Ejemplo n.º 1
        public List <Vector2> ComputeUVMap(HeightMap heightMap, TextureInfo textureInfo, int tileSize)
             * We need to map texture pixels to heightmap points
             * Linear mapping does not work because or Mercator projection distortion
             * Pseudo code :
             * for each point
             *   project to texture coordinates (pixelXY at same zoom than texture)
             *   get pixel offset from origin
             *   map this offset to (0 -> texWidth, 0 -> textHeight) => (0->1, 0->1)
            List <Vector2> uvs  = new List <Vector2>(heightMap.Count);
            var            bbox = textureInfo.ProjectedBounds;

            foreach (GeoPoint geoPoint in heightMap.Coordinates)
                Point <double> projPoint =
                    TileUtils.PositionToGlobalPixel(new LatLong(geoPoint.Latitude, geoPoint.Longitude), textureInfo.ProjectedZoom, tileSize);

                float xOffset = (float)projPoint.X - (float)bbox.xMin;
                float uvX     = MathHelper.Map(1, textureInfo.Width, 0, 1, xOffset, true);

                float yOffset = (float)projPoint.Y - (float)bbox.yMin;
                float uvY     = MathHelper.Map(1, textureInfo.Height, 0, 1, yOffset, true);

                uvs.Add(new Vector2(uvX, uvY));

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public BoundingBox ConvertWorldToMap(BoundingBox bbox, int zoomLevel, int tileSize)
            var bboxTopLeft     = TileUtils.PositionToGlobalPixel(new LatLong(bbox.yMax, bbox.xMin), zoomLevel, tileSize);
            var bboxBottomRight = TileUtils.PositionToGlobalPixel(new LatLong(bbox.yMin, bbox.xMax), zoomLevel, tileSize);

            return(new BoundingBox(bboxTopLeft.X, bboxBottomRight.X, bboxTopLeft.Y, bboxBottomRight.Y, bbox.zMin, bbox.zMax));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public TextureInfo ConstructTextureWithGpxTrack(TileRange tiles, BoundingBox bbox, string fileName,
                                                        TextureImageFormat mimeType, IEnumerable <GeoPoint> gpxPoints, bool drawGpxVertices = false, Rgba32 color = default(Rgba32), float lineWidth = 5f)
            // where is the bbox in the final image ?

            // get pixel in full map
            int zoomLevel     = tiles.Tiles.First().TileInfo.Zoom;
            var projectedBbox = ConvertWorldToMap(bbox, zoomLevel, tiles.TileSize);
            var tilesBbox     = GetTilesBoundingBox(tiles);
            int xOffset       = (int)(tilesBbox.xMin - projectedBbox.xMin);
            int yOffset       = (int)(tilesBbox.yMin - projectedBbox.yMin);

            //DrawDebugBmpBbox(tiles, localBbox, tilesBbox, fileName, mimeType);
            int tileSize = tiles.TileSize;

            var pointsOnTexture = gpxPoints
                                  .Select(pt => TileUtils.PositionToGlobalPixel(new LatLong(pt.Latitude, pt.Longitude), zoomLevel, tiles.TileSize))
                                  .Select(pt => new PointF((float)(pt.X - (int)projectedBbox.xMin), (float)(pt.Y - (int)projectedBbox.yMin)));

            using (Image <Rgba32> outputImage = new Image <Rgba32>((int)projectedBbox.Width, (int)projectedBbox.Height))
                foreach (var tile in tiles.Tiles)
                    using (Image <Rgba32> tileImg = Image.Load(tile.Image))
                        int x = (tile.TileInfo.X - tiles.Start.X) * tileSize + xOffset;
                        int y = (tile.TileInfo.Y - tiles.Start.Y) * tileSize + yOffset;

                        outputImage.Mutate(o => o
                                           .DrawImage(tileImg, new Point(x, y), 1f)

                outputImage.Mutate(o => o
                                   .DrawLines(color == default(Rgba32) ? new Rgba32(1, 0, 0, 1f) : color, lineWidth, pointsOnTexture.ToArray())

                if (drawGpxVertices)
                    PathCollection pc = new PathCollection(pointsOnTexture.Select(p => new EllipsePolygon(p, new SizeF(10f, 10f))));
                    outputImage.Mutate(o => o.Draw(GraphicsOptions.Default, Pens.Solid(Rgba32.Violet, 3), pc));

