Ejemplo n.º 1
        public virtual void Set(String a, Vector2 p, NPC n, Vector2 v, int d, bool iE, bool collide, float dT, ManagerHelper mH)
            asset         = a;
            position      = p;
            velocity      = v;
            damage        = d;                  // set damage
            existenceTime = 4;                  // Default 10 seconds
            drawTime      = dT;                 //set up draw time
            affiliation   = n.GetAffiliation(); //Sets up hurting
            creator       = n;

            isExplosive   = iE;
            shouldCollide = collide;

            //Get x and y values from angle and set up direction
            rotation = DWMath.Atan2(velocity.Y, velocity.X);

            //No friction
            drag = 0;

            if (!(this is Tossable))
                setModeIndex();//set mode index
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public static void Initialize()
     for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DIRECTIONS; i++)
         ROTATIONS[i]  = MathHelper.TwoPi * i / NUM_DIRECTIONS;
         DIRECTIONS[i] = new Vector2(DWMath.Cos(ROTATIONS[i]), DWMath.Sin(ROTATIONS[i]));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static Vector2 CollideRandom(Vector2 v1, Vector2 v2)
            var rand = new Random();

            //Skew the angle slightly to nudge the collider out of the way gradulaly
            var angle = PathHelper.Direction(v1, v2) + (((rand.Next(2) == 0) ? -1 : 1) * MathHelper.Pi * 4 / 5);

            //Exctract the x and y values from the skewed angle
            return(new Vector2(DWMath.Cos(angle), DWMath.Sin(angle)));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public Bomber(Vector2 p, AffliationTypes a, NPC t, ManagerHelper mH)
            : base("", p)
            hasBombed      = false;
            drawTarget     = true;
            targetPosition = t.GetOriginPosition();
            health         = 100;
            movementSpeed  = 1000;
            affiliation    = a;

            //Set up rotation
            rotation = PathHelper.Direction(GetOriginPosition(), targetPosition);

            //Set up direction
            float dir = PathHelper.Direction(GetOriginPosition(), t.GetOriginPosition());

            velocity = new Vector2(DWMath.Cos(dir), DWMath.Sin(dir)) * movementSpeed;

            //Set up path
            path = new Path();
            path.Add(targetPosition, mH);

            string targeAsset = "";

            //Set up affiliation
            switch (a)
            case AffliationTypes.red:
                targeAsset = "Dots/Red/targetRed";
                asset      = "Dots/Red/bomber_red";

            case AffliationTypes.blue:
                targeAsset = "Dots/Blue/targetBlue";
                asset      = "Dots/Blue/bomber_blue";

            case AffliationTypes.green:
                targeAsset = "Dots/Green/targetGreen";
                asset      = "Dots/Green/bomber_green";

            case AffliationTypes.yellow:
                targeAsset = "Dots/Yellow/targetYellow";
                asset      = "Dots/Yellow/bomber_yellow";

            targetSprite = new Sprite(targeAsset, targetPosition);

            mH.GetAudioManager().Play(AudioManager.PLANE, AudioManager.RandomVolume(mH),
                                      AudioManager.RandomPitch(mH), 0, false);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static float Direction(Vector2 pA, Vector2 pB)
            float cX    = pB.X - pA.X,
                  cY    = pB.Y - pA.Y;
            float angle = DWMath.Atan2(cY, cX);

            if (angle < 0)
                angle += MathHelper.TwoPi;
            else if (angle >= MathHelper.TwoPi)
                angle -= (MathHelper.TwoPi);

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public override void Update(ManagerHelper mH)
            foreach (Sprite section in poolSections)
                section.Turn(10000.0f / (section.GetFrame().Width *section.GetFrame().Width) * mH.GetDeltaSeconds());

            foreach (NPC a in mH.GetNPCManager().GetNPCs())
                if (!(a is Bomber))
                    float tempDistance = PathHelper.DistanceSquared(GetOriginPosition(), a.GetOriginPosition());

                    if (tempDistance < 15 * 15)
                        //TODO: Modify
                        a.position = mH.GetLevelSize() * new Vector2(mH.GetRandom().Next(2), mH.GetRandom().Next(2));
                    else if (tempDistance < frame.Width / 2 * frame.Width / 2)
                        float tempRot = PathHelper.Direction(a.GetOriginPosition(), GetOriginPosition()) -
                                        MathHelper.Pi / 9;
                        a.AddAcceleration(new Vector2(DWMath.Cos(tempRot), DWMath.Sin(tempRot)) * 4);

            foreach (Particle e in mH.GetParticleManager().GetParticles())
                float tempDistance = PathHelper.DistanceSquared(GetOriginPosition(), e.GetOriginPosition());

                if (tempDistance < 15 * 15)
                else if (tempDistance < (frame.Width / 2) * (frame.Width / 2))
                    float tempRot = PathHelper.Direction(e.GetOriginPosition(), GetOriginPosition()) + MathHelper.Pi / 9;
                    e.AddAcceleration(new Vector2((float)DWMath.Cos(tempRot), (float)DWMath.Sin(tempRot)) * 100);

Ejemplo n.º 7
        public bool IsVectorObstructed(Vector2 pA, Vector2 pB)
            var   slope = new Vector2(pB.X - pA.X, pB.Y - pA.Y);
            float theta = DWMath.Atan2(slope.Y, slope.X);

            slope = new Vector2(DWMath.Cos(theta) * 32, DWMath.Sin(theta) * 32);

            pB  /= new Vector2(32);
            pB.X = (int)pB.X;
            pB.Y = (int)pB.Y;

            var t = new Vector2((int)(pA.X / 32), (int)(pA.Y / 32));

            if (t == pB)

            return(RecursiveVectorObstructed(pA, pB, slope));
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public static Vector2 Direction(float r)
     return(new Vector2(DWMath.Cos(r), DWMath.Sin(r)));
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public static float Direction(Vector2 r)
     return(DWMath.Atan2(r.Y, r.X));