Ejemplo n.º 1
        public async Task RunSamples()
            Console.WriteLine("Azure Cosmos DB Table - Advanced Samples\n");

            string tableName = "demo" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 5);

            // Create or reference an existing table
            CloudTable table = await Common.CreateTableAsync(tableName);

            CloudTableClient tableClient = table.ServiceClient;

                // Demonstrate advanced functionality such as batch operations and segmented multi-entity queries
                await AdvancedDataOperationsAsync(table);

                // List tables in the account
                await TableListingOperations(tableClient);

                if (!SamplesUtils.IsAzureCosmosdbTable())
                    // Create a SAS and try CRUD operations with the SAS.
                    await AdvancedDataOperationsWithSasAsync(table);

                    // Service Properties
                    await ServicePropertiesSample(tableClient);

                    // CORS
                    await CorsSample(tableClient);

                    // Service Stats
                    await ServiceStatsSample(tableClient);

                    // Table Acl
                    await TableAclSample(table);

                    // Create a SAS and try CRUD operations with the SAS and shared access policy on the table.
                    await AdvancedDataOperationsWithSasAndSharedAccessPolicyOnTableAsync(table);
                // Delete the table
                await table.DeleteIfExistsAsync();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static async Task AdvancedDataOperationsAsync(CloudTable table)
            // Demonstrate upsert and batch table operations
            Console.WriteLine("Inserting a batch of entities. ");
            await BatchInsertOfCustomerEntitiesAsync(table, "Smith");


            // Query a range of data within a partition using a simple query
            Console.WriteLine("Retrieving entities with surname of Smith and first names >= 1 and <= 75");
            ExecuteSimpleQuery(table, "Smith", "0001", "0075");

            // Query the same range of data within a partition and return result segments of 50 entities at a time
            Console.WriteLine("Retrieving entities with surname of Smith and first names >= 1 and <= 75");
            await PartitionRangeQueryAsync(table, "Smith", "0001", "0075");


            // Query for all the data within a partition
            Console.WriteLine("Retrieve entities with surname of Smith.");
            await PartitionScanAsync(table, "Smith");


            if (SamplesUtils.IsAzureCosmosdbTable())
                // Demonstrate upsert and batch table operations
                Console.WriteLine("Inserting a batch of entities. ");
                await BatchInsertOfCustomerEntitiesAsync(table, "Dave");


                // Demonstrate upsert and batch table operations
                Console.WriteLine("Inserting a batch of entities. ");
                await BatchInsertOfCustomerEntitiesAsync(table, "Shirly");


                //Query for all the data cross partition with order by
                Console.WriteLine("Query with order by cross partition");
                await ExecuteCrossPartitionQueryWithOrderBy(table, "0001", "0025");
