Ejemplo n.º 1
        public Google.Contacts.Contact CreateContact(contacts item)
            Google.Contacts.Contact newEntry = new Google.Contacts.Contact();

            // ----- NAME -----
            newEntry.Name = new Name()
                FullName       = item.Name.FullName,
                NamePrefix     = item.Name.Prefix,
                GivenName      = item.Name.Firstname,
                AdditionalName = item.Name.AdditionalName,
                FamilyName     = item.Name.Surname,
                NameSuffix     = item.Name.Suffix,
                //FamilyNamePhonetics = ,
                //AdditionalNamePhonetics = ,
                //FamilyNamePhonetics = ,

            // ----- EMAIL -----
            foreach (var email in item.Email)
                newEntry.Emails.Add(new EMail()
                    Primary = email.Primary,
                    Rel     = email.Desc,        // ContactsRelationships.IsHome,
                    Address = email.Value

            // ----- PHONE -----
            foreach (var phone in item.Phone)
                newEntry.Phonenumbers.Add(new PhoneNumber()
                    Primary = phone.Primary,
                    Rel     = phone.Desc,        // ContactsRelationships.IsWork,
                    Value   = phone.Value

            // ----- Organization -----

            // ----- ADDRESS -----
            foreach (var address in item.Address)
                newEntry.PostalAddresses.Add(new StructuredPostalAddress()
                    Rel              = address.Tag, // ContactsRelationships.IsWork,
                    Primary          = address.Primary,
                    Street           = address.Street,
                    City             = address.City,
                    Region           = address.Region,
                    Postcode         = address.ZipCode,
                    Country          = address.Country,
                    FormattedAddress = address.Street + ", " + address.City + ", " + address.Region + ", " + address.Country + ", " + address.ZipCode

            // ----- BIRTHDATE -----

            // ----- DATES -----

            // ----- WEBSITES -----

            // ----- IM -----
            foreach (var im in item.IM)
                newEntry.IMs.Add(new IMAddress()
                    Address = im.Value,
                    Primary = im.Primary,
                    //Rel = //ContactsRelationships.IsHome,
                    Protocol = im.Desc, // ContactsProtocols.IsGoogleTalk,

            // ----- RELATIONS -----

            // ----- NOTE -----
            newEntry.Content = item.Note;

            // ----- google ID -----

            // ----- GROUP -----

            // Insert the contact.
            Uri feedUri = new Uri(ContactsQuery.CreateContactsUri("default"));

            Google.Contacts.Contact createdEntry = cr.Insert(feedUri, newEntry);
            Console.WriteLine("Contact's ID: " + createdEntry.Id);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public Google.Contacts.Contact UpdateContact(contacts item)
            Uri contactURL = new Uri(item.gID);

            Google.Contacts.Contact newEntry = cr.Retrieve <Google.Contacts.Contact>(contactURL);

            Google.Contacts.Contact updatedContact2 = cr.Update(newEntry);

            // ----- NAME -----
            newEntry.Name = new Name()
                FullName       = item.Name.FullName,
                NamePrefix     = item.Name.Prefix,
                GivenName      = item.Name.Firstname,
                AdditionalName = item.Name.AdditionalName,
                FamilyName     = item.Name.Surname,
                NameSuffix     = item.Name.Suffix,

                //FamilyNamePhonetics = ,
                //AdditionalNamePhonetics = ,
                //FamilyNamePhonetics = ,

            updatedContact2 = cr.Update(newEntry);

            newEntry.ContactEntry.Nickname = item.Name.Nick;

            updatedContact2 = cr.Update(newEntry);

            // ----- EMAIL -----
            if (item.Email != null)
                foreach (var email in item.Email)
                    if (email.Desc.IndexOf("#") == 0)
                        newEntry.Emails.Add(new EMail()
                            Primary = email.Primary,
                            Rel     = "http://schemas.google.com/g/2005" + email.Desc,
                            Address = email.Value
                    else if (email.Desc == "")
                        newEntry.Emails.Add(new EMail()
                            Primary = email.Primary,
                            Rel     = "http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#other",
                            Address = email.Value
                        newEntry.Emails.Add(new EMail()
                            Primary = email.Primary,
                            Label   = email.Desc,
                            Address = email.Value

            updatedContact2 = cr.Update(newEntry);

            // ----- PHONE -----
            if (item.Phone != null)
                foreach (var phone in item.Phone)
                    if (phone.Desc.IndexOf("#") == 0)
                        newEntry.Phonenumbers.Add(new PhoneNumber()
                            Primary = phone.Primary,
                            Rel     = "http://schemas.google.com/g/2005" + phone.Desc,
                            Value   = phone.Value
                    else if (phone.Desc == "")
                        newEntry.Phonenumbers.Add(new PhoneNumber()
                            Primary = phone.Primary,
                            Rel     = "http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#other",
                            Value   = phone.Value
                        newEntry.Phonenumbers.Add(new PhoneNumber()
                            Primary = phone.Primary,
                            Label   = phone.Desc,
                            Value   = phone.Value

            updatedContact2 = cr.Update(newEntry);

