Ejemplo n.º 1
 public CCCompiler(CCVM v)
     fn_symbols = new CCCons(null, null);
     mc_symbols = new CCCons(null, null);
     root_env = new CCCons(fn_symbols, new CCCons(mc_symbols, null));
     vm = v;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void LoadSymbol(string filename)
            IFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
            Stream stream = new FileStream(filename + ".s", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
            root_env = (CCCons)formatter.Deserialize(stream);
            fn_symbols = root_env.car as CCCons;
            mc_symbols = root_env.cadr as CCCons;

Ejemplo n.º 3
        private CCObject ParseList(IEnumerator<CCObject> ts)
            if (!ts.MoveNext()) // to car
                // no car exists
                throw new CCParserException();

            if (ts.Current == ParenR) // end of list
                return null;

            var list = new CCCons(null, null);
            list.car = ParseBasicForm(ts);
            list.cdr = ParseList(ts);

            return list;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public void Push(CCObject val)
     Stack = new CCCons(val, Stack);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 private void SetEnvIndex2(int y, CCCons env, CCObject v)
     if (y > 1)
         var cdr = env.cdr as CCCons;
         if (cdr == null)
             cdr = new CCCons(null, null);
             env.cdr = cdr;
         SetEnvIndex2(y - 1, cdr, v);
         env.car = v;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 private void SetEnvIndex1(int x, int y, CCCons env, CCObject v)
     if (x > 1)
         var cdr = env.cdr as CCCons;
         SetEnvIndex1(x - 1, y, cdr, v);
         var car = env.car as CCCons;
         SetEnvIndex2(y, car, v);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private CCObject Compile1(CCObject exp, CCCons env, CCObject cont)
            if (exp == null)    // nil
                return new CCCons(null, cont);
            else if (exp.GetType() != typeof(CCCons)) // number, string or identifier
                if (exp.GetType() == typeof(CCInt) || exp.GetType() == typeof(CCString))
                    return new CCCons(new CCIS("LDC"), new CCCons(exp, cont));
                else // identifier
                    var ij = Index(exp as CCIdentifier, env);
                    if (ij == null)
                        throw new CCCompileIdentifierNotFoundException(exp.ToString());
                        if (ij.cdr.GetType() == typeof(CCCons)) // parameter with additional information
                            if (ij.caddr.ToString() == "&rest")  // rest parameter
                                ij.cdr = ij.cadr;  // variable position
                                return new CCCons(new CCIS("LDR"), new CCCons(ij, cont));
                                throw new CCCompileInvalidFormalParameterException(ij.caddr.ToString());
                            return new CCCons(new CCIS("LD"), new CCCons(ij, cont));
            else // apply
                var expc = exp as CCCons;
                var fcn = expc.car;
                var args = expc.cdr;
                if (fcn.GetType() != typeof(CCCons)) // apply function is a builtin, lambda or special form
                    var fn = fcn as CCIdentifier;
                    var name = from x in CCVM.Builtin where x == fn.Name select x;
                    if (name.Count() == 1)  // builtin
                        if (name.First() == "list")
                            return new CCCons(null, CompileList(args, env, cont));
                            return CompileBuiltin(args, env, new CCCons(fcn, cont));
                    else if (fn.Name == "fn") // lambda special form
                        var argsc = args as CCCons;
                        return CompileLambda(argsc.cadr, new CCCons(argsc.car, env), cont);
                    else if (fn.Name == "if") // if special form
                        var argsc = args as CCCons;
                        return CompileIf(argsc.car, argsc.cadr, argsc.caddr, env, cont);
                    else if (fn.Name == "let" || fn.Name == "letrec") // let or letrec
                        var argsc = args as CCCons;

                        var newn = new CCCons(argsc.car, env);
                        var values = argsc.cadr;
                        var body = argsc.caddr;

                        if (fn.Name == "let") // let
                            return new CCCons(null, CompileApp(values as CCCons, env, CompileLambda(body, newn, new CCCons(new CCIS("AP"), cont))));
                        else // letrec
                            return new CCCons(new CCIS("DUM"), new CCCons(null, CompileApp(values as CCCons, newn, CompileLambda(body, newn, new CCCons(new CCIS("RAP"), cont)))));
                    else if (fn.Name == "quote")    // quote
                        return new CCCons(new CCIS("LDC"), new CCCons((args as CCCons).car, cont));
                    else if(fn.Name == "set")    // setf
                        var argsc = args as CCCons;

                        var symbol = argsc.car as CCIdentifier;
                        var value = argsc.cadr;

                        var pos = Index(symbol, env);
                        if (pos == null)
                            // create new symbol(root environment)
                            CCCons i = fn_symbols;
                            while (i.cdr != null)
                                i = i.cdr as CCCons;

                            if (i.car == null)
                                i.car = symbol;
                                var cons = new CCCons(symbol, null);
                                i.cdr = cons;

                            // re-find index
                            pos = Index(symbol, env);

