.ColumnMin - 1;
                        AddNewStyleColumn(sender, e, ws, styleCashe, newColumn, newColumn.StyleID);
                    if (column.ColumnMax > address.End.Column)
                        var newCol = ws.CopyColumn(column, address.End.Column + 1, column.ColumnMax);
                        column.ColumnMax = address.End.Column;
                    var s = ws._styles.GetValue(0, column.ColumnMin);
                    AddNewStyleColumn(sender, e, ws, styleCashe, column, s);

                    prevColumMax = column.ColumnMax;
                    if (!ws._values.NextCell(ref row, ref col) || row > 0)
                        if (column._columnMax == address.End.Column)

                        if (isNew)
                            column._columnMax = address.End.Column;
                            var newColumn = ws.Column(column._columnMax + 1);
                            newColumn.ColumnMax = address.End.Column;
                            AddNewStyleColumn(sender, e, ws, styleCashe, newColumn, newColumn.StyleID);
                        column = (ws._values.GetValue(0, col) as ExcelColumn);

                if (column._columnMax < address.End.Column)
                    var newCol = ws.Column(column._columnMax + 1) as ExcelColumn;
                    newCol._columnMax = address.End.Column;

                    var s = ws._styles.GetValue(0, column.ColumnMin);
                    if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(s))
                        ws.SetStyle(0, column.ColumnMin, styleCashe[s]);
                        ExcelXfs st    = CellXfs[s];
                        int      newId = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                        styleCashe.Add(s, newId);
                        ws.SetStyle(0, column.ColumnMin, newId);

                    column._columnMax = address.End.Column;

                //Set for individual cells in the span. We loop all cells here since the cells are sorted with columns first.
                var cse = new CellsStoreEnumerator <int>(ws._styles, 1, address._fromCol, address._toRow, address._toCol);
                while (cse.Next())
                    if (cse.Column >= address.Start.Column &&
                        cse.Column <= address.End.Column)
                        if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(cse.Value))
                            ws.SetStyle(cse.Row, cse.Column, styleCashe[cse.Value]);
                            ExcelXfs st    = CellXfs[cse.Value];
                            int      newId = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                            styleCashe.Add(cse.Value, newId);
                            cse.Value = newId;
                            //ws.SetStyle(cse.Row, cse.Column, newId);

                if (!(address._fromCol == 1 && address._toCol == ExcelPackage.MaxColumns))
                    //Update cells with styled columns
                    cse = new CellsStoreEnumerator <int>(ws._styles, 1, 0, address._toRow, 0);
                    while (cse.Next())
                        for (int c = address._fromRow; c <= address._toCol; c++)
                            if (!ws._styles.Exists(cse.Row, c))
                                if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(cse.Value))
                                    ws.SetStyle(cse.Row, c, styleCashe[cse.Value]);
                                    ExcelXfs st    = CellXfs[cse.Value];
                                    int      newId = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                                    styleCashe.Add(cse.Value, newId);
                                    ws.SetStyle(cse.Row, c, newId);

            else if (address.Start.Column == 1 && address.End.Column == ExcelPackage.MaxColumns)
                for (int rowNum = address.Start.Row; rowNum <= address.End.Row; rowNum++)
                    var s = ws._styles.GetValue(rowNum, 0);
                    if (s == 0)
                        //iterate all columns and set the row to the style of the last column
                        var cse = new CellsStoreEnumerator <int>(ws._styles, 0, 1, 0, ExcelPackage.MaxColumns);
                        while (cse.Next())
                            s = cse.Value;
                            var c = ws._values.GetValue(cse.Row, cse.Column) as ExcelColumn;
                            if (c != null && c.ColumnMax < ExcelPackage.MaxColumns)
                                for (int col = c.ColumnMin; col < c.ColumnMax; col++)
                                    if (!ws._styles.Exists(rowNum, col))
                                        ws._styles.SetValue(rowNum, col, s);
                        ws.SetStyle(rowNum, 0, s);
                    if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(s))
                        ws.SetStyle(rowNum, 0, styleCashe[s]);
                        ExcelXfs st    = CellXfs[s];
                        int      newId = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                        styleCashe.Add(s, newId);
                        ws._styles.SetValue(rowNum, 0, newId);
                        ws.SetStyle(rowNum, 0, newId);

                //Update individual cells
                var cse2 = new CellsStoreEnumerator <int>(ws._styles, address._fromRow, address._fromCol, address._toRow, address._toCol);
                while (cse2.Next())
                    var s = cse2.Value;
                    if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(s))
                        ws.SetStyle(cse2.Row, cse2.Column, styleCashe[s]);
                        ExcelXfs st    = CellXfs[s];
                        int      newId = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                        styleCashe.Add(s, newId);
                        cse2.Value = newId;

                //Update cells with styled rows
                cse2 = new CellsStoreEnumerator <int>(ws._styles, 0, 1, 0, address._toCol);
                while (cse2.Next())
                    for (int r = address._fromRow; r <= address._toRow; r++)
                        if (!ws._styles.Exists(r, cse2.Column))
                            var s = cse2.Value;
                            if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(s))
                                ws.SetStyle(r, cse2.Column, styleCashe[s]);
                                ExcelXfs st    = CellXfs[s];
                                int      newId = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                                styleCashe.Add(s, newId);
                                ws.SetStyle(r, cse2.Column, newId);
            else             //Cellrange
                for (int col = address.Start.Column; col <= address.End.Column; col++)
                    for (int row = address.Start.Row; row <= address.End.Row; row++)
                        var s = GetStyleId(ws, row, col);
                        if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(s))
                            ws.SetStyle(row, col, styleCashe[s]);
                            ExcelXfs st    = CellXfs[s];
                            int      newId = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                            styleCashe.Add(s, newId);
                            ws.SetStyle(row, col, newId);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public string Descarga_repartoExcel(int servicio, string tipoRecibo, string cicloFacturacion, int Estado, string fecha_ini, string fecha_fin, string suministro, string medidor, int operario)
            int       _fila = 2;
            string    _ruta;
            string    nombreServicio = "";
            string    FileExcel      = "";
            int       usuario        = 0;
            DataTable _lista         = new DataTable();

                NLectura obj_negocio = new DSIGE.Negocio.NLectura();
                _lista = obj_negocio.N_ListandoReparto_Tomadas(servicio, tipoRecibo, cicloFacturacion, Estado, fecha_ini, fecha_fin, suministro, medidor, operario);

                if (_lista.Rows.Count == 0)
                    return(_Serialize("0|No hay informacion para mostrar.", true));

                usuario        = ((Sesion)Session["Session_Usuario_Acceso"]).usuario.usu_id;
                nombreServicio = usuario + "LISTADO_REPARTO.xlsx";
                _ruta          = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Temp/") + "\\" + nombreServicio);

                string rutaServer = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Archivos"];
                FileExcel = rutaServer + nombreServicio;

                FileInfo _file = new FileInfo(_ruta);
                if (_file.Exists)
                    _file = new FileInfo(_ruta);

                using (Excel.ExcelPackage oEx = new Excel.ExcelPackage(_file))
                    Excel.ExcelWorksheet oWs = oEx.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("listado_reparto");
                    oWs.Cells.Style.Font.SetFromFont(new Font("Tahoma", 9));

                    oWs.Cells[1, 1].Value = "Suministro";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 2].Value = "Ciclo";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 3].Value = "Fecha Recojo";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 4].Value = "Fecha Entrega";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 5].Value = "Unidad Lectura";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 6].Value = "Operario";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 7].Value = "Estado";

                    foreach (DataRow oBj in _lista.Rows)
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 1].Value = oBj["suministro"].ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 2].Value = oBj["ciclo"].ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 3].Value = oBj["fecha_recojo"].ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 4].Value = oBj["fecha_entrega"].ToString();

                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 5].Value = oBj["unidad_lectura"].ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 6].Value = oBj["operario"].ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 7].Value = oBj["estado"].ToString();


                    //------definir el tamaño de todo el documento
                    oWs.Cells.Style.Font.Size = 8;

                    oWs.Row(1).Style.Font.Bold           = true;
                    oWs.Row(1).Style.HorizontalAlignment = Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;
                    oWs.Row(1).Style.VerticalAlignment   = Style.ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

                    for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
                return(_Serialize("1|" + FileExcel, true));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(_Serialize("0|" + ex.Message, true));
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public string Descarga_ResultadosReclamosExcel(string fechaini, string fechafin, int servicio)
            int    _fila = 2;
            string _ruta;
            string nombreServicio = "";
            string FileExcel      = "";
            int    usuario        = 0;

                List <Lecturas_Tomadas> _lista = new List <Lecturas_Tomadas>();
                NLectura obj_negocio           = new DSIGE.Negocio.NLectura();
                _lista = obj_negocio.N_Descarga_ResultadosReclamosExcel(fechaini, fechafin, servicio);

                if (_lista.Count == 0)
                    return(_Serialize("0|No hay informacion para mostrar.", true));

                usuario        = ((Sesion)Session["Session_Usuario_Acceso"]).usuario.usu_id;
                nombreServicio = usuario + "RECLAMOS_REPORTE.xlsx";
                _ruta          = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Temp/") + "\\" + nombreServicio);

                string rutaServer = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Archivos"];
                FileExcel = rutaServer + nombreServicio;

                FileInfo _file = new FileInfo(_ruta);
                if (_file.Exists)
                    _file = new FileInfo(_ruta);

                using (Excel.ExcelPackage oEx = new Excel.ExcelPackage(_file))
                    Excel.ExcelWorksheet oWs = oEx.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Reclamos");
                    oWs.Cells.Style.Font.SetFromFont(new Font("Tahoma", 9));

                    oWs.Cells[1, 1].Value = "MEDIDOR";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 2].Value = "CUENTA CONTRATO";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 3].Value = "FECHA PLAN LECTURA";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 4].Value = "MES";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 5].Value = "LECTURA";

                    foreach (Lecturas_Tomadas oBj in _lista)
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 1].Value = oBj.MEDIDOR;
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 2].Value = oBj.CTA_CTO;
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 3].Value = oBj.FECHA_PLAN_LECTURA;
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 4].Value = oBj.MES;
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 5].Value = oBj.LECTURA;


                    //------definir el tamaño de todo el documento
                    oWs.Cells.Style.Font.Size = 8;

                    oWs.Row(1).Style.Font.Bold           = true;
                    oWs.Row(1).Style.HorizontalAlignment = Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;
                    oWs.Row(1).Style.VerticalAlignment   = Style.ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

                    for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
                return(_Serialize("1|" + FileExcel, true));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(_Serialize("0|" + ex.Message, true));
Ejemplo n.º 21
        private void CreateHeaderPassport(ExcelWorksheet ws)
            ws.Cells["A2:Q2"].Merge = true;
            ws.Cells["A2:Q2"].Value = "Заголовок";
            ws.Cells["A2:Q2"].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;

            SetStyleToAllLinesSquare(ws.Cells["A2:Q2"], ExcelBorderStyle.Thick);

            FillHeaderSquare(ws.Cells["A3"], "№ п/п");
            ws.Column(1).Width = 11;

            FillHeaderSquare(ws.Cells["B3"], "№ поз. по спец-ии");
            ws.Column(2).Width = 6;

            FillHeaderSquare(ws.Cells["C3"], "Обозначение");
            ws.Column(3).Width = 27;

            FillHeaderSquare(ws.Cells["D3"], "Наименование");
            ws.Column(4).Width = 50;

            FillHeaderSquare(ws.Cells["E3"], "Профиль");
            ws.Column(5).Width = 12;

            FillHeaderSquare(ws.Cells["F3"], "Типоразмер");
            ws.Column(6).Width = 14;

            FillHeaderSquare(ws.Cells["G3"], "Мерность");
            ws.Column(7).Width = 5;

            FillHeaderSquare(ws.Cells["H3"], "ГОСТ на сортамент");
            ws.Column(8).Width = 16;

            FillHeaderSquare(ws.Cells["I3"], "Марка стали");
            ws.Column(9).Width = 15;

            FillHeaderSquare(ws.Cells["J3"], "ГОСТ на материал");
            ws.Column(10).Width = 5;

            FillHeaderSquare(ws.Cells["K3"], "Длина");
            ws.Column(11).Width = 8;

            FillHeaderSquare(ws.Cells["L3"], "Ширина");
            ws.Column(12).Width = 8;

            FillHeaderSquare(ws.Cells["M3"], "Кол-во на 1 сб. ед.");
            ws.Column(13).Width = 8;

            FillHeaderSquare(ws.Cells["N3"], "Кол-во всего");
            ws.Column(14).Width = 8;

            FillHeaderSquare(ws.Cells["O3"], "Масса на 1 ед., кг.");
            ws.Column(15).Width = 14;

            FillHeaderSquare(ws.Cells["P3"], "Масса всего, кг.");
            ws.Column(16).Width = 14;

            FillHeaderSquare(ws.Cells["Q3"], "ОТПРАВОЧНЫЕ ПОЗИЦИИ (ОП)");
            ws.Column(17).Width = 9;
Ejemplo n.º 22
        private void InsertFullTable(ExcelWorksheet ws, int headerRow, int column, DataTable table, string format)
            ws.Cells[headerRow, column, headerRow + table.Rows.Count - 1, column + table.Columns.Count - 1].LoadFromDataTable(table, true);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(format))
                //This is a bit hacky, but what can you do...
                //we have to guess the format of the columns because we can't provide them directly in the template
                GuessColumnFormats(ws, headerRow, column, table);
                ws.Cells[headerRow + 1, column, headerRow + 1 + table.Rows.Count, column + table.Columns.Count].Style.Numberformat.Format = format;

            for (int i = 0; i < table.Columns.Count; i++)
                if (column + i == 1) continue; //We don't want to autosize the first column
                ws.Column(column + i).AutoFit();
Ejemplo n.º 23
        private void SetStyleFullColumn(StyleBase sender, StyleChangeEventArgs e, ExcelAddressBase address, ExcelWorksheet ws, Dictionary <int, int> styleCashe)
            ExcelColumn column;
            int         col = address.Start.Column, row = 0;
            bool        isNew;
            //Get the startcolumn
            object o = null;

            if (!ws.ExistsValueInner(0, address.Start.Column, ref o))
                column = ws.Column(address.Start.Column);
                isNew  = true;
                column = (ExcelColumn)o;
                isNew  = false;
            var prevColumMax = column.ColumnMax;

            while (column.ColumnMin <= address.End.Column)
                if (column.ColumnMin > prevColumMax + 1)
                    var newColumn = ws.Column(prevColumMax + 1);
                    newColumn.ColumnMax = column.ColumnMin - 1;
                    AddNewStyleColumn(sender, e, ws, styleCashe, newColumn, newColumn.StyleID);
                if (column.ColumnMax > address.End.Column)
                    var newCol = ws.CopyColumn(column, address.End.Column + 1, column.ColumnMax);
                    column.ColumnMax = address.End.Column;
                var s = ws.GetStyleInner(0, column.ColumnMin);
                AddNewStyleColumn(sender, e, ws, styleCashe, column, s);

                prevColumMax = column.ColumnMax;
                if (!ws._values.NextCell(ref row, ref col) || row > 0)
                    if (column._columnMax == address.End.Column)

                    if (isNew)
                        column._columnMax = address.End.Column;
                        var newColumn = ws.Column(column._columnMax + 1);
                        newColumn.ColumnMax = address.End.Column;
                        AddNewStyleColumn(sender, e, ws, styleCashe, newColumn, newColumn.StyleID);
                        column = newColumn;
                    column = (ws.GetValueInner(0, col) as ExcelColumn);

            if (column._columnMax < address.End.Column)
                var newCol = ws.Column(column._columnMax + 1) as ExcelColumn;
                newCol._columnMax = address.End.Column;

                var s = ws.GetStyleInner(0, column.ColumnMin);
                if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(s))
                    ws.SetStyleInner(0, column.ColumnMin, styleCashe[s]);
                    ExcelXfs st    = CellXfs[s];
                    int      newId = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                    styleCashe.Add(s, newId);
                    ws.SetStyleInner(0, column.ColumnMin, newId);

                column._columnMax = address.End.Column;

