/// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the WaveInventoryCreator class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resultFile">The file name of the result files without extension name.</param>
        /// <param name="header">The wave info header.</param>
        /// <param name="namedUnitTypeId">The Dictionary which key is unit name and the value is index type id.</param>
        /// <param name="phoneIdMap">Phone id map .</param>
        /// <param name="millisecondPerFrame">Millisecond per frame.</param>
        /// <param name="keepLeftRightFrameMargin">Keep left right frame margin.</param>
        /// <param name="obfuscationMethod">The given method to perform obfuscation for the wave data.</param>
        public WaveInventoryCreator(string resultFile,
            WaveInfoHeader header,
            IDictionary<string, int> namedUnitTypeId,
            IDictionary<string, int> phoneIdMap,
            int millisecondPerFrame,
            int keepLeftRightFrameMargin,
            ObfuscationMethod obfuscationMethod)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(resultFile))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("resultFile");

            if (header == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("header");

            if (namedUnitTypeId == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("namedUnitTypeId");

            if (phoneIdMap == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("phoneIdMap");

            if (obfuscationMethod == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("obfuscationMethod");

            if (millisecondPerFrame <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("millisecondPerFrame");

            if (keepLeftRightFrameMargin < 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("keepLeftRightFrameMargin");

            _obfuscationMethod = obfuscationMethod;
            _header = header;
            _ccMarginLength = (int)(_header.CrossCorrelationMarginLength * 0.001f * _header.SamplesPerSecond);
            _fsMarginLength = (int)(keepLeftRightFrameMargin * millisecondPerFrame * 0.001f * _header.SamplesPerSecond);

            _namedUnitTypeId = namedUnitTypeId;
            _phoneIdMap = phoneIdMap;
            _indexingFile = new UnitIndexingFile(namedUnitTypeId);
            _fileName = resultFile;

            string fullFileName;
            switch (_header.Compression)
                case WaveCompressCatalog.Unc:
                    fullFileName = _fileName.AppendExtensionName(FileExtensions.WaveInventory);
                    throw new NotSupportedException("Only Unc is supported");

            _fileStream = new FileStream(fullFileName, FileMode.Create);
            _writer = new BinaryWriter(_fileStream);

            _voiceFontHeader = new VoiceFontHeader
                FileTag = 0x45564157,   // "WAVE"
                FormatTag = VoiceFontTag.FmtIdUncompressedWaveInventory,
                Version = 0,
                Build = 0,
                DataSize = 0,

            _dataOffset = _writer.BaseStream.Position;
            _millisecondPerFrame = millisecondPerFrame;

            LogFile = string.Empty;
        /// <summary>
        /// Start the pruning.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fontPath">Voice font path, like .\1033 .</param>
        /// <param name="configFile">Config file which will tell how many sentence will be include in each sub wve.</param>
        /// <param name="bFillData">Whether fill data if the sub WVE can't be exact division.</param>
        /// <param name="outputFolder">Target directory.</param>
        /// <returns>New WVE File path List.</returns>
        public static List<string> InventorySplit(string fontPath, string configFile, bool bFillData, string outputFolder)
            string unitfile = fontPath + ".unt";
            string wihFile = fontPath + ".wih";
            string wveFile = fontPath + ".wve";
            string outputUnit = Path.Combine(outputFolder, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(unitfile) + ".Splited.unt");

            PrintLog("Start to update split the WVE file...", true);

            // spliet the file.
            List<string> newWVEFileList = new List<string>();

            // Load the WIH file.
            WaveInfoHeader header = new WaveInfoHeader();
            const uint CompressFrameSize = 640;

            Dictionary<string, uint> untFrameUpdateList = new Dictionary<string, uint>();
            Dictionary<string, uint> acdFrameUpdateList = new Dictionary<string, uint>();
            uint curFillFrameCount = 0;
            Dictionary<string, int> namedUnitTypeId = new Dictionary<string, int>();
            Dictionary<int, WaveCandidateInfo> updatedCandidates = new Dictionary<int, WaveCandidateInfo>();
            using (UnitIndexingFile indexFile = new UnitIndexingFile(namedUnitTypeId))

                uint bytesPerFrame = indexFile.SamplePerFrame * header.BytesPerSample;
                uint compressFrameCount = CompressFrameSize / bytesPerFrame;

                // Get all sentence id information from the index file canidate, and save them in a sorted dictionary.
                // Because the sentece is sorted by a sorted dictionary in Font traing process.
                List<string> sentencIDs = indexFile.WaveCandidates.SelectMany(c => c.Value.Select(k => k.Value.SentenceId).Distinct()).Distinct().ToList();
                Dictionary<string, int> dic = sentencIDs.Select((v, i) => new { Value = v, Index = i }).ToDictionary(p => p.Value, p => p.Index);
                SortedDictionary<string, int> sortedSentenceDic = new SortedDictionary<string, int>(dic);
                List<string> orderedSentenceIDs = sortedSentenceDic.Select(e => e.Key).ToList();

