Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Read an audio file.
        /// </summary>
        void Read()

            reader = new MediaFoundationReader(fileName);
            duration = reader.TotalTime;
            format = new AudioFormat(reader.WaveFormat);

            var bytes = new byte[reader.Length];
            var read = reader.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
            data = new List<byte>(bytes);
 /// <summary>
 /// Reads bytes from this stream
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="array">Buffer to read into</param>
 /// <param name="offset">Offset in array to read into</param>
 /// <param name="count">Number of bytes to read</param>
 /// <returns>Number of bytes read</returns>
 public override int Read(byte[] array, int offset, int count)
     lock (lockObject)
         if (Enabled)
             if (sourceBuffer == null || sourceBuffer.Length < count)
                 sourceBuffer = new byte[count];
             int sourceBytesRead = sourceStream.Read(sourceBuffer, 0, count);
             int sampleCount     = sourceBytesRead / (bytesPerSample * channels);
             for (int sample = 0; sample < sampleCount; sample++)
                 int    start = sample * bytesPerSample * channels;
                 double in1;
                 double in2;
                 ReadSamples(sourceBuffer, start, out in1, out in2);
                 simpleCompressor.Process(ref in1, ref in2);
                 WriteSamples(array, offset + start, in1, in2);
             return(sourceStream.Read(array, offset, count));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads bytes from this wave stream
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="destBuffer">The destination buffer</param>
        /// <param name="offset">Offset into the destination buffer</param>
        /// <param name="numBytes">Number of bytes read</param>
        /// <returns>Number of bytes read.</returns>
        public override int Read(byte[] destBuffer, int offset, int numBytes)
            int bytesWritten = 0;

            // 1. fill with silence
            if (position < audioStartPosition)
                bytesWritten = (int)Math.Min(numBytes, audioStartPosition - position);
                for (int n = 0; n < bytesWritten; n++)
                    destBuffer[n + offset] = 0;
            if (bytesWritten < numBytes)
                // don't read too far into source stream
                int sourceBytesRequired = (int)Math.Min(
                    numBytes - bytesWritten,
                    sourceLengthBytes + sourceOffsetBytes - sourceStream.Position);
                int read = sourceStream.Read(destBuffer, bytesWritten + offset, sourceBytesRequired);
                bytesWritten += read;
            // 3. Fill out with zeroes
            for (int n = bytesWritten; n < numBytes; n++)
                destBuffer[offset + n] = 0;
            position += numBytes;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads bytes from this wave stream
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="destBuffer">Destination buffer</param>
        /// <param name="offset">Offset into destination buffer</param>
        /// <param name="numBytes"></param>
        /// <returns>Number of bytes read.</returns>
        public override int Read(byte[] destBuffer, int offset, int numBytes)
            byte[] sourceBuffer = new byte[numBytes * 2];
            int    bytesRead    = sourceStream.Read(sourceBuffer, 0, numBytes * 2);

            Convert32To16(destBuffer, offset, sourceBuffer, bytesRead);
            position += (bytesRead / 2);
            return(bytesRead / 2);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads bytes from this wave stream
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="destBuffer">The destination buffer</param>
        /// <param name="offset">Offset into the destination buffer</param>
        /// <param name="numBytes">Number of bytes read</param>
        /// <returns>Number of bytes read.</returns>
        public override int Read(byte[] destBuffer, int offset, int numBytes)
            int bytesWritten = 0;

            // 1. fill with silence
            if (position < 0)
                bytesWritten = (int)Math.Min(numBytes, 0 - position);
                for (int n = 0; n < bytesWritten; n++)
                    destBuffer[n + offset] = 0;
            if (bytesWritten < numBytes)
                if (sourceStream.WaveFormat.Channels == 1)
                    int    sourceBytesRequired = (numBytes - bytesWritten) / 4;
                    byte[] sourceBuffer        = GetSourceBuffer(sourceBytesRequired);
                    int    read = sourceStream.Read(sourceBuffer, 0, sourceBytesRequired);
                    MonoToStereo(destBuffer, offset + bytesWritten, sourceBuffer, read);
                    bytesWritten += (read * 4);
                    int    sourceBytesRequired = (numBytes - bytesWritten) / 2;
                    byte[] sourceBuffer        = GetSourceBuffer(sourceBytesRequired);
                    int    read = sourceStream.Read(sourceBuffer, 0, sourceBytesRequired);
                    AdjustVolume(destBuffer, offset + bytesWritten, sourceBuffer, read);
                    bytesWritten += (read * 2);
            // 3. Fill out with zeroes
            if (PadWithZeroes && bytesWritten < numBytes)
                Array.Clear(destBuffer, offset + bytesWritten, numBytes - bytesWritten);
                bytesWritten = numBytes;
            position += bytesWritten;
        private static void Extract(Stream output, WaveStream waveStream, byte[] buffer)
            if (waveStream == null)

