Ejemplo n.º 1
	protected void OnMultimediaView_AddFile(object sender, MultimediaFileArgs e)
		FileSelectorDialog fileSelector = new FileSelectorDialog();
		fileSelector.Title = "Select Media File";
		fileSelector.AddFilter("image/*", "Images");
		fileSelector.AddFilter("video/*", "Videos");
		fileSelector.AddFilter("audio/*", "Audio");
		fileSelector.AddFilter("text/*", "Text Documents");
		fileSelector.FileSelected += new EventHandler(MultimediaView_AddFileSelected);
		fileSelector.UserData = e;
		fileSelector.Modal = true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
	protected virtual void OnDecendantsReportWebPage_Activated(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
		if (_currentView != null)
			// view may have changed the record so get what the view thinks
			// the current record is
			_record = _currentView.Record;
		GedcomIndividualReport report = new GedcomIndividualReport();
		report.Database = _database;
		report.Record = _record;
		report.DecendantGenerations = - int.MaxValue;
		report.BaseXsltName = "Descendants";
		string filename = report.CreateReport();
		FileSelectorDialog fileSelector = new FileSelectorDialog();
		fileSelector.Title = "Save Decendants Report As...";
		fileSelector.AddFilter("text/html", "HTML Files");
		fileSelector.AddFilter("application/pdf", "PDF Files");
		fileSelector.AddFilter("image/svg+xml", "SVG Files");
		fileSelector.SaveDialog = true;
		fileSelector.FileSelected += new EventHandler(ReportSave_FileSelected);
		fileSelector.UserData = filename;
Ejemplo n.º 3
	protected virtual void OnFamilyGroupSheetReportWebPage_Activated(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
		if (_currentView != null)
			// view may have changed the record so get what the view thinks
			// the current record is
			_record = _currentView.Record;
		GedcomIndividualReport report = new GedcomIndividualReport();
		report.Database = _database;
		report.Record = _record;
		report.AncestorGenerations = 1; // need to get the parents of the father/mother
		report.DecendantGenerations = - 2; // need 2 rather than 1 to pull in spouse for children
		report.BaseXsltName = "FamilyGroupReport";
		GedcomIndividualRecord indi = _record as GedcomIndividualRecord;
		if (indi != null)
			GedcomFamilyRecord fam = indi.GetFamily();
			if (fam != null)
				report.XrefID = fam.XRefID;
		string filename = report.CreateReport();
		FileSelectorDialog fileSelector = new FileSelectorDialog();
		fileSelector.Title = "Save Family Group Sheet Report As...";
		fileSelector.AddFilter("text/html", "HTML Files");
		fileSelector.AddFilter("application/pdf", "PDF Files");
		fileSelector.AddFilter("image/svg+xml", "SVG Files");
		fileSelector.SaveDialog = true;
		fileSelector.FileSelected += new EventHandler(ReportSave_FileSelected);
		fileSelector.UserData = filename;
Ejemplo n.º 4
	protected virtual void OnSaveAs_Activated(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
		FileSelectorDialog fileSelector = new FileSelectorDialog();
		fileSelector.Title = "Select File to Save As";
		fileSelector.AddFilter("application/x-gedcom", "GEDCOM Files");
		fileSelector.SaveDialog = true;
		fileSelector.FileSelected += new EventHandler(SaveAs_FileSelected);