private void Awake()
            instance = this;

            for (int maleNum = 0; maleNum < _danColliderHeadLength.Length; maleNum++)
                (_danColliderHeadLength[maleNum] = Config.Bind("Male " + (maleNum + 1) + " Options", "Penis Collider: Length of Head", 0.008f, "Distance from the center of the head bone to the tip, used for collision purposes.")).SettingChanged += (s, e) =>
                { UpdateDanColliders(); };
                (_danColliderRadius[maleNum] = Config.Bind("Male " + (maleNum + 1) + " Options", "Penis Collider: Radius of Shaft", 0.024f, "Radius of the shaft collider.")).SettingChanged += (s, e) =>
                { UpdateDanColliders(); };
                (_danColliderVerticalCenter[maleNum] = Config.Bind("Male " + (maleNum + 1) + " Options", "Penis Collider: Vertical Center", 0.0f, "Vertical Center of the shaft collider")).SettingChanged += (s, e) =>
                { UpdateDanColliders(); };
                (_danLengthSquishFactor[maleNum] = Config.Bind("Male " + (maleNum + 1) + " Options", "Penis: Squish Length Factor", 0.6f, new ConfigDescription("How much the length of the penis squishes after it has passed the squish threshold", new AcceptableValueRange <float>(0, 1)))).SettingChanged += (s, e) =>
                { UpdateDanOptions(); };
                (_danGirthSquishFactor[maleNum] = Config.Bind("Male " + (maleNum + 1) + " Options", "Penis: Squish Girth Factor", 0.15f, new ConfigDescription("How much the girth of the penis squishes after it has passed the squish threshold", new AcceptableValueRange <float>(0, 1)))).SettingChanged += (s, e) =>
                { UpdateDanOptions(); };
                (_danSquishThreshold[maleNum] = Config.Bind("Male " + (maleNum + 1) + " Options", "Penis: Squish Threshold", 0.2f, new ConfigDescription("Allows the penis to begin squishing (shorten length increase girth) after this amount of the penis has penetrated.", new AcceptableValueRange <float>(0, 1)))).SettingChanged += (s, e) =>
                { UpdateDanOptions(); };
                (_danSquishOralGirth[maleNum] = Config.Bind("Male " + (maleNum + 1) + " Options", "Penis: Squish Oral Girth", false, "Allows the penis to squish (increase girth) during oral.")).SettingChanged += (s, e) =>
                { UpdateDanOptions(); };
                (_simplifyPenetration[maleNum] = Config.Bind("Male " + (maleNum + 1) + " Options", "Simplify Penetration Calculation", false, "Simplifys penetration calclation by always having it target the same internal point.  Only valid for BP penis uncensors.")).SettingChanged += (s, e) =>
                { UpdateDanOptions(); };
                (_simplifyOral[maleNum] = Config.Bind("Male " + (maleNum + 1) + " Options", "Simplify Oral Calculation", false, "Simplifys oral penetration calclation by always having it target the same internal point.  Only valid for BP penis uncensors.")).SettingChanged += (s, e) =>
                { UpdateDanOptions(); };

            (_clippingDepth = Config.Bind("Female Options", "Clipping Depth", 0.02f, "Set how close to body surface to limit penis for clipping purposes. Smaller values will result in more clipping through the body, larger values will make the shaft wander further away from the intended penetration point.")).SettingChanged += (s, e) =>
            { UpdateCollisionOptions(); };
            for (int offset = 0; offset < frontOffsets.Count; offset++)
                (_frontCollisionOffset[offset] = Config.Bind("Female Options", "Clipping Offset: Front Collision " + offset, frontOffsets[offset], "Individual offset on colision point, to improve clipping")).SettingChanged += (s, e) =>
                { UpdateCollisionOptions(); }
            for (int offset = 0; offset < backOffsets.Count; offset++)
                (_backCollisionOffset[offset] = Config.Bind("Female Options", "Clipping Offset: Back Collision " + offset, backOffsets[offset], "Individual offset on colision point, to improve clipping")).SettingChanged += (s, e) =>
                { UpdateCollisionOptions(); }
            (_kokanOffsetForward = Config.Bind("Female Options", "Target Offset: V****a Vertical", -0.007f, "Vertical offset of the v****a target")).SettingChanged += (s, e) =>
            { UpdateCollisionOptions(); };
            (_kokanOffsetUp = Config.Bind("Female Options", "Target Offset: V****a Depth", 0.0f, "Depth offset of the v****a target")).SettingChanged += (s, e) =>
            { UpdateCollisionOptions(); };
            (_headOffsetForward = Config.Bind("Female Options", "Target Offset: Mouth Depth", 0.0f, "Depth offset of the mouth target")).SettingChanged += (s, e) =>
            { UpdateCollisionOptions(); };
            (_headOffsetUp = Config.Bind("Female Options", "Target Offset: Mouth Vertical", 0.00f, "Vertical offset of the mouth target")).SettingChanged += (s, e) =>
            { UpdateCollisionOptions(); };

