Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Find the path from the goal to the starting point
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="goal"></param>
        /// <returns>path from the start point to the goal point</returns>
        private IPath GetFinalPath(RRTNode goal)
            IPath pathToGoal = new PointPath();

            GetToRoot(goal, ref pathToGoal);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public RRTNode GetNodeToGoal()
            if (waypoints.Length == 0.0)
                return null;
            lock (locker)
                RobotTwoWheelState currentState = stateProvider.GetCurrentState(lastCommand);
                IPath path = new PointPath();
                RRTNode startingNode = new RRTNode(currentState);
                RRTNode goalNode;
                //foreach (IPathSegment segment in waypoints)
                bool foundPath = false;

                Console.WriteLine("Finding a path");
                    startingNode = new RRTNode(currentState);
                    foundPath = rrt.FindPath(ref startingNode, waypoints[1].End, obstacles, out goalNode);
                while (!foundPath && receivedNewPath);
                receivedNewPath = false;
                return goalNode;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public RRTNode GetNodeToGoal()
            if (waypoints.Length == 0.0)
            lock (locker)
                RobotTwoWheelState currentState = stateProvider.GetCurrentState(lastCommand);
                IPath   path         = new PointPath();
                RRTNode startingNode = new RRTNode(currentState);
                RRTNode goalNode;
                //foreach (IPathSegment segment in waypoints)
                bool foundPath = false;

                Console.WriteLine("Finding a path");
                    startingNode = new RRTNode(currentState);
                    foundPath    = rrt.FindPath(ref startingNode, waypoints[1].End, obstacles, out goalNode);
                }while (!foundPath && receivedNewPath);
                receivedNewPath = false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public IPath GetPathToGoal()
     if (waypoints.Length == 0.0)
     lock (locker)
         RobotTwoWheelState currentState = stateProvider.GetCurrentState(lastCommand);
         IPath   path         = new PointPath();
         RRTNode startingNode = new RRTNode(currentState);
         RRTNode goalNode;
         //foreach (IPathSegment segment in waypoints)
         while (rrt.FindPath(ref startingNode, waypoints[1].End, obstacles, out goalNode) == false)
         //startingNode = goalNode;
         IPath segmentToGoal = GetFinalPath(goalNode);
         // add each small segment of each segment to the path to return
         //foreach (IPathSegment seg in segmentToGoal)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public void AddChild(RRTNode node)
     lock (this)
Ejemplo n.º 6
        //private void ReadTreeAndSaveList(RRTNode parentNode, KDTree tree)
        //    try
        //    {
        //        tree.insert(RRTNode.ToKey(parentNode.state.Pose.x, parentNode.state.Pose.y), parentNode);
        //    }
        //    catch { }
        //    foreach (RRTNode n in parentNode.children)
        //    {
        //        ReadTreeAndSaveList(n, tree);
        //    }


        /// <summary>
        /// Recursively go through every child in the tree, and record [Node, distance between the node and the vector point] into the passed dictionary
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parentNode">(RRTNode) parent node </param>
        /// <param name="samplePoint">(Vector2) sampled point</param>
        /// <param name="dictionary">(Dictionary[RRTNode, Double] to insert the child nodes</param>
        private void ReadTreeAndCalculateDistance(RRTNode parentNode, Vector2 samplePoint, Dictionary <RRTNode, Double> dictionary)
            dictionary.Add(parentNode, parentNode.DistanceTo(samplePoint));
            foreach (RRTNode n in parentNode.children)
                ReadTreeAndCalculateDistance(n, samplePoint, dictionary);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 /// <summary>
 /// Starting from the goal, recursively follow its parent while inserting it into the path, because it's moving backward
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="goal"></param>
 /// <param name="pathToAdd"></param>
 private void GetToRoot(RRTNode goal, ref IPath pathToAdd)
     if (goal.IsRoot == false)
         IPathSegment segment = new LinePathSegment(goal.Parent.Point, goal.Point);
         pathToAdd.Insert(0, segment);
         GetToRoot((RRTNode)goal.Parent, ref pathToAdd);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public bool RemoveChild(RRTNode node)
     lock (this)
         if (children.Contains(node))
             children.Remove(node); return(true);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void UpdatePath(RRTNode goalNode)
            //create IPath from rootNode
            IPath newNodePath = new PointPath();

