Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected internal override void Enter(int index, PlotCommit <L> currCommit)
            int nChildren = currCommit.GetChildCount();

            if (nChildren == 0)
            if (nChildren == 1 && currCommit.children[0].ParentCount < 2)
                // Only one child, child has only us as their parent.
                // Stay in the same lane as the child.
                PlotCommit c = currCommit.children[0];
                if (c.lane == null)
                    // Hmmph. This child must be the first along this lane.
                    c.lane = NextFreeLane();
                for (int r = index - 1; r >= 0; r--)
                    PlotCommit rObj = this[r];
                    if (rObj == c)
                currCommit.lane = c.lane;
                // More than one child, or our child is a merge.
                // Use a different lane.
                // Process all our children. Especially important when there is more
                // than one child (e.g. a commit is processed where other branches
                // fork out). For each child the following is done
                // 1. If no lane was assigned to the child a new lane is created and
                // assigned
                // 2. The lane of the child is closed. If this frees a position,
                // this position will be added freePositions list.
                // If we have multiple children which where previously not on a lane
                // each such child will get his own new lane but all those new lanes
                // will be on the same position. We have to take care that not
                // multiple newly created (in step 1) lanes occupy that position on
                // which the
                // parent's lane will be on. Therefore we delay closing the lane
                // with the parents position until all children are processed.
                // The lane on that position the current commit will be on
                PlotLane reservedLane = null;
                for (int i = 0; i < nChildren; i++)
                    PlotCommit c = currCommit.children[i];
                    // don't forget to position all of your children if they are
                    // not already positioned.
                    if (c.lane == null)
                        c.lane = NextFreeLane();
                        if (reservedLane != null)
                            reservedLane = c.lane;
                        if (reservedLane == null && activeLanes.Contains(c.lane))
                            reservedLane = c.lane;
                // finally all children are processed. We can close the lane on that
                // position our current commit will be on.
                if (reservedLane != null)
                currCommit.lane = NextFreeLane();
                // take care: when connecting yourself to your child make sure that
                // you will not be located on a lane on which a passed commit is
                // located on. Otherwise we would have to draw a line through a
                // commit.
                int    remaining        = nChildren;
                BitSet blockedPositions = new BitSet();
                for (int r = index - 1; r >= 0; r--)
                    PlotCommit rObj = this[r];
                    if (currCommit.IsChild(rObj))
                        if (--remaining == 0)
                    if (rObj != null)
                        PlotLane lane = rObj.GetLane();
                        if (lane != null)
                // Now let's check whether we have to reposition the lane
                if (blockedPositions.Get(currCommit.lane.GetPosition()))
                    int newPos = -1;
                    foreach (int pos in freePositions)
                        if (!blockedPositions.Get(pos))
                            newPos = pos;
                    if (newPos == -1)
                        newPos = positionsAllocated++;
                    currCommit.lane.position = newPos;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>Paint one commit using the underlying graphics library.</summary>
        /// <remarks>Paint one commit using the underlying graphics library.</remarks>
        /// <param name="commit">the commit to render in this cell. Must not be null.</param>
        /// <param name="h">total height (in pixels) of this cell.</param>
        protected internal virtual void PaintCommit(PlotCommit <TLane> commit, int h)
            int    dotSize   = ComputeDotSize(h);
            TLane  myLane    = commit.GetLane();
            int    myLaneX   = LaneC(myLane);
            TColor myColor   = LaneColor(myLane);
            int    maxCenter = 0;

            foreach (TLane passingLane in (TLane[])commit.passingLanes)
                int    cx = LaneC(passingLane);
                TColor c  = LaneColor(passingLane);
                DrawLine(c, cx, 0, cx, h, LINE_WIDTH);
                maxCenter = Math.Max(maxCenter, cx);
            int nParent = commit.ParentCount;

