Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void updateReorderItemGF(ReorderItem ri)
            reorderItem r = ctx.reorderItems.FirstOrDefault(o => o.reorderId == ri.ReorderItemId);
            r.status = ri.Status;
            r.rejectReason = ri.RejectReason;

            if (ri.Status == "Rejected")
                UserFacade userFacade = new UserFacade();
                user us = userFacade.getUser_Lingna(ri.UserId);

                string subject = "Purchase reorder Rejected";

                string bodyStart = "<HTML>"
                              + "<HEAD>"
                              + "</HEAD>"
                              + "<BODY>"
                              + "<BR/>"
                              + "<P>Dear ";

                string body = ",</P><BR/><P>The purchase reorder you submitted with ID : " + ri.ReorderItemId + ", has been rejected.</P>"
                    + "<BR/><P>Reject Reason : " + ri.RejectReason + "</P>";

                body = body
                    + "<BR/>"
                    + "<P>From,</P>"
                    + "<P>SSIS.</P>"
                    + "</BODY>"
                    + "</HTML>";

                NotifyUserController notifyUserController = new NotifyUserController();
                notifyUserController.sendEmail(us.email, subject, bodyStart + us.name + body);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public List<ReorderItem> getReorderItemsByStatusGF()
            var items = from o in ctx.reorderItems
                        where o.status == "Pending"
                        select new
                            reorderItemId = o.reorderId,
                            itemId = o.itemId,
                            itemName = o.item.description,
                            supplierId = o.supplierId,
                            supplierName = o.supplier.name,
                            userId = o.userId,
                            userName = o.user.name,
                            QtyToOrder = o.qty,
                            amount = o.amount,
                            status = o.status,
                            rejectReason = o.rejectReason
            List<ReorderItem> reorderItemCollection = new List<ReorderItem>();
            foreach (var i in items)
                ReorderItem r = new ReorderItem();
                r.ReorderItemId = i.reorderItemId;
                r.ItemId = i.itemId;
                r.Description = i.itemName;
                r.SupplierId = i.supplierId;
                r.SupplierName = i.supplierName;
                r.UserId = i.userId;
                r.UserName = i.userName;
                r.QtyToOrder = Convert.ToInt32(i.QtyToOrder);
                r.Amount = Convert.ToDouble(i.amount);
                r.Status = i.status;
                r.RejectReason = i.rejectReason;

            return reorderItemCollection;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        // modify in 3/11
        protected void SelectGridView_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
            if (e.CommandName == "AddToTable")
                int index = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument);
                GridViewRow row = SelectGridView.Rows[index];

                TextBox t = ((TextBox)row.Cells[6].FindControl("TextBox1"));
                int num;
                if (!(int.TryParse(t.Text.ToString(), out num)))
                    row.ForeColor = Color.Red;
                    //Statement.Text = "You need to enter an integer";
                    this.Message("You need to enter an integer");
                else if (Convert.ToInt32(t.Text) < 1)
                    row.ForeColor = Color.Red;
                    //Statement.Text = "Quantity cannot be zero ";
                    this.Message("Quantity cannot be zero ");
                    //Statement.Text = "";
                    row.ForeColor = Color.Black;
                    string itemName = controller.ConvertName(row.Cells[0].Text);
                    int qty = Convert.ToInt16(((TextBox)row.Cells[6].FindControl("TextBox1")).Text);
                    string supplierName = ((DropDownList)row.Cells[7].FindControl("SupplierDropDownList")).SelectedValue;
                    double price = controller.selectAddtoOrder(itemName, supplierName);
                    double amount = qty * price;

                    userEntity = (User)Session["UserEntity"];
                    ReorderItem r = new ReorderItem();
                    r.ItemName = itemName;
                    r.UserId = userEntity.UserID;
                    r.QtyToOrder = qty;
                    r.SupplierName = supplierName;
                    r.Price = Convert.ToDouble(price);
                    r.Amount = Convert.ToDouble(amount);
                    List<ReorderItem> orderList = new List<ReorderItem>();
                    int Index = 0;
                    if (Session["orderList"] != null)
                        orderList = (List<ReorderItem>)Session["orderList"];
                        bool flag = false;

                        for (int i = 0; i < orderList.Count; i++)
                            if (orderList[i].ItemName.Equals(itemName) && orderList[i].SupplierName.Equals(supplierName))
                                flag = true;
                                Index = i;
                        if (flag == false)
                            ReorderItem ri = orderList[Index];
                            ri.QtyToOrder = ri.QtyToOrder + qty;
                            ri.Amount = (ri.QtyToOrder + qty) * price;
                    Session["orderList"] = orderList;

                    UpdateGridView.DataSource = orderList;
                    SubmitBtn.Visible = true;

 //modify in 3/18
 //public List<ReorderItem> selectSupplier(string name)                                    //modify in 3/11
 //    List<reorderItem> list = supplierFacede.getReorderItemsBySupplier_Lingna(name);
 //    List<ReorderItem> l = new List<ReorderItem>();
 //    foreach (reorderItem i in list)
 //    {
 //        ReorderItem n = new ReorderItem();
 //        n.ItemName = i.item.description;
 //        n.SupplierName = i.supplier.name;
 //        n.QtyToOrder = Convert.ToInt32(i.qty);
 //        n.Amount = Convert.ToInt32(i.amount);
 //        l.Add(n);
 //    }
 //    return l;
 public List<ReorderItem> selectSupplier(string name)
     List<reorderItem> list = supplierFacede.getReorderItemsBySupplier_Lingna(name);
     List<ReorderItem> l = new List<ReorderItem>();
     foreach (reorderItem i in list)
         ReorderItem n = new ReorderItem();
         n.ReorderItemId = i.reorderId;
         n.ItemName = i.item.description;
         n.SupplierName = i.supplier.name;
         n.QtyToOrder = Convert.ToInt32(i.qty);
         n.Amount = Convert.ToInt32(i.amount);
     return l;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public void updateReorderItemStatus(ReorderItem rei)