            //Set for individual cells in the span. We loop all cells here since the cells are sorted with columns first.
            var cse = new CellStoreEnumerator <ExcelValue>(ws._values, 1, address._fromCol, address._toRow, address._toCol);

            while (cse.Next())
                if (cse.Column >= address.Start.Column &&
                    cse.Column <= address.End.Column &&
                    cse.Value._styleId != 0)
                    if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(cse.Value._styleId))
                        ws.SetStyleInner(cse.Row, cse.Column, styleCashe[cse.Value._styleId]);
                        ExcelXfs st    = CellXfs[cse.Value._styleId];
                        int      newId = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                        styleCashe.Add(cse.Value._styleId, newId);
                        ws.SetStyleInner(cse.Row, cse.Column, newId);

            if (!(address._fromCol == 1 && address._toCol == ExcelPackage.MaxColumns))
                //Update cells with styled columns
                cse = new CellStoreEnumerator <ExcelValue>(ws._values, 1, 0, address._toRow, 0);
                while (cse.Next())
                    if (cse.Value._styleId == 0)
                    for (int c = address._fromCol; c <= address._toCol; c++)
                        if (!ws.ExistsStyleInner(cse.Row, c))
                            if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(cse.Value._styleId))
                                ws.SetStyleInner(cse.Row, c, styleCashe[cse.Value._styleId]);
                                ExcelXfs st    = CellXfs[cse.Value._styleId];
                                int      newId = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                                styleCashe.Add(cse.Value._styleId, newId);
                                ws.SetStyleInner(cse.Row, c, newId);
        /// <summary>
        /// BuildHomeroomsTable
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ws"></param>
        /// <param name="Homerooms"></param>
        private static void BuildHomeroomsTable(ExcelWorksheet ws, IEnumerable<OfficeVisitsByHomeroom> Homerooms)

            ws.Column(5).Width = 12.86;
            ws.Column(6).Width = 16;
            ws.Column(7).Width = 6.71;
            ws.Column(8).Width = 11.71;

            ws.Cells[4, 5].Value = "Homerooms";
            ws.Cells[4, 5].Style.Font.Bold = true;
            ws.Cells[5, 5].Value = "School";
            ws.Cells[5, 5].Style.Border.BorderAround(ExcelBorderStyle.Thin);
            ws.Cells[5, 6].Value = "Homeroom";
            ws.Cells[5, 6].Style.Border.BorderAround(ExcelBorderStyle.Thin);
            ws.Cells[5, 7].Value = "Grade";
            ws.Cells[5, 7].Style.Border.BorderAround(ExcelBorderStyle.Thin);
            ws.Cells[5, 8].Value = "Office Visits";
            ws.Cells[5, 8].Style.Border.BorderAround(ExcelBorderStyle.Thin);

            for (int i = 0; i < Homerooms.Count(); i++)
                ws.Cells[i + 6, 5].Value = Homerooms.ElementAt(i).school_name;
                ws.Cells[i + 6, 5].Style.Border.BorderAround(ExcelBorderStyle.Thin);

                ws.Cells[i + 6, 6].Value = Homerooms.ElementAt(i).homeroom_name;
                ws.Cells[i + 6, 6].Style.Border.BorderAround(ExcelBorderStyle.Thin);

                ws.Cells[i + 6, 7].Value = Homerooms.ElementAt(i).grade.ToString();
                ws.Cells[i + 6, 7].Style.Border.BorderAround(ExcelBorderStyle.Thin);

                ws.Cells[i + 6, 8].Value = Homerooms.ElementAt(i).total_visits;
                ws.Cells[i + 6, 8].Style.Border.BorderAround(ExcelBorderStyle.Thin);


            //Set Header style
            using (ExcelRange rng = ws.Cells[4, 5, 5 + Homerooms.Count(), 8])

Ejemplo n.º 25
        public string GenerarArchivoExcel_data_detallado(DataTable dt_detalles, string nombreFile, string nombreExcel)
            string _ruta         = "";
            string Res           = "";
            int    _fila         = 2;
            string ruta_descarga = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Archivos"];

                _ruta = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Temp/" + nombreFile);

                FileInfo _file = new FileInfo(_ruta);
                if (_file.Exists)
                    _file = new FileInfo(_ruta);

                using (Excel.ExcelPackage oEx = new Excel.ExcelPackage(_file))
                    Excel.ExcelWorksheet oWs = oEx.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(nombreExcel);
                    oWs.Cells.Style.Font.SetFromFont(new Font("Tahoma", 9));
                    //for (int i = 1; i <= 8; i++)
                    //    oWs.Cells[1, i].Style.Border.BorderAround(OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Thin);

                    oWs.Cells[1, 1].Value = "Año";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 2].Value = "Mes";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 3].Value = "Dia";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 4].Value = "Codigo";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 5].Value = "Operario";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 6].Value = "Total";

                    int ac = 0;
                    foreach (DataRow oBj in dt_detalles.Rows)
                        ac += 1;
                        //for (int j = 1; j <= 6; j++)
                        //    oWs.Cells[_fila, j].Style.Border.BorderAround(OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Thin);
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 1].Value = oBj["anio"].ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 2].Value = oBj["mes"].ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 3].Value = oBj["dia"].ToString();

                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 4].Value = oBj["id_Operario_Lectura"].ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 5].Value = oBj["operario"].ToString();

                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 6].Style.VerticalAlignment   = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 6].Style.HorizontalAlignment = Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Right; // alinear texto
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 6].Style.Numberformat.Format = "#,##0.00";
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 6].Value = Convert.ToDecimal(oBj["cant_reg"]);


                    oWs.Row(1).Style.Font.Bold           = true;
                    oWs.Row(1).Style.HorizontalAlignment = Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;
                    oWs.Row(1).Style.VerticalAlignment   = Style.ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;
                    oWs.Column(1).Style.Font.Bold        = true;

                    for (int k = 1; k <= 6; k++)

                Res = "1|" + ruta_descarga + nombreFile;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Res = "0|" + ex.Message;
Ejemplo n.º 26
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the column widths to a preset size.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="worksheet">The worksheet.</param>
 private void SetColumnWidths(ExcelWorksheet worksheet)
     worksheet.Column(1).Width = ExcelHelper.Pixel2ColumnWidth(worksheet, 87);
     worksheet.Column(2).Width = ExcelHelper.Pixel2ColumnWidth(worksheet, 93);
     worksheet.Column(3).Width = ExcelHelper.Pixel2ColumnWidth(worksheet, 40);
     worksheet.Column(4).Width = ExcelHelper.Pixel2ColumnWidth(worksheet, 40);
     worksheet.Column(5).Width = ExcelHelper.Pixel2ColumnWidth(worksheet, 40);
     worksheet.Column(6).Width = ExcelHelper.Pixel2ColumnWidth(worksheet, 40);
     worksheet.Column(7).Width = ExcelHelper.Pixel2ColumnWidth(worksheet, 55);
     worksheet.Column(8).Width = ExcelHelper.Pixel2ColumnWidth(worksheet, 54);
     worksheet.Column(9).Width = ExcelHelper.Pixel2ColumnWidth(worksheet, 61);
     worksheet.Column(10).Width = ExcelHelper.Pixel2ColumnWidth(worksheet, 72);
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public string Descarga_Excel(string __a, string __g, string __c, string __d, string __e, string __f, int __o, string sector, string zona)
            Int32  _fila = 2;
            string _servidor;
            String _ruta;
            string resultado      = "";
            string nombreServicio = "";
            string FileExcel      = "";

                List <string> listaVar = new List <string>();
                listaVar = new List <string>();

                Session["listaVal"] = listaVar;

                List <Lecturas_Tomadas> _lista = new List <Lecturas_Tomadas>();

                NLectura obj_negocio = new DSIGE.Negocio.NLectura();
                _lista = obj_negocio.NListaLecturasTomadas(
                    new Request_Lectura_Tomadas()
                    local      = Convert.ToInt32(__a),
                    lista      = Convert.ToString(__g),
                    f_ini      = Convert.ToString(__c),
                    f_fin      = Convert.ToString(__d),
                    suministro = Convert.ToString(__e),
                    medidor    = Convert.ToString(__f),
                    operario   = Convert.ToInt32(__o)

                if (_lista.Count == 0)
                    return(_Serialize("0|No hay informacion para mostrar.", true));

                nombreServicio = "";
                if (Convert.ToInt32(__g) == 1)
                    nombreServicio = "LECTURAS_";
                else if (Convert.ToInt32(__g) == 2)
                    nombreServicio = "RELECTURA_";

                _servidor = String.Format("{0:ddMMyyyy_hhmmss}.xlsx", DateTime.Now);
                _ruta     = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Temp/") + "\\" + nombreServicio + _servidor);

                string rutaServer = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Archivos"];
                FileExcel = rutaServer + nombreServicio + _servidor;

                FileInfo _file = new FileInfo(_ruta);
                if (_file.Exists)
                    _file = new FileInfo(_ruta);

                using (Excel.ExcelPackage oEx = new Excel.ExcelPackage(_file))
                    Excel.ExcelWorksheet oWs = oEx.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Lecturas_tomadas");
                    oWs.Cells.Style.Font.SetFromFont(new Font("Tahoma", 9));

                    //marco detalle CABECERA
                    for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
                        oWs.Cells[1, i].Style.Font.Bold = true;
                        oWs.Cells[1, i].Style.Border.BorderAround(OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Thin);    //marco
                        oWs.Cells[1, i].Style.VerticalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

                    oWs.Cells[1, 1].Value = "SUMINISTRO";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 2].Value = "MEDIDOR";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 3].Value = "LECTURA ACTUAL";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 4].Value = "LECTURA ANTERIOR";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 5].Value = "PROMEDIO DE CONSUMO";

                    oWs.Cells[1, 6].Value  = "LECTURISTA";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 7].Value  = "COD. OBSERVACION";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 8].Value  = "DESC. OBSERVACION";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 9].Value  = "FECHA LECTURA";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 10].Value = "TIENE FOTO";

                    int acu = 0;

                    foreach (Lecturas_Tomadas oBj in _lista)
                        //marco detalle
                        for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
                            oWs.Cells[_fila, i].Style.Border.BorderAround(OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Thin);    //marco

                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 1].Value = oBj.Suministro_lectura;
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 2].Value = oBj.Medidor_lectura;
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 3].Value = oBj.Confirmacion_lectura;
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 3].Style.VerticalAlignment   = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 3].Style.HorizontalAlignment = Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Right; // alinear tex

                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 4].Value = oBj.lectura_Anterior;
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 4].Style.VerticalAlignment   = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 4].Style.HorizontalAlignment = Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Right; // alinear tex

                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 5].Value = oBj.promedioConsumo_Lectura;
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 5].Style.VerticalAlignment   = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 5].Style.HorizontalAlignment = Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Right; // alinear tex

                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 6].Value  = oBj.Operario;
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 7].Value  = oBj.observacion_lectura;
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 8].Value  = oBj.descripcion_observacion;
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 9].Value  = oBj.fechaLecturaMovil_Lectura;
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 10].Value = oBj.tieneFoto_lectura;

                    oWs.Cells.Style.Font.Size            = 8; //letra tamaño
                    oWs.Row(1).Style.Font.Bold           = true;
                    oWs.Row(1).Style.HorizontalAlignment = Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;
                    oWs.Row(1).Style.VerticalAlignment   = Style.ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

                    oWs.Column(1).Style.Font.Bold = true;

                    for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)


                return(_Serialize("1|" + FileExcel, true));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(_Serialize("0|" + ex.Message, true));
        public string GenerarArchivoExcel_data(DataTable dt_detalles, string nombreFile, string nombreExcel)
            string _ruta = "";
            string Res   = "";
            int    _fila = 2;

                _ruta = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Temp/" + nombreFile);
                string ruta_descarga = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Archivos"];
                ruta_descarga = ruta_descarga + nombreFile;

                FileInfo _file = new FileInfo(_ruta);
                if (_file.Exists)
                    _file = new FileInfo(_ruta);

                using (Excel.ExcelPackage oEx = new Excel.ExcelPackage(_file))
                    Excel.ExcelWorksheet oWs = oEx.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(nombreExcel);
                    oWs.Cells.Style.Font.SetFromFont(new Font("Tahoma", 9));

                    for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++)
                        oWs.Cells[1, i].Style.Border.BorderAround(OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Thin);

                    oWs.Cells[1, 1].Value = "Unidad Lectura";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 2].Value = "Cuenta Contrato";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 3].Value = "Cliente";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 4].Value = "Direccion";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 5].Value = "Urbanización";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 6].Value = "Distrito";

                    oWs.Cells[1, 7].Value = "Latitud";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 8].Value = "Longitud";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 9].Value = "Fecha";

                    oWs.Cells[1, 10].Value = "Hora";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 11].Value = "Porcion";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 12].Value = "Mes";

                    foreach (DataRow oBj in dt_detalles.Rows)
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 1].Value = oBj["Cod_UnidadLectura"].ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 2].Value = oBj["CuentaContrato_Reparto"].ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 3].Value = oBj["nombreCliente_Reparto"].ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 4].Value = oBj["Direccion_Reparto"].ToString();

                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 5].Value = oBj["urbanizacion_Reparto"].ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 6].Value = oBj["distrito_Reparto"].ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 7].Value = oBj["latitud_lectura"].ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 8].Value = oBj["longitud_lectura"].ToString();

                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 9].Value  = oBj["fechaRecepcion_Reparto"].ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 10].Value = oBj["hora"].ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 11].Value = oBj["porcion"].ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 12].Value = oBj["mes"].ToString();

                    oWs.Row(1).Style.Font.Bold           = true;
                    oWs.Row(1).Style.HorizontalAlignment = Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;
                    oWs.Row(1).Style.VerticalAlignment   = Style.ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

                    for (int k = 1; k <= 12; k++)

                Res = "1|" + ruta_descarga;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Res = "0|" + ex.Message;
        public ActionResult DescargaExcel(string __a)
            Int32  _fila = 2;
            String _servidor;
            String _ruta;

            if (__a.Length == 0)

            List <LecturaHistorico> _lista = MvcApplication._Deserialize <List <LecturaHistorico> >(__a);

            _servidor = String.Format("{0:ddMMyyyy_hhmmss}.xlsx", DateTime.Now);
            //_ruta = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("/Lecturas/Temp"), _servidor);
            _ruta = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("/Temp"), _servidor);

            FileInfo _file = new FileInfo(_ruta);

            if (_file.Exists)
                _file = new FileInfo(_ruta);

            using (Excel.ExcelPackage oEx = new Excel.ExcelPackage(_file))
                Excel.ExcelWorksheet oWs = oEx.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Resumen de Lecturas");

                oWs.Cells[1, 1].Value = "OPERADOR";
                oWs.Cells[1, 2].Value = "TOTAL";
                oWs.Cells[1, 3].Value = "REALIZADOS";
                oWs.Cells[1, 4].Value = "CON FOTO";
                oWs.Cells[1, 5].Value = "PENDIENTES";
                oWs.Cells[1, 6].Value = "% AVANCE";
                oWs.Cells[1, 7].Value = "HORA INICIO DE TRABAJO";
                oWs.Cells[1, 8].Value = "HORA TERMINO DE TRABAJO";
                oWs.Cells[1, 9].Value = "HORAS TRABAJADAS";

                foreach (LecturaHistorico oBj in _lista)
                    oWs.Cells[_fila, 1].Value = oBj.des_ope;
                    oWs.Cells[_fila, 2].Value = oBj.total;
                    oWs.Cells[_fila, 3].Value = (oBj.realizado);
                    oWs.Cells[_fila, 4].Value = (oBj.conFoto);
                    oWs.Cells[_fila, 5].Value = (oBj.pendiente);
                    oWs.Cells[_fila, 6].Value = (oBj.avance);
                    oWs.Cells[_fila, 7].Value = (oBj.f_ini);
                    oWs.Cells[_fila, 8].Value = (oBj.f_fin);
                    oWs.Cells[_fila, 9].Value = (oBj.horas);


                oWs.Row(1).Style.WrapText            = true;
                oWs.Row(1).Style.Font.Bold           = true;
                oWs.Row(1).Style.HorizontalAlignment = Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;
                oWs.Row(1).Style.VerticalAlignment   = Style.ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

                oWs.Column(1).Style.Font.Bold = true;


            return(new ContentResult
                Content = "{ \"__a\": \"" + _servidor + "\" }",
                ContentType = "application/json"
Ejemplo n.º 30
        private void CreateHeaderPassport(ExcelWorksheet ws, List<TechOperation> techOperations)

            for (var i = 0; i < techOperations.Count; i++)
                var colNumInt = CountFixedField + i;
                var colNumStr = GetColumnExcelName(AsciiTableStart + colNumInt);
                FillHeaderSquare(ws.Cells[colNumStr + "3"], techOperations[i].ShortName);

                ws.Column(colNumInt).Width = 3;

            var rangeStr = string.Format("A2:{0}2",
                GetColumnExcelName(AsciiTableStart + CountFixedField + techOperations.Count - 1));
            var cell = ws.Cells[rangeStr];
            cell.Merge = false;
            cell.Merge = true;
            cell.Value = "Заголовок";
            SetStyleToAllLinesSquare(cell, ExcelBorderStyle.Thick);
Ejemplo n.º 31
        private void SetStyleAddress(StyleBase sender, Style.StyleChangeEventArgs e, ExcelAddressBase address, ExcelWorksheet ws, ref Dictionary<int, int> styleCashe)
            if (address.Start.Column == 0 || address.Start.Row == 0)
                throw (new Exception("error address"));
            else if (address.Start.Row == 1 && address.End.Row == ExcelPackage.MaxRows)
                ExcelColumn column;
                int col = address.Start.Column, row = 0;
                bool isNew;
                //Get the startcolumn
                if (!ws._values.Exists(0, address.Start.Column))
                    column = ws.Column(address.Start.Column);
                    isNew = true;
                    column = (ExcelColumn)ws._values.GetValue(0, address.Start.Column);
                    isNew = false;
                var prevColumMax = column.ColumnMax;
                while (column.ColumnMin <= address.End.Column)
                    if(column.ColumnMin > prevColumMax+1)
                        var newColumn = ws.Column(prevColumMax + 1);
                        newColumn.ColumnMax = column.ColumnMin-1;
                        AddNewStyleColumn(sender, e, ws, styleCashe, newColumn, newColumn.StyleID);
                    if (column.ColumnMax > address.End.Column)
                        var newCol = ws.CopyColumn(column, address.End.Column + 1, column.ColumnMax);
                        column.ColumnMax = address.End.Column;
                    var s = ws._styles.GetValue(0, column.ColumnMin);
                    AddNewStyleColumn(sender, e, ws, styleCashe, column, s);

                    prevColumMax = column.ColumnMax;
                    if (!ws._values.NextCell(ref row, ref col) || row > 0)
                        if(column._columnMax == address.End.Column)

