Ejemplo n.º 1
 internal static void VerifyThrowInternalLength(string parameterValue, string parameterName)
     ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInternalNull((object)parameterValue, parameterName);
     if (parameterValue.Length != 0)
     ErrorUtilities.ThrowInternalError("{0} unexpectedly empty", (object)parameterName);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Throws an InvalidProjectFileException using the given data.
        /// PERF WARNING: calling a method that takes a variable number of arguments
        /// is expensive, because memory is allocated for the array of arguments -- do
        /// not call this method repeatedly in performance-critical scenarios
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="errorSubCategoryResourceName">The resource string for the
        /// error sub-category (can be null).</param>
        /// <param name="elementLocation">The <see cref="IElementLocation"/> of the element.</param>
        /// <param name="resourceName">The resource string for the error message.</param>
        /// <param name="args">Extra arguments for formatting the error message.</param>
        private static void ThrowInvalidProject
            string errorSubCategoryResourceName,
            IElementLocation elementLocation,
            string resourceName,
            params object[] args
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInternalNull(elementLocation, "elementLocation");
            if (errorSubCategoryResourceName != null)

            string errorSubCategory = null;

            if (errorSubCategoryResourceName != null)
                errorSubCategory = AssemblyResources.GetString(errorSubCategoryResourceName);

            string errorCode;
            string helpKeyword;
            string message = ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceString(out errorCode, out helpKeyword, resourceName, args);

            Exception exceptionToThrow = new InvalidProjectFileException(elementLocation.File, elementLocation.Line, elementLocation.Column, 0 /* Unknown end line */, 0 /* Unknown end column */, message, errorSubCategory, errorCode, helpKeyword);

            if (!DebuggerManager.DebuggingEnabled)
                throw exceptionToThrow;

                throw exceptionToThrow;
            catch (InvalidProjectFileException ex)
                // To help out the user debugging their project, break into the debugger here.
                // That's because otherwise, since they're debugging our optimized code with JMC on,
                // they may not be able to break on this exception at all themselves.
                // Also, dump the exception information, as it's hard to see in optimized code.
                // Note that we use Trace as Debug.WriteLine is not compiled in release builds, which is
                // what we are in here.
            throw exceptionToThrow;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private static Assembly GetEntryAssembly()
            var getEntryAssembly = typeof(Assembly).GetMethod("GetEntryAssembly");

            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInternalNull(getEntryAssembly, "Assembly does not have the method GetEntryAssembly");

            return((Assembly)getEntryAssembly.Invoke(null, Array.Empty <object>()));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private static CultureInfo[] GetValidCultures()
            var cultureTypesType = s_cultureInfoGetCultureMethod?.GetParameters().FirstOrDefault()?.ParameterType;

            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(cultureTypesType?.Name == "CultureTypes" &&
                                       Enum.IsDefined(cultureTypesType, "AllCultures"),
                                       "GetCulture is expected to accept CultureTypes.AllCultures");

            var allCulturesEnumValue = Enum.Parse(cultureTypesType, "AllCultures", true);

            var cultures = s_cultureInfoGetCultureMethod.Invoke(null, new[] { allCulturesEnumValue }) as CultureInfo[];

            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInternalNull(cultures, "CultureInfo.GetCultures should work if all reflection checks pass");

Ejemplo n.º 5
        private static void ThrowInvalidProject
            string errorSubCategoryResourceName,
            IElementLocation elementLocation,
            string resourceName,
            params object[] args
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInternalNull(elementLocation, nameof(elementLocation));
            if (errorSubCategoryResourceName != null)

            string errorSubCategory = errorSubCategoryResourceName is null ? null : AssemblyResources.GetString(errorSubCategoryResourceName);

            string message = ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceStringStripCodeAndKeyword(out string errorCode, out string helpKeyword, resourceName, args);

            throw new InvalidProjectFileException(elementLocation.File, elementLocation.Line, elementLocation.Column, 0 /* Unknown end line */, 0 /* Unknown end column */, message, errorSubCategory, errorCode, helpKeyword);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Add or rename an entry in the cache.
        /// Old full path may be null iff it was not already in the cache.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Must be called within the cache lock.
        /// </remarks>
        private void RenameEntryInternal(string oldFullPathIfAny, ProjectRootElement projectRootElement)
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInternalNull(projectRootElement.FullPath, "FullPath");

            if (oldFullPathIfAny != null)
                ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(_weakCache[oldFullPathIfAny] == projectRootElement, "Should already be present");