            // ----- Organization -----
            if (item.Company != null)
                foreach (var comp in item.Company)
                    newEntry.Organizations.Add(new Organization()
                        Name  = comp.Name,
                        Title = comp.Position,
                        Rel   = "http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#other"

            updatedContact2 = cr.Update(newEntry);

            // ----- ADDRESS -----

            /*if (item.Address != null)
             * {
             *  foreach (var address in item.Address)
             *  {
             *      newEntry.PostalAddresses.Add(new StructuredPostalAddress()
             *      {
             *          Rel = address.Tag,            // ContactsRelationships.IsWork,
             *          Primary = address.Primary,
             *          Street = address.Street,
             *          City = address.City,
             *          Region = address.Region,
             *          Postcode = address.ZipCode,
             *          Country = address.Country,
             *          FormattedAddress = address.Street + ", " + address.City + ", " + address.Region + ", " + address.Country + ", " + address.ZipCode
             *      });
             *  }
             * }*/

            // ----- BIRTHDATE -----
            if (item.BirthDate != DateTime.MinValue)
                //newEntry.AtomEntry.Birthday = item.BirthDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                newEntry.ContactEntry.Birthday = item.BirthDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            updatedContact2 = cr.Update(newEntry);

            // ----- DATES -----

            // ----- WEBSITES -----
            if (item.Web != null)
                foreach (var web in item.Web)
                    if (web.Desc.IndexOf("#") == 0)
                        newEntry.ContactEntry.Websites.Add(new Website()
                            Primary = web.Primary,
                            Rel     = "http://schemas.google.com/g/2005" + web.Desc,
                            Value   = web.Value
                    else if (web.Desc == "")
                        newEntry.ContactEntry.Websites.Add(new Website()
                            Primary = web.Primary,
                            Rel     = "http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#other",
                            Value   = web.Value
                        newEntry.ContactEntry.Websites.Add(new Website()
                            Primary = web.Primary,
                            Label   = web.Desc,
                            Value   = web.Value

            updatedContact2 = cr.Update(newEntry);

            // ----- IM -----
            if (item.IM != null)
                foreach (var im in item.IM)
                    if (im.Desc.IndexOf("#") == 0)
                        newEntry.IMs.Add(new IMAddress()
                            Primary = im.Primary,
                            Rel     = "http://schemas.google.com/g/2005" + im.Desc,
                            Address = im.Value
                    else if (im.Desc == "")
                        newEntry.IMs.Add(new IMAddress()
                            Primary = im.Primary,
                            Rel     = "http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#other",
                            Address = im.Value
                        newEntry.IMs.Add(new IMAddress()
                            Primary  = im.Primary,
                            Protocol = im.Desc,
                            Address  = im.Value

            updatedContact2 = cr.Update(newEntry);

            // ----- GENRE -----
            for (int i = 0; i < newEntry.ContactEntry.UserDefinedFields.Count; i++)
                if (newEntry.ContactEntry.UserDefinedFields[i].Key == "Genre")
            if (item.Genre != "")
                newEntry.ContactEntry.UserDefinedFields.Add(new UserDefinedField()
                    Key   = "Genre",
                    Value = item.Genre

            // ----- RELATIONS -----

            // ----- NOTE -----
            newEntry.Content = item.Note;

            // ----- google ID -----

            // ----- GROUP -----

            // Insert the contact.
                Google.Contacts.Contact updatedContact = cr.Update(newEntry);
                Console.WriteLine("Updated: " + updatedContact.Updated.ToString());
            catch (GDataVersionConflictException e)
                // Etags mismatch: handle the exception.
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private bool ConvertContact(Google.Contacts.Contact entry, out contacts item)
            item = new contacts();
            if (entry.Name != null)
                // ----- NAME -----
                Name name = entry.Name;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name.FullName))
                    item.Name.FullName = name.FullName;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name.NamePrefix))
                    item.Name.Prefix = name.NamePrefix;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name.GivenName))
                    item.Name.Firstname = name.GivenName;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name.GivenNamePhonetics))
                    item.Name.FirstnamePhonetic = name.GivenNamePhonetics;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name.AdditionalName))
                    item.Name.AdditionalName = name.AdditionalName;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name.AdditionalNamePhonetics))
                    item.Name.AdditionalNamePhonetic = name.AdditionalNamePhonetics;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name.FamilyName))
                    item.Name.Surname = name.FamilyName;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name.FamilyNamePhonetics))
                    item.Name.SurnamePhonetic = name.FamilyNamePhonetics;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name.NameSuffix))
                    item.Name.Suffix = name.NameSuffix;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entry.ContactEntry.Nickname))
                    item.Name.Nick = entry.ContactEntry.Nickname;

