Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void Run( string source, PngLevel pngLevel, int checkId, bool tolerant )
            PSD.File psd = QueryImage.Run( source );
            if ( !ImportImage.CheckPSD( psd ) ) return;

            MapInfo info = MapInfo.FromBitmap( psd.Layers[Boot.MapInfoLayerName].Image );

            // Extract the 3 buffers from the PSD
            int[] colorbuffer, idbuffer, borderbuffer;
            ImportImage.GetBuffers( psd, out colorbuffer, out idbuffer, out borderbuffer );

            // Get the convertor
            IIDConvertor convertor = ImportImage.GetConvertor( info );
            if ( convertor == null ) return;

            IIDConvertor tconvertor = null;
            if ( convertor is Inferis2IDConvertor && tolerant ) tconvertor = new InferisProxIDConvertor();

            if ( tconvertor != null )
                Console.WriteLine( "Using tolerant ID conversion." );

            // If needed, write out test PNGs of the extracted layers
            if ( pngLevel != PngLevel.None ) ImportImage.WriteTestPNGs( colorbuffer, idbuffer, borderbuffer, pngLevel, info );

            if ( info.LightmapZoom == 0 ) {
                Console.Write( "Checking ID map... " );
                // Use another buffer, since we need to remember the original for the image import later on.
                int[] cidbuffer = new int[idbuffer.Length];

                if ( checkId >= 0 && checkId <= Province.Count ) {
                    Point[] tagged = new Point[idbuffer.Length];
                    int t = 0;
                    for ( int i=0; i<idbuffer.Length; ++i ) {
                        cidbuffer[i] = convertor.ConvertRGB( idbuffer[i] );
                        if ( cidbuffer[i] == checkId ) {
                            tagged[t++] = new Point( i%info.Width, i/info.Width );

                    Console.WriteLine( "Done." );

                    Console.WriteLine( "ID {0} was found at the following locations in the file:", checkId );
                    for ( int i=0; i<t; ++i ) {
                        Console.WriteLine( "* {0},{1}", tagged[i].X, tagged[i].Y );
                else {
                    ushort[] tagged = new ushort[Province.InternalCount];
                    int invalid = 0;
                    for ( int i=0; i<idbuffer.Length; ++i ) {
                        cidbuffer[i] = convertor.ConvertRGB( idbuffer[i] );
                        if ( cidbuffer[i] < 0 || cidbuffer[i] > Province.Count ) {
                            if ( tconvertor != null ) cidbuffer[i] = tconvertor.ConvertRGB( idbuffer[i] );
                            if ( cidbuffer[i] < 0 || cidbuffer[i] > Province.Count ) {
                                if ( invalid++ == 0 ) Console.WriteLine();
                                Console.WriteLine( "Error: Found invalid ID {2} at ({0},{1}). RGB value = {3:X6}", i % info.Width, (int)(i/info.Width), cidbuffer[i], (idbuffer[i] & 0xFFFFFF) );
                            else {
                        else {


                    if ( invalid > 0 ) {
                        Console.WriteLine( "Error: Invalid IDs encountered. Cannot import. Please fix." );

                    Console.WriteLine( "Done." );

                    Console.WriteLine( "The IDs found in this file are:" );
                    bool first = true;
                    int avgtot = 0, avgcnt = 0;
                    for ( int i=0; i<tagged.Length; ++i ) {
                        if ( tagged[i] > 0 ) {
                            if ( !first ) Console.Write( ", " );
                            Console.Write( "{0} ({1})", i, tagged[i] );
                            first = false;
                            avgtot += tagged[i];
                    avgtot = (avgtot/avgcnt)/10;

                    Console.WriteLine( "Possible stray IDs (average = {0}):", avgtot*10 );
                    for ( int i=0; i<tagged.Length; ++i ) {
                        if ( tagged[i] > 0 && tagged[i] < avgtot ) {
                            Console.WriteLine( "* {0} ({1}x)", i, tagged[i] );

            else {
                Console.WriteLine( "This is not a lightmap1 exported file: no id check is necessary." );

            Console.WriteLine( "The source file checked out okay. You should probably do a /SI run now before importing." );
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void Run( string source, string target, int regen, Point relocate, bool nowrite, PngLevel pngLevel, bool tolerant, bool checkIdgrid )
            if (pngLevel != PngLevel.All && pngLevel != PngLevel.None) {
                Console.WriteLine("Can't use PNG specifier with import. Use /p instead of /p:<spec>.");

            if ( nowrite ) Console.WriteLine( "*** Simulation ***\n" );

