Ejemplo n.º 1
        public SerializableModel(Node node, TimeValue t, bool bMeshData, bool bReferencedData)
            color = node.Color;
            bone = node.IsBone;
            if (bMeshData) // && node.Visibility.Render)
                mesh = node.GetMesh(t);            
            transform = node.GetNodeTransform(t);
            name = node.Name;
            foreach (Node child in node.Nodes)
                models.Add(new SerializableModel(child, t, bMeshData));

            if (bReferencedData)
                foreach (SceneObject obj in node.TargetTree.FilterType<SceneObject>())
Ejemplo n.º 2
        int CreateGlobalVertex(IMesh mesh, Mesh computedMesh, int face, int facePart, List<GlobalVertex> vertices, bool hasUV, bool hasUV2, VNormal[] vnorms, List<GlobalVertex>[] verticesAlreadyExported, IISkinContextData skinContextData)
            var faceObject = mesh.Faces[face];
            var vertexIndex = (int)faceObject.V[facePart];

            var vertex = new GlobalVertex
                BaseIndex = vertexIndex,
                Position = mesh.Verts[vertexIndex],
                Normal = (vnorms != null) ? vnorms[vertexIndex].GetNormal(faceObject.SmGroup) : computedMesh.vnormals[vertexIndex]._IPoint3

            if (hasUV)
                var tvertexIndex = (int)mesh.TvFace[face].T[facePart];
                vertex.UV = Loader.Global.Point2.Create(mesh.TVerts[tvertexIndex].X, mesh.TVerts[tvertexIndex].Y);

            if (hasUV2)
                var tvertexIndex = (int)mesh.MapFaces(2)[face].T[facePart];
                vertex.UV2 = Loader.Global.Point2.Create(mesh.MapVerts(2)[tvertexIndex].X, mesh.MapVerts(2)[tvertexIndex].Y);

            if (skinContextData != null)
                float weight0 = 0;
                float weight1 = 0;
                float weight2 = 0;
                int bone0 = bonesCount;
                int bone1 = bonesCount;
                int bone2 = bonesCount;
                int bone3 = bonesCount;
                int nbBones = skinContextData.GetNumAssignedBones(vertexIndex);

                if (nbBones > 0)
                    bone0 = skinContextData.GetAssignedBone(vertexIndex, 0);
                    weight0 = skinContextData.GetBoneWeight(vertexIndex, 0);

                if (nbBones > 1)
                    bone1 = skinContextData.GetAssignedBone(vertexIndex, 1);
                    weight1 = skinContextData.GetBoneWeight(vertexIndex, 1);

                if (nbBones > 2)
                    bone2 = skinContextData.GetAssignedBone(vertexIndex, 2);
                    weight2 = skinContextData.GetBoneWeight(vertexIndex, 2);

                if (nbBones > 3)
                    bone3 = skinContextData.GetAssignedBone(vertexIndex, 3);

                if (nbBones == 0)
                    weight0 = 1.0f;
                    bone0 = bonesCount;

                if (nbBones > 4)
                    RaiseError("Too many bones per vertex: " + nbBones);

                vertex.Weights = Loader.Global.Point4.Create(weight0, weight1, weight2, 1.0 - weight0 - weight1 - weight2);
                vertex.BonesIndices = (bone3 << 24) | (bone2 << 16) | (bone1 << 8) | bone0;

            if (verticesAlreadyExported != null)
                if (verticesAlreadyExported[vertexIndex] != null)
                    var index = verticesAlreadyExported[vertexIndex].IndexOf(vertex);

                    if (index > -1)
                        return verticesAlreadyExported[vertexIndex][index].CurrentIndex;
                    verticesAlreadyExported[vertexIndex] = new List<GlobalVertex>();

                vertex.CurrentIndex = vertices.Count;


            return vertices.Count - 1;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        int CreateGlobalVertex(IMesh mesh, Mesh computedMesh, int face, int facePart, List<GlobalVertex> vertices, bool hasUV, bool hasUV2, bool noOptimize)
            var vertexIndex = (int)mesh.Faces[face].V[facePart];

            var vertex = new GlobalVertex
                Position = mesh.Verts[vertexIndex],
                Normal = computedMesh.vnormals[vertexIndex]._IPoint3

            if (hasUV)
                var tvertexIndex = (int)mesh.TvFace[face].T[facePart];
                vertex.UV = Loader.Global.Point2.Create(mesh.TVerts[tvertexIndex].X, mesh.TVerts[tvertexIndex].Y);

            if (hasUV2)
                var tvertexIndex = (int)mesh.MapFaces(2)[face].T[facePart];
                vertex.UV2 = Loader.Global.Point2.Create(mesh.MapVerts(2)[tvertexIndex].X, mesh.MapVerts(2)[tvertexIndex].Y);

            if (!noOptimize)
                var index = vertices.IndexOf(vertex);

                if (index > -1)
                    return index;


            return vertices.Count - 1;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public Mesh GetMesh(TimeValue t)
            if (_Object.CanConvertToType(ClassID.TriObject._IClass_ID) == 0)
                return null;

            ITriObject tri = _Object.ConvertToType(t, ClassID.TriObject._IClass_ID) as ITriObject;
            if (tri == null)
                return null;

            Mesh r = new Mesh(tri.Mesh);

            if (tri.Handle != _Object.Handle)
                RefResult rr = tri.MaybeAutoDelete();
                if (rr == RefResult.Fail)
                    throw new Exception("Failed to autodelete the tri-object");

            return r;