Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the output of Write, generating an object and all its related serialized data.
        /// </summary>
        public static T Read <T>(string input, string stringName = "input")
            XDocument doc;

                doc = XDocument.Parse(input, LoadOptions.SetLineInfo);
            catch (System.Xml.XmlException e)

            if (doc.Elements().Count() > 1)
                // This isn't testable, unfortunately; XDocument doesn't even support multiple root elements.
                Dbg.Err($"{stringName}: Found {doc.Elements().Count()} root elements instead of the expected 1");

            var record = doc.Elements().First();

            if (record.Name.LocalName != "Record")
                Dbg.Wrn($"{stringName}:{record.LineNumber()}: Found root element with name \"{record.Name.LocalName}\" when it should be \"Record\"");

            var recordFormatVersion = record.ElementNamed("recordFormatVersion");

            if (recordFormatVersion == null)
                Dbg.Err($"{stringName}:{record.LineNumber()}: Missing record format version, assuming the data is up-to-date");
            else if (recordFormatVersion.GetText() != "1")
                Dbg.Err($"{stringName}:{recordFormatVersion.LineNumber()}: Unknown record format version {recordFormatVersion.GetText()}, expected 1 or earlier");

                // I would rather not guess about this

            var refs = record.ElementNamed("refs");

            var readerContext = new ReaderContext(stringName, true);

            if (refs != null)
                // First, we need to make the instances for all the references, so they can be crosslinked appropriately
                foreach (var reference in refs.Elements())
                    if (reference.Name.LocalName != "Ref")
                        Dbg.Wrn($"{stringName}:{reference.LineNumber()}: Reference element should be named 'Ref'");

                    var id = reference.Attribute("id")?.Value;
                    if (id == null)
                        Dbg.Err($"{stringName}:{reference.LineNumber()}: Missing reference ID");

                    var className = reference.Attribute("class")?.Value;
                    if (className == null)
                        Dbg.Err($"{stringName}:{reference.LineNumber()}: Missing reference class name");

                    var possibleType = (Type)Serialization.ParseString(className, typeof(Type), null, stringName, reference.LineNumber());
                    if (possibleType.IsValueType)
                        Dbg.Err($"{stringName}:{reference.LineNumber()}: Reference assigned type {possibleType}, which is a value type");

                    // Create a stub so other things can reference it later
                    readerContext.refs[id] = Activator.CreateInstance(possibleType);
                    if (readerContext.refs[id] == null)
                        // This is difficult to test; there are very few things that can get CreateInstance to return null, and right now the type system doesn't support them (int? for example)
                        Dbg.Err($"{stringName}:{reference.LineNumber()}: Reference of type {possibleType} was not properly created; this will cause issues");

                // Now that all the refs exist, we can run through them again and actually parse them
                foreach (var reference in refs.Elements())
                    var id = reference.Attribute("id")?.Value;
                    if (id == null)
                        // Just skip it, we don't have anything useful we can do here

                    // The serialization routines don't know how to deal with this, so we'll remove it now

                    var refInstance = readerContext.refs.TryGetValue(id);
                    if (refInstance == null)
                        // We failed to parse this for some reason, so just skip it now

                    // Do our actual parsing
                    var refInstanceOutput = Serialization.ParseElement(reference, refInstance.GetType(), refInstance, readerContext, hasReferenceId: true);

                    if (refInstance != refInstanceOutput)
                        Dbg.Err($"{stringName}:{reference.LineNumber()}: Something really bizarre has happened and we got the wrong object back. Things are probably irrevocably broken. Please report this as a bug in Def.");

            var data = record.ElementNamed("data");

            if (data == null)
                Dbg.Err($"{stringName}:{record.LineNumber()}: No data element provided. This is not very recoverable.");