            // There may already be a ProjectRootElement in the cache with the new name. In this case we cannot throw an exception;
            // we must merely replace it. This is because it may be an unrooted entry
            // (and thus gone from the client's point of view) that merely remains
            // in the cache because we still have a reference to it from our strong cache.
            // Another possibility is that there are two, unrelated, un-saved, in-memory projects that were given the same path.
            // Replacing the cache entry does not in itself cause a problem -- if there are any actual users of the old
            // entry they will not be affected. There would then exist more than one ProjectRootElement with the same path,
            // but clients ought not get themselves into such a state - and unless they save them to disk,
            // it may not be a problem. Replacing also doesn't cause a problem for the strong cache,
            // as it is never consulted by us, but it is reasonable for us to remove the old entry in that case.
            ProjectRootElement existingWeakEntry;

            _weakCache.TryGetValue(projectRootElement.FullPath, out existingWeakEntry);

            if (existingWeakEntry != null && !Object.ReferenceEquals(existingWeakEntry, projectRootElement))

            DebugTraceCache("Adding: ", projectRootElement.FullPath);
            _weakCache[projectRootElement.FullPath] = projectRootElement;

Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns an existing ProjectRootElement for the specified file path, if any.
        /// If none exists, calls the provided delegate to load one, and adds that to the cache.
        /// The reason that it calls back to do this is so that the cache is locked between determining
        /// that the entry does not exist and adding the entry.
        /// If <see cref="_autoReloadFromDisk"/> was set to true, and the file on disk has changed since it was cached,
        /// it will be reloaded before being returned.
        /// Thread safe.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Never needs to consult the strong cache as well, since if the item is in there, it will
        /// not have left the weak cache.
        /// If item is found, boosts it to the top of the strong cache.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="projectFile">The project file which contains the ProjectRootElement.  Must be a full path.</param>
        /// <param name="openProjectRootElement">The delegate to use to load if necessary. May be null.</param>
        /// <param name="isExplicitlyLoaded"><code>true</code> if the project is explicitly loaded, otherwise <code>false</code>.</param>
        /// <param name="preserveFormatting"><code>true</code> to the project was loaded with the formated preserved, otherwise <code>false</code>.</param>
        /// <returns>The ProjectRootElement instance if one exists.  Null otherwise.</returns>
        internal ProjectRootElement Get(string projectFile, OpenProjectRootElement openProjectRootElement, bool isExplicitlyLoaded,
            // Should already have been canonicalized

            lock (_locker)
                ProjectRootElement projectRootElement;
                _weakCache.TryGetValue(projectFile, out projectRootElement);

                if (preserveFormatting != null && projectRootElement != null && projectRootElement.XmlDocument.PreserveWhitespace != preserveFormatting)
                    //  Cached project doesn't match preserveFormatting setting, so reload it
                    projectRootElement.Reload(true, preserveFormatting);

                if (projectRootElement != null && _autoReloadFromDisk)
                    var fileInfo = FileUtilities.GetFileInfoNoThrow(projectFile);

                    // If the file doesn't exist on disk, go ahead and use the cached version.
                    // It's an in-memory project that hasn't been saved yet.
                    if (fileInfo != null)
                        bool forgetEntry = false;