            using (WaveFileWriter writer = new WaveFileWriter(output, waveStream.WaveFormat))
                int count;
                while ((count = waveStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) != 0)
                    writer.Write(buffer, 0, count);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 /// <summary>
 /// Reads bytes from this wave stream
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="destBuffer">Destination buffer</param>
 /// <param name="offset">Offset into destination buffer</param>
 /// <param name="numBytes"></param>
 /// <returns>Number of bytes read.</returns>
 public override int Read(byte[] destBuffer, int offset, int numBytes)
     lock (lockObject)
         int count = numBytes * 2;
         sourceBuffer = BufferHelpers.Ensure(sourceBuffer, count);
         int bytesRead = sourceStream.Read(sourceBuffer, 0, count);
         Convert32To16(destBuffer, offset, sourceBuffer, bytesRead);
         position += (bytesRead / 2);
         return(bytesRead / 2);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a Wave file by reading all the data from a WaveStream
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="filename">The filename to use</param>
 /// <param name="stream">The source WaveStream</param>
 public static void CreateWaveFile(string filename, WaveStream stream)
     using (WaveFileWriter writer = new WaveFileWriter(filename, stream.WaveFormat))
         byte[] buffer = new byte[stream.GetReadSize(4000)];
         while (true)
             int bytesRead = stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
             if (bytesRead == 0)
             writer.WriteData(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads data from input stream
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">buffer</param>
        /// <param name="offset">offset into buffer</param>
        /// <param name="count">Bytes required</param>
        /// <returns>Number of bytes read</returns>
        public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
            int outputBytesProvided = 0;

            while (outputBytesProvided < count)
                if (resampler.MediaObject.IsAcceptingData(0))
                    // 1. Read from the input stream
                    int    inputBytesRequired = (int)OutputToInputPosition(count - outputBytesProvided);
                    byte[] inputByteArray     = new byte[inputBytesRequired];
                    int    inputBytesRead     = inputStream.Read(inputByteArray, 0, inputBytesRequired);
                    if (inputBytesRead == 0)
                        Debug.WriteLine("ResamplerDmoStream.Read: No input data available");
                    // 2. copy into our DMO's input buffer
                    inputMediaBuffer.LoadData(inputByteArray, inputBytesRead);

                    // 3. Give the input buffer to the DMO to process
                    resampler.MediaObject.ProcessInput(0, inputMediaBuffer, DmoInputDataBufferFlags.None, 0, 0);

                    outputBuffer.StatusFlags = DmoOutputDataBufferFlags.None;

                    // 4. Now ask the DMO for some output data
                    resampler.MediaObject.ProcessOutput(DmoProcessOutputFlags.None, 1, new DmoOutputDataBuffer[] { outputBuffer });

                    if (outputBuffer.Length == 0)
                        Debug.WriteLine("ResamplerDmoStream.Read: No output data available");

                    // 5. Now get the data out of the output buffer
                    outputBuffer.RetrieveData(buffer, offset + outputBytesProvided);
                    outputBytesProvided += outputBuffer.Length;

                    Debug.Assert(!outputBuffer.MoreDataAvailable, "have not implemented more data available yet");
                    Debug.Assert(false, "have not implemented not accepting logic yet");

            position += outputBytesProvided;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a Wave file by reading all the data from a WaveStream
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="filename">The filename to use</param>
 /// <param name="stream">The source WaveStream</param>
 public static void CreateWaveFile(string filename, WaveStream stream)
     using (WaveFileWriter writer = new WaveFileWriter(filename, stream.WaveFormat))
         byte[] buffer = new byte[stream.GetReadSize(4000)];
         while (true)
             int bytesRead = stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
             if (bytesRead == 0)
             writer.WriteData(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var A          = generateSound(440, 48000, 5);
            var waveFormat = new WaveFormat(8000, 16, 1);

            using (WaveFileWriter writer = new WaveFileWriter("OLOLO.wav", waveFormat))
                writer.WriteData(A, 0, A.Length);