                        if (isNew)
                            column._columnMax = address.End.Column;
                            var newColumn = ws.Column(column._columnMax + 1);
                            newColumn.ColumnMax = address.End.Column;
                            AddNewStyleColumn(sender, e, ws, styleCashe, newColumn, newColumn.StyleID);
                        column = (ws._values.GetValue(0, col) as ExcelColumn);

                if (column._columnMax < address.End.Column)
                    var newCol = ws.Column(column._columnMax + 1) as ExcelColumn;
                    newCol._columnMax = address.End.Column;

                    var s = ws._styles.GetValue(0, column.ColumnMin);
                    if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(s))
                        ws.SetStyle(0, column.ColumnMin, styleCashe[s]);
                        ExcelXfs st = CellXfs[s];
                        int newId = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                        styleCashe.Add(s, newId);
                        ws.SetStyle(0, column.ColumnMin, newId);

                    column._columnMax = address.End.Column;

                //Set for individual cells in the span. We loop all cells here since the cells are sorted with columns first.
                var cse = new CellsStoreEnumerator<int>(ws._styles, 1, address._fromCol, address._toRow, address._toCol);
                while (cse.Next())
                    if (cse.Column >= address.Start.Column &&
                        cse.Column <= address.End.Column)
                        if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(cse.Value))
                            ws.SetStyle(cse.Row, cse.Column, styleCashe[cse.Value]);
                            ExcelXfs st = CellXfs[cse.Value];
                            int newId = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                            styleCashe.Add(cse.Value, newId);
                            cse.Value = newId;
                            //ws.SetStyle(cse.Row, cse.Column, newId);

                if (!(address._fromCol == 1 && address._toCol == ExcelPackage.MaxColumns))
                    //Update cells with styled columns
                    cse = new CellsStoreEnumerator<int>(ws._styles, 1, 0, address._toRow, 0);
                    while (cse.Next())
                        for (int c = address._fromRow; c <= address._toCol; c++)
                            if (!ws._styles.Exists(cse.Row, c))
                                if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(cse.Value))
                                    ws.SetStyle(cse.Row, c, styleCashe[cse.Value]);
                                    ExcelXfs st = CellXfs[cse.Value];
                                    int newId = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                                    styleCashe.Add(cse.Value, newId);
                                    ws.SetStyle(cse.Row, c, newId);

            else if (address.Start.Column == 1 && address.End.Column == ExcelPackage.MaxColumns)
                for (int rowNum = address.Start.Row; rowNum <= address.End.Row; rowNum++)
                    var s = ws._styles.GetValue(rowNum, 0);
                    if (s == 0)
                        //iterate all columns and set the row to the style of the last column
                        var cse = new CellsStoreEnumerator<int>(ws._styles, 0, 1, 0, ExcelPackage.MaxColumns);
                        while (cse.Next())
                            s = cse.Value;
                            var c = ws._values.GetValue(cse.Row, cse.Column) as ExcelColumn;
                            if (c != null && c.ColumnMax < ExcelPackage.MaxColumns)
                                for (int col = c.ColumnMin; col < c.ColumnMax; col++)
                                    if (!ws._styles.Exists(rowNum, col))
                                        ws._styles.SetValue(rowNum, col, s);
                        ws.SetStyle(rowNum, 0, s);
                    if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(s))
                        ws.SetStyle(rowNum, 0, styleCashe[s]);
                        ExcelXfs st = CellXfs[s];
                        int newId = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                        styleCashe.Add(s, newId);
                        ws._styles.SetValue(rowNum, 0, newId);
                        ws.SetStyle(rowNum, 0, newId);

                //Update individual cells 
                var cse2 = new CellsStoreEnumerator<int>(ws._styles, address._fromRow, address._fromCol, address._toRow, address._toCol);
                while (cse2.Next())
                    var s = cse2.Value;
                    if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(s))
                        ws.SetStyle(cse2.Row, cse2.Column, styleCashe[s]);
                        ExcelXfs st = CellXfs[s];
                        int newId = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                        styleCashe.Add(s, newId);
                        cse2.Value = newId;

                //Update cells with styled rows
                cse2 = new CellsStoreEnumerator<int>(ws._styles, 0, 1, 0, address._toCol);
                while (cse2.Next())
                    for (int r = address._fromRow; r <= address._toRow; r++)
                        if (!ws._styles.Exists(r, cse2.Column))
                            var s = cse2.Value;
                            if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(s))
                                ws.SetStyle(r, cse2.Column, styleCashe[s]);
                                ExcelXfs st = CellXfs[s];
                                int newId = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                                styleCashe.Add(s, newId);
                                ws.SetStyle(r, cse2.Column, newId);
            else             //Cellrange
                for (int col = address.Start.Column; col <= address.End.Column; col++)
                    for (int row = address.Start.Row; row <= address.End.Row; row++)
                        var s = GetStyleId(ws, row, col);
                        if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(s))
                            ws.SetStyle(row, col, styleCashe[s]);
                            ExcelXfs st = CellXfs[s];
                            int newId = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                            styleCashe.Add(s, newId);
                            ws.SetStyle(row, col, newId);
        public string DescargaExcel(string fechaAsignacion, int TipoServicio)
            int    _fila = 2;
            string _ruta;
            string nombreArchivo = "";
            string ruta_descarga = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Archivos"];
            var    usuario       = ((Sesion)Session["Session_Usuario_Acceso"]).usuario.usu_id;

                List <Cls_Entidad_Export_trabajos_lectura> _lista = new List <Cls_Entidad_Export_trabajos_lectura>();

                Cls_Negocio_Export_trabajos_lectura obj_negocio = new DSIGE.Negocio.Cls_Negocio_Export_trabajos_lectura();
                _lista = obj_negocio.Capa_Negocio_Get_ListaLecturas_Excel(fechaAsignacion, TipoServicio);

                if (_lista.Count == 0)
                    return(_Serialize("0|No hay informacion para mostrar.", true));

                if (TipoServicio == 1)
                    nombreArchivo = "LECTURAS_EXPORTADO_" + usuario + ".xls";
                else if (TipoServicio == 2)
                    nombreArchivo = "RELECTURAS_EXPORTADO_" + usuario + ".xls";
                else if (TipoServicio == 9)
                    nombreArchivo = "RECLAMOS_EXPORTADO_" + usuario + ".xls";

                _ruta = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Temp") + "\\" + nombreArchivo);

                FileInfo _file = new FileInfo(_ruta);
                if (_file.Exists)
                    _file = new FileInfo(_ruta);

                using (Excel.ExcelPackage oEx = new Excel.ExcelPackage(_file))
                    Excel.ExcelWorksheet oWs = oEx.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Importar");
                    oWs.Cells.Style.Font.SetFromFont(new Font("Tahoma", 8));
                    for (int i = 1; i <= 21; i++)
                        oWs.Cells[1, i].Style.Border.BorderAround(OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Thin);
                        oWs.Cells[1, i].Style.Font.Size = 9;    //letra tamaño
                        oWs.Cells[1, i].Style.Font.Bold = true; //Letra negrita

                    oWs.Cells[1, 1].Value = "ITEM";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 2].Value = "NOBORAR";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 3].Value = "INSTALACIÓN";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 4].Value = "APARATO";

                    oWs.Cells[1, 5].Value = "TIPO CALLE";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 6].Value = "NOMBRE DE CALLE";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 7].Value = "ALTURA DE CALLE";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 8].Value = "NÚMERO DE EDIFICIO";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 9].Value = "NÚMERO DE DEPARTAMENTO";

                    oWs.Cells[1, 10].Value = "DETALLE CONSTRUCCIÓN (OBJETO DE CONEXIÓN)";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 11].Value = "CONJUNTO DE VIVIENDA (OBJETO DE CONEXIÓN)";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 12].Value = "MANZANA/LOTE";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 13].Value = "DISTRITO";

                    oWs.Cells[1, 14].Value = "CUENTA CONTRATO";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 15].Value = "SECUENCIA DE LECTURA";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 16].Value = "UNIDAD DE LECTURA";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 17].Value = "NÚMERO DE LECTURAS ESTIMADAS CONSECUTIVAS";

                    oWs.Cells[1, 18].Value = "EMPRESA LECTORA";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 19].Value = "NOTA 2 DE LA UBICACIÓN DEL APARATO";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 20].Value = "TECNICO";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 21].Value = "SECUENCIA";

                    int acu = 0;
                    foreach (Cls_Entidad_Export_trabajos_lectura oBj in _lista)
                        acu = acu + 1;

                        for (int i = 1; i <= 21; i++)
                            oWs.Cells[_fila, i].Style.Border.BorderAround(OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelBorderStyle.Thin);

                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 1].Value = acu;
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 2].Value = oBj.id_Lectura;
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 3].Value = oBj.Instalacion;

                        //oWs.Cells[_fila, 4].Style.Numberformat.Format = "#,##0";
                        //oWs.Cells[_fila, 4].Value = Convert.ToDouble(oBj.Aparato);
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 4].Value = oBj.Aparato;

                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 5].Value = oBj.Tipo_calle;
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 6].Value = oBj.Nombre_Calle;
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 7].Value = oBj.Altura_Calle;
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 8].Value = oBj.Numero_Edificio;
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 9].Value = oBj.Numero_Departamento;

                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 10].Value = oBj.Detalle_Construccion;
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 11].Value = oBj.Conjunto_Vivienda;
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 12].Value = oBj.Manzana_Lote;
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 13].Value = oBj.Distrito;

                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 14].Value = oBj.Cuenta_contrato;
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 15].Value = oBj.Secuencia_lectura;
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 16].Value = oBj.Unidad_lectura;
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 17].Value = oBj.Numero_lecturas_estimadas_consecutivas;
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 18].Value = oBj.Empresa_Lectora;

                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 19].Value = oBj.Nota_2_ubicacion_aparato;
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 20].Value = oBj.Tecnico;
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 21].Value = oBj.Secuencia;


                    oWs.Row(1).Style.Font.Bold           = true;
                    oWs.Row(1).Style.HorizontalAlignment = Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;
                    oWs.Row(1).Style.VerticalAlignment   = Style.ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

                    oWs.Column(1).Style.Font.Bold = true;

                    for (int i = 1; i <= 21; i++)


                return(_Serialize("1|" + ruta_descarga + nombreArchivo, true));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(_Serialize("0|" + ex.Message, true));
Ejemplo n.º 33
        private void CreateHeaderBillShift(ExcelWorksheet workSheet)
            workSheet.PrinterSettings.Orientation = eOrientation.Portrait;
            workSheet.PrinterSettings.PaperSize = ePaperSize.A4;

            workSheet.Cells["B2"].Value = "Накладная №";
            workSheet.Cells["B3"].Value = "Дата";
            workSheet.Cells["C3"].Style.Numberformat.Format = "dd.mm.yyyy";

            workSheet.Cells["A5"].Value = "Отправитель";
            workSheet.Cells["A6"].Value = "Получатель";

            workSheet.Cells["B2"].Style.Font.Bold = true;
            workSheet.Cells["B2"].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Right;
            workSheet.Cells["B3"].Style.Font.Bold = true;
            workSheet.Cells["B3"].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Right;
            workSheet.Cells["A5"].Style.Font.Bold = true;
            workSheet.Cells["A5"].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Right;
            workSheet.Cells["A6"].Style.Font.Bold = true;
            workSheet.Cells["A6"].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Right;

            FillHeaderSquare(workSheet.Cells["A8"], "Наименование");
            FillHeaderSquare(workSheet.Cells["B8"], "№ заказа");
            FillHeaderSquare(workSheet.Cells["C8"], "№ чертежа");
            FillHeaderSquare(workSheet.Cells["D8"], "Кол-во шт.");
            FillHeaderSquare(workSheet.Cells["E8"], "Примечание");

            workSheet.Column(1).Width = 23;
            workSheet.Column(2).Width = 11;
            workSheet.Column(3).Width = 25;
            workSheet.Column(4).Width = 7;
            workSheet.Column(5).Width = 13;

            workSheet.Cells["D2"].Style.WrapText = true;
Ejemplo n.º 34
        public string GenerarArchivoExcel_solicitud_cab(List <Solicitud_E> listDetalle, int id_usuario)
            string Res       = "";
            int    _fila     = 4;
            string FileRuta  = "";
            string FileExcel = "";

                FileRuta = System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/Archivos/Excel/" + id_usuario + "_SolicitudResguardo.xlsx");
                string rutaServer = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Archivos"];

                FileExcel = rutaServer + "Excel/" + id_usuario + "_SolicitudResguardo.xlsx";

                FileInfo _file = new FileInfo(FileRuta);
                if (_file.Exists)
                    _file = new FileInfo(FileRuta);


                using (Excel.ExcelPackage oEx = new Excel.ExcelPackage(_file))
                    Excel.ExcelWorksheet oWs = oEx.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("solicitudResguardo");
                    oWs.Cells.Style.Font.SetFromFont(new Font("Tahoma", 8));

                    oWs.Cells[1, 1].Style.Font.Size = 24;   //letra tamaño  2
                    oWs.Cells[1, 1].Value           = "SOLICITUDES DE RESGUARDO";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 1, 1, 7].Merge     = true; // combinar celdaS

                    oWs.Cells[3, 1].Value = "NRO SOLICITUD";
                    oWs.Cells[3, 2].Value = "AREA ";
                    oWs.Cells[3, 3].Value = "SOLICITANTE";
                    oWs.Cells[3, 4].Value = "JEFE CUADRILLA";

                    oWs.Cells[3, 5].Value = "FECHA ASIGNACION";
                    oWs.Cells[3, 6].Value = "CANT. EFECTIVOS";
                    oWs.Cells[3, 7].Value = "ESTADOS";

                    foreach (var item in listDetalle)
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 1].Value = item.nroSolicitud.ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 2].Value = item.descripcionArea.ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 3].Value = item.descripcionSolicitante.ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 4].Value = item.descripcionJefeCuadrilla.ToString();

                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 5].Value = item.fechaAtencion.ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 6].Value = item.cantidadEfectivos.ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 7].Value = item.descripcionEstado.ToString();


                    oWs.Row(1).Style.Font.Bold           = true;
                    oWs.Row(1).Style.HorizontalAlignment = Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;
                    oWs.Row(1).Style.VerticalAlignment   = Style.ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

                    oWs.Row(3).Style.Font.Bold           = true;
                    oWs.Row(3).Style.HorizontalAlignment = Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;
                    oWs.Row(3).Style.VerticalAlignment   = Style.ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

                    for (int k = 1; k <= 7; k++)

                Res = FileExcel;
            catch (Exception)
Ejemplo n.º 35
        private void CreateHeaderLZK(ExcelWorksheet workSheet)
            workSheet.PrinterSettings.Orientation = eOrientation.Landscape;
            workSheet.PrinterSettings.PaperSize = ePaperSize.A4;

            workSheet.Cells["B2"].Value = "Заказ ";
            workSheet.Cells["B2"].Style.Font.Size = 12;
            workSheet.Cells["B2"].Style.Font.Bold = true;

            workSheet.Cells["B3"].Value = "ЛЗК ";

            FillHeaderSquare(workSheet.Cells["A7"], "№ п/п");
            workSheet.Column(1).Width = 4;
            FillHeaderSquare(workSheet.Cells["B7"], "Профиль");
            workSheet.Column(2).Width = 18;
            FillHeaderSquare(workSheet.Cells["C7"], "Типоразмер");
            workSheet.Column(3).Width = 11;
            FillHeaderSquare(workSheet.Cells["D7"], "Марка стали");
            workSheet.Column(4).Width = 18;
            FillHeaderSquare(workSheet.Cells["E7"], "ГОСТ на сортамент");
            workSheet.Column(5).Width = 15;
            FillHeaderSquare(workSheet.Cells["F7"], "Ед. изм.");
            workSheet.Column(6).Width = 29;
            FillHeaderSquare(workSheet.Cells["G7"], "Номер плавки");
            FillHeaderSquare(workSheet.Cells["H7"], "Подп. клад.");
            FillHeaderSquare(workSheet.Cells["I7"], "Подп. маст.");
Ejemplo n.º 36
        public static void PopulateSheet(ExcelWorksheet worksheet, List<ReportColumn> columns, IList rows,
            string tableName = "Table1", TableStyles tableStyle = TableStyles.Medium2)
            if (columns == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("columns");

            if (rows == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("rows");

            Field[] fields = null;
            TypeAccessor accessor = null;

            var colCount = columns.Count;

            int endCol = colCount;
            int endRow = rows.Count + 1;

            var header = worksheet.Cells[1, 1, 1, columns.Count];
            header.LoadFromArrays(new List<object[]>
                columns.ConvertAll(x => (x.Title ?? x.Name)).ToArray()

            var dataList = new List<object[]>();
            foreach (var obj in rows)
                var data = new object[colCount];
                var row = obj as Row;
                if (row != null)
                    if (fields == null)
                        fields = new Field[colCount];
                        for (var i = 0; i < columns.Count; i++)
                            var n = columns[i].Name;
                            fields[i] = row.FindFieldByPropertyName(n) ?? row.FindField(n);
                else if (obj != null)
                    if (accessor == null)
                        accessor = TypeAccessor.Create(obj.GetType());

                for (var c = 0; c < colCount; c++)
                    if (row != null)
                        data[c] = fields[c].AsObject(row);
                    else if (obj != null)
                        data[c] = accessor[obj, columns[c].Name];


            if (rows.Count > 0)
                var dataRange = worksheet.Cells[2, 1, endRow, endCol];

            var tableRange = worksheet.Cells[1, 1, endRow, endCol];
            var table = worksheet.Tables.Add(tableRange, tableName);
            table.TableStyle = tableStyle;

            for (var i = 1; i <= endCol; i++)
                var column = columns[i - 1];
                if (!column.Format.IsEmptyOrNull())
                    worksheet.Column(i).Style.Numberformat.Format = column.Format;

            worksheet.Cells[1, 1, Math.Min(endRow, 250), endCol].AutoFitColumns(1, 100);

            for (var colNum = 1; colNum <= endCol; colNum++)
                var col = columns[colNum - 1];
                var decorator = col.Decorator;
                if (decorator != null)
                    for (var rowNum = 2; rowNum <= endRow; rowNum++)
                        var obj = rows[rowNum - 2];
                        var row = obj as Row;