            // Open the PSD, and check if it's valid.
            PSD.File psd = QueryImage.Run( source );
            if ( !CheckPSD( psd ) ) return;
            Console.WriteLine( );

            // Get the mapinfo from the PSD
            MapInfo info = MapInfo.FromBitmap( psd.Layers[Boot.MapInfoLayerName].Image );
            if ( !relocate.IsEmpty ) {
                relocate = new Point( Lightmap.FitToGrid( relocate.X ), Lightmap.FitToGrid( relocate.Y ) );
                Console.WriteLine( "Image will be relocated from {0},{1} to {2},{3}...", info.X, info.Y, relocate.X, relocate.Y );
                info.Location = relocate;

            // Extract the 3 buffers from the PSD
            int[] colorbuffer, idbuffer, borderbuffer;
            ImportImage.GetBuffers( psd, out colorbuffer, out idbuffer, out borderbuffer );

            // Remove ref to PSD so it can get garbagecollected
            psd = null;

            // Get the convertor
            IIDConvertor convertor = GetConvertor( info );
            if ( convertor == null ) return;

            IIDConvertor tconvertor = null;
            if ( convertor is Inferis2IDConvertor && tolerant ) tconvertor = new InferisProxIDConvertor();

            if ( tconvertor != null )
                Console.WriteLine( "Using tolerant ID conversion." );

            // Now, open the map file
            Console.WriteLine( "Opening target file \"{0}\"...", Path.GetFileName( target ) );
            EU2.Edit.File file = new EU2.Edit.File();
            file.ReadFrom( target );

            int[] cidbuffer = null;
            if ( info.LightmapZoom == 0 ) {
                Console.Write( "Checking ID map... " );
                // Use another buffer, since we need to remember the original for the image import later on.
                cidbuffer = new int[idbuffer.Length];
                int invalid = 0;
                for ( int i=0; i<idbuffer.Length; ++i ) {
                    cidbuffer[i] = convertor.ConvertRGB( idbuffer[i] );
                    if ( cidbuffer[i] < 0 || cidbuffer[i] > Province.Count ) {
                        if ( tconvertor != null ) cidbuffer[i] = tconvertor.ConvertRGB( idbuffer[i] );
                        if ( cidbuffer[i] < 0 || cidbuffer[i] > Province.Count ) {
                            Console.WriteLine( "Error: Found invalid ID {2} at ({0},{1}). RGB value = {3:X6}", i % info.Width, (int)(i/info.Width), cidbuffer[i], (idbuffer[i] & 0xFFFFFF) );
                            if ( invalid++ > 10 ) {
                                Console.WriteLine( "Error: Too many invalid IDs found... Stopping." );

                    if ( cidbuffer[i] == Province.TerraIncognitaID ) cidbuffer[i] = Province.MaxValue;

                if ( invalid > 0 ) {
                    Console.WriteLine( "Error: Invalid IDs encountered. Cannot import. Please fix." );

            // If needed, write out test PNGs of the extracted layers
            if (pngLevel != PngLevel.None)
                WriteTestPNGs(colorbuffer, idbuffer, borderbuffer, pngLevel, info);

            // and get the correct Lightmap
            Lightmap map = null;
            switch ( info.LightmapZoom ) {
                case 0:
                    map = file.Lightmap1; break;
                case 1:
                    map = file.Lightmap2; break;
                case 2:
                    map = file.Lightmap3; break;

            if ( map == null ) {
                Console.WriteLine( "Error: The source image was exported from lightmap{0}, but it no longer exists in the target file." );

            if ( map.Zoom == 0 ) {
                // Then check if the bitmap differs...
                ushort[] checkbuffer = file.IDMap.ExportBitmapBuffer( info.Bounds );
                bool mismatch = false;
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert( checkbuffer.Length == cidbuffer.Length, "ID buffers have non-matching size" );
                for ( int i=0; !mismatch && i<cidbuffer.Length; ++i ) {
                    if ( cidbuffer[i] != checkbuffer[i] ) mismatch = true;

                if ( mismatch ) {
                    if ( map.Zoom > 0 ) {
                        Console.WriteLine( "Changes to ID map only supported for lightmap 1." );
                    Console.WriteLine( "Mismatch found, updating the ID map." );
                    file.IDMap.ImportBitmapBuffer( info.Bounds, cidbuffer );
                    Console.WriteLine( " No update needed to the ID map." );

                ushort[] affectedIDs = null;
                bool doBoundboxes = false;
                if ( regen > 0 ) {
                    // regenerate certain files first...
                    if ( regen > 2 ) {
                        Console.WriteLine( "Regenerating adjacenties (complete)..." );
                        file.AdjacencyTable = file.IDMap.BuildAdjacencyTable( file.Provinces );

