Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void onInitialize(EventArgs e)
            Config = Config.Read();

            //This is the main command, which branches to everything the plugin can do, by checking the first parameter a player inputs
            Commands.ChatCommands.Add(new Command(new List <string>()
                "botin.abrir", "botin.reload", "botin.modo"
            }, KeyChange, "botin")
                HelpDesc = new[]
                    $"{Commands.Specifier}botin - Muestra informacion del plugin.",
                    $"{Commands.Specifier}botin abrir <tipo> - Utiliza la llave correspondiente para abrir el botin especificado en <tipo>.",
                    $"{Commands.Specifier}botin lista <pagina> - Muestra el listado de botines disponibles que puedes conseguir por pagina.",
                    $"{Commands.Specifier}botin modo <modo> - Cambia el modo de intercambio.",
                    $"{Commands.Specifier}botin recargar - Vuelve a cargar la configuracion.",
                    "Si no logras realizar el intercambio, asegurate de tener suficiente espacio en tu inventario."

            Exchanging = new KeyTypes?[Main.maxNetPlayers];
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void onInitialize(EventArgs e)
            Config = Config.Read();

            //This is the main command, which branches to everything the plugin can do, by checking the first parameter a player inputs
            Commands.ChatCommands.Add(new Command(new List <string>()
                "key.change", "key.reload", "key.mode"
            }, KeyChange, "key")
                HelpDesc = new[]
                    $"{Commands.Specifier}key - Shows plugin info.",
                    $"{Commands.Specifier}key change <type> - Exchanges a key of the input type.",
                    $"{Commands.Specifier}key list - Shows a list of available keys and items.",
                    $"{Commands.Specifier}key mode <mode> - Changes exchange mode.",
                    $"{Commands.Specifier}key reload - Reloads the config file.",
                    "If an exchange fails, make sure your inventory has free slots."

            Exchanging = new KeyTypes?[Main.maxNetPlayers];
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void KeyChange(CommandArgs args)
            TSPlayer ply = args.Player;

            // SSC check to alert users
            if (!Main.ServerSideCharacter)
                ply.SendWarningMessage("[Advertencia] Este complemento puede no funcionar en servidores que no tengan SSC activado.");

            if (args.Parameters.Count < 1)
                // Plugin Info
                var version = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version;
                ply.SendMessage($"KeyChanger (v{version}) por Enerdy - Actualizado y traducido por Tsviets", Color.SkyBlue);
                ply.SendMessage("Descripcion: Abre cajas de botin con llaves para obtener objetos.", Color.SkyBlue);
                ply.SendMessage($"Modo de uso: {Commands.Specifier}botin <lista/modo/abrir> [tipo]", Color.SkyBlue);
                ply.SendMessage($"Escribe {Commands.Specifier}help botin para más informacion.", Color.SkyBlue);
            else if (args.Parameters[0].ToLower() == "abrir" && args.Parameters.Count == 1)
                ply.SendErrorMessage("Error de uso. Uso correcto: {0}botin abrir <tipo>", Commands.Specifier);
            else if (args.Parameters.Count > 0)
                string cmd = args.Parameters[0].ToLower();
                switch (cmd)
                case "abrir":
                    // Prevents cast from the server console
                    if (!ply.RealPlayer)
                        ply.SendErrorMessage("Debes usar este comando dentro del juego.");

                    if (!ply.HasPermission("botin.abrir"))
                        ply.SendErrorMessage("No tienes acceso a este comando.");

                    KeyTypes type;
                    if (!Enum.TryParse(args.Parameters[1].ToLowerInvariant(), true, out type))
                        ply.SendErrorMessage("El botin seleccionado es invalido. Tipos de botines disponibles: " + String.Join(", ",
                                                                                                                               Config.EnableTempleKey ? "templo" : null,
                                                                                                                               Config.EnableJungleKey ? "jungla" : null,
                                                                                                                               Config.EnableCorruptionKey ? "corrupto" : null,
                                                                                                                               Config.EnableCrimsonKey ? "carmesi" : null,
                                                                                                                               Config.EnableHallowedKey ? "sagrado" : null,
                                                                                                                               Config.EnableFrozenKey ? "helado" : null,
                                                                                                                               Config.EnableGoldenKey ? "dorado" : null,
                                                                                                                               Config.EnableShadowKey ? "sombrio" : null,
                                                                                                                               Config.EnableLightKey ? "radiante" : null,
                                                                                                                               Config.EnableNightKey ? "nocturno" : null,
                                                                                                                               Config.EnableDesertKey ? "desierto" : null));