            inputList = new List <RobotTwoWheelCommand>();
            ConvertNodeToPath(newNodePath, goalNode, inputList);
            lock (followerLock)
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private void ConvertNodeToPath(IPath newNodePath, RRTNode goalNode, List <RobotTwoWheelCommand> inputList)
            if (goalNode.IsRoot)
            IPathSegment segment = new LinePathSegment(goalNode.Parent.Point, goalNode.Point);

            newNodePath.Insert(0, segment);
            inputList.Insert(0, new RobotTwoWheelCommand(goalNode.State.Command.velocity, goalNode.State.Command.turn));
            ConvertNodeToPath(newNodePath, goalNode.GetParent(), inputList);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate a point starting from a RRTNode, while avoiding obstacles
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startNode">The node that path predicted from</param>
        /// <param name="vInput">Velocity control input</param>
        /// <param name="wInput">Turn Rate control input</param>
        /// <param name="obstacles">Obstalces (List of Polygon)</param>
        /// <returns>a RRTNode that has startNode as its parent. Returns null if fails</returns>
        private RRTNode CalculateNextNode(RRTNode startNode, double vInput, double wInput, List <Polygon> obstacles)
            //4) Divide the total RRT timestep into smaller sub-steps
            //4a) calculate the trajectory at one substep given the control inputs and closest node initial conditions
            //4b) check at each the linear path between the initial and simulation end does not intersect a polygon
            //4c) if intersects, terminate and go to 1.
            //4d) if not intersects
            //4da) if last substep, add the results of this simulation to the closest node as a child
            //4db) else simulate the next subtime step by going to 4a

            RobotTwoWheelState lastSliceState   = startNode.State;
            RobotTwoWheelState curSliceState    = startNode.State;
            List <Vector2>     simulationPoints = new List <Vector2>();

            for (int i = 0; i < numSlice; i++)
                curSliceState = RobotTwoWheelModel.Simulate(new RobotTwoWheelCommand(vInput, wInput), lastSliceState, (timeStep / numSlice));

                if (IsHittingObstacle(lastSliceState.Pose.ToVector2(), curSliceState.Pose.ToVector2(), obstacles))
                lastSliceState = curSliceState;
            RRTNode r = new RRTNode(curSliceState, startNode);

            r.simulationPoints = simulationPoints;
            //return new RRTNode(rOut, vOut, wOut, 0, startNode);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Find the closest RRTNode in tree from given Vector2 point
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="point"></param>
        /// <returns>Closest RRTNode in the tree</returns>
        public RRTNode FindClosestNodeInTree(Vector2 point)
            /*double minDistance = 999999.99;
             * RRTNode minNode = null;
             * foreach (RRTNode node in children)
             * {
             *      if (minDistance > node.DistanceTo(point))
             *      {
             *              minNode = node;
             *              minDistance = node.DistanceTo(point);
             *      }
             * }
             * return minNode;*/

            Dictionary <RRTNode, Double> dictionary = new Dictionary <RRTNode, Double>();