                        // This marks all ids as affected.
                        affectedIDs = new ushort[Province.Count];
                        for ( ushort i=0; i<Province.Count; ++i ) affectedIDs[i] = i;

                        // Force regen of boundboxes
                        doBoundboxes = true;
                    else if ( mismatch || regen > 1 ) {
                        Console.Write( "Regenerating adjacenties (quick) " );
                        if ( regen > 1 ) Console.Write( "(forced)" );
                        Console.WriteLine( "... " );

                        // Rebuild part and note the affected Ids.
                        affectedIDs = file.IDMap.BuildAdjacencyTable( file.AdjacencyTable, info.Bounds, file.Provinces );

                        // Force regen of boundboxes
                        doBoundboxes = true;

                // reattach
                map.Attach( file.Provinces, file.AdjacencyTable, file.IDMap );

                if ( doBoundboxes ) {
                    Console.WriteLine( "Regenerating boundboxes..." );
                    file.BoundBoxes = new BoundBoxes( file.IDMap.CalculateBoundBoxes() );

                if ( affectedIDs != null && affectedIDs.Length > 0 ) {
                    Rectangle[] boxes = file.BoundBoxes.GetBoxes( affectedIDs );
                    int[] indexes = map.GetBlockIndexes( boxes );
                    int[] indexes2 = map.GetBlockIndexes( info.Bounds );

                    int total = indexes.Length;
                    for ( int i=0; i<indexes.Length; ++i ) {
                        for ( int e=0; e<indexes2.Length; ++e ) {
                            if ( indexes[i] == indexes2[e] ) {
                                indexes[i] = -1;

                    Console.WriteLine( "Decompressing blocks of affected provinces outside of modified area." );
                    Console.Write( "{0} provinces affected, {1} blocks to recompress... ", affectedIDs.Length, total );
                    if ( total > 0 ) {
                        indexes2 = new int[total];
                        total = 0;
                        for ( int i=0; i<indexes.Length; ++i ) {
                            if ( indexes[i] > 0 ) indexes2[total++] = indexes[i];
                        map.Recompress( indexes2 );

                    if ( nowrite && checkIdgrid ) {
                        Console.Write( "Checking for IDGrid complexity..." );
                        Rectangle errorArea;
                        if ( IDGrid.CheckAreaForOverflow( file.IDMap, info.Bounds, out errorArea ) ) {
                            Console.WriteLine(" ok!" );
                        else {
                            Console.WriteLine( " too complex (error in region {0},{1}-{2},{3}).", errorArea.Left, errorArea.Top, errorArea.Right, errorArea.Bottom);
                    Console.WriteLine( "Done." );
            else {
                Console.Write( "Scaling down ID map (file changes will not be applied at this zoom level)..." );
                ushort[] tmpbuffer = MapToolsLib.Utils.ScaleIDBuffer( file.IDMap.ExportBitmapGrid( map.CoordMap.ZoomedToActual( info.Bounds ) ), map.Zoom );
                idbuffer = new int[tmpbuffer.Length];
                for ( int i=0; i<idbuffer.Length; ++i ) {
                    if ( tmpbuffer[i] >= Province.Count ) tmpbuffer[i] = Province.TerraIncognitaID;
                    idbuffer[i] = (tconvertor == null ? convertor : tconvertor).ConvertID( tmpbuffer[i] );
                Console.WriteLine( " Done." );

            Console.WriteLine( "Importing image..." );
            RawImage rawimg = new IOShader( tconvertor == null ? convertor : tconvertor ).Unshade32( map.Zoom, info.Bounds, colorbuffer, idbuffer, borderbuffer );
            map.EncodeImage( rawimg );

            if ( !nowrite ) {
                file.WriteTo( target );
                Console.Write( "Import successful." );
            else {
                try {
                    file.WriteTo( System.IO.FileStream.Null );
                catch ( Exception e ) {
                    Console.Write( "There's an error when saving the target file." );
                    throw e;
                Console.Write( "The import process was tested successfully. You can safely do a real import with the same source and target." );