                    Key key = Utils.LoadKey(type);
                    // Verifies whether the key has been enabled
                    if (!key.Enabled)
                        ply.SendInfoMessage("El botin seleccionado se encuentra deshabilitado.");

                    if (!Config.UseSSC)
                        // Begin the exchange, expect the player to drop the key
                        Exchanging[args.Player.Index] = type;
                        ply.SendInfoMessage($"Drop (hold & right-click) any number of {key.Name} keys to proceed.");

                    // Checks if the player carries the necessary key
                    var lookup = ply.TPlayer.inventory.FirstOrDefault(i => i.netID == (int)key.Type);
                    if (lookup == null)
                        ply.SendErrorMessage("Asegurate de tener en tu inventario la llave del botin que quieres abrir.");

                    if (Config.EnableRegionExchanges)
                        Region region;
                        if (Config.MarketMode)
                            region = TShock.Regions.GetRegionByName(Config.MarketRegion);
                            region = key.Region;

                        // Checks if the required region is set to null
                        if (region == null)
                            ply.SendInfoMessage("No se ha especificado una region de intercambio para este botin.");

                        // Checks if the player is inside the region
                        if (!region.InArea(args.Player.TileX, args.Player.TileY))
                            ply.SendErrorMessage("Debes ir a la region indicada para abrir tu botin -> " + region.Name);

                    Item item;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
                        item = ply.TPlayer.inventory[i];
                        // Loops through the player's inventory
                        if (item.netID == (int)key.Type)
                            // Found the item, checking for available slots. This will increase invManage for each empty slot until ic = 50, as any further slot have other purposes (coins, ammo, etc.)
                            var invManage = 0;
                            for (int ic = 0; ic < 50; ic++)
                                if (ply.TPlayer.inventory[ic].Name == "")
                            var cfgCount  = Config.ItemCountGiven;
                            var LBenabler = Config.EnableLootboxMode;
                            if ((item.stack == 1 & (item.stack + invManage) >= cfgCount & LBenabler == true) || ((invManage >= cfgCount) & LBenabler == true))                                     // If your key stack is 1, this will consider it as an empty slot as well.
                                ply.SendSuccessMessage("Has usado una llave de botin => [i:{0}]", key.Items);                                                 // This here will show the opened lootbox, rename args as you see fit.
                                Random rand = new Random();
                                for (int icount = 0; icount < cfgCount; icount++)
                                    NetMessage.SendData((int)PacketTypes.PlayerSlot, -1, -1, NetworkText.Empty, ply.Index, i);
                                    Item give = key.Items[rand.Next(0, key.Items.Count)];
                                    ply.GiveItem(give.netID, 1);
                                    Item take = TShock.Utils.GetItemById((int)key.Type);
                                    ply.SendSuccessMessage("Has recibido [i:{0}]!", give.netID);
                            else if ((item.stack == 1 & (item.stack + invManage) > key.Items.Count & LBenabler == false) || ((invManage > key.Items.Count) & LBenabler == false))
                                ply.SendSuccessMessage("Has abierto usado una llave de botin => [i:{0}]", key.Type);
                                for (int norand = 0; norand < key.Items.Count; norand++)
                                    NetMessage.SendData((int)PacketTypes.PlayerSlot, -1, -1, NetworkText.Empty, ply.Index, i);
                                    Item give = key.Items[norand];
                                    ply.GiveItem(give.netID, 1);
                                    Item take = TShock.Utils.GetItemById((int)key.Type);
                                    ply.SendSuccessMessage("Has recibido [i:{0}]!", give.netID);
                                // Sent if neither of the above conditions were fulfilled.
                                ply.SendErrorMessage("Asegurate de tener espacio en tu inventario.");

                case "reload":
                    if (!ply.HasPermission("botin.reload"))
                        ply.SendErrorMessage("No tienes permiso para usar este comando.");