            ReadTreeAndCalculateDistance(this, point, dictionary);
            if (dictionary.Count != 0)
                double  minDistance = 999999.99;
                RRTNode minNode     = null;
                foreach (KeyValuePair <RRTNode, Double> kvp in dictionary)
                    // distance recorded in dictionary
                    double comparerDistance = kvp.Value;
                    if (minDistance > comparerDistance)                     // find the minimum node & distance
                        minNode     = kvp.Key;
                        minDistance = comparerDistance;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 /// <summary>
 /// Find the path from the goal to the starting point
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="goal"></param>
 /// <returns>path from the start point to the goal point</returns>
 private IPath GetFinalPath(RRTNode goal)
     IPath pathToGoal = new PointPath();
     GetToRoot(goal, ref pathToGoal);
     return pathToGoal;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 /// <summary>
 /// Starting from the goal, recursively follow its parent while inserting it into the path, because it's moving backward
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="goal"></param>
 /// <param name="pathToAdd"></param>
 private void GetToRoot(RRTNode goal, ref IPath pathToAdd)
     if (goal.IsRoot == false)
         IPathSegment segment = new LinePathSegment(goal.Parent.Point, goal.Point);
         pathToAdd.Insert(0, segment);
         GetToRoot((RRTNode)goal.Parent, ref pathToAdd);
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public RRTNode(RobotTwoWheelState state, RRTNode parent)
     this.state = state;
     this.parent = parent;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public bool FindPath(ref RRTNode originalRoot, Vector2 goalPoint, List<Polygon> obstacles, out RRTNode goal)
            RRTNode root = new RRTNode(originalRoot.State);
            double distance = goalPoint.DistanceTo(root.State.Pose.ToVector2());
            randomSampleRadius = distance + 15.0;
            timeStep = rand.NextDouble();
            //vSigma = rand.NextDouble() * 5.0;
            numSlice = (int)Math.Round(timeStep / 0.2);
            //if (distance < 2)
            //  timeStep = 0.3;
            //else if (distance > 4)
            //  timeStep = 1.0;
            //  timeStep = 0.5;

            //numSlice = (int)Math.Round(timeStep / 0.1);
            Stopwatch randomGenerationTimer = new Stopwatch();
            Stopwatch extendingTimer = new Stopwatch();
            Stopwatch closestSearchTimer = new Stopwatch();
            List<Double> randomTime = new List<double>();
            List<Double> extendingTime = new List<double>();
            List<Double> closestSearchTime = new List<double>();
            bool foundPath = false;
            goal = null; //not found yet!
            //RRT is divided into the following steps:
            //0) assume the root node is the first node
            //1) randomly select a sample point in space centered around our robot within some fixed distance. Every 20th can be the goal.
            //2) select the closest node to the sampled point in the existing tree based on xy distance
            //3) generate a control input that drives towards the sample point also biased with our initial control inputs
            //3a)   -Biasing Details:
            //		Select Velocity: Normal Distribution with mean = closest node velocity and sigma = SigmaVelocity
            //		Select Turn Rate:
            //			Apply the following heuristic:  mean = (atan2(yf-yi,xf-xi) - thetaInit)/(delT)
            //																			sigma = SigmaTurnRate
            //4) Divide the total RRT timestep into smaller sub-steps
            //4a) calculate the trajectory at one substep given the control inputs and closest node initial conditions
            //4b) check at each the linear path between the initial and simulation end does not intersect a polygon
            //4c) if intersects, terminate and go to 1.
            //4d) if not intersects
            //4da) if last substep, add the results of this simulation to the closest node as a child
            //4db) else simulate the next subtime step by going to 4a
            //5) Check if the new node added is within some tolerance of the goal node. If so, mark node as goal and you're done! Else, Goto 1.

            // Declare variables
            int sampleCount = 0; // counter for sample to be biased every 20th time
            int iterationCount = 0; // counter for termination
            kdTree = new KDTree(2);
            kdTree.insert(RRTNode.ToKey(root.State.Pose.x, root.State.Pose.y), root);
            // 0) assume root note is the first node
            while (!foundPath)
            //for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                //--- Termination ---//
                if (iterationCount > terminationCount)

                    Console.WriteLine("Random generation average time: " + (randomTime.Sum() / randomTime.Count) + " ms | total time: " + randomTime.Sum() + " | iteration: " + randomTime.Count);
                    Console.WriteLine("Searching closest node average time: " + (closestSearchTime.Sum() / closestSearchTime.Count) + " ms | total time: " + closestSearchTime.Sum() + " | iteration: " + closestSearchTime.Count);
                    Console.WriteLine("Extending average time: " + (extendingTime.Sum() / extendingTime.Count) + " ms | total time: " + extendingTime.Sum() + " | iteration: " + extendingTime.Count);
                    // Benchmark output
                    Console.WriteLine("|--Simulation average time: " + (simulationTime.Sum() / simulationTime.Count) + " ms | total time: " + simulationTime.Sum() + " | iteration: " + simulationTime.Count);
                    Console.WriteLine("|--Obstacle checking average time: " + (obstacleTime.Sum() / obstacleTime.Count) + " ms | total time: " + obstacleTime.Sum() + " | iteration: " + obstacleTime.Count);
                    return false;