                // with encoder
                //IImageEncoder encoder = ConvertFormat(mimeType);
                //outputImage.Save(fileName, encoder);


            return(new TextureInfo(fileName, mimeType, (int)projectedBbox.Width, (int)projectedBbox.Height, zoomLevel,
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public byte[] GenerateTile(int x, int y, int zoom)
            byte[] tileBytes = null;
            var    font      = SixLabors.Fonts.SystemFonts.CreateFont("Arial", 12);

            var corner        = TileUtils.TileXYToGlobalPixel(x, y, TileSize);
            var latLong       = TileUtils.GlobalPixelToPosition(new Point <double>(corner.X, corner.Y), zoom, TileSize);
            var latLongOffset = TileUtils.GlobalPixelToPosition(new Point <double>(corner.X + TileSize, corner.Y + TileSize), zoom, TileSize);

            var graticules = graticuleService.DrawCore(latLong, latLongOffset);

            using (Image <Rgba32> outputImage = new Image <Rgba32>(this.TileSize, this.TileSize))
                string tileText = $"{x}/{y}/{zoom}{Environment.NewLine}";
                outputImage.Mutate(o => o
                                   .DrawText(tileText, font, Rgba32.Black, new PointF(10, 10))
                outputImage.Mutate(o => DrawGraticules(o, graticules, corner, zoom));

                // Test
                if (DebugPoint != null)
                    var testPixel = TileUtils.PositionToGlobalPixel(new LatLong(DebugPoint.Latitude, DebugPoint.Longitude), zoom, TileSize);
                    var testTile  = TileUtils.GlobalPixelToTileXY(testPixel.X, testPixel.Y, TileSize);

                    // Draw test pixel
                    if (testTile.X == x && testTile.Y == y)
                        var basex = TileUtils.TileXYToGlobalPixel(x, y, TileSize);
                        var ptLoc = new PointF((float)(testPixel.X - basex.X), (float)(testPixel.Y - basex.Y));
                        outputImage.Mutate(o =>
                                           o.DrawLines(Rgba32.Blue, 1f,
                                                       new PointF[] { new PointF(ptLoc.X - 10, ptLoc.Y - 10), new PointF(ptLoc.X + 10, ptLoc.Y + 10) })
                                           .DrawLines(Rgba32.Blue, 1f,
                                                      new PointF[] { new PointF(ptLoc.X - 10, ptLoc.Y + 10), new PointF(ptLoc.X + 10, ptLoc.Y - 10) }));

                using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                    tileBytes = ms.ToArray();

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public TileRange ComputeBoundingBoxTileRangeForZoomLevel(BoundingBox bbox, ImageryProvider provider, int zoom)
            TileRange      tiles       = new TileRange(provider);
            Point <double> topLeft     = TileUtils.PositionToGlobalPixel(new LatLong(bbox.yMax, bbox.xMin), zoom, provider.TileSize);
            Point <double> bottomRight = TileUtils.PositionToGlobalPixel(new LatLong(bbox.yMin, bbox.xMax), zoom, provider.TileSize);
            BoundingBox    mapBbox     = new BoundingBox(topLeft.X, bottomRight.X, topLeft.Y, bottomRight.Y);

            tiles.Start          = new MapTileInfo(TileUtils.GlobalPixelToTileXY(topLeft.X, topLeft.Y, provider.TileSize), zoom, provider.TileSize);
            tiles.End            = new MapTileInfo(TileUtils.GlobalPixelToTileXY(bottomRight.X, bottomRight.Y, provider.TileSize), zoom, provider.TileSize);
            tiles.AreaOfInterest = mapBbox;

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public TileRange ComputeBoundingBoxTileRangeForTargetResolution(BoundingBox bbox, ImageryProvider imageryProvider, int width, int height)
            TileRange tiles = new TileRange(imageryProvider);