                // Get the confing data.
                List<uint> sentencCountList = ReadConfigFile(configFile, (uint)orderedSentenceIDs.Count);

                using (FileStream readerStream = File.Open(wveFile, FileMode.Open))
                    BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(readerStream);

                    // load header
                    VoiceFontHeader fontHeader = new VoiceFontHeader();

                    PrintLog("[Totoal Frame in each new VWF file.]", true);

                    // the data offset from the header
                    long dataOffSet = reader.BaseStream.Position;
                    uint outputFileSuffix = 0;
                    uint readFrameNumber = 0;
                    int curSplitSegmentIndex = 0;
                    for (int index = 0; index <= orderedSentenceIDs.Count; index++)
                        if (index < sentencCountList[curSplitSegmentIndex])
                            untFrameUpdateList.Add(orderedSentenceIDs[index], curFillFrameCount);

                        string newWVEFileName = Path.Combine(outputFolder, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(wveFile) + "_" + outputFileSuffix.ToString() + ".wve");
                        PrintLog(string.Format("{0} Frame Update Count: {1}", Path.GetFileName(newWVEFileName), curFillFrameCount), true);

                        using (FileStream wveFileStream = File.Open(newWVEFileName, FileMode.Create))
                            BinaryWriter wveWriter = new BinaryWriter(wveFileStream);
                            long writerOffSet = wveWriter.BaseStream.Position;

                            // calculate lenth
                            long length = 0;
                            uint frameCount = 0;
                            if (index == orderedSentenceIDs.Count)
                                length = reader.BaseStream.Length - reader.BaseStream.Position;
                                frameCount = (uint)(length / bytesPerFrame);
                                // Get all candidate which are got from the specfied sentenc and sorted by frame index.
                                string endSentenceID = orderedSentenceIDs[index];
                                List<WaveCandidateInfo> endSenteceWaveInfo = indexFile.WaveCandidates.SelectMany(c => c.Value.Where(p => p.Value.SentenceId == endSentenceID))
                                                                                                             .Select(i => i.Value).SortBy(k => k.FrameIndexInSentence).ToList();

                                // Get the end candiate in the specifid sentence.
                                WaveCandidateInfo firstWaveCandidate = endSenteceWaveInfo[0];

                                frameCount = firstWaveCandidate.FrameIndex - firstWaveCandidate.FrameIndexInSentence - readFrameNumber;
                                length = bytesPerFrame * frameCount;
                                readFrameNumber = firstWaveCandidate.FrameIndex - firstWaveCandidate.FrameIndexInSentence;

                            // we need calculate how many bit will be filled into the WVE when it will be commpressed.
                            // 640 bit will be used in the compress tool, so we will reference this.
                            uint byteGap = (uint)((CompressFrameSize - (length % CompressFrameSize)) % CompressFrameSize);
                            uint updateFrameCount = (byteGap / bytesPerFrame) % compressFrameCount;
                            curFillFrameCount += updateFrameCount;

                            reader.BaseStream.Seek(dataOffSet, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                            byte[] data = reader.ReadBytes((int)length);

                            // fill data if the length can't be exact division.
                            if (bFillData)
                                FillSilenceData(wveWriter, byteGap);

                            // save the header file
                            fontHeader.DataSize = (ulong)(wveWriter.BaseStream.Position - writerOffSet);
                            SaveFontHeader(fontHeader, wveWriter);

                            dataOffSet = reader.BaseStream.Position;
                            PrintLog(string.Format("{0} Total Frame Count: {1} + {2}", Path.GetFileName(newWVEFileName), frameCount, updateFrameCount.ToString()), true);
                            PrintLog(string.Empty, true);

                            // recode the new file path.

                            if (index != orderedSentenceIDs.Count)
                                acdFrameUpdateList.Add(orderedSentenceIDs[index], curFillFrameCount);

                        header.Save(Path.ChangeExtension(newWVEFileName, "wih"));

                        if (index != orderedSentenceIDs.Count)

                // update ACD file.
                PrintLog("Update ACD file!", true);
                UpdateACDFile(indexFile, acdFrameUpdateList, fontPath + ".acd", Path.ChangeExtension(outputUnit, "acd"));

                // update index file
                PrintLog("Update UNT file!", true);
                UpdateIndexingFile(indexFile, untFrameUpdateList);