                // 1) randomly select a sample point in space centered around our robot within some fixed distance.
                int actualNumNodesToExtend = numNodesToExtend;
                Vector2 samplePoint;
                if (sampleCount < goalPointSamplingRate)
                    if (rand.NextDouble() > chanceToSampleRoot)
                        //double randomX = root.State.Pose.x + (rand.NextDouble() - .5) * randomSampleRadius * 2.0;
                        //double randomY = root.State.Pose.y + (rand.NextDouble() - .5) * randomSampleRadius * 2.0;
                        double randomX = goalPoint.X + (rand.NextDouble() - .5) * randomSampleRadius * 2.0;
                        double randomY = goalPoint.Y + (rand.NextDouble() - .5) * randomSampleRadius * 2.0;
                        samplePoint = new Vector2(randomX, randomY);
                        samplePoint = root.Point;
                        actualNumNodesToExtend = 1;
                    samplePoint = goalPoint;
                    sampleCount = 0;
                // 2) select the closest node to the sampled point in the existing tree based on xy distance
                //List<RRTNode> closestNodes = root.FindNClosestNodeInTree(samplePoint, actualNumNodesToExtend);
                List<RRTNode> closestNodes = root.FindNClosestNodeInTreeKDTREE(3, samplePoint, kdTree);

                foreach (RRTNode closeNode in closestNodes)
                    RRTNode newNode = ExtendNode(ref goalPoint, obstacles, ref goal, ref foundPath, ref samplePoint, closeNode, rand);
                    if (newNode != null) kdTree.insert(RRTNode.ToKey(newNode.State.Pose.x, newNode.State.Pose.y), newNode);

            Console.WriteLine("Random generation average time: " + (randomTime.Sum() / randomTime.Count) + " ms | total time: " + randomTime.Sum() + " | iteration: " + randomTime.Count);
            Console.WriteLine("Searching closest node average time: " + (closestSearchTime.Sum() / closestSearchTime.Count) + " ms | total time: " + closestSearchTime.Sum() + " | iteration: " + closestSearchTime.Count);
            Console.WriteLine("Extending average time: " + (extendingTime.Sum() / extendingTime.Count) + " ms | total time: " + extendingTime.Sum() + " | iteration: " + extendingTime.Count);
            // Benchmark output
            Console.WriteLine("|--Simulation average time: " + (simulationTime.Sum() / simulationTime.Count) + " ms | total time: " + simulationTime.Sum() + " | iteration: " + simulationTime.Count);
            Console.WriteLine("|--Obstacle checking average time: " + (obstacleTime.Sum() / obstacleTime.Count) + " ms | total time: " + obstacleTime.Sum() + " | iteration: " + obstacleTime.Count);

            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate a point starting from a RRTNode, while avoiding obstacles
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startNode">The node that path predicted from</param>
        /// <param name="vInput">Velocity control input</param>
        /// <param name="wInput">Turn Rate control input</param>
        /// <param name="obstacles">Obstalces (List of Polygon)</param>
        /// <returns>a RRTNode that has startNode as its parent. Returns null if fails</returns>
        private RRTNode CalculateNextNode(RRTNode startNode, double vInput, double wInput, List<Polygon> obstacles)
            //4) Divide the total RRT timestep into smaller sub-steps
            //4a) calculate the trajectory at one substep given the control inputs and closest node initial conditions
            //4b) check at each the linear path between the initial and simulation end does not intersect a polygon
            //4c) if intersects, terminate and go to 1.
            //4d) if not intersects
            //4da) if last substep, add the results of this simulation to the closest node as a child
            //4db) else simulate the next subtime step by going to 4a

