Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void ParseCodeAction(string line, ref List <CodeLine> children)
            if (line.Contains("//"))
                int end = line.IndexOf('\n');
                if (end == -1)
                    end = line.Length;
                string   target = line.Substring(2, end - 2).Trim();
                CodeLine action = new CodeLine(CodeLineType.Comment, target);
            else if (line.Contains('='))
                string assign = line.Substring(line.IndexOf('=') + 1).Trim();
                string before = line.Substring(0, line.IndexOf('=')).Trim();

                if (before.Contains(" "))
                    // Is variable declaration
                    string type   = GetWord(before, 0);
                    string target = GetWord(before, 1);

                    CodeAction action = new CodeAction(CodeLineType.VariableDeclaration, type, target);

                if (assign.Contains("new ") && !assign.Contains("."))
                    // Is Constructor
                    string type   = GetWord(before, 0);
                    string target = GetWord(before, 1);

                    int start = line.IndexOf('(') + 1;
                    int end   = line.IndexOf(')') - start;

                    string parameters = line.Substring(start, end);

                    string[] param      = parameters.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    string[] paramTypes = null;
                    for (int i = 0; i < param.Length; i++)
                        param[i] = StripEnum(param[i].Trim());

                    CodeConstructor action = new CodeConstructor(type, target, "Constructor", paramTypes, param);

                 * {
                 *  if(before.Contains('.'))
                 *  {
                 *      string target = before.Substring(0, before.IndexOf('.'));
                 *      int start = before.IndexOf('.') + 1;
                 *      string variable = before.Substring(start);
                 *      start = line.IndexOf('{') + 1;
                 *      int end = line.IndexOf('}') - start;
                 *      string parameters = line.Substring(start, end);
                 *      string[] param = parameters.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                 *      string[] paramTypes = new string[] { assign.Substring(0, assign.IndexOf('{')).Replace("new ", "") };
                 *      for (int i = 0; i < param.Length; i++) param[i] = param[i].Trim();
                 *      action = new CodeOperator(variable, target, "Assignment", paramTypes, param);
                 *  }
                 * }*/
            else if (line.Contains('('))
                // Function call

                string funcBody = line.Substring(0, line.IndexOf('('));
                string target   = "";
                string funcName = "";
                int    start    = 0;
                if (funcBody.Contains('.'))
                    target   = funcBody.Substring(0, line.IndexOf('.'));
                    start    = line.IndexOf('.') + 1;
                    funcName = funcBody.Substring(start, line.IndexOf('(') - start);
                    funcName = funcBody;

                start = line.IndexOf('(') + 1;
                int end = line.IndexOf(')') - start;

                string parameters = line.Substring(start, end);

                string[] param      = parameters.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                string[] paramTypes = null;
                for (int i = 0; i < param.Length; i++)
                    param[i] = StripEnum(param[i].Trim());

                if (line.Substring(0, line.IndexOf('(')).Trim().Contains(' '))
                    funcName = funcName.Substring(funcName.IndexOf(' '));

                // Needs to be read using reflection
                string       returnType = "void";
                CodeFunction action     = new CodeFunction(returnType, target, funcName, paramTypes, param);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void GenerateCodeTree(string code, CodeLine parent)
            if (code.Trim().Length == 0)
                return;                         // null;
            string nextCodeBlock = GetNextCodeBlock(code);

            //string cCB = code.
            string[] codeLines = CodeBlockToLines(nextCodeBlock);
            for (int i = 0; i < codeLines.Length; i++)
                string line = codeLines[i].Trim();

                int    e = FindClosingIndex(code);
                int    s = code.IndexOf('{') + 1;
                string nextInnerBlock = "";
                if (code.Contains('{'))
                    nextInnerBlock = code.Substring(s, e - s);

                CodeLine current = null;
                string   keyword = GetWord(line, 0);
                string   target  = GetWord(line, 1);
                switch (keyword)
                case "using":
                    current = new CodeLine(CodeLineType.Namespace, target);

                case "//":
                    target  = line.Trim().Substring(2).Trim();
                    current = new CodeLine(CodeLineType.Comment, target);

                case "namespace":
                    current = new CodeLine(CodeLineType.Namespace, target);
                    GenerateCodeTree(nextInnerBlock, current);
                    //newCode = newCode.Substring(0,)

                case "class":
                    // derived class not added yet
                    current = new CodeClass(target);
                    GenerateCodeTree(nextInnerBlock, current);

                case "void":
                    // hardcoded for now
                    current = new CodeFunction(CodeLineType.FunctionDefinition, keyword, parent.Target, target, null, null);
                    GenerateCodeTree(nextInnerBlock, current);

                    ParseCodeAction(line, ref parent.Children);
                if (current != null)