            for (int i = 0; i < nParent; i++)
                PlotCommit <TLane> p;
                TLane  pLane;
                TColor pColor;
                int    cx;
                p     = (PlotCommit <TLane>)commit.GetParent(i);
                pLane = p.GetLane();
                if (pLane == null)
                pColor = LaneColor(pLane);
                cx     = LaneC(pLane);
                if (Math.Abs(myLaneX - cx) > LANE_WIDTH)
                    if (myLaneX < cx)
                        int ix = cx - LANE_WIDTH / 2;
                        DrawLine(pColor, myLaneX, h / 2, ix, h / 2, LINE_WIDTH);
                        DrawLine(pColor, ix, h / 2, cx, h, LINE_WIDTH);
                        int ix = cx + LANE_WIDTH / 2;
                        DrawLine(pColor, myLaneX, h / 2, ix, h / 2, LINE_WIDTH);
                        DrawLine(pColor, ix, h / 2, cx, h, LINE_WIDTH);
                    DrawLine(pColor, myLaneX, h / 2, cx, h, LINE_WIDTH);
                maxCenter = Math.Max(maxCenter, cx);
            int dotX = myLaneX - dotSize / 2 - 1;
            int dotY = (h - dotSize) / 2;

            if (commit.GetChildCount() > 0)
                DrawLine(myColor, myLaneX, 0, myLaneX, dotY, LINE_WIDTH);
            if (commit.Has(RevFlag.UNINTERESTING))
                DrawBoundaryDot(dotX, dotY, dotSize, dotSize);
                DrawCommitDot(dotX, dotY, dotSize, dotSize);
            int textx = Math.Max(maxCenter + LANE_WIDTH / 2, dotX + dotSize) + 8;
            int n     = commit.refs.Length;

            for (int i_1 = 0; i_1 < n; ++i_1)
                textx += DrawLabel(textx + dotSize, h / 2, commit.refs[i_1]);
            string msg = commit.GetShortMessage();

            DrawText(msg, textx + dotSize + n * 2, h / 2);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        protected internal override void Enter(int index, PlotCommit <L> currCommit)
            int nChildren = currCommit.GetChildCount();

            if (nChildren == 0)
            if (nChildren == 1 && currCommit.children[0].ParentCount < 2)
                // Only one child, child has only us as their parent.
                // Stay in the same lane as the child.
                PlotCommit c = currCommit.children[0];
                if (c.lane == null)
                    // Hmmph. This child must be the first along this lane.
                    c.lane = NextFreeLane();
                for (int r = index - 1; r >= 0; r--)
                    PlotCommit rObj = this[r];
                    if (rObj == c)
                currCommit.lane = c.lane;
                HandleBlockedLanes(index, currCommit, nChildren);
                // More than one child, or our child is a merge.
                // Use a different lane.
                // Process all our children. Especially important when there is more
                // than one child (e.g. a commit is processed where other branches
                // fork out). For each child the following is done
                // 1. If no lane was assigned to the child a new lane is created and
                // assigned
                // 2. The lane of the child is closed. If this frees a position,
                // this position will be added freePositions list.
                // If we have multiple children which where previously not on a lane
                // each such child will get his own new lane but all those new lanes
                // will be on the same position. We have to take care that not
                // multiple newly created (in step 1) lanes occupy that position on
                // which the
                // parent's lane will be on. Therefore we delay closing the lane
                // with the parents position until all children are processed.
                // The lane on that position the current commit will be on
                PlotLane reservedLane = null;
                for (int i = 0; i < nChildren; i++)
                    PlotCommit c = currCommit.children[i];
                    // don't forget to position all of your children if they are
                    // not already positioned.
                    if (c.lane == null)
                        c.lane = NextFreeLane();
                        if (reservedLane != null)
                            reservedLane = c.lane;
                        if (reservedLane == null && activeLanes.Contains(c.lane))
                            reservedLane = c.lane;
                // finally all children are processed. We can close the lane on that
                // position our current commit will be on.
                if (reservedLane != null)
                currCommit.lane = NextFreeLane();
                HandleBlockedLanes(index, currCommit, nChildren);