                    Config = Config.Read();
                    ply.SendSuccessMessage("Se han actualizado los cambios en la configuracion.");

                case "lista":
                    ply.SendMessage("Botin del Templo - [i:" + String.Join("] [i:", Utils.LoadKey(KeyTypes.Templo).Items.Select(i => i.netID)) + "]", Color.Chocolate);
                    ply.SendMessage("Botin de la Jungla - [i:" + String.Join("] [i:", Utils.LoadKey(KeyTypes.Jungla).Items.Select(i => i.netID)) + "]", Color.DarkGreen);
                    ply.SendMessage("Botin Corrupto - [i:" + String.Join("] [i:", Utils.LoadKey(KeyTypes.Corrupto).Items.Select(i => i.netID)) + "]", Color.Purple);
                    ply.SendMessage("Botin Carmesi - [i:" + String.Join("] [i:", Utils.LoadKey(KeyTypes.Carmesi).Items.Select(i => i.netID)) + "]", Color.OrangeRed);
                    ply.SendMessage("Botin Sagrado - [i:" + String.Join("] [i:", Utils.LoadKey(KeyTypes.Sagrado).Items.Select(i => i.netID)) + "]", Color.LightPink);
                    ply.SendMessage("Botin Helado - [i:" + String.Join("] [i:", Utils.LoadKey(KeyTypes.Helado).Items.Select(i => i.netID)) + "]", Color.SkyBlue);

                case "lista 1":
                    ply.SendMessage("Botin del Templo [i:1141] - [i:" + String.Join("] [i:", Utils.LoadKey(KeyTypes.Templo).Items.Select(i => i.netID)) + "]", Color.Chocolate);
                    ply.SendMessage("Botin de la Jungla [i:1533] - [i:" + String.Join("] [i:", Utils.LoadKey(KeyTypes.Jungla).Items.Select(i => i.netID)) + "]", Color.DarkGreen);
                    ply.SendMessage("Botin Corrupto [i:1534] - [i:" + String.Join("] [i:", Utils.LoadKey(KeyTypes.Corrupto).Items.Select(i => i.netID)) + "]", Color.Purple);
                    ply.SendMessage("Botin Carmesi [i:1535] - [i:" + String.Join("] [i:", Utils.LoadKey(KeyTypes.Carmesi).Items.Select(i => i.netID)) + "]", Color.OrangeRed);
                    ply.SendMessage("Botin Sagrado [i:1536] - [i:" + String.Join("] [i:", Utils.LoadKey(KeyTypes.Sagrado).Items.Select(i => i.netID)) + "]", Color.LightPink);
                    ply.SendMessage("Escribe /botin lista 2 para ver más resultados", Color.Yellow);

                case "lista 2":
                    ply.SendMessage("Botin Helado [i:1537] - [i:" + String.Join("] [i:", Utils.LoadKey(KeyTypes.Helado).Items.Select(i => i.netID)) + "]", Color.SkyBlue);
                    ply.SendMessage("Botin Dorado [i:327] - [i:" + String.Join("] [i:", Utils.LoadKey(KeyTypes.Dorado).Items.Select(i => i.netID)) + "]", Color.Goldenrod);
                    ply.SendMessage("Botin Sombrio [i:329] - [i:" + String.Join("] [i:", Utils.LoadKey(KeyTypes.Sombrio).Items.Select(i => i.netID)) + "]", Color.DarkViolet);
                    ply.SendMessage("Botin Radiante [i:3092] - [i:" + String.Join("] [i:", Utils.LoadKey(KeyTypes.Radiante).Items.Select(i => i.netID)) + "]", Color.LightYellow);
                    ply.SendMessage("Botin Nocturno [i:3091] - [i:" + String.Join("] [i:", Utils.LoadKey(KeyTypes.Nocturno).Items.Select(i => i.netID)) + "]", Color.DarkBlue);
                    ply.SendMessage("Botin del Desierto [i:4714] - [i:" + String.Join("] [i:", Utils.LoadKey(KeyTypes.Desierto).Items.Select(i => i.netID)) + "]", Color.LightGoldenrodYellow);

