public static MatterControlApplication CreateInstance(int overrideWidth = -1, int overrideHeight = -1)
            int width  = 0;
            int height = 0;

            // check if the app has a size alread set
            string windowSize = ApplicationSettings.Instance.get(ApplicationSettingsKey.WindowSize);

            if (windowSize != null && windowSize != "")
                // try and open our window matching the last size that we had for it.
                string[] sizes = windowSize.Split(',');
                width  = Math.Max(int.Parse(sizes[0]), (int)minSize.x + 1);
                height = Math.Max(int.Parse(sizes[1]), (int)minSize.y + 1);
            else             // try to set it to a big size or the min size
                Point2D desktopSize = OsInformation.DesktopSize;

                if (overrideWidth != -1)
                    width = overrideWidth;
                else                 // try to set it to a good size
                    if (width < desktopSize.x)
                        width = 1280;

                if (overrideHeight != -1)
                    height = overrideHeight;
                    if (height < desktopSize.y)
                        height = 720;

            using (new PerformanceTimer("Startup", "Total"))
                instance = new MatterControlApplication(width, height);

                if (instance.DesktopPosition == new Point2D())
                    Point2D desktopSize = OsInformation.DesktopSize;

                    // Now try and center the window. If this is saved it will got overridden
                    instance.DesktopPosition = new Point2D((desktopSize.x - instance.Width) / 2, (desktopSize.y - instance.Height) / 2);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static MatterControlApplication CreateInstance(int overrideWidth = -1, int overrideHeight = -1)
            int width  = 0;
            int height = 0;

            if (UserSettings.Instance.IsTouchScreen)
                minSize = new Vector2(800, 480);

            // check if the app has a size already set
            string windowSize = ApplicationSettings.Instance.get(ApplicationSettingsKey.WindowSize);

            if (windowSize != null && windowSize != "")
                // try and open our window matching the last size that we had for it.
                string[] sizes = windowSize.Split(',');

                width  = Math.Max(int.Parse(sizes[0]), (int)minSize.x + 1);
                height = Math.Max(int.Parse(sizes[1]), (int)minSize.y + 1);
            else             // try to set it to a big size or the min size
                Point2D desktopSize = OsInformation.DesktopSize;

                if (overrideWidth != -1)
                    width = overrideWidth;
                else                 // try to set it to a good size
                    if (width < desktopSize.x)
                        width = 1280;

                if (overrideHeight != -1)
                    height = overrideHeight;
                    if (height < desktopSize.y)
                        height = 720;

            using (new PerformanceTimer("Startup", "Total"))
                instance = new MatterControlApplication(width, height);

        public static void Main()
            // Make sure we have the right woring directory as we assume everything relative to the executable.


            MatterControlApplication app = MatterControlApplication.Instance;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void ConditionalyCloseNow(bool continueWithShutdown)
            if (continueWithShutdown)

                MatterControlApplication app = MatterControlApplication.Instance;
                app.RestartOnClose = false;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public static void CheckKnownAssemblyConditionalCompSymbols()
Ejemplo n.º 6
 private void RestartApplication()
     UiThread.RunOnIdle((state) =>
         //horrible hack - to be replaced
         GuiWidget parent = this;
         while (parent as MatterControlApplication == null)
             parent = parent.Parent;
         MatterControlApplication app = parent as MatterControlApplication;
         app.RestartOnClose           = true;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 bool exit_Click()
     UiThread.RunOnIdle((state) =>
         GuiWidget parent = this;
         while (parent as MatterControlApplication == null)
             parent = parent.Parent;
         MatterControlApplication app = parent as MatterControlApplication;
         app.RestartOnClose           = false;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 protected override IEnumerable <MenuItemAction> GetMenuActions()
     return(new List <MenuItemAction>
         new MenuItemAction("Add Printer".Localize(), () => WizardWindow.Show()),
         new MenuItemAction("Add File To Queue".Localize(), importFile_Click),
         new MenuItemAction("Redeem Design Code".Localize(), () => RedeemDesignCode?.Invoke(this, null)),
         new MenuItemAction("Enter Share Code".Localize(), () => EnterShareCode?.Invoke(this, null)),
         new MenuItemAction("------------------------", null),
         new MenuItemAction("Exit".Localize(), () =>
             MatterControlApplication app = this.Parents <MatterControlApplication>().FirstOrDefault();
             app.RestartOnClose = false;
        public static MatterControlApplication CreateInstance(out bool showWindow)
            // try and open our window matching the last size that we had for it.
            string windowSize = ApplicationSettings.Instance.get("WindowSize");
            int    width      = 1280;
            int    height     = 720;

            if (windowSize != null && windowSize != "")
                string[] sizes = windowSize.Split(',');
                width  = Math.Max(int.Parse(sizes[0]), (int)minSize.x + 1);
                height = Math.Max(int.Parse(sizes[1]), (int)minSize.y + 1);

            instance = new MatterControlApplication(width, height, out showWindow);

        private void ConditionalyCloseNow(bool continueWithShutdown)
            // Response received, cecord that we are not waiting anymore.
            closeMessageBoxIsOpen = false;
            if (continueWithShutdown)
                closeHasBeenConfirmed = true;
                bool printingFromSdCard = PrinterConnectionAndCommunication.Instance.CommunicationState == PrinterConnectionAndCommunication.CommunicationStates.PrintingFromSd ||
                                          (PrinterConnectionAndCommunication.Instance.CommunicationState == PrinterConnectionAndCommunication.CommunicationStates.Paused &&
                                           PrinterConnectionAndCommunication.Instance.PrePauseCommunicationState == PrinterConnectionAndCommunication.CommunicationStates.PrintingFromSd);
                if (!printingFromSdCard)

