Ejemplo n.º 1
        //the constructor might expect an int id for the flower so it can tell the DBMgr to find the right flower?
        public ViewHistogram(ViewHistogramController controller)

            HistoGuiController = controller;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        //Stores the modified flower into the database by reciving the flower attributes
        //and editing the associated flower in the list. The edited flower is then sent
        //to the database manager to be saved. Used for testing without calling the GUI.
        public void modifyFlowerDirectly(int position, string latinName, string englishName, string botanicalFamily, string flowerNote,
                                         DateTime noteTimeDate, List <Image> pictures, List <DateTime> pictureTimeDate, List <string> photographers,
                                         List <string> locations, List <string> pictureNotes, List <string> picturePaths)
            Flower flower = flowers[position];

            flower.setNote(new Note(noteTimeDate, flowerNote));


            //have each picture in the list be converted into a sepereate RGB list
            SearchFlowerPictureController flowerPictureController = new SearchFlowerPictureController();

            ViewHistogramController viewHistogramController = new ViewHistogramController();

            //the bin list for each picture for ONE flower
            List <int[]> flowerBinList = new List <int[]>();

            //the single bin list for a pcit
            int[] singleBinList = new int[17];

            //the RGB list for each picture for a flower
            List <Tuple <int, int, int> > RGBList = new List <Tuple <int, int, int> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < pictures.Count; i++)
                //calls function to turn the picture into a RGBList of all the pixels in the picture
                RGBList = flowerPictureController.GetRGBpixelList(pictures[i]);
                //convert from RGB to bin list

                singleBinList = viewHistogramController.makeRGBList(RGBList);

                //currently got 1 RGB list

                flower.pictureList.Add(new Picture(pictures[i], pictureTimeDate[i], photographers[i], locations[i], pictureNotes[i], picturePaths[i], singleBinList));

            flowers[position] = flower;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        //DatabaseManager dbMg = new DatabaseManager();

        //Take in the raw flower data (not flower object), add the raw data to a flower object, and then
        //call the database manager for duplicate checking.
        public bool addFlower(string latinName, string englishName, string botanicalFamily, string flowerNote,
                              DateTime noteTimeDate, List <Image> pictures, List <DateTime> pictureTimeDate, List <string> photographers,
                              List <string> locations, List <string> pictureNotes, List <string> paths)
            Note note = new Note(noteTimeDate, flowerNote);

            //have each picture in the list be converted into a sepereate RGB list
            SearchFlowerPictureController flowerPictureController = new SearchFlowerPictureController();

            ViewHistogramController viewHistogramController = new ViewHistogramController();

            //the bin list for each picture for ONE flower
            List <int[]> flowerBinList = new List <int[]>();

            //the single bin list for a pcit
            int[] singleBinList = new int[17];

            //the RGB list for each picture for a flower
            List <Tuple <int, int, int> > RGBList = new List <Tuple <int, int, int> >();

            Flower flower = new Flower(latinName, englishName, botanicalFamily, note);

            for (int i = 0; i < pictures.Count; i++)
                //reisze the picuter
                pictures[i] = flowerPictureController.ResizeImage(pictures[i], 227, 171);

                //calls function to turn the picture into a RGBList of all the pixels in the picture
                RGBList = flowerPictureController.GetRGBpixelList(pictures[i]);

                //convert from RGB to bin list
                singleBinList = viewHistogramController.makeRGBList(RGBList);

                flower.pictureList.Add(new Picture(pictures[i], pictureTimeDate[i], photographers[i], locations[i], pictureNotes[i], paths[i], singleBinList));

Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void histoButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ViewHistogramController histoController = new ViewHistogramController();

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void viewHistogram()
            ViewHistogramController histogramController = new ViewHistogramController();

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public List <int> getPictureSearchList(Image searchImage)
            //the result list for the flower DB
            List <int> resultList = new List <int>();

            //user rgb bin list

            //the RGBList of the user's image
            List <Tuple <int, int, int> > userImageRGBList = new List <Tuple <int, int, int> >();

            //make the bin list
            ViewHistogramController histoContoller = new ViewHistogramController();

            //Bitmap resizedSearchImageBitMap = new Bitmap(searchImage, 227, 171);

            Bitmap resizedSearchImageBitMap = ResizeImage(searchImage, 227, 171);

            userImageRGBList = GetRGBpixelList(resizedSearchImageBitMap);

            userRGBBinList = histoContoller.makeRGBList(userImageRGBList);

            //add default values for a maximum space of 3 list items

            //the list that will hold all the chiValues, and the corresponding flowers
            List <Tuple <int, double> > possibleChiValuesList = new List <Tuple <int, double> >();

            List <int[]> binList = new List <int[]>();

            //make the DB list
            List <Tuple <int, int[]> > DbBinList = new List <Tuple <int, int[]> >();

            //get the DB list

            DbBinList = DatabaseManager.GetBinList();

            //calculate each ChiValue for the UserBin list and a Photo's bin list(Both histograms)
            double chiValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < DbBinList.Count; i++)
                chiValue = calculateChiSquare(userRGBBinList, DbBinList[i].Item2);

                possibleChiValuesList.Add(new Tuple <int, double>(DbBinList[i].Item1, chiValue));

            //returns the result list from the search of the top three flowers found

            //passed in result list because for the purpose of modularizing, and resultList is has three values in it, and the computesearch function
            //will find the top three results, no more than three results period
            resultList = computePictureSearch(possibleChiValuesList, resultList);