                case "modo":
                    if (!ply.HasPermission("botin.modo"))
                        ply.SendErrorMessage("No tienes acceso a este comando.");

                    if (args.Parameters.Count < 2)
                        ply.SendErrorMessage("Error de uso. Modo de uso: {0}botin modo <normal/region/mercado>", Commands.Specifier);

                    string query = args.Parameters[1].ToLower();

                    if (query == "normal")
                        Config.EnableRegionExchanges = false;
                        ply.SendSuccessMessage("Modo de intercambio asignado: normal (cualquier lugar).");
                    else if (query == "region")
                        Config.EnableRegionExchanges = true;
                        Config.MarketMode            = false;
                        ply.SendSuccessMessage("Modo de intercambio asignado: region (una region por cada llave).");
                    else if (query == "mercado")
                        Config.EnableRegionExchanges = true;
                        Config.MarketMode            = true;
                        ply.SendSuccessMessage("Modo de intercambio asignado: mercado (una region para todas las llaves).");
                        ply.SendErrorMessage("Sintaxis invalida. Modo de uso: {0}llaves modo <normal/region/mercado>", Commands.Specifier);

Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void KeyChange(CommandArgs args)
            TSPlayer ply = args.Player;

            // SSC check to alert users
            if (!Main.ServerSideCharacter)
                ply.SendWarningMessage("[Warning] This plugin will not work properly with ServerSideCharacters disabled.");

            if (args.Parameters.Count < 1)
                // Plugin Info
                var version = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version;
                ply.SendMessage($"KeyChanger (v{version}) by Enerdy", Color.SkyBlue);
                ply.SendMessage("Description: Changes special chest keys into their specific items", Color.SkyBlue);
                ply.SendMessage($"Syntax: {Commands.Specifier}key <list/mode/change/reload> [type]", Color.SkyBlue);
                ply.SendMessage($"Type {Commands.Specifier}help key for more info", Color.SkyBlue);
            else if (args.Parameters[0].ToLower() == "change" && args.Parameters.Count == 1)
                ply.SendErrorMessage("Invalid syntax! Proper syntax: {0}key change <type>", Commands.Specifier);
            else if (args.Parameters.Count > 0)
                string cmd = args.Parameters[0].ToLower();
                switch (cmd)
                case "change":
                    // Prevents cast from the server console
                    if (!ply.RealPlayer)
                        ply.SendErrorMessage("You must use this command in-game.");

                    if (!ply.HasPermission("key.change"))
                        ply.SendErrorMessage("You do not have access to this command.");

                    KeyTypes type;
                    if (!Enum.TryParse(args.Parameters[1].ToLowerInvariant(), true, out type))
                        ply.SendErrorMessage("Invalid key type! Available types: " + String.Join(", ",
                                                                                                 Config.EnableTempleKey ? "temple" : null,
                                                                                                 Config.EnableJungleKey ? "jungle" : null,
                                                                                                 Config.EnableCorruptionKey ? "corruption" : null,
                                                                                                 Config.EnableCrimsonKey ? "crimson" : null,
                                                                                                 Config.EnableHallowedKey ? "hallowed" : null,
                                                                                                 Config.EnableFrozenKey ? "frozen" : null));

                    Key key = Utils.LoadKey(type);
                    // Verifies whether the key has been enabled
                    if (!key.Enabled)
                        ply.SendInfoMessage("The selected key is disabled.");

                    if (!Config.UseSSC)
                        // Begin the exchange, expect the player to drop the key
                        Exchanging[args.Player.Index] = type;
                        ply.SendInfoMessage($"Drop (hold & right-click) any number of {key.Name} keys to proceed.");