                        decorator.Item = obj;
                        decorator.Name = col.Name;
                        decorator.Format = null;
                        decorator.Background = Color.Empty;
                        decorator.Foreground = Color.Empty;

                        object value;
                        if (row != null)
                            value = fields[colNum - 1].AsObject(row);
                        else if (obj != null)
                            value = accessor[obj, col.Name];

                        decorator.Value = value;

                        if (decorator.Background != Color.Empty ||
                            decorator.Foreground != Color.Empty ||
                            !Object.Equals(decorator.Value, value) ||
                            decorator.Format != null)
                            var cell = worksheet.Cells[rowNum, colNum];

                            if (decorator.Background != Color.Empty)
                                cell.Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid;

                            if (decorator.Foreground != Color.Empty)

                            if (decorator.Format != null)
                                cell.Style.Numberformat.Format = decorator.Format;

                            if (!Object.Equals(decorator.Value, value))
                                cell.Value = decorator.Value;
Ejemplo n.º 37
        private void CreateHeaderBigNorms(ExcelWorksheet workSheet)
            var cell = workSheet.Cells["A6:N6"];
            cell.Merge = true;
            cell.Value = "";
            cell.Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;

            SetStyleToAllLinesSquare(cell, ExcelBorderStyle.Thick);

            cell = workSheet.Cells["L1:N4"];
            cell.Merge = true;
            cell.Value = "<<Утверждаю>>\nИсполнительный директор\nООО \"ДетальКомплект\"\n______________ Воловиков В. А.";
            cell.Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;
            cell.Style.WrapText = true;

            FillHeaderSquare(workSheet.Cells["A7"], "№ п/п");
            workSheet.Column(1).Width = 8;

            FillHeaderSquare(workSheet.Cells["B7"], "Профиль");
            workSheet.Column(2).Width = 11;

            FillHeaderSquare(workSheet.Cells["C7"], "Типоразмер");
            workSheet.Column(3).Width = 15;

            FillHeaderSquare(workSheet.Cells["D7"], "Марка стали");
            workSheet.Column(4).Width = 25;

            FillHeaderSquare(workSheet.Cells["E7"], "ГОСТ на сортамент");
            workSheet.Column(5).Width = 25;

            FillHeaderSquare(workSheet.Cells["F7"], "Коэфф. использ.");
            workSheet.Column(6).Width = 8;

            FillHeaderSquare(workSheet.Cells["G7"], "Вес");
            workSheet.Column(7).Width = 16;

            FillHeaderSquare(workSheet.Cells["H7"], "Вес с отходом");
            workSheet.Column(8).Width = 16;

            FillHeaderSquare(workSheet.Cells["I7"], "Доп. ед. изм.");
            workSheet.Column(9).Width = 14;

            FillHeaderSquare(workSheet.Cells["J7"], "Доп. ед. изм. с отходом");
            workSheet.Column(10).Width = 14;

            FillHeaderSquare(workSheet.Cells["K7"], "Тип доп. ед. изм.");
            workSheet.Column(11).Width = 14;

            FillHeaderSquare(workSheet.Cells["L7"], "Примечание");
            workSheet.Column(12).Width = 20;

            FillHeaderSquare(workSheet.Cells["M7"], "Менеджер (сдал)");
            workSheet.Column(13).Width = 10;

            FillHeaderSquare(workSheet.Cells["N7"], "Мастер (принял)");
            workSheet.Column(14).Width = 10;
Ejemplo n.º 38
        public string DescargaExcel_New(int Local, string fechaAsignacion, int TipoServicio)
            int    _fila = 5;
            string _ruta;
            string nombreArchivo = "";
            string ruta_descarga = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Archivos"];
            var    usuario       = ((Sesion)Session["Session_Usuario_Acceso"]).usuario.usu_id;

                DataTable dt_detalles = new DataTable();

                Cls_Negocio_Export_trabajos_lectura obj_negocio = new DSIGE.Negocio.Cls_Negocio_Export_trabajos_lectura();
                dt_detalles = obj_negocio.Capa_Negocio_Get_ListaCortesReconexion_Excel(Local, fechaAsignacion, TipoServicio);

                if (dt_detalles.Rows.Count <= 0)
                    return(_Serialize("0|No hay informacion para mostrar.", true));

                if (TipoServicio == 3)
                    nombreArchivo = "CORTES_EXPORTADO" + usuario + ".xls";
                else if (TipoServicio == 4)
                    nombreArchivo = "RECONEXION_EXPORTADO" + usuario + ".xls";

                _ruta = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Temp") + "\\" + nombreArchivo);

                FileInfo _file = new FileInfo(_ruta);
                if (_file.Exists)
                    _file = new FileInfo(_ruta);

                using (Excel.ExcelPackage oEx = new Excel.ExcelPackage(_file))
                    Excel.ExcelWorksheet oWs = oEx.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Estructura");
                    oWs.Cells.Style.Font.SetFromFont(new Font("Tahoma", 8));

                    oWs.Cells[1, 1].Value                     = "ESTRUCTURA LEGALIZACIÓN MASIVA DE ORDENES DE CORTES";
                    oWs.Cells[1, 1].Style.Font.Size           = 18;   //letra tamaño
                    oWs.Cells[1, 1, 1, 31].Merge              = true; // combinar celdaS dt
                    oWs.Cells[1, 1].Style.HorizontalAlignment = Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;
                    oWs.Cells[1, 1].Style.VerticalAlignment   = Style.ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;
                    oWs.Cells[1, 1].Style.Font.Bold           = true; //Letra negrita

                    oWs.Cells[3, 5].Value                     = "Actividades";
                    oWs.Cells[3, 5].Style.Font.Size           = 10;   //letra tamaño
                    oWs.Cells[3, 5, 3, 19].Merge              = true; // combinar celdaS dt
                    oWs.Cells[3, 5].Style.HorizontalAlignment = Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;
                    oWs.Cells[3, 5].Style.VerticalAlignment   = Style.ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;
                    oWs.Cells[3, 5].Style.Font.Bold           = true; //Letra negrita

                    oWs.Cells[3, 21].Value                     = "Lecturas_Elementos";
                    oWs.Cells[3, 21].Style.Font.Size           = 10;   //letra tamaño
                    oWs.Cells[3, 21, 3, 27].Merge              = true; // combinar celdaS dt
                    oWs.Cells[3, 21].Style.HorizontalAlignment = Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;
                    oWs.Cells[3, 21].Style.VerticalAlignment   = Style.ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;
                    oWs.Cells[3, 21].Style.Font.Bold           = true; //Letra negrita

                    oWs.Cells[3, 28].Value                     = "Tipo Comentario";
                    oWs.Cells[3, 28].Style.Font.Size           = 10;   //letra tamaño
                    oWs.Cells[3, 28, 3, 29].Merge              = true; // combinar celdaS dt
                    oWs.Cells[3, 28].Style.HorizontalAlignment = Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;
                    oWs.Cells[3, 28].Style.VerticalAlignment   = Style.ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;
                    oWs.Cells[3, 28].Style.Font.Bold           = true; //Letra negrita

                    oWs.Cells[3, 30].Value                     = "Fechas Legalización";
                    oWs.Cells[3, 30].Style.Font.Size           = 10;   //letra tamaño
                    oWs.Cells[3, 30, 3, 31].Merge              = true; // combinar celdaS dt
                    oWs.Cells[3, 30].Style.HorizontalAlignment = Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;
                    oWs.Cells[3, 30].Style.VerticalAlignment   = Style.ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;
                    oWs.Cells[3, 30].Style.Font.Bold           = true; //Letra negrita

                    oWs.Cells[4, 1].Value  = "Orden";
                    oWs.Cells[4, 2].Value  = "Causal";
                    oWs.Cells[4, 3].Value  = "Personal";
                    oWs.Cells[4, 4].Value  = "Datos_Adicionales";
                    oWs.Cells[4, 5].Value  = "Or_Activity_id>";
                    oWs.Cells[4, 6].Value  = "Cant Legal;";
                    oWs.Cells[4, 7].Value  = "Nombre Atributo 1>";
                    oWs.Cells[4, 8].Value  = "Medidor>";
                    oWs.Cells[4, 9].Value  = "Id Componente>";
                    oWs.Cells[4, 10].Value = "Sello1=";

                    oWs.Cells[4, 11].Value = "Codigo Ubicación Sello=";
                    oWs.Cells[4, 12].Value = "Acción=";
                    oWs.Cells[4, 13].Value = "Manipulado S/N=";
                    oWs.Cells[4, 14].Value = "Medidor!";
                    oWs.Cells[4, 15].Value = "Sello2=";

                    oWs.Cells[4, 16].Value = "Ubicación=";
                    oWs.Cells[4, 17].Value = "Acción=";
                    oWs.Cells[4, 18].Value = "Manipulado S/N=";
                    oWs.Cells[4, 19].Value = "Medidor;;;";
                    oWs.Cells[4, 20].Value = "Items_Elementos";

                    oWs.Cells[4, 21].Value = "Medidor;";
                    oWs.Cells[4, 22].Value = "Consumo=";
                    oWs.Cells[4, 23].Value = "Lectura=";
                    oWs.Cells[4, 24].Value = "Causa=";
                    oWs.Cells[4, 25].Value = "Observación1=";

                    oWs.Cells[4, 26].Value = "Observación2=";
                    oWs.Cells[4, 27].Value = "Observación3";
                    oWs.Cells[4, 28].Value = "Código Comentario;";
                    oWs.Cells[4, 29].Value = "Comentario";
                    oWs.Cells[4, 30].Value = "Fecha Ini Ejec;";

                    oWs.Cells[4, 31].Value = "Fecha Fin Ejec";

                    int acu = 0;
                    foreach (DataRow oBj in dt_detalles.Rows)
                        acu = acu + 1;
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 1].Value  = oBj["Orden"].ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 2].Value  = oBj["Causal"].ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 3].Value  = oBj["Personal"].ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 4].Value  = oBj["Datos_Adicionales"].ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 5].Value  = oBj["Or_Activity_id"].ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 6].Value  = oBj["CantLegal"].ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 7].Value  = oBj["NombreAtributo1"].ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 8].Value  = oBj["Medidor1"].ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 9].Value  = oBj["IdComponente"].ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 10].Value = oBj["Sello1"].ToString();

                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 11].Value = oBj["CodigoUbicacionSello"].ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 12].Value = oBj["Accion1"].ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 13].Value = oBj["ManipuladoS_N1"].ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 14].Value = oBj["Medidor2"].ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 15].Value = oBj["Sello2"].ToString();

                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 16].Value = oBj["Ubicacion"].ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 17].Value = oBj["Accion2"].ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 18].Value = oBj["ManipuladoS_N2"].ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 19].Value = oBj["Medidor3"].ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 20].Value = oBj["Items_Elementos"].ToString();

                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 21].Value = oBj["Medidor4"].ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 22].Value = oBj["Consumo"].ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 23].Value = oBj["Lectura"].ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 24].Value = oBj["Causa"].ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 25].Value = oBj["Observacion1"].ToString();

                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 26].Value = oBj["Observacion2"].ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 27].Value = oBj["Observacion3"].ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 28].Value = oBj["CodigoComentario"].ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 29].Value = oBj["Comentario"].ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 30].Value = oBj["FechaIniEjec"].ToString();
                        oWs.Cells[_fila, 31].Value = oBj["FechaFinEjec"].ToString();


                    oWs.Row(4).Style.Font.Bold           = true;
                    oWs.Row(4).Style.HorizontalAlignment = Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;
                    oWs.Row(4).Style.VerticalAlignment   = Style.ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

                    for (int i = 1; i <= 31; i++)

                return(_Serialize("1|" + ruta_descarga + nombreArchivo, true));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(_Serialize("0|" + ex.Message, true));
Ejemplo n.º 39
        private void CreateHeaderPassport(ExcelWorksheet ws, List<TechOperation> techOperations)

            for (var i = 0; i < techOperations.Count; i++)
                var colNumInt = CountFixedField + i;
                FillHeaderSquare(ws.Cells[3, colNumInt], techOperations[i].ShortName);

                ws.Column(colNumInt).Width = 3;

            ws.Cells["A2:Q2"].Merge = false;

            var cell = ws.Cells[2, 1, 2, CountFixedField + techOperations.Count - 1];
            cell.Merge = true;
            cell.Value = "";
            SetStyleToAllLinesSquare(cell, ExcelBorderStyle.Thick);
Ejemplo n.º 40
 internal ExcelColumn Clone(ExcelWorksheet added, int col)
     ExcelColumn newCol = added.Column(col);
         newCol.ColumnMax = ColumnMax;
         newCol.BestFit = BestFit;
         newCol.Collapsed = Collapsed;
         newCol.OutlineLevel = OutlineLevel;
         newCol.PageBreak = PageBreak;
         newCol.Phonetic = Phonetic;
         newCol._styleName = _styleName;
         newCol.StyleID = StyleID;
         newCol.Width = Width;
         newCol.Hidden = Hidden;
         return newCol;
Ejemplo n.º 41
        private void SetStyleAddress(StyleBase sender, Style.StyleChangeEventArgs e, ExcelAddressBase address, ExcelWorksheet ws, ref Dictionary <int, int> styleCashe)
            if (address.Start.Column == 0 || address.Start.Row == 0)
                throw (new Exception("error address"));
            else if (address.Start.Row == 1 && address.End.Row == ExcelPackage.MaxRows)
                ExcelColumn column;
                int         col = address.Start.Column, row = 0;
                bool        isNew;
                //Get the startcolumn
                object o = null;
                if (!ws.ExistsValueInner(0, address.Start.Column, ref o))
                    column = ws.Column(address.Start.Column);
                    isNew  = true;
                    //column = (ExcelColumn)ws.GetValueInner(0, address.Start.Column);
                    column = (ExcelColumn)o;
                    isNew  = false;
                var prevColumMax = column.ColumnMax;
                while (column.ColumnMin <= address.End.Column)
                    if (column.ColumnMin > prevColumMax + 1)
                        var newColumn = ws.Column(prevColumMax + 1);
                        newColumn.ColumnMax = column.ColumnMin - 1;
                        AddNewStyleColumn(sender, e, ws, styleCashe, newColumn, newColumn.StyleID);
                    if (column.ColumnMax > address.End.Column)
                        var newCol = ws.CopyColumn(column, address.End.Column + 1, column.ColumnMax);
                        column.ColumnMax = address.End.Column;
                    var s = ws.GetStyleInner(0, column.ColumnMin);
                    AddNewStyleColumn(sender, e, ws, styleCashe, column, s);

                    prevColumMax = column.ColumnMax;
                    if (!ws._values.NextCell(ref row, ref col) || row > 0)
                        if (column._columnMax == address.End.Column)

                        if (isNew)
                            column._columnMax = address.End.Column;
                            var newColumn = ws.Column(column._columnMax + 1);
                            newColumn.ColumnMax = address.End.Column;
                            AddNewStyleColumn(sender, e, ws, styleCashe, newColumn, newColumn.StyleID);
                        column = (ws.GetValueInner(0, col) as ExcelColumn);

                if (column._columnMax < address.End.Column)
                    var newCol = ws.Column(column._columnMax + 1) as ExcelColumn;
                    newCol._columnMax = address.End.Column;

                    var s = ws.GetStyleInner(0, column.ColumnMin);
                    if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(s))
                        ws.SetStyleInner(0, column.ColumnMin, styleCashe[s]);
                        ExcelXfs st    = CellXfs[s];
                        int      newId = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                        styleCashe.Add(s, newId);
                        ws.SetStyleInner(0, column.ColumnMin, newId);

                    column._columnMax = address.End.Column;