            TileUtils.BestMapView(new double[] { bbox.xMin, bbox.yMin, bbox.xMax, bbox.yMax }, width, height, 0, imageryProvider.TileSize, out double _, out double _, out double zoom);
            zoom = Math.Round(zoom, 0);
            var topLeft     = TileUtils.PositionToGlobalPixel(new LatLong(bbox.yMax, bbox.xMin), (int)zoom, imageryProvider.TileSize);
            var bottomRight = TileUtils.PositionToGlobalPixel(new LatLong(bbox.yMin, bbox.xMax), (int)zoom, imageryProvider.TileSize);
            var mapBbox     = new BoundingBox(topLeft.X, bottomRight.X, topLeft.Y, bottomRight.Y);

            tiles.Start          = new MapTileInfo(TileUtils.GlobalPixelToTileXY(topLeft.X, topLeft.Y, imageryProvider.TileSize), (int)zoom, imageryProvider.TileSize);
            tiles.End            = new MapTileInfo(TileUtils.GlobalPixelToTileXY(bottomRight.X, bottomRight.Y, imageryProvider.TileSize), (int)zoom, imageryProvider.TileSize);
            tiles.AreaOfInterest = mapBbox;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private void DrawGraticules(IImageProcessingContext img, GraticuleLabels graticules, Point <double> corner, int zoom)
            var font = SixLabors.Fonts.SystemFonts.CreateFont("Arial", 8);

            foreach (var meridian in graticules.VerticalLabels)
                var loc   = meridian.worldLocation;
                var pt    = TileUtils.PositionToGlobalPixel(new LatLong(loc.Lat, loc.Long), zoom, TileSize);
                var xpos  = pt.X - corner.X;
                var start = new PointF((float)xpos, 0);
                var end   = new PointF((float)xpos, TileSize);
                img.DrawLines(Rgba32.Gray, 1f, new PointF[] { start, end });
                    if (xpos < TileSize - 10)
                        img.DrawText(Math.Round(loc.Long, 2).ToString(), font, Rgba32.Black, new PointF((float)xpos, 50));
                catch (Exception)
            foreach (var parallel in graticules.HorizontalLabels)
                var loc   = parallel.worldLocation;
                var pt    = TileUtils.PositionToGlobalPixel(new LatLong(loc.Lat, loc.Long), zoom, TileSize);
                var ypos  = pt.Y - corner.Y;
                var start = new PointF(0, (float)ypos);
                var end   = new PointF(TileSize, (float)ypos);
                img.DrawLines(Rgba32.Gray, 1f, new PointF[] { start, end });
                    img.DrawText(Math.Round(loc.Lat, 4).ToString(), font, Rgba32.Black, new PointF(50, (float)ypos));
                catch (Exception)
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public TileRange ComputeBoundingBoxTileRange(BoundingBox bbox, ImageryProvider provider,
                                                     int minTilesPerImage = 4)
            // TODO good one, to test
            // texture quality would be expressed in tex size
            //TileUtils.BestMapView(new double[] { bbox.xMin, bbox.yMin, bbox.xMax, bbox.yMax }, 16384, 16384, 0, provider.TileSize, out double centerLat, out double centerLon, out double zoomBestView);

            TileRange      tiles = new TileRange(provider);
            BoundingBox    mapBbox;
            Point <double> topLeft;
            Point <double> bottomRight;

            // optimal zoom calculation (maybe there's a direct way)
            // see : https://docs.microsoft.com/fr-fr/azure/azure-maps/zoom-levels-and-tile-grid?tabs=csharp#tile-math-source-code (prepare tissues for nose bleed, and don't go if you're allergic to trigo and/or magical constants)
            // calculate the size of the full bbox at increasing zoom levels
            // until the full image would be greater than a tile
            int zoom    = 0;
            int maxSize = 256 * minTilesPerImage; /* fixed to 256px to limit number of tiles */


                // coords are pixels in global map image (see TileUtils.MapSize(zoom))
                topLeft     = TileUtils.PositionToGlobalPixel(new LatLong(bbox.yMax, bbox.xMin), zoom, provider.TileSize);
                bottomRight = TileUtils.PositionToGlobalPixel(new LatLong(bbox.yMin, bbox.xMax), zoom, provider.TileSize);
                mapBbox     = new BoundingBox(topLeft.X, bottomRight.X, topLeft.Y, bottomRight.Y);
            } while (zoom < provider.MaxZoom &&
                     Math.Min(mapBbox.Width, mapBbox.Height) < maxSize);

            // now we have the minimum zoom without image
            // we can know which tiles are needed
            tiles.Start          = new MapTileInfo(TileUtils.GlobalPixelToTileXY(topLeft.X, topLeft.Y, provider.TileSize), zoom, provider.TileSize);
            tiles.End            = new MapTileInfo(TileUtils.GlobalPixelToTileXY(bottomRight.X, bottomRight.Y, provider.TileSize), zoom, provider.TileSize);
            tiles.AreaOfInterest = mapBbox;
