Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void ReferenceThenCopyThenAssignGpu()
            const int n      = 1000;
            var       arrayA = GenerateRandomDoubleData(n, 1, 100);
            var       arrayB = new double[n];
            var       cpuA   = arrayA.AsTensor();
            var       cpuB   = arrayB.AsTensor();
            var       gpuA   = gpu.Device.Allocate <double>(Shape.Create(n));
            var       gpuB   = gpu.Device.Allocate <double>(Shape.Create(n));

            gpu.Copy(gpuA, cpuA);
            gpu.Assign(gpuB, gpuA);
            // this copy need to sync, since cpuB is just a reference
            gpu.Copy(cpuB, gpuB).Wait();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static Tensor <T> Allocate <T>(this Context context, T[,,] initValues)
            var shape      = Shape.GetArrayShape(initValues);
            var tensor     = context.Device.Allocate <T>(shape);
            var initTensor = initValues.AsTensor();

            context.Copy(tensor, initTensor);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static T[,] ToArray2D <T>(this Context context, Tensor <T> tensor)
            Util.EnsureTrue(tensor.Layout.Rank >= 2);

            if (!tensor.Layout.IsInnerChangeMostFullyPacked)
                var tempTensor = context.Device.Allocate <T>(tensor.Layout, tensor.Buffer.Memory.Length);
                context.Copy(tempTensor, tensor).Wait();
                tensor = tempTensor;

            var rows      = tensor.Layout.Shape[0];
            var cols      = tensor.Layout.Shape.Skip(1).Aggregate(ScalarOps.Mul);
            var array     = new T[rows, cols];
            var cpuTensor = array.AsTensor();

            context.Copy(cpuTensor, tensor).Wait();
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static T[] ToArray <T>(this Context context, Tensor <T> tensor)
            // if the tensor's layout is C Style, then we just make one copy and return it
            if (tensor.Layout.IsInnerChangeMostFullyPacked)
                var layout    = tensor.Layout;
                var shape     = layout.Shape;
                var array     = new T[shape.Length];
                var cpuTensor = array.AsTensor(shape);
                context.Copy(cpuTensor, tensor).Wait();

            // not c style layout, we need allocate a temp tensor on that device, assign it, then copy it back
            throw new NotImplementedException();
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static void Print <T>(this Context context, Tensor <T> tensor, bool all = false)
            Task task;

            // print must work on cpu side, if the tensor is on cpu side already, we
            // can directly print it (using RDE to sync the resource)
            if (tensor.Device == Device.CpuDevice)
                task = new Task(() => tensor.Layout.Print(tensor.Buffer.RawReader, all));
                // if the tensor is not on cpu, then we need make a copy of it and print it.
                var cpuTensor = Device.CpuDevice.Allocate <T>(tensor.Layout, tensor.Memory.Length);
                context.Copy(cpuTensor, tensor).Wait();
                task = new Task(() => tensor.Layout.Print(cpuTensor.Buffer.RawReader, all));

            // TODO:@RDE
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static Task Assign <T>(this Context context, Tensor <T> tensor, T[] newValues)
            var newValuesTensor = newValues.AsTensor();

            return(context.Copy(tensor, newValuesTensor));