public void PatternConstructorPositive()
     Simulator simulator;
     bool[,] generation;
     simulator = new Simulator(CommonPattern.Blinker);
     generation = simulator.GetCurrentGeneration();
     Assert.IsNotNull(generation, "Generation is null");
     Assert.IsTrue((generation.GetLength(0) == 5) && (generation.GetLength(1) == 5), "Rows and Columns lengths is not 5");
     Assert.IsTrue(generation[1, 2] && generation[2, 2] && generation[3, 2], "First generation does not have right live cells");            
 public void BoolConstructorPositive() 
     Simulator simulator;
     bool[,] generation;
     bool[,] seed = new bool[2, 2];
     seed[1, 1] = true;
     simulator = new Simulator(seed);
     generation = simulator.GetCurrentGeneration();
     Assert.IsNotNull(generation, "Generation is null");
     Assert.IsTrue((generation.GetLength(0) == seed.GetLength(0)) && (generation.GetLength(1) == seed.GetLength(1)) , "generation and seed do not have same dimension");            
     for (int x = 0; x < seed.GetLength(0); x++)
         for (int y = 0; y < seed.GetLength(1); y++)
             if (seed[x, y] != generation[x, y])
                 Assert.Fail("Generation and seed cell are nor equal");
 public void StepPositive() 
     Simulator simulator;
     CommonPattern seedPattern = CommonPattern.Pulsar;
     simulator = new Simulator(seedPattern);
     var firstGeneration = simulator.GetCurrentGeneration();
     var thirdGeneration = simulator.GetCurrentGeneration();
     Assert.IsTrue((firstGeneration.GetLength(0) == thirdGeneration.GetLength(0)) && (firstGeneration.GetLength(1) == thirdGeneration.GetLength(1)), "First and third generations dimension are not equal");
     for (int x = 0; x < firstGeneration.GetLength(0); x++)
         for (int y = 0; y < firstGeneration.GetLength(1); y++)
             if (firstGeneration[x, y] != thirdGeneration[x, y])
                 Assert.Fail("First Generation and Third Generation are not same.");
 public void StringConstructorPositive()
     Simulator simulator;
     string seed = "1,1|2,2|3,3";
     simulator = new Simulator(seed);
     var generation = simulator.GetCurrentGeneration();
     Assert.IsNotNull(generation, "Generation is null");
     Assert.IsTrue(generation.GetLength(0) == 5 && generation.GetLength(1) == 5,"Invalid dimensions for first genearation array");
     Assert.IsTrue(generation[1,1] && generation[2,2] && generation[3,3],"First genration has incorrect live cells");