                MatterControlApplication app = MatterControlApplication.Instance;
                app.RestartOnClose = false;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public static MatterControlApplication CreateInstance()
            // try and open our window matching the last size that we had for it.
            string windowSize = ApplicationSettings.Instance.get("WindowSize");
            int    width      = 1280;
            int    height     = 720;

            if (windowSize != null && windowSize != "")
                string[] sizes = windowSize.Split(',');
                width  = Math.Max(int.Parse(sizes[0]), (int)minSize.x + 1);
                height = Math.Max(int.Parse(sizes[1]), (int)minSize.y + 1);

            using (new PerformanceTimer("Startup", "Total"))
                instance = new MatterControlApplication(width, height);

 protected override IEnumerable <MenuItemAction> GetMenuActions()
     return(new List <MenuItemAction>
         // TODO: Helper while building printing window prototype... remove once finalized
         new MenuItemAction("Printing Window...".Localize(), () => PrintingWindow.Show()),
         new MenuItemAction("------------------------", null),
         new MenuItemAction("Add Printer".Localize(), AddPrinter_Click),
         new MenuItemAction("Import Printer".Localize(), ImportPrinter),
         new MenuItemAction("Add File To Queue".Localize(), importFile_Click),
         new MenuItemAction("Redeem Design Code".Localize(), () => ApplicationController.Instance.RedeemDesignCode?.Invoke()),
         new MenuItemAction("Enter Share Code".Localize(), () => ApplicationController.Instance.EnterShareCode?.Invoke()),
         new MenuItemAction("------------------------", null),
         new MenuItemAction("Exit".Localize(), () =>
             MatterControlApplication app = this.Parents <MatterControlApplication>().FirstOrDefault();
             app.RestartOnClose = false;
        public static void Main()
            CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture     = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;

            // Make sure we have the right working directory as we assume everything relative to the executable.


#if !DEBUG
            // Conditionally spin up error reporting if not on the Stable channel
            string channel = UserSettings.Instance.get("UpdateFeedType");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(channel) || channel != "release" || OemSettings.Instance.WindowTitleExtra == "Experimental")
                System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadException += new ThreadExceptionEventHandler(Application_ThreadException);
                AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException       += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException);

            MatterControlApplication app = MatterControlApplication.Instance;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        private bool exit_Click()
            UiThread.RunOnIdle(() =>
                GuiWidget parent = this;
                while (parent as MatterControlApplication == null)
                    parent = parent.Parent;

                if (PrinterConnectionAndCommunication.Instance.PrinterIsPrinting)
                    StyledMessageBox.ShowMessageBox(null, cannotExitWhileActiveMessage, cannotExitWhileActiveTitle);
                    MatterControlApplication app = parent as MatterControlApplication;
                    app.RestartOnClose           = false;
		public static MatterControlApplication CreateInstance(out bool showWindow)
			// try and open our window matching the last size that we had for it.
			string windowSize = ApplicationSettings.Instance.get("WindowSize");
			int width = 1280;
			int height = 720;
			if (windowSize != null && windowSize != "")
				string[] sizes = windowSize.Split(',');
				width = Math.Max(int.Parse(sizes[0]), (int)minSize.x + 1);
				height = Math.Max(int.Parse(sizes[1]), (int)minSize.y + 1);

            using (new PerformanceTimer("Startup", "Total"))
                instance = new MatterControlApplication(width, height, out showWindow);

			return instance;
		public static MatterControlApplication CreateInstance(int overrideWidth = -1, int overrideHeight = -1)
			int width = 0;
			int height = 0;

			// check if the app has a size alread set
			string windowSize = ApplicationSettings.Instance.get(ApplicationSettingsKey.WindowSize);
			if (windowSize != null && windowSize != "")
				// try and open our window matching the last size that we had for it.
				string[] sizes = windowSize.Split(',');
				width = Math.Max(int.Parse(sizes[0]), (int)minSize.x + 1);
				height = Math.Max(int.Parse(sizes[1]), (int)minSize.y + 1);
			else // try to set it to a big size or the min size
				Point2D desktopSize = OsInformation.DesktopSize;

				if (overrideWidth != -1)
					width = overrideWidth;
				else // try to set it to a good size
					if (width < desktopSize.x)
						width = 1280;

				if (overrideHeight != -1)
					height = overrideHeight;
					if (height < desktopSize.y)
						height = 720;

			using (new PerformanceTimer("Startup", "Total"))
				instance = new MatterControlApplication(width, height);

				if (instance.DesktopPosition == new Point2D())
					Point2D desktopSize = OsInformation.DesktopSize;

					// Now try and center the window. If this is saved it will got overridden
					instance.DesktopPosition = new Point2D((desktopSize.x - instance.Width) / 2, (desktopSize.y - instance.Height) / 2);

			return instance;