Ejemplo n.º 1
 public override WSFilter GetFieldFilter(MetaFunctions CFunc, WSTableParam param, Expression parent, int level, string state = null, bool?negate = null)
         WSCombineFilter filter = new WSCombineFilter(WSCombineFilter.SQLMode.AndAlso);
         filter.SaveRange(Value.Select(x => x.GetFieldFilter(CFunc, param, parent, level, state, negate)).ToList()); /*DONT FORVARD 'negate' parameter to avoid complicatency*/
         return(filter.Any() ? (filter.Count == 1 && !filter.Negate) ? filter.FirstOrDefault() : filter : null);
     catch (Exception e) { WSStatus status = WSStatus.NONE.clone(); CFunc.RegError(GetType(), e, ref status); }
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public override WSFilter GetOptionFilter(MetaFunctions CFunc, Expression parent, int level, string state = null, bool?negate = null)
         WSCombineFilter filter = new WSCombineFilter(WSCombineFilter.SQLMode.OrElse, negate);
         filter.SaveRange(Value.Select(x => x.GetOptionFilter(CFunc, parent, level, state, null)).ToList());
         return(filter.Any() ? (filter.Count == 1 && !filter.Negate) ? filter.FirstOrDefault() : filter : null);
     catch (Exception e) { WSStatus status = WSStatus.NONE.clone(); CFunc.RegError(GetType(), e, ref status); }
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public override WSFilter GetFieldFilter(MetaFunctions CFunc, WSTableParam param, Expression parent, int level, string state = null, bool?negate = null)
                //* if(filter array contains any conditional 'IOJFilter'
                //* like : "[{option_name1:value1},{option_name2:value2}]" (example:"[{max:123},{min:123}]") , - then use 'CombineMode.AndAlso'
                //* else
                //* (if all values in the filter array are simple type values)
                //* like : "{value1,value2,value3,...}" ,- use 'CombineMode.Or'
                //* ***********************************************/
                WSCombineFilter filter = new WSCombineFilter(WSCombineFilter.SQLMode.OrElse, negate);

                foreach (WSJson j in Value)
                    WSFilter jFilter = j.GetFieldFilter(CFunc, param, parent, level, state, negate);

                return(filter.Any() ? (filter.Count == 1 && !filter.Negate) ? filter.FirstOrDefault() : filter : null);
            catch (Exception e) { WSStatus status = WSStatus.NONE.clone(); CFunc.RegError(GetType(), e, ref status); }
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public override WSFilter GetFieldFilter(MetaFunctions CFunc, WSTableParam param, Expression parent, int level, string state = null, bool?negate = null)
            Expression      member = Expression.Property(parent, param.WSColumnRef.NAME);
            WSCombineFilter filter = new WSCombineFilter();

            if (param != null && param.isValid)
                    if (WSConstants.ALIACES.EXIST.Match(Value) || WSConstants.ALIACES.EMPTY.Match(Value) || WSConstants.ALIACES.IS_OWN.Match(Value))
                        state = Value;

                    #region Read WSEntity (Ready)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(state) && (param.DataType.IsSameOrSubclassOf(typeof(WSEntity)) || param.DataType.IsCollectionOf <WSEntity>()))
                        if (param.DataType.IsSameOrSubclassOf(typeof(WSEntity)) && WSEntityFFilter.OPERATIONS.STATE_OPERATIONS.Any(x => x.Match(state)))
                            filter.Save(new WSEntityFFilter(param, member, WSEntityFFilter.OPERATIONS.STATE_OPERATIONS.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Match(state)))
                                Value = null
                        else if (param.DataType.IsCollectionOf <WSEntity>() && WSEntityListFFilter.OPERATIONS.STATE_OPERATIONS.Any(x => x.Match(state)))
                            filter.Save(new WSEntityListFFilter(param, member, WSEntityListFFilter.OPERATIONS.STATE_OPERATIONS.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Match(state)))
                                Value = null

                    #region Read primitive
                        dynamic dVal = null;

                        #region Numeric (Ready)
                        if (param.DataType.IsNumeric())
                            #region SPECIAL CASES
                            #region If Exists (Ready)
                            if (WSConstants.ALIACES.EXIST.Match(Value) && param.DataType.IsNullable())
                                filter.Save(new WSNumericFFilter(param, member, WSNumericFFilter.OPERATIONS.NotEqual)
                                    Value = null
                            #region If Empty (Ready)
                            else if (WSConstants.ALIACES.EMPTY.Match(Value) && param.DataType.IsNullable())
                                filter.Save(new WSNumericFFilter(param, member, null)
                                    Value = null