            harmony = new Harmony("KK_BetterPenetration");

            Type VRHSceneType = Type.GetType("VRHScene, Assembly-CSharp");

            if (VRHSceneType != null)
                harmony.Patch(VRHSceneType.GetMethod("Start", AccessTools.all), postfix: new HarmonyMethod(typeof(KK_BetterPenetration).GetMethod(nameof(KK_BetterPenetration.VRHScene_PostStart), AccessTools.all)));
                harmony.Patch(VRHSceneType.GetMethod("EndProc", AccessTools.all), prefix: new HarmonyMethod(typeof(KK_BetterPenetration).GetMethod(nameof(KK_BetterPenetration.VRHScene_EndProc), AccessTools.all)));
                harmony.Patch(VRHSceneType.GetMethod("Update", AccessTools.all), postfix: new HarmonyMethod(typeof(KK_BetterPenetration).GetMethod(nameof(KK_BetterPenetration.VRHScene_PostUpdate), AccessTools.all)));
                harmony.Patch(VRHSceneType.GetMethod("ChangeAnimator", AccessTools.all), prefix: new HarmonyMethod(typeof(KK_BetterPenetration).GetMethod(nameof(KK_BetterPenetration.VRHScene_PreChangeAnimator), AccessTools.all)));

            Chainloader.PluginInfos.TryGetValue("com.deathweasel.bepinex.uncensorselector", out PluginInfo info);
            if (info == null || info.Instance == null)

            _uncensorSelectorType = info.Instance.GetType();
            Type uncensorSelectorControllerType = _uncensorSelectorType.GetNestedType("UncensorSelectorController", AccessTools.all);

            if (uncensorSelectorControllerType == null)

            MethodInfo uncensorSelectorReloadCharacterBody = AccessTools.Method(uncensorSelectorControllerType, "ReloadCharacterBody");

            if (uncensorSelectorReloadCharacterBody == null)

            harmony.Patch(uncensorSelectorReloadCharacterBody, postfix: new HarmonyMethod(typeof(KK_BetterPenetration), nameof(UncensorSelector_ReloadCharacterBody_Postfix), new[] { typeof(object) }));
            Debug.Log("KK_BetterPenetration: UncensorSelector patched ReloadCharacterBody correctly");
        internal void Awake()
            instance = this;