                //Set for individual cells in the span. We loop all cells here since the cells are sorted with columns first.
                var cse = new CellsStoreEnumerator <ExcelCoreValue>(ws._values, 1, address._fromCol, address._toRow, address._toCol);
                while (cse.Next())
                    if (cse.Column >= address.Start.Column &&
                        cse.Column <= address.End.Column &&
                        cse.Value._styleId != 0)
                        if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(cse.Value._styleId))
                            ws.SetStyleInner(cse.Row, cse.Column, styleCashe[cse.Value._styleId]);
                            ExcelXfs st    = CellXfs[cse.Value._styleId];
                            int      newId = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                            styleCashe.Add(cse.Value._styleId, newId);
                            ws.SetStyleInner(cse.Row, cse.Column, newId);

                if (!(address._fromCol == 1 && address._toCol == ExcelPackage.MaxColumns))
                    //Update cells with styled columns
                    cse = new CellsStoreEnumerator <ExcelCoreValue>(ws._values, 1, 0, address._toRow, 0);
                    while (cse.Next())
                        if (cse.Value._styleId == 0)
                        for (int c = address._fromRow; c <= address._toCol; c++)
                            if (!ws.ExistsStyleInner(cse.Row, c))
                                if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(cse.Value._styleId))
                                    ws.SetStyleInner(cse.Row, c, styleCashe[cse.Value._styleId]);
                                    ExcelXfs st    = CellXfs[cse.Value._styleId];
                                    int      newId = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                                    styleCashe.Add(cse.Value._styleId, newId);
                                    ws.SetStyleInner(cse.Row, c, newId);

            else if (address.Start.Column == 1 && address.End.Column == ExcelPackage.MaxColumns)
                for (int rowNum = address.Start.Row; rowNum <= address.End.Row; rowNum++)
                    var s = ws.GetStyleInner(rowNum, 0);
                    if (s == 0)
                        //iterate all columns and set the row to the style of the last column
                        var cse = new CellsStoreEnumerator <ExcelCoreValue>(ws._values, 0, 1, 0, ExcelPackage.MaxColumns);
                        while (cse.Next())
                            s = cse.Value._styleId;
                            if (s == 0)
                            var c = ws.GetValueInner(cse.Row, cse.Column) as ExcelColumn;
                            if (c != null && c.ColumnMax < ExcelPackage.MaxColumns)
                                for (int col = c.ColumnMin; col < c.ColumnMax; col++)
                                    if (!ws.ExistsStyleInner(rowNum, col))
                                        ws.SetStyleInner(rowNum, col, s);
                        ws.SetStyleInner(rowNum, 0, s);
                    if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(s))
                        ws.SetStyleInner(rowNum, 0, styleCashe[s]);
                        ExcelXfs st    = CellXfs[s];
                        int      newId = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                        styleCashe.Add(s, newId);
                        ws.SetStyleInner(rowNum, 0, newId);

                //Update individual cells
                var cse2 = new CellsStoreEnumerator <ExcelCoreValue>(ws._values, address._fromRow, address._fromCol, address._toRow, address._toCol);
                while (cse2.Next())
                    var s = cse2.Value._styleId;
                    if (s == 0)
                    if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(s))
                        ws.SetStyleInner(cse2.Row, cse2.Column, styleCashe[s]);
                        ExcelXfs st    = CellXfs[s];
                        int      newId = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                        styleCashe.Add(s, newId);
                        ws.SetStyleInner(cse2.Row, cse2.Column, newId);

                //Update cells with styled rows
                cse2 = new CellsStoreEnumerator <ExcelCoreValue>(ws._values, 0, 1, 0, address._toCol);
                while (cse2.Next())
                    if (cse2.Value._styleId == 0)
                    for (int r = address._fromRow; r <= address._toRow; r++)
                        if (!ws.ExistsStyleInner(r, cse2.Column))
                            var s = cse2.Value._styleId;
                            if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(s))
                                ws.SetStyleInner(r, cse2.Column, styleCashe[s]);
                                ExcelXfs st    = CellXfs[s];
                                int      newId = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                                styleCashe.Add(s, newId);
                                ws.SetStyleInner(r, cse2.Column, newId);
            else             //Cellrange
                var tmpCache = styleCashe;
                var rowCache = new Dictionary <int, int>(address.End.Row - address.Start.Row + 1);
                var colCache = new Dictionary <int, ExcelCoreValue>(address.End.Column - address.Start.Column + 1);
                ws._values.SetRangeValueSpecial(address.Start.Row, address.Start.Column, address.End.Row, address.End.Column,
                                                (List <ExcelCoreValue> list, int index, int row, int column, object args) =>
                    // Optimized GetStyleID
                    var s = list[index]._styleId;
                    if (s == 0 && !ws.ExistsStyleInner(row, 0, ref s))
                        // get row styleId with cache
                        if (!rowCache.ContainsKey(row))
                            rowCache.Add(row, ws._values.GetValue(row, 0)._styleId);
                        s = rowCache[row];
                        if (s == 0)
                            // get column styleId with cache
                            if (!colCache.ContainsKey(column))
                                colCache.Add(column, ws._values.GetValue(0, column));
                            s = colCache[column]._styleId;
                            if (s == 0)
                                int r = 0, c = column;
                                if (ws._values.PrevCell(ref r, ref c))
                                    //var val = ws._values.GetValue(0, c);
                                    if (!colCache.ContainsKey(c))
                                        colCache.Add(c, ws._values.GetValue(0, c));
                                    var val    = colCache[c];
                                    var colObj = (ExcelColumn)(val._value);
                                    if (colObj != null && colObj.ColumnMax >= column)     //Fixes issue 15174
                                        s = val._styleId;

                    if (tmpCache.ContainsKey(s))
                        //ws.SetStyleInner(row, column, tmpCache[s]);
                        list[index] = new ExcelCoreValue {
                            _value = list[index]._value, _styleId = tmpCache[s]
                        ExcelXfs st = CellXfs[s];
                        int newId   = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                        tmpCache.Add(s, newId);
                        //ws.SetStyleInner(row, column, newId);
                        list[index] = new ExcelCoreValue {
                            _value = list[index]._value, _styleId = newId
Ejemplo n.º 42
 private int SetColumnWidth(ExcelWorksheet reportSheet, int columnId, double width)
     reportSheet.Column(columnId).Width = ExcelExt.GetTrueColumnWidth(width);
     return columnId + 1;
Ejemplo n.º 43
        private ExcelWorksheet PerformFinalFormatting(ExcelWorksheet sheet)
            sheet.HeaderFooter.differentOddEven = false;
            sheet.HeaderFooter.OddHeader.LeftAlignedText = "Virginia Tech Meeting Report: " + UnitName +
                " " + TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeBySystemTimeZoneId(
                    System.DateTime.Now, TimeZoneInfo.Local.Id, "Eastern Standard Time").ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy");

            sheet.HeaderFooter.OddFooter.CenteredText = 
                string.Format("Page {0} of {1}",
                    ExcelHeaderFooter.PageNumber, ExcelHeaderFooter.NumberOfPages);

            sheet.PrinterSettings.Orientation = eOrientation.Landscape;
            sheet.PrinterSettings.FitToPage = true;
            sheet.PrinterSettings.FitToWidth = 1;
            sheet.PrinterSettings.FitToHeight = 0;
            sheet.PrinterSettings.TopMargin = 0.75M;
            sheet.PrinterSettings.BottomMargin = 0.75M;
            sheet.PrinterSettings.RightMargin = 0.25M;
            sheet.PrinterSettings.LeftMargin = 0.25M;
            sheet.PrinterSettings.RepeatRows = sheet.Cells["1:1"];

            ExcelRange range_numberFormatting =
                sheet.Cells[1, 5, Row, 6];
            ExcelRange range_specialNumberFormatting =
                sheet.Cells[1, 8, Row, 8];
            ExcelRange range_newTotalNumberFormatting =
                sheet.Cells[1, 9, Row, 9];

            ExcelRange range_percentFormatting =
                sheet.Cells[1, 10, Row, 10];
            ExcelRange range_meritPercentFormatting =
                sheet.Cells[1, 7, Row, 7];

            ExcelRange range_comments =
                sheet.Cells[1, 11, Row, 11];
            //Cell styling
            range_comments.Style.WrapText = true;
            sheet.Cells[1, 1, Row, 1].Style.WrapText = true;
            sheet.Cells[1, 2, Row, 2].Style.WrapText = true;

            var numberFormat = "_($#,##0_);_($(#,##0);_($\"0\"_);_(@_)";
            range_numberFormatting.Style.Numberformat.Format = numberFormat;
            range_specialNumberFormatting.Style.Numberformat.Format = numberFormat;
            range_newTotalNumberFormatting.Style.Numberformat.Format = numberFormat;

            var percentFormat = "0.00%";
            range_percentFormatting.Style.Numberformat.Format = percentFormat;
            range_meritPercentFormatting.Style.Numberformat.Format = percentFormat;


            // Widths.
            sheet.Column(1).Width = 19.5;
            sheet.Column(2).Width = 12.5;
            sheet.Column(3).Width = 5.5;
            sheet.Column(4).Width = 3.5;
            sheet.Column(5).Width = 14;
            sheet.Column(6).Width = 9;
            sheet.Column(7).Width = 7.75;
            sheet.Column(8).Width = 9;
            sheet.Column(9).Width = 14;
            sheet.Column(10).Width = 7.75;
            sheet.Column(11).Width = 60;

            // Freeze top row.
            sheet.View.FreezePanes(2, 1);

            if (IsExecutive)
                sheet.Cells[1, 15, Row, 15].Style.WrapText = true;

                sheet.Cells[1, 12, Row, 12].Style.Numberformat.Format = numberFormat;
                sheet.Cells[1, 14, Row, 14].Style.Numberformat.Format = numberFormat;

                sheet.Cells[1, 13, Row, 13].Style.Numberformat.Format = percentFormat;

                sheet.Cells[1, 12, Row, 15].Style.Fill.PatternType = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelFillStyle.Solid;
                sheet.Cells[1, 12, Row, 15].Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(Color.FromArgb(169, 208, 142));

                sheet.Column(11).Width = 40;
                sheet.Column(12).Width = 9;
                sheet.Column(13).Width = 7.75;
                sheet.Column(14).Width = 9;
                sheet.Column(15).Width = 40;

                // Protection from editing data rows.
                sheet.Protection.IsProtected = true;
                sheet.Cells[1, 12, Row, 15].Style.Locked = false;

            return sheet;
Ejemplo n.º 44
        public void GetLatencyDataXLS(int PaymentCustomerId, List <int> listOfMeterIDs, DateTime StartTime, DateTime EndTime, MemoryStream ms)
            SensingDatabaseSource          Sensing     = new SensingDatabaseSource(_CustomerConfig);
            List <HistoricalSensingRecord> sensingData = Sensing.GetHistoricalVehicleSensingDataForMeters_StronglyTyped(_CustomerConfig.CustomerId, listOfMeterIDs, StartTime, EndTime, true);

            DataSet   dsSensingData = new DataSet();
            DataTable dtVSData      = new DataTable();

            dtVSData.TableName = "All";
            dtVSData.Columns.Add("MeterID", typeof(System.Int32));
            dtVSData.Columns.Add("BayID", typeof(System.Int32));
            dtVSData.Columns.Add("EventDateTime", typeof(System.DateTime));
            dtVSData.Columns.Add("RecCreationDate", typeof(System.DateTime));
            dtVSData.Columns.Add("LatencyAsSeconds", typeof(System.Int32));
            dtVSData.Columns.Add("LatencyAsHMS", typeof(System.String));
            dtVSData.Columns.Add("Occupied", typeof(System.Int32));

            Dictionary <string, VSLatency> sheetLatencies = new Dictionary <string, VSLatency>();

            foreach (HistoricalSensingRecord nextVSData in sensingData)
                DateTime RecCreationDate_ClientTimeZone = nextVSData.RecCreationDateTime;

                // DEBUG: Not really sure if the RecCreationDateTime is stored in client or server timezone...
                /*RecCreationDate_ClientTimeZone = UtilityClasses.TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeZoneToTimeZone(RecCreationDate_ClientTimeZone, _CustomerConfig.ServerTimeZone, _CustomerConfig.CustomerTimeZone);*/

                TimeSpan  latency          = RecCreationDate_ClientTimeZone - nextVSData.DateTime;
                VSLatency currSheetLatency = null;

                // Get or create latency container for All spaces
                if (sheetLatencies.ContainsKey("All"))
                    currSheetLatency = sheetLatencies["All"];
                    currSheetLatency = new VSLatency();
                    sheetLatencies.Add("All", currSheetLatency);
                // Add the latency to the list

                // Add info to the "All" table
                DataRow dr = dtVSData.NewRow();
                dr["MeterID"]          = nextVSData.MeterMappingId;
                dr["BayID"]            = nextVSData.BayId;
                dr["EventDateTime"]    = nextVSData.DateTime;
                dr["RecCreationDate"]  = RecCreationDate_ClientTimeZone;
                dr["LatencyAsSeconds"] = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Abs(latency.TotalSeconds));
                dr["LatencyAsHMS"]     = Math.Abs(latency.Hours).ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') +
                                         ":" + Math.Abs(latency.Minutes).ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') +
                                         ":" + Math.Abs(latency.Seconds).ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') +
                                         "." + Math.Abs(latency.Milliseconds).ToString();
                dr["Occupied"] = Convert.ToInt32(nextVSData.IsOccupied);

                // Then add info to a space-specific table
                DataTable dtSpaceTable = null;
                if (dsSensingData.Tables.IndexOf("Space" + nextVSData.BayId.ToString()) != -1)
                    dtSpaceTable = dsSensingData.Tables["Space" + nextVSData.BayId.ToString()];
                    dtSpaceTable           = new DataTable();
                    dtSpaceTable.TableName = "Space" + nextVSData.BayId.ToString();
                    dtSpaceTable.Columns.Add("MeterID", typeof(System.Int32));
                    dtSpaceTable.Columns.Add("BayID", typeof(System.Int32));
                    dtSpaceTable.Columns.Add("EventDateTime", typeof(System.DateTime));
                    dtSpaceTable.Columns.Add("RecCreationDate", typeof(System.DateTime));
                    dtSpaceTable.Columns.Add("LatencyAsSeconds", typeof(System.Int32));
                    dtSpaceTable.Columns.Add("LatencyAsHMS", typeof(System.String));
                    dtSpaceTable.Columns.Add("Occupied", typeof(System.Int32));

                // Get or create latency container for current space
                if (sheetLatencies.ContainsKey("Space" + nextVSData.BayId.ToString()))
                    currSheetLatency = sheetLatencies["Space" + nextVSData.BayId.ToString()];
                    currSheetLatency = new VSLatency();
                    sheetLatencies.Add("Space" + nextVSData.BayId.ToString(), currSheetLatency);
                // Add the latency to the list

                dr = dtSpaceTable.NewRow();
                dr["MeterID"]          = nextVSData.MeterMappingId;
                dr["BayID"]            = nextVSData.BayId;
                dr["EventDateTime"]    = nextVSData.DateTime;
                dr["RecCreationDate"]  = RecCreationDate_ClientTimeZone;
                dr["LatencyAsSeconds"] = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Abs(latency.TotalSeconds));
                dr["LatencyAsHMS"]     = Math.Abs(latency.Hours).ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') +
                                         ":" + Math.Abs(latency.Minutes).ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') +
                                         ":" + Math.Abs(latency.Seconds).ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') +
                                         "." + Math.Abs(latency.Milliseconds).ToString();
                dr["Occupied"] = Convert.ToInt32(nextVSData.IsOccupied);

            using (OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage pck = new OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage())
                foreach (DataTable nextTable in dsSensingData.Tables)
                    //Create the worksheet
                    OfficeOpenXml.ExcelWorksheet ws = pck.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(nextTable.TableName);

                    //Load the datatable into the sheet, starting from cell A1. Print the column names on row 1
                    ws.Cells["A1"].LoadFromDataTable(nextTable, true);

                    //Format the header for column 1-3
                    using (OfficeOpenXml.ExcelRange rng = ws.Cells[1, 1, 1, nextTable.Columns.Count /*"A1:C1"*/])
                        rng.Style.Font.Bold        = true;
                        rng.Style.Fill.PatternType = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelFillStyle.Solid;                 //Set Pattern for the background to Solid
                        rng.Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(79, 129, 189));  //Set color to dark blue

                    //Example how to Format Column 1 as numeric
                    using (OfficeOpenXml.ExcelRange col = ws.Cells[2, 1, 2 + nextTable.Rows.Count, 1])
                        col.Style.Numberformat.Format = "########0";
                        col.Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Right;

                    using (OfficeOpenXml.ExcelRange col = ws.Cells[2, 2, 2 + nextTable.Rows.Count, 2])
                        col.Style.Numberformat.Format = "########0";
                        col.Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Right;

                    ws.Column(3).Width = 20;
                    using (OfficeOpenXml.ExcelRange col = ws.Cells[2, 3, 2 + nextTable.Rows.Count, 3])
                        col.Style.Numberformat.Format = "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt";
                        col.Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Right;

                    ws.Column(4).Width = 20;
                    using (OfficeOpenXml.ExcelRange col = ws.Cells[2, 4, 2 + nextTable.Rows.Count, 4])
                        col.Style.Numberformat.Format = "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt";
                        col.Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Right;

                    ws.Column(5).Width = 20;

                    ws.Column(6).Width = 28;

                    // Now lets add aggregate data at the end of the sheet
                    if (sheetLatencies.ContainsKey(nextTable.TableName))
                        VSLatency currSheetLatenies = sheetLatencies[nextTable.TableName];
                        if (currSheetLatenies != null)
                            int colCount = nextTable.Columns.Count;
                            int rowCount = nextTable.Rows.Count;

                            // Average Latency
                            // Set cell value, then merge cells on same row
                            string cellValue = "Average Latency:    " + currSheetLatenies.GetAverageLatency().ToString() + " seconds";
                            ws.Cells[rowCount + 3, 1].Value = cellValue;
                            ws.Cells[rowCount + 3, 1, rowCount + 3, colCount].Merge                     = true;                                              //Merge columns start and end range
                            ws.Cells[rowCount + 3, 1, rowCount + 3, colCount].Style.Font.Bold           = true;                                              //Font should be bold
                            ws.Cells[rowCount + 3, 1, rowCount + 3, colCount].Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left; // Aligmnet is center

