Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static object __new__(CodeContext context, PythonType type, object o)
            object reversed;

            if (PythonOps.TryGetBoundAttr(context, o, "__reversed__", out reversed))
                return(PythonCalls.Call(context, reversed));

            object boundFunc;

            PythonTypeSlot getitem;
            PythonType     pt = DynamicHelpers.GetPythonType(o);

            if (!pt.TryResolveSlot(context, "__getitem__", out getitem) ||
                !getitem.TryGetValue(context, o, pt, out boundFunc) ||
                o is PythonDictionary)
                throw PythonOps.TypeError("argument to reversed() must be a sequence");

            int length;

            if (!DynamicHelpers.GetPythonType(o).TryGetLength(context, o, out length))
                throw PythonOps.TypeError("object of type '{0}' has no len()", DynamicHelpers.GetPythonType(o).Name);

            if (type.UnderlyingSystemType == typeof(ReversedEnumerator))
                return(new ReversedEnumerator((int)length, boundFunc));

            return(type.CreateInstance(context, length, getitem));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static object?__new__(CodeContext context, [NotNone] PythonType type, object?o)
            if (PythonTypeOps.TryInvokeUnaryOperator(context, o, "__reversed__", out object?res))

            object boundFunc;

            PythonTypeSlot getitem;
            PythonType     pt = DynamicHelpers.GetPythonType(o);

            if (o is null || o is PythonDictionary ||
                !pt.TryResolveSlot(context, "__getitem__", out getitem) ||
                !getitem.TryGetValue(context, o, pt, out boundFunc))
                throw PythonOps.TypeError("argument to reversed() must be a sequence");

            int length;

            if (!DynamicHelpers.GetPythonType(o).TryGetLength(context, o, out length))
                throw PythonOps.TypeError("object of type '{0}' has no len()", PythonOps.GetPythonTypeName(o));

            if (type.UnderlyingSystemType == typeof(ReversedEnumerator))
                return(new ReversedEnumerator(length, o, boundFunc));

            return(type.CreateInstance(context, length, getitem));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private static bool IsHashable(SetCollection asSet)
            PythonTypeSlot pts;
            PythonType     pt = DynamicHelpers.GetPythonType(asSet);
            object         slotValue;

            return(pt.TryResolveSlot(DefaultContext.Default, "__hash__", out pts) &&
                   pts.TryGetValue(DefaultContext.Default, asSet, pt, out slotValue) && slotValue != null);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private static bool HasPythonProtocol(Type t, string name)
            if (t.FullName.StartsWith(NewTypeMaker.TypePrefix))
            PythonType dt = DynamicHelpers.GetPythonTypeFromType(t);

            if (dt == null)
            PythonTypeSlot tmp;

            return(dt.TryResolveSlot(DefaultContext.Default, name, out tmp));