            for (int maleNum = 0; maleNum < MaleLimit; maleNum++)
                (_danColliderLengthScale[maleNum] = Config.Bind("Male " + (maleNum + 1) + " Options", "Penis Collider: Length Scale", 1.0f, new ConfigDescription("How much to scale collider length", new AcceptableValueRange <float>(0.5f, 1.5f)))).SettingChanged += (s, e) =>
                { UpdateDanColliders(); };
                (_danColliderRadiusScale[maleNum] = Config.Bind("Male " + (maleNum + 1) + " Options", "Penis Collider: Radius Scale", 1.0f, new ConfigDescription("How much to scale collider radius", new AcceptableValueRange <float>(0.5f, 1.5f)))).SettingChanged += (s, e) =>
                { UpdateDanColliders(); };
                (_danLengthSquishFactor[maleNum] = Config.Bind("Male " + (maleNum + 1) + " Options", "Penis: Squish Length Factor", 0.6f, new ConfigDescription("How much the length of the penis squishes after it has passed the squish threshold", new AcceptableValueRange <float>(0, 1)))).SettingChanged += (s, e) =>
                { UpdateDanOptions(); };
                (_danGirthSquishFactor[maleNum] = Config.Bind("Male " + (maleNum + 1) + " Options", "Penis: Squish Girth Factor", 0.2f, new ConfigDescription("How much the girth of the penis squishes after it has passed the squish threshold", new AcceptableValueRange <float>(0, 1)))).SettingChanged += (s, e) =>
                { UpdateDanOptions(); };
                (_danSquishThreshold[maleNum] = Config.Bind("Male " + (maleNum + 1) + " Options", "Penis: Squish Threshold", 0.2f, new ConfigDescription("Allows the penis to begin squishing (shorten length increase girth) after this amount of the penis has penetrated.", new AcceptableValueRange <float>(0, 1)))).SettingChanged += (s, e) =>
                { UpdateDanOptions(); };
                (_danSquishOralGirth[maleNum] = Config.Bind("Male " + (maleNum + 1) + " Options", "Penis: Squish Oral Girth", false, "Allows the penis to squish (increase girth) during oral.")).SettingChanged += (s, e) =>
                { UpdateDanOptions(); };
                (_simplifyVaginal[maleNum] = Config.Bind("Male " + (maleNum + 1) + " Options", "Simplify Penetration Calculation", false, "Simplifys penetration calclation by always having it target the same internal point.  Only valid for BP penis uncensors.")).SettingChanged += (s, e) =>
                { UpdateDanOptions(); };
                (_simplifyOral[maleNum] = Config.Bind("Male " + (maleNum + 1) + " Options", "Simplify Oral Calculation", false, "Simplifys oral penetration calclation by always having it target the same internal point.  Only valid for BP penis uncensors.")).SettingChanged += (s, e) =>
                { UpdateDanOptions(); };
                (_simplifyAnal[maleNum] = Config.Bind("Male " + (maleNum + 1) + " Options", "Simplify Anal Calculation", false, "Simplifys anal penetration calclation by always having it target the same internal point.  Only valid for BP penis uncensors.")).SettingChanged += (s, e) =>
                { UpdateDanOptions(); };
                (_rotateTamaWithShaft[maleNum] = Config.Bind("Male " + (maleNum + 1) + " Options", "Rotate Balls with Shaft", true, "If enabled, the base of the balls will be locked to the base of the shaft")).SettingChanged += (s, e) =>
                { UpdateDanOptions(); };
                (_limitCorrection[maleNum] = Config.Bind("Male " + (maleNum + 1) + " Options", "Limit Penis Movement", false, "Limit the penis from moving laterally too much from frame to frame.")).SettingChanged += (s, e) =>
                { UpdateDanOptions(); };
                (_maxCorrection[maleNum] = Config.Bind("Male " + (maleNum + 1) + " Options", "Limit Penis Amount", 0.2f, "Amount of movement to limit the penis to.  Smaller values result in smoother animations, but can cause clipping.")).SettingChanged += (s, e) =>
                { UpdateDanOptions(); };