            // And now, we can finally parse our actual root element!
            // (which accounts for a tiny percentage of things that need to be parsed)
            return((T)Serialization.ParseElement(data, typeof(T), null, readerContext));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Pass an XML document string in for processing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stringName">A human-readable identifier useful for debugging. Generally, the name of the file that the string was read from. Not required (but very useful.)</param>
        public void AddString(string input, string stringName = "(unnamed)")
            // This is a really easy error to make; we might as well handle it.
            if (input.EndsWith(".xml"))
                Dbg.Err($"It looks like you've passed the filename {input} to AddString instead of the actual XML file. Either use AddFile() or pass the file contents in.");

            if (s_Status != Status.Accumulating)
                Dbg.Err($"Adding data while while the world is in {s_Status} state; should be {Status.Accumulating} state");

            XDocument doc;

                doc = XDocument.Parse(input, LoadOptions.SetLineInfo);
            catch (System.Xml.XmlException e)

            if (doc.Elements().Count() > 1)
                // This isn't testable, unfortunately; XDocument doesn't even support multiple root elements.
                Dbg.Err($"{stringName}: Found {doc.Elements().Count()} root elements instead of the expected 1");

            var readerContext = new ReaderContext(stringName, false);

            foreach (var rootElement in doc.Elements())
                if (rootElement.Name.LocalName != "Defs")
                    Dbg.Wrn($"{stringName}:{rootElement.LineNumber()}: Found root element with name \"{rootElement.Name.LocalName}\" when it should be \"Defs\"");

                foreach (var defElement in rootElement.Elements())
                    string typeName = defElement.Name.LocalName;

                    Type typeHandle = UtilType.ParseDefFormatted(typeName, stringName, defElement.LineNumber());
                    if (typeHandle == null || !typeof(Def).IsAssignableFrom(typeHandle))
                        Dbg.Err($"{stringName}:{defElement.LineNumber()}: {typeName} is not a valid root Def type");

                    if (defElement.Attribute("defName") == null)
                        Dbg.Err($"{stringName}:{defElement.LineNumber()}: No def name provided");

                    string defName = defElement.Attribute("defName").Value;
                    if (!DefNameValidator.IsMatch(defName))
                        Dbg.Err($"{stringName}:{defElement.LineNumber()}: Def name \"{defName}\" doesn't match regex pattern \"{DefNameValidator}\"");

                    // Consume defName so we know it's not hanging around

                    // Check to see if we're abstract
                    bool abstrct = false;
                        var abstractAttribute = defElement.Attribute("abstract");
                        if (abstractAttribute != null)
                            if (!bool.TryParse(abstractAttribute.Value, out abstrct))
                                Dbg.Err($"{stringName}:{defElement.LineNumber()}: Error encountered when parsing abstract attribute");


                    // Get our parent info
                    string parent = null;
                        var parentAttribute = defElement.Attribute("parent");
                        if (parentAttribute != null)
                            parent = parentAttribute.Value;


                    // Register ourselves as an available parenting object
                        var identifier = Tuple.Create(typeHandle.GetDefRootType(), defName);
                        if (potentialParents.ContainsKey(identifier))
                            Dbg.Err($"{stringName}:{defElement.LineNumber()}: Def {identifier.Item1}:{identifier:Item2} redefined");
                            potentialParents[identifier] = new Parent {
                                xml = defElement, context = readerContext, parent = parent

                    if (!abstrct)
                        // Not abstract, so create our instance
                        var defInstance = (Def)Activator.CreateInstance(typeHandle);
                        defInstance.DefName = defName;


                        if (parent == null)
                            // Non-parent objects are simple; we just handle them here in order to avoid unnecessary GC churn
                            finishWork.Add(() => Serialization.ParseElement(defElement, typeHandle, defInstance, readerContext, isRootDef: true));
                            // Add an inheritance resolution job; we'll take care of this soon
                            inheritanceJobs.Add(new InheritanceJob {
                                target = defInstance, xml = defElement, context = readerContext, parent = parent