            PrintLog("Split successfully!", true);

            return newWVEFileList;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the WaveInventoryCreator class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="resultFile">The file name of the result files without extension name.</param>
 /// <param name="header">The wave info header.</param>
 /// <param name="namedUnitTypeId">The Dictionary which key is unit name and the value is index type id.</param>
 /// <param name="phoneIdMap">Phone id map .</param>
 /// <param name="millisecondPerFrame">Millisecond per frame.</param>
 /// <param name="keepLeftRightFrameMargin">Keep left right frame margin.</param>
 public WaveInventoryCreator(string resultFile,
     WaveInfoHeader header,
     IDictionary<string, int> namedUnitTypeId,
     IDictionary<string, int> phoneIdMap,
     int millisecondPerFrame,
     int keepLeftRightFrameMargin)
     : this(resultFile, header, namedUnitTypeId, phoneIdMap, millisecondPerFrame, keepLeftRightFrameMargin, NullObsucator)
        public static int CompressWVE(string wveFilePath, string wihFilePath, SpeechCodecEnc.Codec codec, string outputFolder, bool enableAnalysis)
            WaveInfoHeader wih = new WaveInfoHeader();
            if (wih.Compression != Microsoft.Tts.Offline.Config.WaveCompressCatalog.Unc)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Current font has already compress !");

            if (wih.SamplesPerSecond != 16000 || wih.BytesPerSample != 2)
                return -1;

            string strWVECompressedFilePath = Path.Combine(outputFolder, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(wveFilePath) + "." + codec.ToString() + @".WVE");
            string strWIHCompressedFilePath = Path.Combine(outputFolder, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(wveFilePath) + "." + codec.ToString() + @".WIH");
            string strRADCompressedFilePath = Path.Combine(outputFolder, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(wveFilePath) + "." + codec.ToString() + @".RAD");

            SpeechCodecDec.Codec decCodec = SpeechCodecDec.Codec.SILK;

            PrintLog("Start Compress font.", true);
            switch (codec)
                // case SpeechCodecEnc.Codec.AMRWB:
                // wih.Compression = Microsoft.Tts.Offline.Config.WaveCompressCatalog.AMRWB;
                // break;
                case SpeechCodecEnc.Codec.MSRTA:
                        wih.Compression = Microsoft.Tts.Offline.Config.WaveCompressCatalog.MSRTA;

                case SpeechCodecEnc.Codec.SILK:
                        wih.Compression = Microsoft.Tts.Offline.Config.WaveCompressCatalog.SILK;
                        decCodec = SpeechCodecDec.Codec.SILK;

                case SpeechCodecEnc.Codec.OpusSILK:
                        wih.Compression = Microsoft.Tts.Offline.Config.WaveCompressCatalog.OpusSILK;
                        decCodec = SpeechCodecDec.Codec.OpusSILK;

                        throw new Exception("Not supported compression!");


            string wveSamplePath = strWVECompressedFilePath + @".SAMPLE.PCM";
            string orgPcmPath = wveSamplePath + ".org.pcm";
            string encodedPath = wveSamplePath + ".opus";
            string lspTextPath = wveSamplePath + ".lsp.txt";

            List<byte> blockOffsets = new List<byte>();
            int nTotalEncoded = 0;
            const uint RAD_TAG = 0x4441522E;   // .RAD

            SpeechCodecDec decoder = new SpeechCodecDec();
            bool supoortRAD = decoder.SupportRAD;
            SpeechCodecEnc encoder = new SpeechCodecEnc();

            using (Obfuscation obf = new Obfuscation(ObfuscationDefaultPassword.ODP_INVENTORYBUILDING))
            using (FileStream wveStream = new FileStream(wveFilePath, FileMode.Open))
            using (FileStream compressedWVEStream = new FileStream(strWVECompressedFilePath, FileMode.Create))
            using (BinaryWriter binwRADStream = new BinaryWriter(new FileStream(strRADCompressedFilePath, FileMode.Create)))
            using (FileStream wveSampleStream = new FileStream(wveSamplePath, FileMode.Create))
            using (FileStream orgPcmStream = new FileStream(orgPcmPath, FileMode.Create))
            using (FileStream encodedStream = new FileStream(encodedPath, FileMode.Create))
            using (StreamWriter lspWriter = new StreamWriter(lspTextPath))
                BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(wveStream);
                BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(compressedWVEStream);

                VoiceFontHeader vfh = new VoiceFontHeader();
                long dataOffset = bw.BaseStream.Position;
                if (codec == SpeechCodecEnc.Codec.SILK || codec == SpeechCodecEnc.Codec.OpusSILK)
                    // save offset table's offset