                    // Checks if the player carries the necessary key
                    var lookup = ply.TPlayer.inventory.FirstOrDefault(i => i.netID == (int)key.Type);
                    if (lookup == null)
                        ply.SendErrorMessage("Make sure you carry the selected key in your inventory.");

                    if (Config.EnableRegionExchanges)
                        Region region;
                        if (Config.MarketMode)
                            region = TShock.Regions.GetRegionByName(Config.MarketRegion);
                            region = key.Region;

                        // Checks if the required region is set to null
                        if (region == null)
                            ply.SendInfoMessage("No valid region was set for this key.");

                        // Checks if the player is inside the region
                        if (!region.InArea(args.Player.TileX, args.Player.TileY))
                            ply.SendErrorMessage("You are not in a valid region to make this exchange.");

                    Item item;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
                        item = ply.TPlayer.inventory[i];
                        // Loops through the player's inventory
                        if (item.netID == (int)key.Type)
                            // Found the item, checking for available slots
                            if (item.stack == 1 || ply.InventorySlotAvailable)
                                NetMessage.SendData((int)PacketTypes.PlayerSlot, -1, -1, NetworkText.Empty, ply.Index, i);
                                Random rand = new Random();
                                Item   give = key.Items[rand.Next(0, key.Items.Count)];
                                ply.GiveItem(give.netID, give.Name, give.width, give.height, 1);
                                Item take = TShock.Utils.GetItemById((int)key.Type);
                                ply.SendSuccessMessage("Exchanged a {0} for 1 {1}!", take.Name, give.Name);
                            // Sent if neither of the above conditions were fulfilled.
                            ply.SendErrorMessage("Make sure you have at least one available inventory slot.");

                case "reload":
                    if (!ply.HasPermission("key.reload"))
                        ply.SendErrorMessage("You do not have access to this command.");

                    Config = Config.Read();
                    ply.SendSuccessMessage("KeyChangerConfig.json reloaded successfully.");

                case "list":
                    ply.SendMessage("Temple Key - " + String.Join(", ", Utils.LoadKey(KeyTypes.Temple).Items.Select(i => i.Name)), Color.Goldenrod);
                    ply.SendMessage("Jungle Key - " + String.Join(", ", Utils.LoadKey(KeyTypes.Jungle).Items.Select(i => i.Name)), Color.Goldenrod);
                    ply.SendMessage("Corruption Key - " + String.Join(", ", Utils.LoadKey(KeyTypes.Corruption).Items.Select(i => i.Name)), Color.Goldenrod);
                    ply.SendMessage("Crimson Key - " + String.Join(", ", Utils.LoadKey(KeyTypes.Crimson).Items.Select(i => i.Name)), Color.Goldenrod);
                    ply.SendMessage("Hallowed Key - " + String.Join(", ", Utils.LoadKey(KeyTypes.Hallowed).Items.Select(i => i.Name)), Color.Goldenrod);
                    ply.SendMessage("Frozen Key - " + String.Join(", ", Utils.LoadKey(KeyTypes.Frozen).Items.Select(i => i.Name)), Color.Goldenrod);

                case "mode":
                    if (!ply.HasPermission("key.mode"))
                        ply.SendErrorMessage("You do not have access to this command.");

                    if (args.Parameters.Count < 2)
                        ply.SendErrorMessage("Invalid syntax! Proper syntax: {0}key mode <normal/region/market>", Commands.Specifier);

                    string query = args.Parameters[1].ToLower();

                    if (query == "normal")
                        Config.EnableRegionExchanges = false;
                        ply.SendSuccessMessage("Exchange mode set to normal (exchange everywhere).");
                    else if (query == "region")
                        Config.EnableRegionExchanges = true;
                        Config.MarketMode            = false;
                        ply.SendSuccessMessage("Exchange mode set to region (a region for each type).");
                    else if (query == "market")
                        Config.EnableRegionExchanges = true;
                        Config.MarketMode            = true;
                        ply.SendSuccessMessage("Exchange mode set to market (one region for every type).");
                        ply.SendErrorMessage("Invalid syntax! Proper syntax: {0}key mode <normal/region/market>", Commands.Specifier);