                            // Minimum Latency
                            // Set cell value, then merge cells on same row
                            cellValue = "Minimum Latency:    " + currSheetLatenies.GetMinLatency().ToString() + " seconds";
                            ws.Cells[rowCount + 4, 1].Value = cellValue;
                            ws.Cells[rowCount + 4, 1, rowCount + 4, colCount].Merge                     = true;                                              //Merge columns start and end range
                            ws.Cells[rowCount + 4, 1, rowCount + 4, colCount].Style.Font.Bold           = true;                                              //Font should be bold
                            ws.Cells[rowCount + 4, 1, rowCount + 4, colCount].Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left; // Aligmnet is center

                            // Maximum Latency
                            // Set cell value, then merge cells on same row
                            cellValue = "Maximum Latency:    " + currSheetLatenies.GetMaxLatency().ToString() + " seconds";
                            ws.Cells[rowCount + 5, 1].Value = cellValue;
                            ws.Cells[rowCount + 5, 1, rowCount + 5, colCount].Merge                     = true;                                              //Merge columns start and end range
                            ws.Cells[rowCount + 5, 1, rowCount + 5, colCount].Style.Font.Bold           = true;                                              //Font should be bold
                            ws.Cells[rowCount + 5, 1, rowCount + 5, colCount].Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left; // Aligmnet is center

                byte[] bytes = pck.GetAsByteArray();
                ms.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

Ejemplo n.º 45
    private ExcelWorksheet CreateListView_XML(ExcelWorksheet worksheet,
        int row, string fieldformat, System.Drawing.Color colFromHex, int i, ExcelConfiguration conf)
        worksheet.Column(1).Width = 15;
        worksheet.Column(2).Width = 15;

        worksheet.Cells["A1"].Value = "TableName";
        worksheet.Cells["B1"].Value = conf.ViewList[i].TableName;
        worksheet.Cells["A2"].Value = "ViewType";
        worksheet.Cells["B2"].Value = "ListView";
        worksheet.Cells["A3"].Value = "ViewName";
        worksheet.Cells["B3"].Value = conf.ViewList[i].ViewName;
        worksheet.Cells["A4"].Value = "Title";
        worksheet.Cells["B4"].Value = conf.ViewList[i].ViewTitle;
        worksheet.Cells["A5"].Value = "Root Service URL";
        worksheet.Cells["B5"].Value = conf.ViewList[i].RootServiceUrl;
        worksheet.Cells["A6"].Value = "Order By";
        worksheet.Cells["B6"].Value = conf.ViewList[i].OrderBy;

        worksheet.Cells["A7"].Value = "Filter";
        worksheet.Cells["B7"].Value = conf.ViewList[i].IsHasFilter;
        worksheet.Cells["A8"].Value = "PageSize";
        worksheet.Cells["B8"].Value = conf.ViewList[i].PageSize;
        worksheet.Cells["A9"].Value = "EditView";
        worksheet.Cells["A10"].Value = "FilterView";
        worksheet.Cells["A11"].Value = "InputParameters";
        worksheet.Cells["A12"].Value = "FilterParameters";
        worksheet.Cells["A13"].Value = "MasterPage";

        worksheet.Cells["B9"].Value = conf.ViewList[i].EditView;
        worksheet.Cells["B10"].Value = conf.ViewList[i].FilterView;
        worksheet.Cells["B11"].Value = conf.ViewList[i].InputParameters;
        worksheet.Cells["B12"].Value = conf.ViewList[i].FilterParameters;
        worksheet.Cells["B13"].Value = conf.ViewList[i].MasterPage;

        worksheet.Cells["A14"].Value = "ButtonNew";
        worksheet.Cells["B14"].Value = conf.ViewList[i].IsHasNewButton;
        worksheet.Cells["C14"].Value = "Caption";
        worksheet.Cells["D14"].Value = "เพิ่ม";
        worksheet.Cells["E14"].Value = "AppearanceRules";
        worksheet.Cells["F14"].Value = "TRUE";
        worksheet.Cells["A15"].Value = "ButtonSave";
        worksheet.Cells["B15"].Value = conf.ViewList[i].IsHasSaveButton;
        worksheet.Cells["C15"].Value = "Caption";
        worksheet.Cells["D15"].Value = "บันทึก";
        worksheet.Cells["E15"].Value = "AppearanceRules";
        worksheet.Cells["F15"].Value = "FALSE";
        worksheet.Cells["A16"].Value = "ButtonDelete";
        worksheet.Cells["B16"].Value = conf.ViewList[i].IsHasDeleteButton;
        worksheet.Cells["C16"].Value = "Caption";
        worksheet.Cells["D16"].Value = "ลบ";
        worksheet.Cells["E16"].Value = "AppearanceRules";
        worksheet.Cells["F16"].Value = "TRUE";
        worksheet.Cells["A17"].Value = "SqlSelect";
        worksheet.Cells["A18"].Value = conf.ViewList[i].SQLSelect;
        worksheet.Cells["A19"].Value = "SqlUpdate";
        worksheet.Cells["A20"].Value = conf.ViewList[i].SQLUpdate;
        worksheet.Cells["F17"].Value = "SqlSelectParameter";
        worksheet.Cells["F18"].Value = conf.ViewList[i].SQLInsertParams;
        worksheet.Cells["F19"].Value = "SqlUpdateParameter";
        worksheet.Cells["F20"].Value = conf.ViewList[i].SQLUpdateParams;

        ////Add the headers
        worksheet.Cells["A21"].Value = "Caption";
        worksheet.Cells["B21"].Value = "Column";
        worksheet.Cells["C21"].Value = "Format";
        worksheet.Cells["D21"].Value = "TextAlignment";
        worksheet.Cells["E21"].Value = "IsHideResize";
        worksheet.Cells["F21"].Value = "CustomStyle";

        colFromHex = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#FFFF00");
        worksheet.Cells["A21:F21"].Style.Fill.PatternType = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelFillStyle.Solid;

        row = 22;
        for(int j=0;j<conf.ViewList[i].Items.Count;j++)
        //foreach (DataRow dr_columns in ds_columns.Tables["columns"].Rows)

            worksheet.Cells["A" + row.ToString()].Value = conf.ViewList[i].Items[j].Caption;
            worksheet.Cells["B" + row.ToString()].Value = conf.ViewList[i].Items[j].DataBinding;
            worksheet.Cells["C" + row.ToString()].Value = conf.ViewList[i].Items[j].Formats;
            //worksheet.Cells["D" + row.ToString()].Value = conf.ViewList[i].Items[j].Formats;
            //worksheet.Cells["E" + row.ToString()].Value = conf.ViewList[i].Items[j].Formats;
            //worksheet.Cells["F" + row.ToString()].Value = conf.ViewList[i].Items[j].Formats;

        worksheet.Cells["A1:F" + row.ToString()].Style.Border.Top.Style = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin;
        worksheet.Cells["A1:F" + row.ToString()].Style.Border.Right.Style = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin;
        worksheet.Cells["A1:F" + row.ToString()].Style.Border.Bottom.Style = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin;
        worksheet.Cells["A1:F" + row.ToString()].Style.Border.Left.Style = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin;
        worksheet.Cells["A1:F" + row.ToString()].Style.Font.Name = "Tahoma";
        worksheet.Cells["A1:F" + row.ToString()].Style.Font.Size = 10;

        return worksheet;
Ejemplo n.º 46
        private void SetStyleAddress(StyleBase sender, Style.StyleChangeEventArgs e, ExcelAddressBase address, ExcelWorksheet ws, ref Dictionary <int, int> styleCashe)
            if (address.Start.Column == 0 || address.Start.Row == 0)
                throw (new Exception("error address"));
            else if (address.Start.Row == 1 && address.End.Row == ExcelPackage.MaxRows)
                ExcelColumn column;
                //Get the startcolumn
                ulong colID = ExcelColumn.GetColumnID(ws.SheetID, address.Start.Column);
                if (!ws._columns.ContainsKey(colID))
                    column = ws.Column(address.Start.Column);
                    column = ws._columns[colID] as ExcelColumn;

                var index = ws._columns.IndexOf(colID);
                while (column.ColumnMin <= address.End.Column)
                    if (column.ColumnMax > address.End.Column)
                        var newCol = ws.CopyColumn(column, address.End.Column + 1, column.ColumnMax);
                        column.ColumnMax = address.End.Column;

                    if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(column.StyleID))
                        column.StyleID = styleCashe[column.StyleID];
                        ExcelXfs st    = CellXfs[column.StyleID];
                        int      newId = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                        styleCashe.Add(column.StyleID, newId);
                        column.StyleID = newId;

                    if (index >= ws._columns.Count)
                        column = (ws._columns[index] as ExcelColumn);

                if (column._columnMax < address.End.Column)
                    var newCol = ws.Column(column._columnMax + 1) as ExcelColumn;
                    newCol._columnMax = address.End.Column;

                    if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(newCol.StyleID))
                        newCol.StyleID = styleCashe[newCol.StyleID];
                        ExcelXfs st    = CellXfs[column.StyleID];
                        int      newId = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                        styleCashe.Add(newCol.StyleID, newId);
                        newCol.StyleID = newId;

                    //column._columnMax = address.End.Column;

                //Set for individual cells in the spann. We loop all cells here since the cells are sorted with columns first.
                foreach (ExcelCell cell in ws._cells)
                    if (cell.Column >= address.Start.Column &&
                        cell.Column <= address.End.Column)
                        if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(cell.StyleID))
                            cell.StyleID = styleCashe[cell.StyleID];
                            ExcelXfs st    = CellXfs[cell.StyleID];
                            int      newId = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                            styleCashe.Add(cell.StyleID, newId);
                            cell.StyleID = newId;
            else if (address.Start.Column == 1 && address.End.Column == ExcelPackage.MaxColumns)
                for (int rowNum = address.Start.Row; rowNum <= address.End.Row; rowNum++)
                    ExcelRow row = ws.Row(rowNum);
                    if (row.StyleID == 0 && ws._columns.Count > 0)
                        //TODO: We should loop all columns here and change each cell. But for now we take style of column A.
                        foreach (ExcelColumn column in ws._columns)
                            row.StyleID = column.StyleID;
                            break;  //Get the first one and break.
                    if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(row.StyleID))
                        row.StyleID = styleCashe[row.StyleID];
                        ExcelXfs st    = CellXfs[row.StyleID];
                        int      newId = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                        styleCashe.Add(row.StyleID, newId);
                        row.StyleID = newId;

                //Get Start Cell
                ulong rowID = ExcelRow.GetRowID(ws.SheetID, address.Start.Row);
                int   index = ws._cells.IndexOf(rowID);

                index = ~index;
                while (index < ws._cells.Count)
                    var cell = ws._cells[index] as ExcelCell;
                    if (cell.Row > address.End.Row)
                    if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(cell.StyleID))
                        cell.StyleID = styleCashe[cell.StyleID];
                        ExcelXfs st    = CellXfs[cell.StyleID];
                        int      newId = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                        styleCashe.Add(cell.StyleID, newId);
                        cell.StyleID = newId;
            else             //Cellrange
                for (int col = address.Start.Column; col <= address.End.Column; col++)
                    for (int row = address.Start.Row; row <= address.End.Row; row++)
                        ExcelCell cell = ws.Cell(row, col);
                        if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(cell.StyleID))
                            cell.StyleID = styleCashe[cell.StyleID];
                            ExcelXfs st    = CellXfs[cell.StyleID];
                            int      newId = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                            styleCashe.Add(cell.StyleID, newId);
                            cell.StyleID = newId;
Ejemplo n.º 47
        /// <summary>
        /// Add an attribute metadata
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="amd">Attribute metadata</param>
        /// <param name="sheet">Worksheet where to write</param>
        public void AddAttribute(AttributeMetadata amd, ExcelWorksheet sheet)
            var y = 1;

            if (!attributesHeaderAdded)
                InsertAttributeHeader(sheet, lineNumber, y);
                attributesHeaderAdded = true;

            sheet.Cells[lineNumber, y].Value = (amd.LogicalName);

            sheet.Cells[lineNumber, y].Value = (amd.SchemaName);

            var amdDisplayName = amd.DisplayName.LocalizedLabels.FirstOrDefault(l => l.LanguageCode == settings.DisplayNamesLangugageCode);
            sheet.Cells[lineNumber, y].Value = (amd.DisplayName.LocalizedLabels.Count == 0 ? "N/A" : amdDisplayName != null ? amdDisplayName.Label : "");

            if (amd.AttributeType != null) sheet.Cells[lineNumber, y].Value = (amd.AttributeType.Value.ToString());

            var amdDescription = amd.Description.LocalizedLabels.FirstOrDefault(l => l.LanguageCode == settings.DisplayNamesLangugageCode);
            sheet.Cells[lineNumber, y].Value = (amd.Description.LocalizedLabels.Count == 0 ? "N/A" : amdDescription != null ? amdDescription.Label : "");

            sheet.Cells[lineNumber, y].Value = ((amd.IsCustomAttribute != null && amd.IsCustomAttribute.Value).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

            if (settings.AddRequiredLevelInformation)
                sheet.Cells[lineNumber, y].Value = (amd.RequiredLevel.Value.ToString());

            if (settings.AddValidForAdvancedFind)
                sheet.Cells[lineNumber, y].Value = (amd.IsValidForAdvancedFind.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

            if (settings.AddAuditInformation)
                sheet.Cells[lineNumber, y].Value = (amd.IsAuditEnabled.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

            if (settings.AddFieldSecureInformation)
                sheet.Cells[lineNumber, y].Value = ((amd.IsSecured != null && amd.IsSecured.Value).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

            if (settings.AddFormLocation)
                var entity = settings.EntitiesToProceed.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Name == amd.EntityLogicalName);
                if (entity != null)
                    foreach (var form in entity.FormsDefinitions.Where(fd => entity.Forms.Contains(fd.Id) || entity.Forms.Count == 0))
                        var formName = form.GetAttributeValue<string>("name");
                        var xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();

                        var controlNode = xmlDocument.SelectSingleNode("//control[@datafieldname='" + amd.LogicalName + "']");
                        if (controlNode != null)
                            XmlNodeList sectionNodes = controlNode.SelectNodes("ancestor::section");
                            XmlNodeList headerNodes = controlNode.SelectNodes("ancestor::header");
                            XmlNodeList footerNodes = controlNode.SelectNodes("ancestor::footer");

                            if (sectionNodes.Count > 0)
                                if (sectionNodes[0].SelectSingleNode("labels/label[@languagecode='" + settings.DisplayNamesLangugageCode + "']") != null)
                                    var sectionName = sectionNodes[0].SelectSingleNode("labels/label[@languagecode='" + settings.DisplayNamesLangugageCode + "']").Attributes["description"].Value;

                                    XmlNode tabNode = sectionNodes[0].SelectNodes("ancestor::tab")[0];
                                    if (tabNode != null && tabNode.SelectSingleNode("labels/label[@languagecode='" + settings.DisplayNamesLangugageCode + "']") != null)

                                        var tabName = tabNode.SelectSingleNode("labels/label[@languagecode='" + settings.DisplayNamesLangugageCode + "']").Attributes["description"].Value;

                                        if (sheet.Cells[lineNumber, y].Value != null)
                                            sheet.Cells[lineNumber, y].Value = sheet.Cells[lineNumber, y].Value + "\r\n" + string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}", formName, tabName, sectionName);
                                            sheet.Cells[lineNumber, y].Value = string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}", formName, tabName, sectionName);
                            else if (headerNodes.Count > 0)
                                if (sheet.Cells[lineNumber, y].Value != null)
                                    sheet.Cells[lineNumber, y].Value = sheet.Cells[lineNumber, y].Value + "\r\n" + string.Format("{0}/Header", formName);
                                    sheet.Cells[lineNumber, y].Value = string.Format("{0}/Header", formName);
                            else if (footerNodes.Count > 0)
                                if (sheet.Cells[lineNumber, y].Value != null)
                                    sheet.Cells[lineNumber, y].Value = sheet.Cells[lineNumber, y].Value + "\r\n" + string.Format("{0}/Footer", formName);
                                    sheet.Cells[lineNumber, y].Value = string.Format("{0}/Footer", formName);

                sheet.Column(y).PageBreak = true;


            sheet.Column(y).PageBreak = true;

            AddAdditionalData(lineNumber, y, amd, sheet);
        void SetColumnWidth(ExcelWorksheet ws, int columnLength)
            ws.Column(1).Width = 20.0;

            for (int i = 2; i <= columnLength; i++) {
                ws.Column(i).Width = 11.0;
    protected void btnDownloadSummary_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        String ConnString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConcordConnectionString_Report"].ConnectionString;

        using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConnString))
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            using (SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter())
                using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("DownloadSummaryReport", conn))
                    command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@region", ddlRegion.SelectedValue);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlMarket.SelectedValue) && ddlMarket.SelectedValue != "-- Select --")
                        command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@market", ddlMarket.SelectedValue);
                    adapter.SelectCommand = command;

            using (MemoryStream xlFileStream = new MemoryStream())
                using (OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage xlPkg = new OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage())
                    int    xlRowCnt  = 1;
                    int    xlColCnt  = 1;
                    string sheetName = "Download Intake Summary";