            RobotTwoWheelState lastSliceState = startNode.State;
            RobotTwoWheelState curSliceState = startNode.State;
            List<Vector2> simulationPoints = new List<Vector2>();
            for (int i = 0; i < numSlice; i++)
                curSliceState = RobotTwoWheelModel.Simulate(new RobotTwoWheelCommand(vInput, wInput), lastSliceState, (timeStep / numSlice));

                if (IsHittingObstacle(lastSliceState.Pose.ToVector2(), curSliceState.Pose.ToVector2(), obstacles))
                    return null;
                lastSliceState = curSliceState;
            RRTNode r = new RRTNode(curSliceState, startNode);
            r.simulationPoints = simulationPoints;
            return r;
            //return new RRTNode(rOut, vOut, wOut, 0, startNode);
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public RRTNode(RobotTwoWheelState state)
     this.state = state;
     this.parent = this;
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public void UpdatePath(RRTNode goalNode)
     //create IPath from rootNode
     IPath newNodePath = new PointPath();
     inputList = new List<RobotTwoWheelCommand>();
     ConvertNodeToPath(newNodePath, goalNode, inputList);
     lock (followerLock)
Ejemplo n.º 20
 private void ConvertNodeToPath(IPath newNodePath, RRTNode goalNode, List<RobotTwoWheelCommand> inputList)
     if (goalNode.IsRoot) return;
     IPathSegment segment = new LinePathSegment(goalNode.Parent.Point, goalNode.Point);
     newNodePath.Insert(0, segment);
     inputList.Insert(0, new RobotTwoWheelCommand(goalNode.State.Command.velocity, goalNode.State.Command.turn));
     ConvertNodeToPath(newNodePath, goalNode.GetParent(), inputList);
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public void AddChild(RRTNode node)
     lock (this)
Ejemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="goalPoint"></param>
        /// <param name="obstacles"></param>
        /// <param name="goal"></param>
        /// <param name="foundPath"></param>
        /// <param name="samplePoint"></param>
        /// <param name="closestNode"></param>
        /// <returns>true if the node was added to the tree (i.e. didnt hit crap)</returns>
        private RRTNode ExtendNode(ref Vector2 goalPoint, List<Polygon> obstacles, ref RRTNode goal, ref bool foundPath, ref Vector2 samplePoint, RRTNode closestNode, Random rand)
            //3) generate a control input that drives towards the sample point also biased with our initial control inputs
            //3a)   -Biasing Details:
            //		Select Velocity: Normal Distribution with mean = closest node velocity and sigma = SigmaVelocity
            //		Select Turn Rate:
            //			Apply the following heuristic:  mean = (atan2(yf-yi,xf-xi) - thetaInit)/(delT)
            //																			sigma = SigmaTurnRate

            // velocity distribution

            MathNet.Numerics.Distributions.NormalDistribution vDist = new MathNet.Numerics.Distributions.NormalDistribution(closestNode.State.Command.velocity, vSigma);

            // turn-rate biased
            double mixingSample = rand.NextDouble();
            double wMean = 0;
            if (mixingSample > mixingProportion)
                double angleToClosestNode = Math.Atan2((samplePoint.Y - closestNode.Point.Y), (samplePoint.X - closestNode.Point.X));
                //wMean = -kPwSample * angleToClosestNode;
                wMean = ((angleToClosestNode - closestNode.State.Pose.yaw)) * 180.0 / Math.PI / timeStep;
                if (wMean > MAX_TURN - 20)
                    wMean = MAX_TURN - 20;
                if (wMean < MIN_TURN + 20)
                    wMean = MIN_TURN + 20;
                wMean = 0;

            MathNet.Numerics.Distributions.NormalDistribution wDist = new MathNet.Numerics.Distributions.NormalDistribution(wMean, wSigma);

            double velSampled = vDist.NextDouble();
            double wSampled = wDist.NextDouble();
            while (velSampled > MAX_VEL || velSampled < MIN_VEL)
                velSampled = vDist.NextDouble();
            while (wSampled > MAX_TURN || wSampled < MIN_TURN)
                wSampled = wDist.NextDouble();

