public void ClearLocks(byte playerId)
            foreach (var l in m_lockedEntities.ToArray())
                if (l.Value == playerId)

                    // Announce to all
                    MyEventLock unlockMsg = new MyEventLock();
                    unlockMsg.EntityId = l.Key;
                    unlockMsg.LockType = MyLockEnum.UNLOCK;
                    Peers.SendToAll(ref unlockMsg);
        public void Lock(MyEntityIdentifier entityId, bool enable)
            if (IsHost)
                // Host just sends lock to all
                bool success = TryLockEntity(entityId.NumericValue, MyEntityIdentifier.CurrentPlayerId, enable);

                if (success)
                    LogDevelop(MyEntities.GetEntityById(entityId).Name + " " + (enable ? "LOCKED" : "UNLOCKED"));

                MyEntity entity;
                if (enable && MyEntities.TryGetEntityById(entityId, out entity))
                    RaiseLockResponse(entity, success);
                // Send request to host
                MyEventLock msg = new MyEventLock();
                msg.EntityId = entityId.NumericValue;
                msg.LockType = enable ? MyLockEnum.LOCK : MyLockEnum.UNLOCK;

                // Sometimes can be called after host already disconnected (closing screens etc)
                Peers.TrySendHost(ref msg);
        /// <summary>
        /// Try lock entity and announce to other players (runs only on host)
        /// </summary>
        bool TryLockEntity(uint entityId, byte playerId, bool enable)
            bool success = true;
            if (enable)
                using (m_lockedEntitiesLock.AcquireExclusiveUsing())
                    success = !m_lockedEntities.ContainsKey(entityId);

                    if (success)
                        m_lockedEntities[entityId] = playerId;
                        MyEntities.GetEntityById(entityId.ToEntityId()).OnClosing += m_unlockOnClosing;
                using (m_lockedEntitiesLock.AcquireExclusiveUsing())
                    success = m_lockedEntities.Remove(entityId);
                    MyEntity entity;
                    if (MyEntities.TryGetEntityById(entityId.ToEntityId(), out entity))
                        entity.OnClosing -= m_unlockOnClosing;

            if (success)
                // Send lock to all
                MyEventLock response = new MyEventLock();
                response.EntityId = entityId;
                response.LockType = enable ? MyLockEnum.LOCK : MyLockEnum.UNLOCK;
                Peers.SendToAll(ref response, NetDeliveryMethod.ReliableOrdered, 0);

            if (enable)
                // Send response to player
                MyPlayerRemote player;
                if (Peers.TryGetPlayer(playerId, out player))
                    MyEventLockResult response = new MyEventLockResult();
                    response.EntityId = entityId;
                    response.IsSuccess = success;
                    Peers.NetworkClient.Send(ref response, player.Connection, NetDeliveryMethod.ReliableOrdered, 0);

            return success;
 private void OnLock(ref MyEventLock msg)
     var player = (MyPlayerRemote)msg.SenderConnection.Tag;
     if (player != null)
         if (IsHost)
             // Someone wants to lock entity
             TryLockEntity(msg.EntityId, player.PlayerId, msg.LockType == MyLockEnum.LOCK);
         else if (player.UserId == Peers.HostUserId)
             using (m_lockedEntitiesLock.AcquireExclusiveUsing())
                 if (msg.LockType == MyLockEnum.LOCK)
                     // Locked by host, just accept it
                     m_lockedEntities[msg.EntityId] = 0;
                     // Unlocked by host
             Alert("Lock came from other player than host", msg.SenderEndpoint, msg.EventType);