Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void WhenSomeCategoriesThenThoseCategoriesShouldBeReturned()
            //! given: unit of work with 3 categories.
            var cat1 = new Category("Foo");
            var cat2 = new Category("Bar");
            var cat3 = new Category("Spinazie");
            IDbSet<Category> categories = new DbSetMockBuilder<Category>()
            IUnitOfWork unitOfWork = new UnitOfWorkMockBuilder()
                .WithCategoryRepository( categories )

            //! when: controller is asked for the list.
            CategoryController subject = new CategoryControllerBuilder()

            var viewResult = (ViewResult)subject.List();
            var model = (IEnumerable<CategoryModel>)viewResult.ViewData.Model;

            //! then: a model with empty categories should be returned.
            model.Should().OnlyContain(c => new[] { cat1, cat2, cat3 }.Any(cat => cat.Id == c.Id));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void WhenNoCategoriesThenEmptyModelShouldBeReturned()
            //! given: unit of work with no categories.
            IUnitOfWork unitOfWork = new UnitOfWorkMockBuilder()

            //! when: controller is asked for the list.
            CategoryController subject = new CategoryControllerBuilder()

            var viewResult = (ViewResult)subject.List();
            var model = (IEnumerable<CategoryModel>)viewResult.ViewData.Model;

            //! then: a model with empty categories should be returned.
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void WhenTheCategoryContains3NotesThenNoteCountShouldBe3()
            Category cat = new CategoryBuilder().Build();
            IDbSet<Category> categories = new DbSetMockBuilder<Category>()
            IDbSet<Note> notes = new DbSetMockBuilder<Note>()
                .ContainingEntity(new NoteBuilder().InCategory(cat).Build())
                .ContainingEntity(new NoteBuilder().InCategory(cat).Build())
                .ContainingEntity(new NoteBuilder().InCategory(cat).Build())
            IUnitOfWork unitOfWork = new UnitOfWorkMockBuilder()

            //! when: controller is asked for the list.
            CategoryController subject = new CategoryControllerBuilder()

            var viewResult = (ViewResult)subject.List();
            var model = (IEnumerable<CategoryModel>)viewResult.ViewData.Model;

            //! then: the single category should have a note count of 3
            CategoryModel category = model.Single();