/// <summary>
 /// Veraltete Methode zum Hinzufügen eines neuen Objekts zum EntitySet 'CommitRelations'. Verwenden Sie stattdessen die Methode '.Add' der zugeordneten Eigenschaft 'ObjectSet&lt;T&gt;'.
 /// </summary>
 public void AddToCommitRelations(CommitRelation commitRelation)
     base.AddObject("CommitRelations", commitRelation);
 /// <summary>
 /// Erstellt ein neues CommitRelation-Objekt.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parentCommit">Anfangswert der Eigenschaft ParentCommit.</param>
 /// <param name="childCommit">Anfangswert der Eigenschaft ChildCommit.</param>
 public static CommitRelation CreateCommitRelation(global::System.Int32 parentCommit, global::System.Int32 childCommit)
     CommitRelation commitRelation = new CommitRelation();
     commitRelation.ParentCommit = parentCommit;
     commitRelation.ChildCommit = childCommit;
     return commitRelation;
        int? FinishImportCommit(LibGit2Sharp.Commit gitCommit, List<int> parentCommits)
            string commitHash = gitCommit.Sha;
            var commit = new DataAccess.Collector.Commit();
            commit.Hash = commitHash;
            commit.CommitDate = gitCommit.Committer.When.UtcDateTime;
            Debug.WriteLine("Imported commit " + commitHash + " as " + commit.Id);

            // Fix existing sessions referencing this commit:
            int? svnRevision = null;
            if (EnableGitSvnImport) {
                foreach (string messageLine in gitCommit.Message.Split('\n', '\r')) {
                    Match m = gitSvnRegex.Match(messageLine);
                    if (m.Success) {
                        // determine SVN revision numbers for commits imported from SVN
                        svnRevision = int.Parse(m.Groups[1].Value);
            if (svnRevision != null) {
                svnRevisionToCommitIdMapping[svnRevision.Value] = commit.Id;
            } else {
                var sessionsThatNeedUpdate = from s in db.Context.Sessions
                                         join ed in db.Context.EnvironmentDatas on s.Id equals ed.SessionId
                                         join edn in db.Context.EnvironmentDataNames on ed.EnvironmentDataNameId equals edn.Id
                                         join edv in db.Context.EnvironmentDataValues on ed.EnvironmentDataValueId equals edv.Id
                                         where edn.Name == "commit" && edv.Name == commitHash
                                         select s;
                int updatedSessionsCount = 0;
                foreach (var session in sessionsThatNeedUpdate) {
                    session.CommitId = commit.Id;
                if (updatedSessionsCount > 0)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Updated " + updatedSessionsCount + " sessions referencing this commit");

            // Now create the relation to the parent commits:
            foreach (int parentCommit in parentCommits) {
                CommitRelation r = new CommitRelation();
                r.ParentCommit = parentCommit;
                r.ChildCommit = commit.Id;

            return commit.Id;