                            #region If Value (Ready)
                                if (param.DataType.Read(Value, out dVal))
                                    Type        dType     = dVal == null ? param.DataType : dVal.GetType();
                                    WSOperation operation = WSNumericFFilter.OPERATIONS.GetOperation(state);

                                    if (operation.Match("max") && dType.IsCollection())
                                        dVal = ((List <dynamic>)dVal).Max(x => x);
                                    else if (operation.Match("min") && dType.IsCollection())
                                        dVal = ((List <dynamic>)dVal).Min(x => x);

                                    filter.Save(new WSNumericFFilter(param, member, operation)
                                        Value = dVal
                        #region bool (Ready)
                        else if (typeof(bool?).IsAssignableFrom(param.DataType))
                            #region SPECIAL CASES
                            #region If Exists (Ready)
                            if (WSConstants.ALIACES.EXIST.Match(Value) && param.DataType.IsNullable())
                                filter.Save(new WSBoolFFilter(param, member, WSBoolFFilter.OPERATIONS.NotEqual)
                                    Value = null
                            #region If Empty (Ready)
                            else if (WSConstants.ALIACES.EMPTY.Match(Value) && param.DataType.IsNullable())
                                filter.Save(new WSBoolFFilter(param, member, null)
                                    Value = null

                            #region If Value (Ready)
                                if (param.DataType.Read(Value, out dVal))
                                    filter.Save(new WSBoolFFilter(param, member, WSBoolFFilter.OPERATIONS.GetOperation(state))
                                        Value = dVal
                        #region string (Ready)
                        else if (typeof(string).IsAssignableFrom(param.DataType))
                            #region SPECIAL CASES
                            #region If Exists (Ready)
                            if (WSConstants.ALIACES.EXIST.Match(Value))
                                if (param.DataType.IsNullable())
                                    filter.Save(new WSStringFFilter(param, member, WSStringFFilter.OPERATIONS.NotEqual)
                                        Value = null
                                filter.Save(new WSStringFFilter(param, member, WSStringFFilter.OPERATIONS.NotEqual)
                                    Value = string.Empty
                            #region If Empty (Ready)
                            else if (WSConstants.ALIACES.EMPTY.Match(Value))
                                WSCombineFilter cFilter = new WSCombineFilter(WSCombineFilter.SQLMode.Or);;
                                if (param.DataType.IsNullable())
                                    cFilter.Save(new WSStringFFilter(param, member, null)
                                        Value = null
                                cFilter.Save(new WSStringFFilter(param, member, null)
                                    Value = string.Empty

                            #region If Value (Ready)
                            else if (param.DataType.IsNullable() || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Value))
                                if (param.DataType.Read(Value, out dVal))
                                    filter.Save(new WSStringFFilter(param, member, WSStringFFilter.OPERATIONS.GetOperation(state))
                                        Value = dVal
                        #region Guid (Ready)
                        else if (typeof(Guid?).IsAssignableFrom(param.DataType))
                            #region SPECIAL CASES
                            #region If Exists (Ready)
                            if (WSConstants.ALIACES.EXIST.Match(Value) && param.DataType.IsNullable())
                                filter.Save(new WSGuidFFilter(param, member, WSGuidFFilter.OPERATIONS.NotEqual)
                                    Value = null
                            #region If Empty (Ready)
                            else if (WSConstants.ALIACES.EMPTY.Match(Value) && param.DataType.IsNullable())
                                filter.Save(new WSGuidFFilter(param, member, null)
                                    Value = null

                            #region If Value (Ready)
                                if (param.DataType.Read(Value, out dVal, null, WSConstants.GUID_LIST_SEPARATORS))
                                    filter.Save(new WSGuidFFilter(param, member, WSGuidFFilter.OPERATIONS.GetOperation(state))
                                        Value = dVal
                        #region DateTime (Ready)
                        else if (typeof(DateTime?).IsAssignableFrom(param.DataType))
                            #region SPECIAL CASES
                            #region If Exists (Ready)
                            if (WSConstants.ALIACES.EXIST.Match(Value) && param.DataType.IsNullable())
                                filter.Save(new WSDateFFilter(param, member, WSDateFFilter.OPERATIONS.NotEqual)
                                    Value = null
                            #region If Empty (Ready)
                            else if (WSConstants.ALIACES.EMPTY.Match(Value) && param.DataType.IsNullable())
                                filter.Save(new WSDateFFilter(param, member, null)
                                    Value = null

