Ejemplo n.º 1
        public Addon(string strDir)
            // find the right DLL file with the right info to load the assembly (previously declared in info.txt but now automated in order to deprecate info.txt)
              string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(strDir, "*.dll");

              // unblock all dll files, this is potentially required to load the assemblies in the first place
              foreach (string strFile in files) {

              // check every file for the presence of AddonHelper
              foreach (string strFile in files) {
            Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(strFile);
            Type[] types = assembly.GetTypes();
            foreach (Type type in types) {
              if (type.BaseType == null) {
              if (type.BaseType.FullName == "AddonHelper.Addon") {
            // found it!
            Found = true;
            FullTypeName = type.FullName;
            PathEntry = strFile;

              // if there's still an info.txt present
              if (File.Exists(strDir + "\\info.txt")) {
            // remember if it was enabled before
            Enabled = new Settings(strDir + "\\info.txt").GetBool("Enabled");

            // delete the old deprecated files
            File.Delete(strDir + "\\info.txt");
            if (File.Exists(strDir + "\\info.txt.clean")) {
              File.Delete(strDir + "\\info.txt.clean");

              // remember some fun statistics
              Stats = new Settings(strDir + "/stats.txt");
              if (!Stats.Contains("UploadCount")) {
            Stats.SetInt("UploadCount", 0);

              this.Path = strDir;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void CleanConfigs()
            // get all clean filenames (settings.txt.clean and possibly others)
              string[] cleanConfigs = Directory.GetFiles(".", "*.txt.clean", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
              foreach (string cleanConfig in cleanConfigs) {
            // get the live filename
            string strPathConfig = cleanConfig.Substring(0, cleanConfig.Length - ".clean".Length);

            // if no live config file yet
            if (!File.Exists(strPathConfig)) {
              // copy .txt.clean to .txt!
              File.Copy(cleanConfig, strPathConfig);
            } else {
              // otherwise, let's start comparing them
              Settings settingsClean = new Settings(cleanConfig);
              Settings settingsLive = new Settings(strPathConfig);

              int iUpdates = 0;
              // for every key in the clean file
              foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> entry in settingsClean.Keys) {
            // if it doesn't exist in the live file
            if (!settingsLive.Contains(entry.Key)) {
              // add it to the live file
              settingsLive.SetString(entry.Key, entry.Value);

            // if it is of name "Version" or "AddonsURL", make sure it's the right updated value
            if (entry.Key == "Version" || entry.Key == "AddonsURL") {
              if (settingsLive.GetString(entry.Key) != entry.Value) {
                settingsLive.SetString(entry.Key, entry.Value);

              // eventually save
              if (iUpdates > 0) {