            // 4) Predict a node
            RRTNode predictedNode = CalculateNextNode(closestNode, velSampled, wSampled, obstacles);
            if (predictedNode != null)
                //5) Check if the new node added is within some tolerance of the goal node. If so, mark node as goal and you're done! Else, Goto 1.
                //Polygon goalPolygon = Polygon.VehiclePolygonWithRadius(0.5, goalPoint);
                Circle c = new Circle(.5, goalPoint);
                LineSegment nodeToParent = new LineSegment(predictedNode.Point, predictedNode.Parent.Point);
                Vector2[] pts = new Vector2[2];
                if (c.Intersect(nodeToParent, out pts))
                    foundPath = true;
                    goal = predictedNode;
                //if (predictedNode.DistanceTo(goalPoint) < goalTolerance)
                //    foundPath = true;
                //    goal = predictedNode;
                return predictedNode;
            return null;
Ejemplo n.º 23
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="goalPoint"></param>
        /// <param name="obstacles"></param>
        /// <param name="goal"></param>
        /// <param name="foundPath"></param>
        /// <param name="samplePoint"></param>
        /// <param name="closestNode"></param>
        /// <returns>true if the node was added to the tree (i.e. didnt hit crap)</returns>
        private RRTNode ExtendNode(ref Vector2 goalPoint, List <Polygon> obstacles, ref RRTNode goal, ref bool foundPath, ref Vector2 samplePoint, RRTNode closestNode, Random rand)
            //3) generate a control input that drives towards the sample point also biased with our initial control inputs
            //3a)   -Biasing Details:
            //		Select Velocity: Normal Distribution with mean = closest node velocity and sigma = SigmaVelocity
            //		Select Turn Rate:
            //			Apply the following heuristic:  mean = (atan2(yf-yi,xf-xi) - thetaInit)/(delT)
            //																			sigma = SigmaTurnRate

            // velocity distribution

            MathNet.Numerics.Distributions.NormalDistribution vDist = new MathNet.Numerics.Distributions.NormalDistribution(closestNode.State.Command.velocity, vSigma);

            // turn-rate biased
            double mixingSample = rand.NextDouble();
            double wMean        = 0;

            if (mixingSample > mixingProportion)
                double angleToClosestNode = Math.Atan2((samplePoint.Y - closestNode.Point.Y), (samplePoint.X - closestNode.Point.X));
                //wMean = -kPwSample * angleToClosestNode;
                wMean = ((angleToClosestNode - closestNode.State.Pose.yaw)) * 180.0 / Math.PI / timeStep;
                if (wMean > MAX_TURN - 20)
                    wMean = MAX_TURN - 20;
                if (wMean < MIN_TURN + 20)
                    wMean = MIN_TURN + 20;
                wMean = 0;

            MathNet.Numerics.Distributions.NormalDistribution wDist = new MathNet.Numerics.Distributions.NormalDistribution(wMean, wSigma);

            double velSampled = vDist.NextDouble();
            double wSampled   = wDist.NextDouble();

            while (velSampled > MAX_VEL || velSampled < MIN_VEL)
                velSampled = vDist.NextDouble();
            while (wSampled > MAX_TURN || wSampled < MIN_TURN)
                wSampled = wDist.NextDouble();

            // 4) Predict a node
            RRTNode predictedNode = CalculateNextNode(closestNode, velSampled, wSampled, obstacles);

            if (predictedNode != null)
                //5) Check if the new node added is within some tolerance of the goal node. If so, mark node as goal and you're done! Else, Goto 1.
                //Polygon goalPolygon = Polygon.VehiclePolygonWithRadius(0.5, goalPoint);
                Circle      c            = new Circle(.5, goalPoint);
                LineSegment nodeToParent = new LineSegment(predictedNode.Point, predictedNode.Parent.Point);
                Vector2[]   pts          = new Vector2[2];
                if (c.Intersect(nodeToParent, out pts))
                    foundPath = true;
                    goal      = predictedNode;
                //if (predictedNode.DistanceTo(goalPoint) < goalTolerance)
                //    foundPath = true;
                //    goal = predictedNode;
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public bool FindPath(ref RRTNode originalRoot, Vector2 goalPoint, List <Polygon> obstacles, out RRTNode goal)
            RRTNode root     = new RRTNode(originalRoot.State);
            double  distance = goalPoint.DistanceTo(root.State.Pose.ToVector2());

            randomSampleRadius = distance + 15.0;
            timeStep           = rand.NextDouble();
            //vSigma = rand.NextDouble() * 5.0;
            numSlice = (int)Math.Round(timeStep / 0.2);
            //if (distance < 2)
            //  timeStep = 0.3;
            //else if (distance > 4)
            //  timeStep = 1.0;
            //  timeStep = 0.5;