                // create a decoder for RAD stat calculating
                SpeechCodecDec decoderRAD = new SpeechCodecDec();
                OpusSILKRADStatSerializer radSerializer = new OpusSILKRADStatSerializer();
                VoiceFontHeader voiceFontRADHeader = new VoiceFontHeader
                    FileTag = RAD_TAG,
                    FormatTag = VoiceFontTag.FmtIdRandomAccessDecodingData,
                    DataSize = 0,
                    Version = 0,
                    Build = 0

                long dataBegPos = 0;
                if (supoortRAD)
                    dataBegPos = binwRADStream.BaseStream.Position;
                    binwRADStream.Write((uint)0); // stat num
                    binwRADStream.Write((uint)0); // stat bytes num

                List<int> listOffsets = new List<int>();
                int nTotalRADBytes = 0;

                BinaryWriter bw2 = null;
                BinaryWriter bw3 = null;
                BinaryWriter bw4 = null;
                if (enableAnalysis)
                    bw2 = new BinaryWriter(wveSampleStream);
                    bw3 = new BinaryWriter(orgPcmStream);
                    bw4 = new BinaryWriter(encodedStream);

                short[] sampleBuf = new short[320];
                byte[] readBytes = new byte[640];
                int nReadBytes = 0;
                int nLoops = 0;

                ulong nosieCountDecodedSample = 0;
                while ((nReadBytes = br.Read(readBytes, 0, (int)(sampleBuf.Length * 2))) > 0)
                    obf.DeObfuscate(readBytes, (int)(br.BaseStream.Position - nReadBytes - dataOffset));
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(readBytes, 0, sampleBuf, 0, nReadBytes);

                    byte[] encodedBits = encoder.EncodeSamples(sampleBuf);

                    if (supoortRAD)
                        byte[] radBytes = decoderRAD.CalculateRADStat(encodedBits);
                        byte[] serializedRADBytes = radBytes;
                        if (codec == SpeechCodecEnc.Codec.OpusSILK)
                            serializedRADBytes = radSerializer.Serialize(radBytes);
                        nTotalRADBytes += serializedRADBytes.Length;

                    short[] decodedSamples = decoder.DecodeSamples(encodedBits);
                    ulong noiseCount = Microsoft.Tts.ServiceProvider.WaveGenerator.DetectNoise16k16bMono(decodedSamples);
                    if (noiseCount > 0)
                        nosieCountDecodedSample += noiseCount;

                    if (enableAnalysis)
                        if (bw3.BaseStream.Position <= 64000)
                            foreach (var sample in sampleBuf)


                        if (bw2.BaseStream.Position <= 64000)

                            foreach (var sample in decodedSamples)


                            float[] lspValues = decoder.DecodeLsp(encodedBits);
                            foreach (var lsp in lspValues)
                                lspWriter.Write("{0:N6}\t", lsp);


                    bw.Write(encodedBits, 0, encodedBits.Length);
                    if (encodedBits.Length > byte.MaxValue)
                        throw new Exception("Unexpcted encoding length!");

                    nTotalEncoded += encodedBits.Length;

                    if (nLoops == 500)
                        Console.Write("Encoded: {0}/{1}/{2}%         \r", br.BaseStream.Position - dataOffset, vfh.DataSize,
                            (float)(br.BaseStream.Position - dataOffset) / vfh.DataSize * 100);
                        nLoops = 0;

                PrintLog(string.Format("Encoded: {0}/{1}/{2}%         \r", br.BaseStream.Position - dataOffset, vfh.DataSize,
                    (float)(br.BaseStream.Position - dataOffset) / vfh.DataSize * 100), true);
                PrintLog(string.Empty, true);

                if (codec == SpeechCodecEnc.Codec.SILK || codec == SpeechCodecEnc.Codec.OpusSILK)
                    // save offset table
                    foreach (var offset in blockOffsets)

                    PrintLog(string.Format("Total blocks: {0}", blockOffsets.Count), true);

                if (supoortRAD)
                    foreach (var offset in listOffsets)

                PrintLog(string.Empty, true);
                PrintLog(string.Format("Detect {0} noise in decoded samples.", nosieCountDecodedSample), true);

                vfh.DataSize = (ulong)(bw.BaseStream.Position - dataOffset);

                bw.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                if (supoortRAD)
                    voiceFontRADHeader.DataSize = (ulong)(binwRADStream.BaseStream.Position - dataBegPos);
                    binwRADStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    binwRADStream.Write(blockOffsets.Count); // stat num
                    binwRADStream.Write(nTotalRADBytes); // stat bytes num

                if (codec == SpeechCodecEnc.Codec.SILK || codec == SpeechCodecEnc.Codec.OpusSILK)
                    // update offset table's offset


            if (!enableAnalysis)

            if (!supoortRAD)

            return blockOffsets.Count;