                    OfficeOpenXml.ExcelWorksheet xlWrkSht1 = xlPkg.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(sheetName);
                    xlWrkSht1.Cells[xlRowCnt, xlColCnt++].Value = "Region";
                    xlWrkSht1.Cells[xlRowCnt, xlColCnt++].Value = "Market";
                    xlWrkSht1.Cells[xlRowCnt, xlColCnt++].Value = "Requestor ";
                    xlWrkSht1.Cells[xlRowCnt, xlColCnt++].Value = "Site_ID ";
                    xlWrkSht1.Cells[xlRowCnt, xlColCnt++].Value = "Status";
                    xlWrkSht1.Cells[xlRowCnt, xlColCnt++].Value = "Desktop_Analysis_Request_Date";
                    xlWrkSht1.Cells[xlRowCnt, xlColCnt++].Value = "Los_Upload_Date";
                    xlWrkSht1.Cells[xlRowCnt, xlColCnt++].Value = "Prelim_Design_Date";
                    xlWrkSht1.Cells[xlRowCnt, xlColCnt++].Value = "Final_Design_Requested_Date";

                    xlWrkSht1.Cells[xlRowCnt, xlColCnt++].Value = "Final_Design_Completed_Date";
                    xlWrkSht1.Cells[xlRowCnt, xlColCnt++].Value = "PCN_Filed_date";
                    xlWrkSht1.Cells[xlRowCnt, xlColCnt++].Value = "PCN_Cleared_Date";

                    xlWrkSht1.Cells[xlRowCnt, xlColCnt++].Value = "BOM_Sent_to_Market_Date";
                    xlWrkSht1.Cells[xlRowCnt, xlColCnt++].Value = "FCC_601_Filed_Date";

                    xlWrkSht1.SelectedRange.Style.Font.Bold        = true;
                    xlWrkSht1.SelectedRange.Style.Fill.PatternType = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelFillStyle.Solid;

                    if (dt != null)
                        for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                            xlWrkSht1.Cells[xlRowCnt, 1].Value = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["Region"]);
                            xlWrkSht1.Cells[xlRowCnt, 2].Value = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["Market"]);
                            xlWrkSht1.Cells[xlRowCnt, 3].Value = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["Requester"]);
                            xlWrkSht1.Cells[xlRowCnt, 4].Value = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["Site_ID"]);
                            xlWrkSht1.Cells[xlRowCnt, 5].Value = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["Status"]);
                            xlWrkSht1.Cells[xlRowCnt, 6].Value = ((Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["Desktop_Analysis_Request_Date"]) != null && Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["Desktop_Analysis_Request_Date"]) != "") ? Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[i]["Desktop_Analysis_Request_Date"]).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") : string.Empty);
                            xlWrkSht1.Cells[xlRowCnt, 7].Value = ((Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["Los_Upload_Date"]) != null && Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["Los_Upload_Date"]) != "") ? Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[i]["Los_Upload_Date"]).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") : string.Empty);
                            xlWrkSht1.Cells[xlRowCnt, 8].Value = ((Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["Prelim_Design_Date"]) != null && Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["Prelim_Design_Date"]) != "") ? Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[i]["Prelim_Design_Date"]).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") : string.Empty);
                            xlWrkSht1.Cells[xlRowCnt, 9].Value = ((Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["Final_Design_Requested_Date"]) != null && Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["Final_Design_Requested_Date"]) != "") ? Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[i]["Final_Design_Requested_Date"]).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") : string.Empty);

                            xlWrkSht1.Cells[xlRowCnt, 10].Value = ((Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["Final_Design_Completed_Date"]) != null && Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["Final_Design_Completed_Date"]) != "") ? Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[i]["Final_Design_Completed_Date"]).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") : string.Empty);
                            xlWrkSht1.Cells[xlRowCnt, 11].Value = ((Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["PCN_Filed_date"]) != null && Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["PCN_Filed_date"]) != "") ? Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[i]["PCN_Filed_date"]).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") : string.Empty);
                            xlWrkSht1.Cells[xlRowCnt, 12].Value = ((Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["PCN_Cleared_Date"]) != null && Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["PCN_Cleared_Date"]) != "") ? Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[i]["PCN_Cleared_Date"]).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") : string.Empty);

                            xlWrkSht1.Cells[xlRowCnt, 13].Value = ((Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["BOM_Sent_to_Market_Date"]) != null && Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["BOM_Sent_to_Market_Date"]) != "") ? Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[i]["BOM_Sent_to_Market_Date"]).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") : string.Empty);
                            xlWrkSht1.Cells[xlRowCnt, 14].Value = ((Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["FCC_601_Filed_Date"]) != null && Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["FCC_601_Filed_Date"]) != "") ? Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[i]["FCC_601_Filed_Date"]).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") : string.Empty);
                    for (int colCnt = 1; colCnt <= xlColCnt; colCnt++)
                    xlWrkSht1.Column(xlColCnt).Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;
                    xlWrkSht1.Select("A1:N" + xlRowCnt);
                    xlWrkSht1.SelectedRange.Style.Border.Top.Style    = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin;
                    xlWrkSht1.SelectedRange.Style.Border.Left.Style   = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin;
                    xlWrkSht1.SelectedRange.Style.Border.Right.Style  = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin;
                    xlWrkSht1.SelectedRange.Style.Border.Bottom.Style = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin;


                Response.Buffer      = true;
                Response.Charset     = "";
                Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet";
                Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=SqlExport.xlsx");
Ejemplo n.º 50
        private int appendnetworkCompanyToSheet(ExcelWorksheet worksheet, NetworkCompany networkCompany, int row)
            string companyName;

              if (networkCompany.Company.Name.Length > 30)
            companyName = networkCompany.Company.Name.Remove(27) + "...";
            companyName = networkCompany.Company.Name;

              var headlinesColor = Color.MediumSeaGreen;

              var inprogress = 0;
              var finished = 0;
              var total = 0;
              var saved = 0;
              var denied = 0;

            2].Value = "Kontaktinformationen";
            2].Style.Font.Bold = true;
            2].Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid;
              //worksheet.Row(row++).Height = 20;

              //worksheet.Cells[row, 6].Style.Numberformat.Format = "#,##0 [$kWh];[RED] -#,##0 [$kWh]";
              //worksheet.Cells[row, 6].Style.Numberformat.Format ="#0\\.00%";

            2].Value = networkCompany.Company.Address.Street;
            2].Value = networkCompany.Company.Address.PostalCode + " " + networkCompany.Company.Address.City;
            2].Value = networkCompany.Company.Address.Website;

            2].Value = "Ansprechpartner";
            2].Style.Font.Bold = true;
            2].Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid;
              foreach (var employee in networkCompany.Company.Employees)
              2].Value = employee.FirstName + " " + employee.LastName;
              2].Value = employee.Email;
              2].Value = employee.PhoneNumber;

              if (networkCompany.Measures.Any())
            foreach (var measure in networkCompany.Measures)
              total = measure.EnergySavings.Aggregate(total,
            (current, saving) => (int) (current + saving.Value));
              if (measure.State.Title == "abgeschlossen")
            saved = measure.EnergySavings.Aggregate(saved,
              (current, saving) => (int) (current + saving.Value));

              if (measure.State.Title == "abgelehnt")
            denied = measure.EnergySavings.Aggregate(denied,
              (current, saving) => (int) (current + saving.Value));

              if (measure.State.Title == "in Bearbeitung")

            total -= denied;

              2].Value = "Maßnahmen";
              2].Style.Font.Bold = true;
              4].Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid;
              2].Value = "Maßnahmen gesamt";
              4].Value = networkCompany.Measures.Count;

              2].Value = "in Bearbeitung";
              4].Value = inprogress;

              2].Value = "abgeschlossene Maßnahmen";
              4].Value = finished;

              2].Value = "eingesparte Energie";
              3].Value = "kWh";
              4].Value = saved;
              4].Style.Numberformat.Format = "#,##0;[RED] -#,##0";

              2].Value = "Potiential abgelehnter Maßnahmen";
              3].Value = "kWh";
              4].Value = denied;
              4].Style.Numberformat.Format = "#,##0;[RED] -#,##0";

              2].Value = "gesamt Einsparungspotiential";
              3].Value = "kWh";
              4].Value = total;
              4].Style.Numberformat.Format = "#,##0;[RED] -#,##0";

            worksheet.Cells[row - 1,
              6].Value = "verbleibendes Potential";
            worksheet.Cells[row - 1,
              8].Value = "kWh";
            worksheet.Cells[row - 1,
              9].Formula = new ExcelCellAddress(row - 1,
            4).Address + "-" + new ExcelCellAddress(row - 3,

            int chartrowStart;

            if ((row - 15) <= 0)
              chartrowStart = 1;
              chartrowStart = row - 15;

            ExcelChart chartMeasures = worksheet.Drawings.AddChart("Maßnahmen",
            chartMeasures.Title.Text = "Maßnahmenpotential";
            var data1Address = "'" + companyName + "'!" + new ExcelCellAddress(row - 1,
            var data2Address = "'" + companyName + "'!" + new ExcelCellAddress(row - 2,
            var data3Address = "'" + companyName + "'!" + new ExcelCellAddress(row - 3,
            var xAddress = "'" + companyName + "'!" + new ExcelCellAddress(row - 1,
              6).Address + "," + "'" + companyName + "'!" + new ExcelCellAddress(row - 2,
            2).Address + "," + "'" + companyName + "'!" + new ExcelCellAddress(row - 3,
            var legendAddress = new ExcelAddress("'" + companyName + "'!" + new ExcelCellAddress(row - 1,
            var seriesMeasures = chartMeasures.Series.Add(data1Address + "," + data2Address + "," + data3Address,
            seriesMeasures.HeaderAddress = legendAddress;
            chartMeasures.Style = eChartStyle.Style2;

            var effizienzstrom = new double[3000];
            var effizienzerdgas = new double[3000];
            var effizienzheizöl = new double[3000];
            var effizienzfernwärme = new double[3000];
            var effizienz = new double[3000];
            var effiemissstrom = new double[3000];
            var effiemisserdgas = new double[3000];
            var effiemissheizöl = new double[3000];
            var effiemissfernwärme = new double[3000];
            var effiemiss = new double[3000];

            var minYear = 3000;
            var maxYear = 0;

            var isEmpty = networkCompany.Surveys.Count(s => s.Readings.Count > 0) == 0;

            if (networkCompany.Surveys.Count(s => s.Readings.Count > 0) == 0)
              return row;
            foreach (var survey in networkCompany.Surveys)
              var relevantYear = true;

              foreach (var reading in survey.Readings)
            var value = reading.Value / 1000;

            effizienz[survey.Date.Year] += value;
            effiemiss[survey.Date.Year] += value * reading.EnergySource.CO2Equivalent / 1000;

            if (reading.EnergySource.Name == "electricity")
              effizienzstrom[survey.Date.Year] += value;
              effiemissstrom[survey.Date.Year] += value * reading.EnergySource.CO2Equivalent / 1000;
            if (reading.EnergySource.Name == "naturalGas")
              effizienzerdgas[survey.Date.Year] += value;
              effiemisserdgas[survey.Date.Year] += value * reading.EnergySource.CO2Equivalent / 1000;
            if (reading.EnergySource.Name == "fuelOil")
              effizienzheizöl[survey.Date.Year] += value;
              effiemissheizöl[survey.Date.Year] += value * reading.EnergySource.CO2Equivalent / 1000;
            if (reading.EnergySource.Name == "districtHeating")
              effizienzfernwärme[survey.Date.Year] += value;
              effiemissfernwärme[survey.Date.Year] += value * reading.EnergySource.CO2Equivalent / 1000;

            if (minYear > survey.Date.Year)
              minYear = survey.Date.Year;
            if (maxYear < survey.Date.Year)
              maxYear = survey.Date.Year;
            relevantYear = effizienz[survey.Date.Year] != 0;

              if ((!relevantYear) && (minYear == survey.Date.Year))
              if ((!relevantYear) && (maxYear == survey.Date.Year))

            var co2Offset = maxYear - minYear + 6;
            var rowOffset = 0;
            for (int index = minYear; index <= maxYear; index++)
              worksheet.Cells[row + 0,
            2].Value = "Energieverbrauch";
              worksheet.Cells[row + 0,
            2].Style.Font.Bold = true;
              worksheet.Cells[row + 0,
            4 + (index - minYear)].Value = index;
              worksheet.Cells[row + 0,
            4 + (index - minYear)].Style.Font.Bold = true;
              worksheet.Cells[row + 1,
            2].Value = "Strom";
              worksheet.Cells[row + 1,
            3].Value = "MWh";
              worksheet.Cells[row + 1,
            4 + (index - minYear)].Value = effizienzstrom[index];
              worksheet.Cells[row + 1,
            4 + (index - minYear)].Style.Numberformat.Format = "#,##0;[RED] -#,##0";
              worksheet.Cells[row + 2,
            2].Value = "Erdgas";
              worksheet.Cells[row + 2,
            3].Value = "MWh";
              worksheet.Cells[row + 2,
            4 + (index - minYear)].Value = effizienzerdgas[index];
              worksheet.Cells[row + 2,
            4 + (index - minYear)].Style.Numberformat.Format = "#,##0;[RED] -#,##0";
              worksheet.Cells[row + 3,
            2].Value = "Heizöl";
              worksheet.Cells[row + 3,
            3].Value = "MWh";
              worksheet.Cells[row + 3,
            4 + (index - minYear)].Value = effizienzheizöl[index];
              worksheet.Cells[row + 3,
            4 + (index - minYear)].Style.Numberformat.Format = "#,##0;[RED] -#,##0";
              worksheet.Cells[row + 4,
            2].Value = "Fernwärme";
              worksheet.Cells[row + 4,
            3].Value = "MWh";
              worksheet.Cells[row + 4,
            4 + (index - minYear)].Value = effizienzfernwärme[index];
              worksheet.Cells[row + 4,
            4 + (index - minYear)].Style.Numberformat.Format = "#,##0;[RED] -#,##0";

              worksheet.Cells[row + 0,
            (co2Offset + 2)].Value = "CO2-Emissionen";
              worksheet.Cells[row + 0,
            (co2Offset + 2)].Style.Font.Bold = true;
              worksheet.Cells[row + 0,
            (co2Offset + 4) + (index - minYear)].Value = index;
              worksheet.Cells[row + 0,
            (co2Offset + 4) + (index - minYear)].Style.Font.Bold = true;
              worksheet.Cells[row + 1,
            (co2Offset + 2)].Value = "CO2 Strom";
              worksheet.Cells[row + 1,
            (co2Offset + 3)].Value = "t";
              worksheet.Cells[row + 1,
            (co2Offset + 4) + (index - minYear)].Value = effiemissstrom[index];
              worksheet.Cells[row + 1,
            (co2Offset + 4) + (index - minYear)].Style.Numberformat.Format = "#,##0.00;[RED] -#,##0.00";
              worksheet.Cells[row + 2,
            (co2Offset + 2)].Value = "CO2 Erdgas";
              worksheet.Cells[row + 2,
            (co2Offset + 3)].Value = "t";
              worksheet.Cells[row + 2,
            (co2Offset + 4) + (index - minYear)].Value = effiemisserdgas[index];
              worksheet.Cells[row + 2,
            (co2Offset + 4) + (index - minYear)].Style.Numberformat.Format = "#,##0.00;[RED] -#,##0.00";
              worksheet.Cells[row + 3,
            (co2Offset + 2)].Value = "CO2 Heizöl";
              worksheet.Cells[row + 3,
            (co2Offset + 3)].Value = "t";
              worksheet.Cells[row + 3,
            (co2Offset + 4) + (index - minYear)].Value = effiemissheizöl[index];
              worksheet.Cells[row + 3,
            (co2Offset + 4) + (index - minYear)].Style.Numberformat.Format = "#,##0.00;[RED] -#,##0.00";
              worksheet.Cells[row + 4,
            (co2Offset + 2)].Value = "CO2 Fernwärme";
              worksheet.Cells[row + 4,
            (co2Offset + 3)].Value = "t";
              worksheet.Cells[row + 4,
            (co2Offset + 4) + (index - minYear)].Value = effiemissfernwärme[index];
              worksheet.Cells[row + 4,
            (co2Offset + 4) + (index - minYear)].Style.Numberformat.Format = "#,##0.00;[RED] -#,##0.00";
            worksheet.Cells[row + 0,
              6 + maxYear - minYear].Value = "Summe";
            worksheet.Cells[row + 0,
              6 + maxYear - minYear].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Right;
            worksheet.Cells[row + 0,
              6 + maxYear - minYear].Style.Font.Bold = true;
            worksheet.Cells[row + 0,
              6 + maxYear - minYear].Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid;
            worksheet.Cells[row + 0,
              6 + maxYear - minYear].Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(headlinesColor);
            worksheet.Cells[row + 1,
              6 + maxYear - minYear].Formula = string.Format("Sum({0})",
            new ExcelAddress(row + 1,
              row + 1,
              4 + maxYear - minYear).Address);
            worksheet.Cells[row + 1,
              6 + maxYear - minYear].Style.Font.Bold = true;
            worksheet.Cells[row + 1,
              6 + maxYear - minYear].Style.Numberformat.Format = "#,##0;[RED] -#,##0";
            worksheet.Cells[row + 2,
              6 + maxYear - minYear].Formula = string.Format("Sum({0})",
            new ExcelAddress(row + 2,
              row + 2,
              4 + maxYear - minYear).Address);
            worksheet.Cells[row + 2,
              6 + maxYear - minYear].Style.Font.Bold = true;
            worksheet.Cells[row + 2,
              6 + maxYear - minYear].Style.Numberformat.Format = "#,##0;[RED] -#,##0";
            worksheet.Cells[row + 3,
              6 + maxYear - minYear].Formula = string.Format("Sum({0})",
            new ExcelAddress(row + 3,
              row + 3,
              4 + maxYear - minYear).Address);
            worksheet.Cells[row + 3,
              6 + maxYear - minYear].Style.Font.Bold = true;
            worksheet.Cells[row + 3,
              6 + maxYear - minYear].Style.Numberformat.Format = "#,##0;[RED] -#,##0";
            worksheet.Cells[row + 4,
              6 + maxYear - minYear].Formula = string.Format("Sum({0})",
            new ExcelAddress(row + 4,
              row + 4,
              4 + maxYear - minYear).Address);
            worksheet.Cells[row + 4,
              6 + maxYear - minYear].Style.Font.Bold = true;
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              2].Value = "Summe";
              2].Style.Font.Bold = true;
              3].Value = "MWh";
              3].Style.Font.Bold = true;
              co2Offset + 2].Value = "Summe";
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              co2Offset + 3].Value = "t";
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              co2Offset + 2].Value = "CO2 Heizölanteil";
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                co2Offset + 4 + index - minYear).Address);
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            co2Offset + 4 + index - minYear].Style.Numberformat.Format = "0.00%";
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            co2Offset + 4 + index - minYear].Formula = string.Format("IF({1}<>0,Sum({0}/{1}),0)",
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                co2Offset + 4 + index - minYear).Address,
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                co2Offset + 4 + index - minYear).Address);
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            co2Offset + 4 + index - minYear].Style.Numberformat.Format = "0.00%";