                            #region If Value (Ready)
                                WSOperation operation =
                                    Value.IsTrue() ?
                                    WSDateFFilter.OPERATIONS.LessOrEqual :
                                    (Value.IsFalse() && !(param.DataType.IsNullable())) ?
                                    WSDateFFilter.OPERATIONS.GreaterThanOrEqual :
                                WSDateFFilter mainFilter = null;
                                if (operation != null && operation.Match(WSDateFFilter.OPERATIONS.WeekDayEqual))
                                    mainFilter = new WSDateFFilter(param, member, operation)
                                        Value = Value
                                else if (param.DataType.Read(Value, out dVal, new char[] { }, WSConstants.DATE_LIST_SEPARATORS, param.WSColumnRef.NAME))
                                    Type dType = dVal == null ? param.DataType : dVal.GetType();
                                    if (dType.IsCollection() && operation != null)
                                        dVal = operation.Match(WSDateFFilter.OPERATIONS.LessOrEqual) ? ((List <dynamic>)dVal).Max(x => x) : operation.Match(WSDateFFilter.OPERATIONS.GreaterThanOrEqual) ? ((List <dynamic>)dVal).Min(x => x) : dVal;
                                    mainFilter = new WSDateFFilter(param, member, operation)
                                        Value = dVal

                                if (param.DataType.IsNullable())
                                    WSCombineFilter cf = new WSCombineFilter(WSCombineFilter.SQLMode.AndAlso);

                                    if (mainFilter.Value != null)
                                        cf.Save(new WSDateFFilter(param, member, WSDateFFilter.OPERATIONS.NotEqual)
                                            Value = null


                        #region TimeSpan (Ready)
                        else if (typeof(TimeSpan?).IsAssignableFrom(param.DataType))
                            #region SPECIAL CASES
                            #region If Exists (Ready)
                            if (WSConstants.ALIACES.EXIST.Match(Value) && param.DataType.IsNullable())
                                filter.Save(new WSTimeFFilter(param, member, WSTimeFFilter.OPERATIONS.NotEqual)
                                    Value = null
                            #region If Empty (Ready)
                            else if (WSConstants.ALIACES.EMPTY.Match(Value) && param.DataType.IsNullable())
                                filter.Save(new WSTimeFFilter(param, member, null)
                                    Value = null

                            #region If Value (Ready)
                                if (param.DataType.Read(Value, out dVal, new char[] { }, WSConstants.DATE_LIST_SEPARATORS))
                                    WSOperation operation = WSTimeFFilter.OPERATIONS.GetOperation(state);

                                    Type dType = dVal == null ? param.DataType : dVal.GetType();
                                    if (dType.IsCollection() && operation != null)
                                        dVal = operation.Match("max") ? ((List <dynamic>)dVal).Max(x => x) : operation.Match("min") ? ((List <dynamic>)dVal).Min(x => x) : dVal;

                                    if (param.DataType.IsNullable())
                                        WSCombineFilter cf = new WSCombineFilter(WSCombineFilter.SQLMode.AndAlso);

                                        if (Value != null)
                                            cf.Save(new WSTimeFFilter(param, member, WSTimeFFilter.OPERATIONS.NotEqual)
                                                Value = null

                                        cf.Save(new WSTimeFFilter(param, member, operation)
                                            Value = dVal

                                        filter.Save(new WSTimeFFilter(param, member, operation)
                                            Value = dVal
                catch (Exception e) { WSStatus status = WSStatus.NONE.clone(); if (CFunc != null)
                                          CFunc.RegError(GetType(), e, ref status);
            return(filter.Any() ? (filter.Count == 1 && !filter.Negate) ? filter.FirstOrDefault() : filter : null);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public override WSFilter GetFieldFilter(MetaFunctions CFunc, WSTableParam param, Expression parent, int level, string state = null, bool?negate = null)
            WSCombineFilter filter = new WSCombineFilter(WSCombineFilter.SQLMode.AndAlso);