            //numSlice = (int)Math.Round(timeStep / 0.1);
            Stopwatch     randomGenerationTimer = new Stopwatch();
            Stopwatch     extendingTimer        = new Stopwatch();
            Stopwatch     closestSearchTimer    = new Stopwatch();
            List <Double> randomTime            = new List <double>();
            List <Double> extendingTime         = new List <double>();
            List <Double> closestSearchTime     = new List <double>();
            bool          foundPath             = false;

            goal = null;             //not found yet!
            //RRT is divided into the following steps:
            //0) assume the root node is the first node
            //1) randomly select a sample point in space centered around our robot within some fixed distance. Every 20th can be the goal.
            //2) select the closest node to the sampled point in the existing tree based on xy distance
            //3) generate a control input that drives towards the sample point also biased with our initial control inputs
            //3a)   -Biasing Details:
            //		Select Velocity: Normal Distribution with mean = closest node velocity and sigma = SigmaVelocity
            //		Select Turn Rate:
            //			Apply the following heuristic:  mean = (atan2(yf-yi,xf-xi) - thetaInit)/(delT)
            //																			sigma = SigmaTurnRate
            //4) Divide the total RRT timestep into smaller sub-steps
            //4a) calculate the trajectory at one substep given the control inputs and closest node initial conditions
            //4b) check at each the linear path between the initial and simulation end does not intersect a polygon
            //4c) if intersects, terminate and go to 1.
            //4d) if not intersects
            //4da) if last substep, add the results of this simulation to the closest node as a child
            //4db) else simulate the next subtime step by going to 4a
            //5) Check if the new node added is within some tolerance of the goal node. If so, mark node as goal and you're done! Else, Goto 1.

            // Declare variables
            int sampleCount    = 0;          // counter for sample to be biased every 20th time
            int iterationCount = 0;          // counter for termination

            kdTree = new KDTree(2);
            kdTree.insert(RRTNode.ToKey(root.State.Pose.x, root.State.Pose.y), root);
            // 0) assume root note is the first node
            while (!foundPath)
            //for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                //--- Termination ---//
                if (iterationCount > terminationCount)
                    Console.WriteLine("Random generation average time: " + (randomTime.Sum() / randomTime.Count) + " ms | total time: " + randomTime.Sum() + " | iteration: " + randomTime.Count);
                    Console.WriteLine("Searching closest node average time: " + (closestSearchTime.Sum() / closestSearchTime.Count) + " ms | total time: " + closestSearchTime.Sum() + " | iteration: " + closestSearchTime.Count);
                    Console.WriteLine("Extending average time: " + (extendingTime.Sum() / extendingTime.Count) + " ms | total time: " + extendingTime.Sum() + " | iteration: " + extendingTime.Count);
                    // Benchmark output
                    Console.WriteLine("|--Simulation average time: " + (simulationTime.Sum() / simulationTime.Count) + " ms | total time: " + simulationTime.Sum() + " | iteration: " + simulationTime.Count);
                    Console.WriteLine("|--Obstacle checking average time: " + (obstacleTime.Sum() / obstacleTime.Count) + " ms | total time: " + obstacleTime.Sum() + " | iteration: " + obstacleTime.Count);

                // 1) randomly select a sample point in space centered around our robot within some fixed distance.
                int     actualNumNodesToExtend = numNodesToExtend;
                Vector2 samplePoint;
                if (sampleCount < goalPointSamplingRate)
                    if (rand.NextDouble() > chanceToSampleRoot)
                        //double randomX = root.State.Pose.x + (rand.NextDouble() - .5) * randomSampleRadius * 2.0;
                        //double randomY = root.State.Pose.y + (rand.NextDouble() - .5) * randomSampleRadius * 2.0;
                        double randomX = goalPoint.X + (rand.NextDouble() - .5) * randomSampleRadius * 2.0;
                        double randomY = goalPoint.Y + (rand.NextDouble() - .5) * randomSampleRadius * 2.0;
                        samplePoint = new Vector2(randomX, randomY);
                        samplePoint            = root.Point;
                        actualNumNodesToExtend = 1;
                    samplePoint = goalPoint;
                    sampleCount = 0;
                // 2) select the closest node to the sampled point in the existing tree based on xy distance
                //List<RRTNode> closestNodes = root.FindNClosestNodeInTree(samplePoint, actualNumNodesToExtend);
                List <RRTNode> closestNodes = root.FindNClosestNodeInTreeKDTREE(3, samplePoint, kdTree);

