Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void ResolveCompilePathMap(ChutzpahTestSettingsFile settings, IDictionary <string, string> chutzpahVariables, CompilePathMap pathMap)
            var  sourcePath = pathMap.SourcePath;

            pathMap.SourcePath = ResolvePath(settings, sourcePath, out sourcePathIsFile);
            if (pathMap.SourcePath == null)
                throw new FileNotFoundException("Unable to find file/directory specified by SourcePath of {0}", (sourcePath ?? ""));
            pathMap.SourcePathIsFile = sourcePathIsFile.HasValue ? sourcePathIsFile.Value : false;

            // We do not use the resolvePath method here since the path may not exist yet
            pathMap.OutputPath = FileProbe.NormalizeFilePath(Path.Combine(settings.SettingsFileDirectory, ExpandVariable(chutzpahVariables, pathMap.OutputPath)));
            if (pathMap.OutputPath == null)
                throw new FileNotFoundException("Unable to find file/directory specified by OutputPath of {0}", (pathMap.OutputPath ?? ""));

            // Since the output path might not exist yet we need a more complicated way to
            // determine if it is a file or folder
            // 1. If the user explicitly told us what it should be using OutputPathType use that
            // 2. Assume it is a file if it has a .js extension
            if (pathMap.OutputPathType.HasValue)
                pathMap.OutputPathIsFile = pathMap.OutputPathType == CompilePathType.File;
                pathMap.OutputPathIsFile = pathMap.OutputPath.EndsWith(".js", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Matches the current test path against the Tests settings. The first setting to accept a file wins.
        /// </summary>
        private bool IsTestPathIncluded(string testFilePath, ChutzpahTestSettingsFile chutzpahTestSettings, out SettingsFileTestPath matchingTestPath)
            matchingTestPath = null;

            // If those test filters are given then accept the test path
            if (!chutzpahTestSettings.Tests.Any())

            testFilePath = FileProbe.NormalizeFilePath(testFilePath);

            foreach (var pathSettings in chutzpahTestSettings.Tests.Where(x => x != null))
                var includePatterns = pathSettings.Includes.Select(x => FileProbe.NormalizeFilePath(x)).ToList();
                var excludePatterns = pathSettings.Excludes.Select(x => FileProbe.NormalizeFilePath(x)).ToList();

                // The path we assume default to the chuzpah.json directory if the Path property is not set
                var testPath = string.IsNullOrEmpty(pathSettings.Path) ? pathSettings.SettingsFileDirectory : pathSettings.Path;
                testPath = FileProbe.NormalizeFilePath(testPath);
                testPath = testPath != null?Path.Combine(pathSettings.SettingsFileDirectory, testPath) : null;

                // If a file path is given just match the test file against it to see if we should urn
                var filePath = fileProbe.FindFilePath(testPath);
                if (filePath != null)
                    if (filePath.Equals(testFilePath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        matchingTestPath = pathSettings;
                        ChutzpahTracer.TraceInformation("Test file {0} matched test file path from settings file", testFilePath);

                // If a folder path is given then match the test file path that is in that folder with the optional include/exclude paths
                var folderPath = FileProbe.NormalizeFilePath(fileProbe.FindFolderPath(testPath));
                if (folderPath != null)
                    if (testFilePath.Contains(folderPath))
                        var shouldIncludeFile = (!includePatterns.Any() || includePatterns.Any(pat => NativeImports.PathMatchSpec(testFilePath, pat))) &&
                                                (!excludePatterns.Any() || !excludePatterns.Any(pat => NativeImports.PathMatchSpec(testFilePath, pat)));

                        if (shouldIncludeFile)
                                "Test file {0} matched folder {1} with includes {2} and excludes {3} patterns from settings file",
                                string.Join(",", includePatterns),
                                string.Join(",", excludePatterns));

                            matchingTestPath = pathSettings;
                                "Test file {0} did not match folder {1} with includes {2} and excludes {3} patterns from settings file",
                                string.Join(",", includePatterns),
                                string.Join(",", excludePatterns));

Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void ProcessFilePathAsReference(
            HashSet <string> discoveredPaths,
            IFrameworkDefinition definition,
            string relativeProcessingPath,
            ChutzpahTestSettingsFile chutzpahTestSettings,
            string referencePath,
            List <ReferencedFile> referencedFiles,
            ReferencePathSettings pathSettings)
            ChutzpahTracer.TraceInformation("Investigating reference file path '{0}'", referencePath);

            // Check test settings and adjust the path if it is rooted (e.g. /some/path)
            referencePath = AdjustPathIfRooted(chutzpahTestSettings, referencePath);

            var    referenceUri      = new Uri(referencePath, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
            string referenceFileName = Path.GetFileName(referencePath);

            //  Ignore test runner, since we use our own.
            if (definition.ReferenceIsDependency(referenceFileName, chutzpahTestSettings))
                    "Ignoring reference file '{0}' as a duplicate reference to {1}",

            var isRelativeUri = !referenceUri.IsAbsoluteUri;

            // If this either a relative uri or a file uri
            if (isRelativeUri || referenceUri.IsFile)
                var relativeProcessingPathFolder = fileSystem.FolderExists(relativeProcessingPath)
                    ? relativeProcessingPath
                    : Path.GetDirectoryName(relativeProcessingPath);
                string relativeReferencePath = Path.Combine(relativeProcessingPathFolder, referencePath);

                // Check if reference is a file
                string absoluteFilePath = fileProbe.FindFilePath(relativeReferencePath);
                if (absoluteFilePath != null)
                    VisitReferencedFile(absoluteFilePath, definition, discoveredPaths, referencedFiles, chutzpahTestSettings, pathSettings);

                // Check if reference is a folder
                string absoluteFolderPath = fileProbe.FindFolderPath(relativeReferencePath);
                if (absoluteFolderPath != null)
                    var includePatterns = pathSettings.Includes.Select(x => FileProbe.NormalizeFilePath(x)).ToList();
                    var excludePatterns = pathSettings.Excludes.Select(x => FileProbe.NormalizeFilePath(x)).ToList();

                    // Find all files in this folder including sub-folders. This can be ALOT of files.
                    // Only a subset of these files Chutzpah might understand so many of these will be ignored.
                    var childFiles = fileSystem.GetFiles(absoluteFolderPath, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
                    var validFiles = from file in childFiles
                                     let normalizedFile = FileProbe.NormalizeFilePath(file)
                                                          where !fileProbe.IsTemporaryChutzpahFile(file) &&
                                                          (!includePatterns.Any() || includePatterns.Any(pat => NativeImports.PathMatchSpec(normalizedFile, pat))) &&
                                                          (!excludePatterns.Any() || !excludePatterns.Any(pat => NativeImports.PathMatchSpec(normalizedFile, pat)))
                                                          select file;

                    validFiles.ForEach(file => VisitReferencedFile(file, definition, discoveredPaths, referencedFiles, chutzpahTestSettings, pathSettings));


                // At this point we know that this file/folder does not exist!
                ChutzpahTracer.TraceWarning("Referenced file '{0}' which was resolved to '{1}' does not exist", referencePath, relativeReferencePath);
            else if (referenceUri.IsAbsoluteUri)
                var referencedFile = new ReferencedFile
                    Path    = referencePath,
                    IsLocal = false,
                    IncludeInTestHarness = true,
                    IsTestFrameworkFile  = pathSettings.IsTestFrameworkFile,

                    "Added file '{0}' to referenced files. Local: {1}, IncludeInTestHarness: {2}",