                if (param != null && param.isValid && (param.DataType.IsNullable() || Value != null))
                    if (param.DataType.IsSimple())
                        bool localNegate = WSConstants.ALIACES.NOT.Match(state);
                        negate = negate == null ? localNegate : localNegate != negate;
                        WSFilter pFilter = Value.GetFieldFilter(CFunc, param, parent, level, Key, negate);
                    else if (param.DataType.IsSameOrSubclassOf(typeof(WSEntity)) || param.DataType.IsCollectionOf <WSEntity>())
                        if (WSConstants.ALIACES.NOT.Match(Key))
                            return(Value.GetFieldFilter(CFunc, param, parent, level, state, true));
                        else if (WSConstants.ALIACES.ANY.Match(Key))
                            return(Value.GetFieldFilter(CFunc, param, parent, level, Key, true));
                            WSTableSource PSource = (WSTableSource)CFunc.GetSourceByType/*<WSTableSource>*/ (param.DataType.GetEntityType());

                            WSTableParam subParam = PSource == null ? null : (WSTableParam)PSource.GetXParam(Key);
                            Expression   member   = Expression.Property(parent, param.WSColumnRef.NAME);
                            if (subParam == null && WSConstants.SPECIAL_CASES.Any(c => c.Match(Key)))
                                if (param.DataType.IsSameOrSubclassOf(typeof(WSEntity)))
                                    return(new WSEntityFFilter(param, member, WSEntityFFilter.OPERATIONS.STATE_OPERATIONS.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Match(Key)))
                                        Value = null
                                else if (param.DataType.IsCollectionOf <WSEntity>())
                                    return(new WSEntityListFFilter(param, member, WSEntityListFFilter.OPERATIONS.STATE_OPERATIONS.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Match(Key)))
                                        Value = null
                                WSFilter subFilter = null;
                                if (param.DataType.IsSameOrSubclassOf(typeof(WSEntity)))
                                    filter.Save(new WSEntityFFilter(param, member, WSEntityFFilter.OPERATIONS.NotEqual)
                                        Value = null

                                    subFilter = Value.GetFieldFilter(CFunc, subParam, member, level, Key);
                                    if (subFilter != null && subFilter.IsValid)
                                        filter.Save(new WSEntityFFilter(param, member, WSEntityFFilter.OPERATIONS.Filter)
                                            Value = subFilter
                                else if (param.DataType.IsCollectionOf <WSEntity>())

                                    Type elemType          = param.DataType.GetEntityType();
                                    ParameterExpression id = Expression.Parameter(elemType, level.ToHex());
                                    subFilter = Value.GetFieldFilter(CFunc, subParam, id, level, Key, negate);
                                    if (subFilter != null && subFilter.IsValid)
                                        dynamic subExpr = subFilter.GetType().GetMethod("ToLambda").MakeGenericMethod(new Type[] { elemType }).Invoke(subFilter, new object[] { id });

                                        filter.Save(new WSEntityListFFilter(subParam, member, WSEntityListFFilter.OPERATIONS.Any)
                                            Value = (subExpr == null) ? true : subExpr
            catch (Exception e) { WSStatus status = WSStatus.NONE.clone(); CFunc.RegError(GetType(), e, ref status); }
            return(filter.Any() ? (filter.Count == 1 && !filter.Negate) ? filter.FirstOrDefault() : filter : null);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public override WSFilter GetOptionFilter(MetaFunctions CFunc, Expression parent, int level, string state = null, bool?negate = null)
            WSCombineFilter filter = new WSCombineFilter(WSCombineFilter.SQLMode.AndAlso);

                if (Value != null)
                    if (WSConstants.ALIACES.NOT.Match(Key))
                        return(Value.GetOptionFilter(CFunc, parent, level, state, true));
                    else if (WSConstants.ALIACES.ANY.Match(Key))
                        return(Value.GetOptionFilter(CFunc, parent, level, Key, true));
                        if (Value is WSJValue)
                            filter.Save(((WSJValue)Value).GetOptionFilter(CFunc, parent, level, state, negate));
                            WSTableSource PSource  = (WSTableSource)CFunc.GetSourceByType(parent.Type.GetEntityType());
                            WSTableParam  subParam = PSource == null ? null : (WSTableParam)PSource.GetXParam(Key);

                            //TODO@ANDVO:2016-11-15: implement deep filtering
                        return(filter.Any() ? (filter.Count == 1 && !filter.Negate) ? filter.FirstOrDefault() : filter : null);
            catch (Exception e) { WSStatus status = WSStatus.NONE.clone(); CFunc.RegError(GetType(), e, ref status); }