            NAudio.Wave.WaveStream pcm = NAudio.Wave.WaveFormatConversionStream.CreatePcmStream(new NAudio.Wave.WaveFileReader(WavFilePath));

            if (pcm.WaveFormat.Channels != 2)

            int someInterval = pcm.WaveFormat.Channels * pcm.WaveFormat.SampleRate * pcm.WaveFormat.BitsPerSample / 8;

            float time         = 10; // 10 secs
            float samplingRate = pcm.WaveFormat.SampleRate;
            int   index        = (int)(time / samplingRate);

            byte[] buffer  = new byte[someInterval];
            int    current = 0;
            int    ret     = 0;

                ret = pcm.Read(buffer, current, someInterval);

                float[] res = new float[buffer.Length / 2];

                for (int i = 0; i < res.Length; i += 2)
                    res[i] = (buffer[i] + buffer[i + 1]) / 2 / 32768.0f;

                current += someInterval;
            } while (ret != -1);

Ejemplo n.º 12
 public static void CreateAiffFile(string filename, WaveStream sourceProvider)
     using (AiffFileWriter aiffFileWriter = new AiffFileWriter(filename, sourceProvider.WaveFormat))
         byte[] array = new byte[16384];
         while (sourceProvider.Position < sourceProvider.Length)
             int count = Math.Min((int)(sourceProvider.Length - sourceProvider.Position), array.Length);
             int num   = sourceProvider.Read(array, 0, count);
             if (num == 0)
             aiffFileWriter.Write(array, 0, num);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an Aiff file by reading all the data from a WaveProvider
        /// BEWARE: the WaveProvider MUST return 0 from its Read method when it is finished,
        /// or the Aiff File will grow indefinitely.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename">The filename to use</param>
        /// <param name="sourceProvider">The source WaveProvider</param>
        public static void CreateAiffFile(string filename, WaveStream sourceProvider)
            using (var writer = new AiffFileWriter(filename, sourceProvider.WaveFormat))
                byte[] buffer = new byte[16384];

                while (sourceProvider.Position < sourceProvider.Length)
                    int count     = Math.Min((int)(sourceProvider.Length - sourceProvider.Position), buffer.Length);
                    int bytesRead = sourceProvider.Read(buffer, 0, count);

                    if (bytesRead == 0)
                        // end of source provider

                    writer.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an Aiff file by reading all the data from a WaveProvider
        /// BEWARE: the WaveProvider MUST return 0 from its Read method when it is finished,
        /// or the Aiff File will grow indefinitely.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename">The filename to use</param>
        /// <param name="sourceProvider">The source WaveProvider</param>
        public static void CreateAiffFile(string filename, WaveStream sourceProvider)
            using (var writer = new AiffFileWriter(filename, sourceProvider.WaveFormat))
                byte[] buffer = new byte[16384];

                while (sourceProvider.Position < sourceProvider.Length)
                    int count = Math.Min((int)(sourceProvider.Length - sourceProvider.Position), buffer.Length);
                    int bytesRead = sourceProvider.Read(buffer, 0, count);

                    if (bytesRead == 0)
                        // end of source provider

                    writer.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads data from this stream
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer"></param>
        /// <param name="offset"></param>
        /// <param name="count"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
            lock (this)
                // 1. attempt to fill the circular buffer with enough data to meet our request
                while (BufferEndPosition < position + count)
                    int sourceReadCount = count;
                    if (sourceReadCount % sourceStream.BlockAlign != 0)
                        sourceReadCount = (count + sourceStream.BlockAlign) - (count % sourceStream.BlockAlign);

                    int sourceRead = sourceStream.Read(GetSourceBuffer(sourceReadCount), 0, sourceReadCount);
                    circularBuffer.Write(GetSourceBuffer(sourceReadCount), 0, sourceRead);
                    if (sourceRead == 0)
                        // assume we have run out of data

                // 2. discard any unnecessary stuff from the start
                if (bufferStartPosition < position)
                    circularBuffer.Advance((int)(position - bufferStartPosition));
                    bufferStartPosition = position;

                // 3. now whatever is in the buffer we can return
                int bytesRead = circularBuffer.Read(buffer, offset, count);
                position += bytesRead;
                // anything left in buffer is at start position
                bufferStartPosition = position;

Ejemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Read an audio file.
        /// </summary>
        void Read()
            reader = new MediaFoundationReader(fileName);
            duration = reader.TotalTime;
            format = new AudioFormat(reader.WaveFormat);

            var bytes = new byte[reader.Length];
            var read = reader.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
            data = new List<byte>(bytes);
            throw new NotImplementedException();
 private void ProcessFile(WaveStream reader)
     int fileLength = (int)reader.Length;
     byte[] buffer = new byte[fileLength];
     reader.Read(buffer, 0, fileLength);
     ProcessData(buffer, fileLength);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        // Read Mono
        public static bool TryReadFloat(WaveStream waveStream, out float sampleValue)
            // 16 bit PCM data
            sampleValue = 0f;
            if (waveStream.WaveFormat.BitsPerSample == 16)
                byte[] buffer = new byte[2];
                int read = waveStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                if (read < buffer.Length)
                    return false;

                sampleValue = (float)BitConverter.ToInt16(buffer, 0) / 32768f;
                return true;
            return false;
Ejemplo n.º 19
        //private int leftoverSourceOffset = 0;

        /// <summary>
        /// Reads bytes from this stream
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">Buffer to read into</param>
        /// <param name="offset">Offset in buffer to read into</param>
        /// <param name="count">Number of bytes to read</param>
        /// <returns>Number of bytes read</returns>
        public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
            int bytesRead = 0;

            if (count % BlockAlign != 0)
                //throw new ArgumentException("Must read complete blocks");
                count -= (count % BlockAlign);

            while (bytesRead < count)
                // first copy in any leftover destination bytes
                int readFromLeftoverDest = Math.Min(count - bytesRead, leftoverDestBytes);
                if (readFromLeftoverDest > 0)
                    Array.Copy(conversionStream.DestBuffer, leftoverDestOffset, buffer, offset + bytesRead, readFromLeftoverDest);
                    leftoverDestOffset += readFromLeftoverDest;
                    leftoverDestBytes  -= readFromLeftoverDest;
                    bytesRead          += readFromLeftoverDest;
                if (bytesRead >= count)
                    // we've fulfilled the request from the leftovers alone

                // now we'll convert one full source buffer
                if (leftoverSourceBytes > 0)
                    // TODO: still to be implemented: see moving the source position back below:

                // always read our preferred size, we can always keep leftovers for the next call to Read if we get
                // too much
                int sourceBytesRead = sourceStream.Read(conversionStream.SourceBuffer, 0, preferredSourceReadSize);
                if (sourceBytesRead == 0)
                    // we've reached the end of the input

                int sourceBytesConverted;
                int destBytesConverted = conversionStream.Convert(sourceBytesRead, out sourceBytesConverted);
                if (sourceBytesConverted == 0)
                    Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Warning: couldn't convert anything from {0}", sourceBytesRead));
                    // no point backing up in this case as we're not going to manage to finish playing this
                else if (sourceBytesConverted < sourceBytesRead)
                    // cheat by backing up in the source stream (better to save the lefto
                    sourceStream.Position -= (sourceBytesRead - sourceBytesConverted);

                if (destBytesConverted > 0)
                    int bytesRequired = count - bytesRead;
                    int toCopy        = Math.Min(destBytesConverted, bytesRequired);

                    // save leftovers
                    if (toCopy < destBytesConverted)
                        leftoverDestBytes  = destBytesConverted - toCopy;
                        leftoverDestOffset = toCopy;
                    Array.Copy(conversionStream.DestBuffer, 0, buffer, bytesRead + offset, toCopy);
                    bytesRead += toCopy;
                    // possible error here
                    Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("sourceBytesRead: {0}, sourceBytesConverted {1}, destBytesConverted {2}",
                                                  sourceBytesRead, sourceBytesConverted, destBytesConverted));
                    //Debug.Assert(false, "conversion stream returned nothing at all");
            position += bytesRead;
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads bytes from this stream
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="array">Buffer to read into</param>
        /// <param name="offset">Offset in array to read into</param>
        /// <param name="count">Number of bytes to read</param>
        /// <returns>Number of bytes read</returns>
        public override int Read(byte[] array, int offset, int count)
            int bytesRead = 0;

            if (count % BlockAlign != 0)
                //throw new ApplicationException("Must read complete blocks");
                count -= (count % BlockAlign);

            while (bytesRead < count)
                int destBytesRequired = count - bytesRead;
                int sourceBytes       = DestToSource(destBytesRequired);

                sourceBytes = Math.Min(conversionStream.SourceBuffer.Length, sourceBytes);
                // temporary fix for alignment problems
                // TODO: a better solution is to save any extra we convert for the next read

