Ejemplo n.º 1
 public static string GetName(ServiceAttributeId id, Type[] attributeIdDefiningClasses,
                              LanguageBaseItem[] langBaseList, out LanguageBaseItem applicableLangBase)
     if (attributeIdDefiningClasses == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("attributeIdDefiningClasses");
     //HACK if (langBaseList == null) {
     if (langBaseList == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("langBaseList");
     // Foreach: class that defines AttributeId enum.
     //    Foreach: AttributeId enum field in that class.
     //       Check whether its value matches the one being searched for, and return if so.
     foreach (Type curDefiningType in attributeIdDefiningClasses)
         //if (!(curDefiningType.IsSealed && curDefiningType.IsAbstract)) { }
         System.Reflection.FieldInfo[] fieldArr = curDefiningType.GetFields(
             // With Public, no permissions required, apparently.
             System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static);
         foreach (System.Reflection.FieldInfo curField in fieldArr)
             if (curField.FieldType == typeof(ServiceAttributeId))
                 // A multi-language attribute or a just a normal one?
                 Object[] dotnetAtttrs = curField.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(StringWithLanguageBaseAttribute), false);
                 if (dotnetAtttrs.Length != 0)
                     System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(dotnetAtttrs.Length == 1,
                                                     "Not that it's a problem for us at all, but that Attribute should only be applied once.");
                     string name = _GetNameIfMatchesMultiLang(id, curField, langBaseList, out applicableLangBase);
                     if (name != null)
                     // No just a normal Attribute, not language base offsetting.
                     string name = _GetNameIfMatches(id, curField);
                     if (name != null)
                         applicableLangBase = null;
                 } //else
         }         //foreach
     }             //foreach
     // Not found.
     applicableLangBase = null;
Ejemplo n.º 2

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the list of <see cref="T:InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth.LanguageBaseItem"/>
        /// items in the service record.
        /// </summary>
        /// -
        /// <param name="elementSequence">
        /// A <see cref="T:InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth.ServiceElement"/> holding the
        /// data from the
        /// <see cref="F:InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth.AttributeIds.UniversalAttributeId.LanguageBaseAttributeIdList"/>
        /// attribute.
        /// </param>
        /// -
        /// <returns>
        /// An array of <see cref="T:InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth.LanguageBaseItem"/>.
        /// An array length zero is returned if the service record contains no such attribute.
        /// </returns>
        /// -
        /// <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        /// <paramref name="elementSequence"/> is not of type
        /// <see cref="F:InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth.ElementType.ElementSequence"/>.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="T:System.Net.ProtocolViolationException">
        /// The element sequence contains incorrectly formatted or invalid content,
        /// for example it contains the wrong element data types, or doesn't contain
        /// the elements in groups of three as required.
        /// </exception>
        public static LanguageBaseItem[] ParseListFromElementSequence(ServiceElement elementSequence)
            if (elementSequence.ElementType != ElementType.ElementSequence)
                throw new ArgumentException(ErrorMsgLangBaseListParseNotSequence);

            IList <ServiceElement> elementList = elementSequence.GetValueAsElementList();

            int       numElements     = elementList.Count;
            const int ElementsPerItem = 3;

            if (numElements == 0 || (numElements % ElementsPerItem) != 0)
                throw new System.Net.ProtocolViolationException(ErrorMsgLangBaseListParseNotInThrees);
            int numItems = numElements / ElementsPerItem;

            LanguageBaseItem[] items = new LanguageBaseItem[numItems];
            for (int i = 0; i < numItems; ++i)
                // Casts are for the non-Generic version.
                ServiceElement e1Lang   = (ServiceElement)elementList[i * ElementsPerItem];
                ServiceElement e2EncId  = (ServiceElement)elementList[i * ElementsPerItem + 1];
                ServiceElement e3BaseId = (ServiceElement)elementList[i * ElementsPerItem + 2];
                if (e1Lang.ElementType != ElementType.UInt16 || e2EncId.ElementType != ElementType.UInt16 || e3BaseId.ElementType != ElementType.UInt16)
                    throw new System.Net.ProtocolViolationException(ErrorMsgLangBaseListParseNotU16);
                if ((UInt16)e3BaseId.Value == 0)
                    throw new System.Net.ProtocolViolationException(ErrorMsgLangBaseListParseBaseInvalid);
                LanguageBaseItem item = new LanguageBaseItem(
                    (UInt16)e1Lang.Value, (UInt16)e2EncId.Value, (UInt16)e3BaseId.Value);
                items[i] = item;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 _GetNameIfMatchesMultiLang(ServiceAttributeId id, System.Reflection.FieldInfo curField,
                            LanguageBaseItem[] langBaseList, out LanguageBaseItem applicableLangBase)
     foreach (LanguageBaseItem curBaseItem in langBaseList)
         ServiceAttributeId baseOffset = curBaseItem.AttributeIdBase;
         ServiceAttributeId realId     = id;
         unchecked { realId -= baseOffset; }
         // (Theorically 'unchecked' above could allow wrong results but
         // only 0, 1, and 2, have "[StringWithLanguageBaseAttribute]",
         // and it would be an odd record that could produce those
         // integers for wrong reasons).
         string fieldName = _GetNameIfMatches(realId, curField);
         if (fieldName != null)
             applicableLangBase = curBaseItem;
     applicableLangBase = null;