                        return Compile1(value, env, new CCCons(new CCIS("ST"), new CCCons(pos, cont)));
                    else if(fn.Name == "defm")  // defmacro
                        var argsc = args as CCCons;

                        var symbol = argsc.car as CCIdentifier;
                        var margs = argsc.cadr;
                        var mbody = argsc.caddr;

                        var pos = Index(symbol, env);
                        if (pos == null)
                            // create new symbol(root environment)
                            CCCons i = mc_symbols;
                            while (i.cdr != null)
                                i = i.cdr as CCCons;

                            if (i.car == null)
                                i.car = symbol;
                                var cons = new CCCons(symbol, null);
                                i.cdr = cons;

                            // re-find index
                            pos = Index(symbol, env);

                        return CompileLambda(mbody, new CCCons(margs, env), new CCCons(new CCIS("ST"), new CCCons(pos, cont)));
                    else if(fn.Name == "macroexpand-1")
                        var form = (args as CCCons).car as CCCons;

                        var macfn = form.car;
                        var macarg = form.cdr;

                        if (Index2(macfn as CCIdentifier, mc_symbols, 1) != null)
                        {   // macro expansion compile
                            var expand_code = new CCCons(new CCIS("LDC"), new CCCons(macarg, new CCCons(new CCIS("LD"), new CCCons(Index(macfn as CCIdentifier, env), new CCCons(new CCIS("AP"), new CCCons(new CCIS("HALT"), null))))));
                            return new CCCons(new CCIS("LDC"), new CCCons(vm.GetResult(), cont));
                            return null;
                    else // application or macro
                        // check if it is macro or not
                        if (Index2(fcn as CCIdentifier, mc_symbols, 1) != null)
                        {   // macro expansion compile
                            var expand_code = new CCCons(new CCIS("LDC"), new CCCons(args, new CCCons(new CCIS("LD"), new CCCons(Index(fcn as CCIdentifier, env), new CCCons(new CCIS("AP"), new CCCons(new CCIS("HALT"), null))))));
                            var r = vm.GetResult();
                            return Compile1(r, env, cont);
                        else // normal application
                            var func = Index(fcn as CCIdentifier, env);
                            if(func == null)
                                throw new CCCompileIdentifierNotFoundException(fcn.ToString());
                                return new CCCons(null, CompileApp(args as CCCons, env, new CCCons(new CCIS("LD"), new CCCons(func, new CCCons(new CCIS("AP"), cont)))));
                else // application with nested function
                    return new CCCons(null, CompileApp(args as CCCons, env, Compile1(fcn, env, new CCCons(new CCIS("AP"), cont))));
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public CCObject Compile(CCObject obj)
            var cont = new CCCons(new CCIS("HALT"), null);

            return Compile1(obj, root_env, cont);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 private CCObject Index2(CCIdentifier exp, CCCons env, int j)
     if (env == null || env.car == null)
         return null;
         if(env.car.GetType() == typeof(CCCons)) // function or macro
             if (env.caar.ToString() == exp.ToString())
                 return new CCCons(new CCInt() { value = j }, env.cdar);
                 return Index2(exp, env.cdr as CCCons, j + 1);
         else // atom
             if (env.car.ToString() == exp.ToString())
                 return new CCInt() { value = j };
                 return Index2(exp, env.cdr as CCCons, j + 1);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 private CCCons Index(CCIdentifier exp, CCCons env, int i)
     if (env == null)
         return null;
         var j = Index2(exp, env.car as CCCons, 1);
         if (j == null)
             return Index(exp, env.cdr as CCCons, i + 1);
             return new CCCons(new CCInt() { value = i }, j);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 private CCCons Index(CCIdentifier exp, CCCons env)
     return Index(exp, env, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 private CCObject CompileList(CCObject args, CCCons env, CCObject cont)
     if (args == null)
         return cont;
         return CompileList((args as CCCons).cdr, env, Compile1((args as CCCons).car, env, new CCCons(new CCIS("CONS"), cont)));
Ejemplo n.º 13
 private CCObject CompileLambda(CCObject body, CCCons env, CCObject cont)
     return new CCCons(
         new CCIS("LDF"), new CCCons(
             Compile1(body, env, new CCCons(new CCIS("RTN"), null)),
Ejemplo n.º 14
 private CCObject CompileIf(CCObject test, CCObject t, CCObject f, CCCons env, CCObject cont)
     return Compile1(test, env, new CCCons(
         new CCIS("SEL"), new CCCons(
             Compile1(t, env, new CCCons(new CCIS("JOIN"), null)), new CCCons(
                 Compile1(f, env, new CCCons(new CCIS("JOIN"), null)), cont))));
Ejemplo n.º 15
 private CCObject CompileBuiltin(CCObject args, CCCons env, CCObject cont)
     if (args == null)
         return cont;
         return CompileBuiltin((args as CCCons).cdr, env, Compile1((args as CCCons).car, env, cont));