            (_clippingDepth = Config.Bind("Female Options", "Clipping Depth", 0.02f, "Set how close to body surface to limit penis for clipping purposes. Smaller values will result in more clipping through the body, larger values will make the shaft wander further away from the intended penetration point.")).SettingChanged += (s, e) =>
            { UpdateCollisionOptions(); };
            for (int offset = 0; offset < frontOffsets.Count; offset++)
                (_frontCollisionOffset[offset] = Config.Bind("Female Options", "Clipping Offset: Front Collision " + offset, frontOffsets[offset], "Individual offset on colision point, to improve clipping")).SettingChanged += (s, e) =>
                { UpdateCollisionOptions(); }
            for (int offset = 0; offset < backOffsets.Count; offset++)
                (_backCollisionOffset[offset] = Config.Bind("Female Options", "Clipping Offset: Back Collision " + offset, backOffsets[offset], "Individual offset on colision point, to improve clipping")).SettingChanged += (s, e) =>
                { UpdateCollisionOptions(); }
            (_kokanOffset = Config.Bind("Female Options", "Target Offset: V****a Target", 0.0f, "Offset of the v****a target")).SettingChanged += (s, e) =>
            { UpdateCollisionOptions(); };
            (_innerKokanOffset = Config.Bind("Female Options", "Target Offset: Inner V****a Target", 0.0f, "Offset of the simplified inner v****a target")).SettingChanged += (s, e) =>
            { UpdateCollisionOptions(); };
            (_mouthOffset = Config.Bind("Female Options", "Target Offset: Mouth Target", 0.0f, "Offset of the mouth target")).SettingChanged += (s, e) =>
            { UpdateCollisionOptions(); };
            (_innerMouthOffset = Config.Bind("Female Options", "Target Offset: Inner Mouth Target", 0.0f, "Offset of the simplified inner mouth target")).SettingChanged += (s, e) =>
            { UpdateCollisionOptions(); };
            (_enableOralPushPull = Config.Bind("Female Options", "Oral Push/Pull: Enable", true, "Enable mouth push/pull during penetration")).SettingChanged += (s, e) =>
            { UpdateCollisionOptions(); };
            (_maxOralPush = Config.Bind("Female Options", "Oral Push/Pull: Max Push", 0.002f, "Maximum amount to push the mouth inwards during penetration")).SettingChanged += (s, e) =>
            { UpdateCollisionOptions(); };
            (_maxOralPull = Config.Bind("Female Options", "Oral Push/Pull: Max Pull", 0.006f, "Maximum amount to pull the mouth outwards during penetration")).SettingChanged += (s, e) =>
            { UpdateCollisionOptions(); };
            (_oralPullRate = Config.Bind("Female Options", "Oral Push/Pull: Push/Pull Rate", 18f, "How quickly to push or pull the mouth during penetration")).SettingChanged += (s, e) =>
            { UpdateCollisionOptions(); };
            (_oralReturnRate = Config.Bind("Female Options", "Oral Push/Pull: Return Rate", 0.03f, "How quickly the mouth returns to its original shape when there is no penetration")).SettingChanged += (s, e) =>
            { UpdateCollisionOptions(); };

            harmony = new Harmony("KK_BetterPenetration");

            Type VRHSceneType = Type.GetType("VRHScene, Assembly-CSharp");

            if (VRHSceneType != null)
                harmony.Patch(VRHSceneType.GetMethod("Start", AccessTools.all), postfix: new HarmonyMethod(GetType().GetMethod(nameof(HScene_PostStart), AccessTools.all)));
                harmony.Patch(VRHSceneType.GetMethod("EndProc", AccessTools.all), prefix: new HarmonyMethod(GetType().GetMethod(nameof(HSceneProc_EndProc), AccessTools.all)));
                harmony.Patch(VRHSceneType.GetMethod("Update", AccessTools.all), postfix: new HarmonyMethod(GetType().GetMethod(nameof(HScene_PostUpdate), AccessTools.all)));
                harmony.Patch(VRHSceneType.GetMethod("ChangeAnimator", AccessTools.all), prefix: new HarmonyMethod(GetType().GetMethod(nameof(HSceneProc_PreChangeAnimator), AccessTools.all)));

            Chainloader.PluginInfos.TryGetValue("com.deathweasel.bepinex.uncensorselector", out PluginInfo pluginInfo);
            if (pluginInfo == null || pluginInfo.Instance == null)

            Type uncensorSelectorControllerType = pluginInfo.Instance.GetType().GetNestedType("UncensorSelectorController", AccessTools.all);

            if (uncensorSelectorControllerType == null)

            MethodInfo uncensorSelectorReloadCharacterBody = AccessTools.Method(uncensorSelectorControllerType, "ReloadCharacterBody");

            if (uncensorSelectorReloadCharacterBody == null)

            harmony.Patch(uncensorSelectorReloadCharacterBody, prefix: new HarmonyMethod(GetType(), "BeforeCharacterReload"), postfix: new HarmonyMethod(GetType(), "AfterCharacterReload"));
            UnityEngine.Debug.Log("KK_BetterPenetration: patched UncensorSelector::ReloadCharacterBody correctly");

            MethodInfo uncensorSelectorReloadCharacterPenis = AccessTools.Method(uncensorSelectorControllerType, "ReloadCharacterPenis");

            if (uncensorSelectorReloadCharacterPenis == null)

            harmony.Patch(uncensorSelectorReloadCharacterPenis, prefix: new HarmonyMethod(GetType(), "BeforeDanCharacterReload"), postfix: new HarmonyMethod(GetType(), "AfterDanCharacterReload"));
            UnityEngine.Debug.Log("KK_BetterPenetration: patched UncensorSelector::ReloadCharacterPenis patched");