                        if (fileInfo.LastWriteTime != projectRootElement.LastWriteTimeWhenRead)
                            // File was changed on disk by external means. Cached version is no longer reliable.
                            // We could throw here or ignore the problem, but it is a common and reasonable pattern to change a file
                            // externally and load a new project over it to see the new content. So we dump it from the cache
                            // to force a load from disk. There might then exist more than one ProjectRootElement with the same path,
                            // but clients ought not get themselves into such a state - and unless they save them to disk,
                            // it may not be a problem.
                            forgetEntry = true;
                        else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDCACHECHECKFILECONTENT")))
                            // QA tests run too fast for the timestamp check to work. This environment variable is for their
                            // use: it checks the file content as well as the timestamp. That's better than completely disabling
                            // the cache as we get test coverage of the rest of the cache code.
                            XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument();
                            document.PreserveWhitespace = projectRootElement.XmlDocument.PreserveWhitespace;

                            using (var xtr = XmlReaderExtension.Create(projectRootElement.FullPath, projectRootElement.ProjectRootElementCache.LoadProjectsReadOnly))

                            string diskContent  = document.OuterXml;
                            string cacheContent = projectRootElement.XmlDocument.OuterXml;

                            if (diskContent != cacheContent)
                                forgetEntry = true;

                        if (forgetEntry)

                            DebugTraceCache("Out of date dropped from XML cache: ", projectFile);
                            projectRootElement = null;

                if (projectRootElement == null && openProjectRootElement != null)
                    projectRootElement = openProjectRootElement(projectFile, this);

                    ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInternalNull(projectRootElement, "projectRootElement");
                    ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(projectRootElement.FullPath == projectFile, "Got project back with incorrect path");
                    ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(_weakCache.Contains(projectFile), "Open should have renamed into cache and boosted");
                else if (projectRootElement != null)
                    DebugTraceCache("Satisfied from XML cache: ", projectFile);

                // An implicit load will never reset the explicit flag.
                if (projectRootElement != null && isExplicitlyLoaded)

Ejemplo n.º 8
        internal static string ExtractMessageCode(bool msbuildCodeOnly, string message, out string code)
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInternalNull(message, "message");
            code = null;
            int startIndex = 0;

            while ((startIndex < message.Length) && char.IsWhiteSpace(message[startIndex]))
            if (msbuildCodeOnly)
                if (((((message.Length < (startIndex + 8)) || (message[startIndex] != 'M')) || ((message[startIndex + 1] != 'S') || (message[startIndex + 2] != 'B'))) || (((message[startIndex + 3] < '0') || (message[startIndex + 3] > '9')) || ((message[startIndex + 4] < '0') || (message[startIndex + 4] > '9')))) || (((message[startIndex + 5] < '0') || (message[startIndex + 5] > '9')) || (((message[startIndex + 6] < '0') || (message[startIndex + 6] > '9')) || (message[startIndex + 7] != ':'))))
                code        = message.Substring(startIndex, 7);
                startIndex += 8;
                int num2 = startIndex;
                while (num2 < message.Length)
                    char ch = message[num2];
                    if (((ch < 'a') || (ch > 'z')) && ((ch < 'A') || (ch > 'Z')))
                if (num2 == startIndex)
                int num3 = num2;
                while (num3 < message.Length)
                    char ch2 = message[num3];
                    if ((ch2 < '0') || (ch2 > '9'))
                if (num3 == num2)
                if ((num3 == message.Length) || (message[num3] != ':'))
                code       = message.Substring(startIndex, num3 - startIndex);
                startIndex = num3 + 1;
            while ((startIndex < message.Length) && char.IsWhiteSpace(message[startIndex]))
            if (startIndex < message.Length)
                message = message.Substring(startIndex, message.Length - startIndex);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        internal override ProjectRootElement Get(string projectFile, OpenProjectRootElement loadProjectRootElement, bool isExplicitlyLoaded,
            // Verify that loadProjectRootElement delegate does not call ProjectRootElementCache.Get().
                s_getEntriesNumber == 1,
                "Reentrance to the ProjectRootElementCache.Get function detected."

            try {
            // Should already have been canonicalized

            ProjectRootElement projectRootElement;
            lock (_locker)
                _weakCache.TryGetValue(projectFile, out projectRootElement);

                if (projectRootElement != null)

