public ActionResult ListBids(DataSourceRequest command, AUBidList model)

            //if (lotId == 0)
            //    return new NullJsonResult();

            var bids = _lotService.GetBids(
                lotId: model.AULotId,
                saleId: model.SearchSaleId,
                storeId: model.SearchStoreId,
                userName: model.SearchUserName,
                pageIndex: 0,
                pageSize: 500);

            //if (activity == null)
            //    return new NullJsonResult();

            var gridModel = new DataSourceResult
                Data = bids.Select(x => new

                    Id = x.Id,
                    AULotId = x.AULotId,
                    AUSaleId = x.AUSaleId,
                    AUProductId = x.AUProductId,
                    SaleStoreId = x.SaleStoreId,
                    BidderId = x.BidderId,
                    BidderUserName = x.BidderUserName,
                    BidAmt = x.BidAmt,
                    BidDateTime = x.BidDateTime

                Total = bids.TotalCount

            return Json(gridModel);
        //    [HttpPost]  grid is not posting
        // the grid passes in fields in the row schema as well as the form model
        //the grid schema can containmore fields than are displayed in the columns
        //AULotID comes from the schema
        //AUSaleID comes from the model
        public ActionResult DeleteBid(int Id, int AUSaleId, AUBidList model)
            //TODO: AUTHORIZE
            //if (!_permissionService.Authorize(StandardPermissionProvider.ManageCategories))
            //    return AccessDeniedView();

            //do not allow bids to be deleted in awarded sales. Bids can be deleted in closed sales that have not been awarded yet
            //use AUSaleId to get the sale and test this with new "closed" flag

            var bid = _bidhistoryRepo.GetById(Id);
            if (bid == null)
                throw new NopException("Bid not found");


            //var CurrentCustomer = _authenticationService.GetAuthenticatedCustomer();
            //var currTime = System.DateTime.UtcNow;
            //string logError = "";
            //int totalerrors = 0;

            //if (lot.IsLotSold ||
            //    (!lot.IsLotSold && model.SaleStartDateTime < currTime && model.SaleEndDateTime > currTime && lot.LastBidAmt != 0) ||
            //    (!lot.IsLotSold && model.SaleStartDateTime > currTime && model.SaleEndDateTime > currTime && lot.LastBidAmt != 0)
            //    )
            //    logError = string.Format("Remove Lot from Sale by user {2} : Can not remove this lot id# {0}/ Sku# {1} is sold or is in an active or future sale and has had bids", lot.AULotID, lot.Sku, CurrentCustomer.Username);
            //    _logger.InsertLog(LogLevel.Error, logError);
            //    totalerrors++;
                //remove lot from to sale and record lot history for MOVE (RM if before sale closed, RH if after sale closed)


            //if (productCategory == null)
            //    throw new ArgumentException("No product category mapping found with the specified id");

            ////var categoryId = productCategory.CategoryId;

            return new NullJsonResult();
        //copied from C:\Users\Nicholas\Documents\My Documents\NopCommerce\Presentation\Nop.Web\Administration\Controllers\ProductController.cs
        public ActionResult ManageBidsForLot(int id = 0)

            //if (!_permissionService.Authorize(StandardPermissionProvider.ManageProducts))
            //    return View("~/Administration/Views/Security/AccessDenied.cshtml");

            //a vendor should have access only to his products. Set the indicator in the model
            //model.IsLoggedInAsVendor = _workContext.CurrentVendor != null;

            var model = new AUBidList();
            //the product may not have a lot associated to it yet - this should not happen if you check the store configuration
            //when consuming the Product edit tab (ProductEditConsumer), but leave it here anyway
            //TODO: you won't need to initialize these fields once you get rid of the null ass shit
            var lot = _consignorService.GetLotByProductId(id);

            if (lot != null)
                model.AULotId = lot.AULotID;
            else //TODO: the service nulls out the record - make so returns non-null no matter what?
                model.AULotId = 0;
            //NJM: Sales   ---need only sales this lot has been in
            model.AvailableSales.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = _localizationService.GetResource("Admin.Common.All"), Value = "0" });
            var sales = _lotService.GetSalesForLot(
                 lotId: lot.AULotID,
                 pageIndex: 0,
                 pageSize: 2147483647);
            foreach (var c in sales)
                model.AvailableSales.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = c.AUSaleNbr, Value = c.AUSaleID.ToString() });

            //model.AvailableStores.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = _localizationService.GetResource("Admin.Common.All"), Value = "0" });
            //foreach (var s in _storeService.GetAllStores())
            //    model.AvailableStores.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = s.Name, Value = s.Id.ToString() });

            model.AvailableBidders.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = _localizationService.GetResource("Admin.Common.All"), Value = "0" });
            foreach (var bidder in _lotService.GetBiddersForLot(lotId: lot.AULotID, pageIndex: 0, pageSize: 2147483647))
                model.AvailableBidders.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = bidder.BidderUserName, Value = bidder.BidderId.ToString() });

            return View("~/Views/AUConsignor/ManageBids.cshtml", model);

            //return View("List.cshtml", model);