                /* MRH: ignore this for now - need to check ramifications
                 * if (DestToSource(SourceToDest(sourceBytes)) != sourceBytes)
                 * {
                 *  if (bytesRead == 0)
                 *      throw new ApplicationException("Not a one-to-one conversion");
                 *  break;
                 * }*/

                int sourceBytesRead = sourceStream.Read(conversionStream.SourceBuffer, 0, sourceBytes);
                if (sourceBytesRead == 0)
                int silenceBytes = 0;
                if (sourceBytesRead % sourceStream.BlockAlign != 0)
                    // we have been returned something that cannot be converted - a partial
                    // buffer. We will increase the size we supposedly read, and zero out
                    // the end.
                    sourceBytesRead -= (sourceBytesRead % sourceStream.BlockAlign);
                    sourceBytesRead += sourceStream.BlockAlign;
                    silenceBytes     = SourceToDest(sourceStream.BlockAlign);

                int sourceBytesConverted = 0;
                int bytesConverted       = conversionStream.Convert(sourceBytesRead, out sourceBytesConverted);
                if (sourceBytesConverted < sourceBytesRead)
                    // MRH: would normally throw an exception here
                    // back up - is this the right thing to do, not sure
                    sourceStream.Position -= (sourceBytesRead - sourceBytesConverted);

                if (bytesConverted > 0)
                    position += bytesConverted;
                    int availableSpace = array.Length - bytesRead - offset;
                    int toCopy         = Math.Min(bytesConverted, availableSpace);
                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(toCopy == bytesConverted);
                    // TODO: save leftovers
                    Array.Copy(conversionStream.DestBuffer, 0, array, bytesRead + offset, toCopy);
                    bytesRead += toCopy;
                    if (silenceBytes > 0)
                        // clear out the final bit
                        Array.Clear(array, bytesRead - silenceBytes, silenceBytes);
Ejemplo n.º 21
        private int LoadStream(WaveStream waveStream) {
            if (!isInitialized) {
                Error("Trying to Load Stream format for uninitialized sound manager");

            int channels, bits_per_sample, sample_rate;
            byte[] sound_data = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < managedSounds.Count; ++i) {
                if (managedSounds[i].refCount <= 0) {
                    managedSounds[i].bufferHandle = AL.GenBuffer();
                    managedSounds[i].refCount = 1;

                    sound_data = new byte[waveStream.Length];
                    waveStream.Read(sound_data, 0, (int)waveStream.Length);
                    channels = waveStream.WaveFormat.Channels;
                    bits_per_sample = waveStream.WaveFormat.BitsPerSample;
                    sample_rate = waveStream.WaveFormat.SampleRate;
                    AL.BufferData(managedSounds[i].bufferHandle, GetSoundFormat(channels, bits_per_sample), sound_data, sound_data.Length, sample_rate);
                    AL.Source(managedSounds[i].soundSource, ALSourcei.Buffer, managedSounds[i].bufferHandle);

                    return i;

            SoundInstance newSound = new SoundInstance();
            newSound.refCount = 1;
            newSound.bufferHandle = AL.GenBuffer();
            newSound.soundSource = AL.GenSource();

            sound_data = new byte[waveStream.Length];
            waveStream.Read(sound_data, 0, (int)waveStream.Length);
            channels = waveStream.WaveFormat.Channels;
            bits_per_sample = waveStream.WaveFormat.BitsPerSample;
            sample_rate = waveStream.WaveFormat.SampleRate;
            AL.BufferData(newSound.bufferHandle, GetSoundFormat(channels, bits_per_sample), sound_data, sound_data.Length, sample_rate);
            AL.Source(newSound.soundSource, ALSourcei.Buffer, newSound.bufferHandle);

            return managedSounds.Count - 1;
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public void LoadAudio(String filename)
                waveStream = new NAudio.Wave.WaveFileReader(filename);
            catch (Exception)
                MessageBox.Show("Could not load Audio! WAV files only.");
            if (waveStream != null)
                bytesPerSample = (waveStream.WaveFormat.BitsPerSample / 8) * waveStream.WaveFormat.Channels;
                if (bytesPerSample == 0)
                    bytesPerSample = 1;

                totalSamples = (int)(waveStream.Length / bytesPerSample);

                // create a memory based copy so we can access internal data without moving position
                MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream((int)waveStream.Length);
                ms.Position = 0;

                byte[] waveData = new byte[samplesPerPixel * bytesPerSample];
                while (waveStream.Position < waveStream.Length)
                    int bytesRead = waveStream.Read(waveData, 0, samplesPerPixel * bytesPerSample);
                    ms.Write(waveData, 0, bytesRead);

                memoryStream = ms;
                waveStream = new RawSourceWaveStream(memoryStream, waveStream.WaveFormat);


            //Zoom(0, 100000);