                    // An implicit load will never reset the explicit flag.
                    if (isExplicitlyLoaded)
                    DebugTraceCache("Not found in cache: ", projectFile);

                if (preserveFormatting != null && projectRootElement != null && projectRootElement.XmlDocument.PreserveWhitespace != preserveFormatting)
                    // Cached project doesn't match preserveFormatting setting, so reload it
                    projectRootElement.Reload(true, preserveFormatting);

            bool projectRootElementIsInvalid = IsInvalidEntry(projectFile, projectRootElement);
            if (projectRootElementIsInvalid)
                DebugTraceCache("Not satisfied from cache: ", projectFile);

            if (loadProjectRootElement == null)
                if (projectRootElement == null || projectRootElementIsInvalid)
                    DebugTraceCache("Satisfied from XML cache: ", projectFile);

            // Use openProjectRootElement to reload the element if the cache element does not exist or need to be reloaded.
            if (projectRootElement == null || projectRootElementIsInvalid)
                // We do not lock loading with common _locker of the cache, to avoid lock contention.
                // Decided also not to lock this section with the key specific locker to avoid the overhead and code overcomplication, as
                // it is not likely that two threads would use Get function for the same project simultaneously and it is not a big deal if in some cases we load the same project twice.

                projectRootElement = loadProjectRootElement(projectFile, this);
                ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInternalNull(projectRootElement, "projectRootElement");
                    projectRootElement.FullPath.Equals(projectFile, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase),
                    "Got project back with incorrect path. Expected path: {0}, received path: {1}.",

                // An implicit load will never reset the explicit flag.
                if (isExplicitlyLoaded)

                // Update cache element.
                // It is unlikely, but it might be that while without the lock, the projectRootElement in cache was updated by another thread.
                // And here its entry will be replaced with the loaded projectRootElement. This is fine:
                // if loaded projectRootElement is out of date (so, it changed since the time we loaded it), it will be updated the next time some thread calls Get function.
                DebugTraceCache("Satisfied from XML cache: ", projectFile);



Ejemplo n.º 10
        internal static string ExtractMessageCode(bool msbuildCodeOnly, string message, out string code)
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInternalNull((object)message, "message");
            code = (string)null;
            int startIndex1 = 0;

            while (startIndex1 < message.Length && char.IsWhiteSpace(message[startIndex1]))
            int startIndex2;

            if (msbuildCodeOnly)
                if (message.Length < startIndex1 + 8 || (int)message[startIndex1] != 77 || ((int)message[startIndex1 + 1] != 83 || (int)message[startIndex1 + 2] != 66) || ((int)message[startIndex1 + 3] < 48 || (int)message[startIndex1 + 3] > 57 || ((int)message[startIndex1 + 4] < 48 || (int)message[startIndex1 + 4] > 57)) || ((int)message[startIndex1 + 5] < 48 || (int)message[startIndex1 + 5] > 57 || ((int)message[startIndex1 + 6] < 48 || (int)message[startIndex1 + 6] > 57) || (int)message[startIndex1 + 7] != 58))
                code        = message.Substring(startIndex1, 7);
                startIndex2 = startIndex1 + 8;
                int index1;
                for (index1 = startIndex1; index1 < message.Length; ++index1)
                    char ch = message[index1];
                    if (((int)ch < 97 || (int)ch > 122) && ((int)ch < 65 || (int)ch > 90))
                if (index1 == startIndex1)
                int index2;
                for (index2 = index1; index2 < message.Length; ++index2)
                    char ch = message[index2];
                    if ((int)ch < 48 || (int)ch > 57)
                if (index2 == index1 || index2 == message.Length || (int)message[index2] != 58)
                code        = message.Substring(startIndex1, index2 - startIndex1);
                startIndex2 = index2 + 1;
            while (startIndex2 < message.Length && char.IsWhiteSpace(message[startIndex2]))
            if (startIndex2 < message.Length)
                message = message.Substring(startIndex2, message.Length - startIndex2);