                foreach (RRTNode closeNode in closestNodes)
                    RRTNode newNode = ExtendNode(ref goalPoint, obstacles, ref goal, ref foundPath, ref samplePoint, closeNode, rand);
                    if (newNode != null)
                        kdTree.insert(RRTNode.ToKey(newNode.State.Pose.x, newNode.State.Pose.y), newNode);

            Console.WriteLine("Random generation average time: " + (randomTime.Sum() / randomTime.Count) + " ms | total time: " + randomTime.Sum() + " | iteration: " + randomTime.Count);
            Console.WriteLine("Searching closest node average time: " + (closestSearchTime.Sum() / closestSearchTime.Count) + " ms | total time: " + closestSearchTime.Sum() + " | iteration: " + closestSearchTime.Count);
            Console.WriteLine("Extending average time: " + (extendingTime.Sum() / extendingTime.Count) + " ms | total time: " + extendingTime.Sum() + " | iteration: " + extendingTime.Count);
            // Benchmark output
            Console.WriteLine("|--Simulation average time: " + (simulationTime.Sum() / simulationTime.Count) + " ms | total time: " + simulationTime.Sum() + " | iteration: " + simulationTime.Count);
            Console.WriteLine("|--Obstacle checking average time: " + (obstacleTime.Sum() / obstacleTime.Count) + " ms | total time: " + obstacleTime.Sum() + " | iteration: " + obstacleTime.Count);

Ejemplo n.º 25
 //private void ReadTreeAndSaveList(RRTNode parentNode, KDTree tree)
 //    try
 //    {
 //        tree.insert(RRTNode.ToKey(parentNode.state.Pose.x, parentNode.state.Pose.y), parentNode);
 //    }
 //    catch { }
 //    foreach (RRTNode n in parentNode.children)
 //    {
 //        ReadTreeAndSaveList(n, tree);
 //    }
 /// <summary>
 /// Recursively go through every child in the tree, and record [Node, distance between the node and the vector point] into the passed dictionary
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parentNode">(RRTNode) parent node </param>
 /// <param name="samplePoint">(Vector2) sampled point</param>
 /// <param name="dictionary">(Dictionary[RRTNode, Double] to insert the child nodes</param>
 private void ReadTreeAndCalculateDistance(RRTNode parentNode, Vector2 samplePoint, Dictionary<RRTNode, Double> dictionary)
     dictionary.Add(parentNode, parentNode.DistanceTo(samplePoint));
     foreach (RRTNode n in parentNode.children)
         ReadTreeAndCalculateDistance(n, samplePoint, dictionary);
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public RRTNode(RobotTwoWheelState state, RRTNode parent)
     this.state  = state;
     this.parent = parent;
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public RRTNode(RobotTwoWheelState state)
     this.state  = state;
     this.parent = this;
Ejemplo n.º 28
 public IPath GetPathToGoal()
     if (waypoints.Length == 0.0)
         return null;
     lock (locker)
         RobotTwoWheelState currentState = stateProvider.GetCurrentState(lastCommand);
         IPath path = new PointPath();
         RRTNode startingNode = new RRTNode(currentState);
         RRTNode goalNode;
         //foreach (IPathSegment segment in waypoints)
         while (rrt.FindPath(ref startingNode, waypoints[1].End, obstacles, out goalNode) == false)
         //startingNode = goalNode;
         IPath segmentToGoal = GetFinalPath(goalNode);
         // add each small segment of each segment to the path to return
         //foreach (IPathSegment seg in segmentToGoal)
         return segmentToGoal;
Ejemplo n.º 29
 public bool RemoveChild(RRTNode node)
     lock (this)
         if (children.Contains(node))
             children.Remove(node); return true;
     return false;