                // ----- EMAIL -----
                item.Email = new List <cValue>();
                foreach (EMail email in entry.Emails)
                    cValue cItem;
                    cItem.Value = email.Address;
                    if (email.Rel != null)
                        cItem.Desc = email.Rel.Replace("http://schemas.google.com/g/2005", "");
                        if (cItem.Desc == "#other")
                            cItem.Desc = email.Label;
                        cItem.Desc = email.Label;
                    cItem.Primary = email.Primary;

                // ----- PHONE -----
                item.Phone = new List <cValue>();
                foreach (PhoneNumber phone in entry.Phonenumbers)
                    cValue cItem;
                    cItem.Value = phone.Value;
                    if (phone.Rel != null)
                        cItem.Desc = phone.Rel.Replace("http://schemas.google.com/g/2005", "");
                        if (cItem.Desc == "#other")
                            cItem.Desc = phone.Label;
                        cItem.Desc = phone.Label;
                    cItem.Primary = phone.Primary;

                // ----- Organization -----
                foreach (Organization organization in entry.Organizations)
                    cCompany cItem;
                    item.Company   = new List <cCompany>();
                    cItem.Name     = organization.Name;
                    cItem.Position = organization.Title;
                    cItem.Address  = new cAddress();

                // ----- ADDRESS -----
                foreach (StructuredPostalAddress address in entry.PostalAddresses)
                    cAddress aItem;
                    item.Address  = new List <cAddress>();
                    aItem.Street  = address.Street;
                    aItem.City    = address.City;
                    aItem.Region  = address.Region;
                    aItem.Country = address.Country;
                    aItem.ZipCode = address.Postcode;
                    aItem.Primary = address.Primary;
                    aItem.Tag     = "";
                    if (address.Rel != null)
                        aItem.Tag = address.Rel.Replace("http://schemas.google.com/g/2005", "");
                        if (aItem.Tag == "#other")
                            aItem.Tag = address.Label;

                // ----- BIRTHDATE -----
                DateTime date = DateTime.MinValue;
                if (DateTime.TryParse(entry.ContactEntry.Birthday, out date))
                    item.BirthDate = date;

                // ----- DATES -----
                foreach (Event ev in entry.ContactEntry.Events)
                    cDates eItem;
                    item.Date  = new List <cDates>();
                    eItem.Date = ev.When.StartTime;
                    if (ev.Relation != null)
                        eItem.Tag = ev.Relation;
                        eItem.Tag = ev.Label;
                    eItem.AlLDay = ev.When.AllDay;

                // ----- WEBSITES -----
                item.Web = new List <cValue>();
                foreach (Website web in entry.ContactEntry.Websites)
                    cValue wItem;
                    wItem.Value   = web.Href;
                    wItem.Primary = web.Primary;
                    if (web.Rel != null)
                        wItem.Desc = web.Rel;
                        wItem.Desc = web.Label;

                // ----- IM -----
                item.IM = new List <cValue>();
                foreach (IMAddress IM in entry.IMs)
                    cValue imItem;
                    imItem.Value   = IM.Address;
                    imItem.Primary = false;
                    imItem.Desc    = IM.Protocol;
                    if (IM.Protocol != null)
                        imItem.Desc = IM.Protocol.Replace("http://schemas.google.com/g/2005", "");

                // ----- RELATIONS -----
                foreach (Relation rel in entry.ContactEntry.Relations)
                    cValue rItem;
                    item.Relation = new List <cValue>();
                    rItem.Value   = rel.Value;
                    rItem.Primary = false;
                    if (rel.Rel != null)
                        rItem.Desc = rel.Rel;
                        rItem.Desc = rel.Label;

                // ----- USER DEFINED -----
                foreach (var user in entry.ContactEntry.UserDefinedFields)
                    if (user.Key == "Genre")
                        if (user.Value == "M" || user.Value == "F")
                            item.Genre = user.Value;

                // ----- NOTE -----
                item.Note = entry.Content;

                // ----- google ID -----
                //item.gID = entry.AtomEntry.Id.AbsoluteUri;
                item.gID = entry.AtomEntry.EditUri.ToString();

                // ----- Avatar -----
                if (entry.PhotoEtag != null)
                    item.AvatarUri = entry.PhotoUri;

                // ----- GROUP -----
                item.Group = "";
                bool haveGroup = false;
                foreach (GroupMembership groupMembership in entry.GroupMembership)
                    if (!IsSystemGroup(groupMembership.HRef))
                        if (item.Group.Length > 0)
                            item.Group += ",";
                        item.Group += GetGroupName(groupMembership.HRef);
                    haveGroup = true;
                if (haveGroup)
                // ----- no name -----