            ExcelChart chartOverview = worksheet.Drawings.AddChart("Entwicklung der Energieeffizienz",
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            int chartrowStart;
            int chartrowOffset;
            int chartpixelOffset;
            int chartsizeDelta;
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            (4 + co2Offset + maxYear - minYear)).Address;
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            row - 6,
            (4 + maxYear - minYear)).Address;
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              series2Overview.HeaderAddress = new ExcelAddress("'" + companyName + "'!" + new ExcelCellAddress((row + 18),
            co2Offset + 2).Address);
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            ExcelChart chartEnergieVerbrauch = worksheet.Drawings.AddChart("Energieverbrauch",
            chartEnergieVerbrauch.Title.Text = "Energieverbrauch";
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            for (int index = 0; index < 4; index++)
              var dataAddress = new ExcelAddress((row - 5 + index),
            (row - 5 + index),
            (4 + maxYear - minYear)).Address;
              var xAddress = new ExcelAddress(row - 6,
            row - 6,
            (4 + maxYear - minYear)).Address;
              var legendAddress = new ExcelAddress("'" + companyName + "'!" + new ExcelCellAddress((row - 5 + index),
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              seriesEnergieVerbrauch.HeaderAddress = legendAddress;
            chartEnergieVerbrauch.Style = eChartStyle.Style2;
            chartEnergieVerbrauch.YAxis.Format = "#,##0 [$kWh];[RED] -#,##0 [$kWh]";

            ExcelChart chartEmission = worksheet.Drawings.AddChart("CO2-Emissionen",
            chartEmission.Title.Text = "CO2-Emissionen";
              1 + co2Offset,
            chartEmission.SetSize(305 + (40 * (maxYear - minYear)),
            for (int index = 0; index < 4; index++)
              var dataAddress = new ExcelAddress((row - 5 + index),
            4 + co2Offset,
            (row - 5 + index),
            (4 + co2Offset + maxYear - minYear)).Address;
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              var legendAddress = new ExcelAddress("'" + companyName + "'!" + new ExcelCellAddress((row - 5 + index),
            2 + co2Offset).Address);
              var seriesEmission = chartEmission.Series.Add(dataAddress,
              seriesEmission.HeaderAddress = legendAddress;
            chartEmission.Style = eChartStyle.Style2;
            chartEmission.YAxis.Format = "#,##0 [$t];[RED] -#,##0 [$t]";

            ExcelChart chartEnergieEntwicklung = worksheet.Drawings.AddChart("Energieffizienzentwicklung",
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            chartEnergieEntwicklung.SetSize(305 + (40 * (maxYear - minYear)),
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            (row + 24 - 5 + index),
            (4 + maxYear - minYear)).Address;
              var xAddress = new ExcelAddress(row - 6,
            row - 6,
            (4 + maxYear - minYear)).Address;
              var legendAddress = new ExcelAddress("'" + companyName + "'!" + new ExcelCellAddress((row + 24 - 5 + index),
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              seriesEnergieEntwicklung.HeaderAddress = legendAddress;
            chartEnergieEntwicklung.Style = eChartStyle.Style2;

            ExcelChart chartCO2entwicklung = worksheet.Drawings.AddChart("CO2-Emissionenentwicklung",
            chartCO2entwicklung.Title.Text = "CO2-Entwicklung";
            chartCO2entwicklung.SetPosition(row + 24,
              1 + co2Offset,
            chartCO2entwicklung.SetSize(305 + (40 * (maxYear - minYear)),
            for (int index = 0; index < 4; index++)
              var dataAddress = new ExcelAddress((row + 24 - 5 + index),
            4 + co2Offset,
            (row + 24 - 5 + index),
            (4 + co2Offset + maxYear - minYear)).Address;
              var xAddress = new ExcelAddress(row - 6,
            4 + co2Offset,
            row - 6,
            (4 + co2Offset + maxYear - minYear)).Address;
              var legendAddress = new ExcelAddress("'" + companyName + "'!" + new ExcelCellAddress((row + 24 - 5 + index),
            2 + co2Offset).Address);
              var seriesCO2entwicklung = chartCO2entwicklung.Series.Add(dataAddress,
              seriesCO2entwicklung.HeaderAddress = legendAddress;
            chartCO2entwicklung.Style = eChartStyle.Style2;

            row += 47;

            ExcelChart chartAnteilGesamt = worksheet.Drawings.AddChart("Anteile am Gesamtenergieverbrauch",
            chartAnteilGesamt.Title.Text = "Anteile am Gesamtenergieverbrauch";
            //chartAnteilGesamt.Legend.Position = eLegendPosition.Right;
            chartAnteilGesamt.SetSize(305 + (40 * (maxYear - minYear)),
            for (int index = 0; index < 4; index++)
              var dataAddress = new ExcelAddress((row - 4 + index),
            (row - 4 + index),
            (4 + maxYear - minYear)).Address;
              var xAddress = new ExcelAddress(row - 53,
            row - 53,
            (4 + maxYear - minYear)).Address;
              var legendAddress = new ExcelAddress("'" + companyName + "'!" + new ExcelCellAddress((row - 4 + index),
              var seriesAnteilGesamt = chartAnteilGesamt.Series.Add(dataAddress,
              seriesAnteilGesamt.HeaderAddress = legendAddress;
            //chart.DataLabel.ShowCategory = true;
            //chart.DataLabel.ShowPercent = true;
            //chart.DataLabel.ShowLeaderLines = true;
            chartAnteilGesamt.Style = eChartStyle.Style2;
            //chartAnteilGesamt.YAxis.Format = "#,##0 [$kWh];[RED] -#,##0 [$kWh]";

            ExcelChart chartAnteilGesEmis = worksheet.Drawings.AddChart("Anteile an den CO2-Emissionen",
            chartAnteilGesEmis.Title.Text = "Anteile an den CO2-Emissionen";
              1 + co2Offset,
            chartAnteilGesEmis.SetSize(305 + (40 * (maxYear - minYear)),
            for (int index = 0; index < 4; index++)
              var dataAddress = new ExcelAddress((row - 4 + index),
            4 + co2Offset,
            (row - 4 + index),
            (4 + co2Offset + maxYear - minYear)).Address;
              var xAddress = new ExcelAddress(row - 53,
            4 + co2Offset,
            row - 53,
            (4 + co2Offset + maxYear - minYear)).Address;
              var legendAddress = new ExcelAddress("'" + companyName + "'!" + new ExcelCellAddress((row - 4 + index),
            2 + co2Offset).Address);
              var seriesAnteilGesEmis = chartAnteilGesEmis.Series.Add(dataAddress,
              seriesAnteilGesEmis.HeaderAddress = legendAddress;
            chartAnteilGesEmis.Style = eChartStyle.Style2;

            var pieChartsEnergyperYear = new ExcelChart[maxYear - minYear + 1];
            var pieChartsCO2perYear = new ExcelChart[maxYear - minYear + 1];

            for (int index = 0; index <= (maxYear - minYear); index++)
            pieChartsEnergyperYear[index] = worksheet.Drawings.AddChart(("Energieverbrauchsanteile in " + (minYear + index)),
            pieChartsEnergyperYear[index].Title.Text = "Energieverbrauchsanteile in " + (minYear + index);
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              4 + index,
              row - 1,
              4 + index).Address;
            var xAddress = new ExcelAddress(row - 4,
              row - 1,
            var legendAddress = new ExcelAddress("'" + companyName + "'!" + new ExcelCellAddress(row - 5,
            var seriespieChartEnergy = pieChartsEnergyperYear[index].Series.Add(dataAddress,
            seriespieChartEnergy.HeaderAddress = legendAddress;
            pieChartsCO2perYear[index] = worksheet.Drawings.AddChart(("CO2-Emissionsanteile in " + (minYear + index)),
            pieChartsCO2perYear[index].Title.Text = "CO2-Emissionsanteile in " + (minYear + index);
            pieChartsCO2perYear[index].SetPosition(row + 17 + (17 * index),
              co2Offset + 1,
            pieChartsCO2perYear[index].SetSize(305 + (40 * (maxYear - minYear)),
            var dataAddress = new ExcelAddress(row - 4,
              co2Offset + 4 + index,
              row - 1,
              co2Offset + 4 + index).Address;
            var xAddress = new ExcelAddress(row - 4,
              co2Offset + 2,
              row - 1,
              co2Offset + 2).Address;
            var legendAddress = new ExcelAddress("'" + companyName + "'!" + new ExcelCellAddress(row - 5,
              co2Offset + 2).Address);
            var seriespieChartCO2 = pieChartsCO2perYear[index].Series.Add(dataAddress,
            seriespieChartCO2.HeaderAddress = legendAddress;

              Width = 8.43;
              Width = 33.57;
              Width = 7.43;
            for (int index = 0; index <= (maxYear - minYear); index++)
              worksheet.Column(4 + index).
            Width = 10;
            worksheet.Column(5 + maxYear - minYear).
              Width = 0.83;
            worksheet.Column(6 + maxYear - minYear).
              Width = 9.29;

            worksheet.Column(co2Offset + 1).
              Width = 8.43;
            worksheet.Column(co2Offset + 2).
              Width = 16.43;
            worksheet.Column(co2Offset + 3).
              Width = 6.43;
            for (int index = 0; index <= (maxYear - minYear); index++)
              worksheet.Column(co2Offset + 4 + index).
            Width = 10;
            worksheet.Column(co2Offset + 5 + maxYear - minYear).
              Width = 0.83;
            worksheet.Column(co2Offset + 6 + maxYear - minYear).
              Width = 10;

            row += 17;

            return (row);
Ejemplo n.º 51
        private void SetStyleAddress(StyleBase sender, Style.StyleChangeEventArgs e, ExcelAddressBase address, ExcelWorksheet ws, ref Dictionary<int, int> styleCashe)
            if (address.Start.Column == 0 || address.Start.Row == 0)
                throw (new Exception("error address"));
            else if (address.Start.Row == 1 && address.End.Row == ExcelPackage.MaxRows)
                ExcelColumn column;
                int col = address.Start.Column, row = 0;
                //Get the startcolumn
                //ulong colID = ExcelColumn.GetColumnID(ws.SheetID, address.Start.Column);
                if (!ws._values.Exists(0, address.Start.Column))
                    column = ws.Column(address.Start.Column);
                    column = ws._values.GetValue(0, address.Start.Column) as ExcelColumn;

                //var index = ws._columns.IndexOf(colID);
                while (column.ColumnMin <= address.End.Column)
                    if (column.ColumnMax > address.End.Column)
                        var newCol = ws.CopyColumn(column, address.End.Column + 1, column.ColumnMax);
                        column.ColumnMax = address.End.Column;
                    var s = ws._styles.GetValue(0, column.ColumnMin);
                    if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(s))
                        //column.StyleID = styleCashe[s];
                        ws._styles.SetValue(0, column.ColumnMin, styleCashe[s]);
                        ws.SetStyle(0, column.ColumnMin, styleCashe[s]);
                        ExcelXfs st = CellXfs[s];
                        int newId = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                        styleCashe.Add(s, newId);
                        //column.StyleID = newId;
                        ws.SetStyle(0, column.ColumnMin, newId);


                    if (!ws._values.NextCell(ref row, ref col) || row > 0)
                        column._columnMax = address.End.Column;
                        column = (ws._values.GetValue(0, col) as ExcelColumn);

                if (column._columnMax < address.End.Column)
                    var newCol = ws.Column(column._columnMax + 1) as ExcelColumn;
                    newCol._columnMax = address.End.Column;

                    var s = ws._styles.GetValue(0, column.ColumnMin);
                    if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(s))
                        //newCol.StyleID = styleCashe[s];
                        //ws._styles.SetValue(0, column.ColumnMin, styleCashe[s]);
                        ws.SetStyle(0, column.ColumnMin, styleCashe[s]);
                        ExcelXfs st = CellXfs[s];
                        int newId = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                        styleCashe.Add(s, newId);
                        //newCol.StyleID = newId;
                        ws.SetStyle(0, column.ColumnMin, newId);

                    column._columnMax = address.End.Column;

                //Set for individual cells in the span. We loop all cells here since the cells are sorted with columns first.
                var cse = new CellsStoreEnumerator<int>(ws._styles, address._fromRow, address._fromCol, address._toRow, address._toCol);
                while (cse.Next())
                    if (cse.Column >= address.Start.Column &&
                        cse.Column <= address.End.Column)
                        if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(cse.Value))
                            ws.SetStyle(cse.Row, cse.Column, styleCashe[cse.Value]);
                            ExcelXfs st = CellXfs[cse.Value];
                            int newId = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                            styleCashe.Add(cse.Value, newId);
                            //cse.Value = newId;
                            ws.SetStyle(cse.Row, cse.Column, newId);
            else if (address.Start.Column == 1 && address.End.Column == ExcelPackage.MaxColumns)
                for (int rowNum = address.Start.Row; rowNum <= address.End.Row; rowNum++)
                    //ExcelRow row = ws.Row(rowNum);
                    var s = ws._styles.GetValue(rowNum, 0);
                    if (s == 0)
                        //iteratte all columns and set the row to the style of the last column
                        var cse = new CellsStoreEnumerator<int>(ws._styles, 0, 1, 0, ExcelPackage.MaxColumns);
                        while (cse.Next())
                            s = cse.Value;
                            var c = ws._values.GetValue(cse.Row, cse.Column) as ExcelColumn;
                            if (c != null && c.ColumnMax < ExcelPackage.MaxColumns)
                                for (int col = c.ColumnMin; col < c.ColumnMax; col++)
                                    if (!ws._styles.Exists(rowNum, col))
                                        ws._styles.SetValue(rowNum, col, s);
                        ws.SetStyle(rowNum, 0, s);
                    if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(s))
                        ws.SetStyle(rowNum, 0, styleCashe[s]);
                        //row.StyleID = styleCashe[s];
                        ExcelXfs st = CellXfs[s];
                        int newId = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                        styleCashe.Add(s, newId);
                        ws._styles.SetValue(rowNum, 0, newId);
                        ws.SetStyle(rowNum, 0, newId);

                //Get Start Cell
                //ulong rowID = ExcelRow.GetRowID(ws.SheetID, address.Start.Row);
                //int index = ws._cells.IndexOf(rowID);

                //index = ~index;
                var cse2 = new CellsStoreEnumerator<int>(ws._styles, address._fromRow, address._fromCol, address._toRow, address._toCol);
                //while (index < ws._cells.Count)
                while (cse2.Next())
                    //var cell = ws._cells[index] as ExcelCell;
                    //if(cell.Row > address.End.Row)
                    //    break;
                    var s = cse2.Value;
                    if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(s))
                        ws.SetStyle(cse2.Row, cse2.Column, styleCashe[s]);
                        ExcelXfs st = CellXfs[s];
                        int newId = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                        styleCashe.Add(s, newId);
                        cse2.Value = newId;
                        ws.SetStyle(cse2.Row, cse2.Column, newId);
            else             //Cellrange
                //var cse = new CellsStoreEnumerator<int>(ws._styles, address._fromRow, address._fromCol, address._toRow, address._toCol);
                for (int col = address.Start.Column; col <= address.End.Column; col++)
                    for (int row = address.Start.Row; row <= address.End.Row; row++)
                        //ExcelCell cell = ws.Cell(row, col);
                        //int s = ws._styles.GetValue(row, col);
                        var s = GetStyleId(ws, row, col);
                        if (styleCashe.ContainsKey(s))
                            ws.SetStyle(row, col, styleCashe[s]);
                            ExcelXfs st = CellXfs[s];
                            int newId = st.GetNewID(CellXfs, sender, e.StyleClass, e.StyleProperty, e.Value);
                            styleCashe.Add(s, newId);
                            ws.SetStyle(row, col, newId);
Ejemplo n.º 52
 /// <summary>
 /// Copies the current column to a new worksheet
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="added">The worksheet where the copy will be created</param>
 internal void Clone(ExcelWorksheet added)
     ExcelColumn newCol = added.Column(ColumnMin);
     newCol.ColumnMax = ColumnMax;
     newCol.BestFit = BestFit;
     newCol.Collapsed = Collapsed;
     newCol.Hidden = Hidden;
     newCol.OutlineLevel = OutlineLevel;
     newCol.PageBreak = PageBreak;
     newCol.Phonetic = Phonetic;
     newCol.StyleName = StyleName;
     newCol.StyleID = StyleID;
     newCol.Width = Width;