Ejemplo n.º 1
    bool searchMatrix(vector<vector<int>>& matrix, int target) {
            int i = 0;
            int j = matrix[0].size()-1;
            while(i < matrix.size() && j >= 0){
                if(matrix[i][j] == target)
                    return true;

                if(matrix[i][j] > target)
            return false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    static void Main()
        double a   = 0;                                                                   // boundary condition
        vector ya  = new vector(0, 1);                                                    // initial function values
        double b   = 2 * PI;                                                              // "end" value
        double h   = 1;                                                                   // step size
        double acc = 1e-3;                                                                // precision (used in "approx")
        double eps = 1e-3;                                                                // precision (used in "approx")
        var    xs  = new List <double>();                                                 // x-values (to be filled)
        var    ys  = new List <vector>();                                                 // y-values (to be filled)

        vector y = ode.rk45(F, a, ya, b, acc: acc, eps: eps, h: h, xlist: xs, ylist: ys); // solving the ODE

/* Printing output to "Log"  */
        Error.WriteLine($"acc={acc} eps={eps}");
        Error.WriteLine($"a={a} y0({a})={ya[0]} y1({a})={ya[1]}");
        Error.WriteLine($"y0 (b)={y[0]}  y1(b)={y[1]}");
        Error.WriteLine($"sin(b)={Sin(b):f15} cos(b)={Cos(b):f15}");

/* Test to see if the precision of our Runge-Kutta solution satisfies the true solution within the required precision */
        if (approx(y[0], Sin(b), acc, eps) && approx(y[1], Cos(b), acc, eps))
            Error.WriteLine("test passed");
            Error.WriteLine("test failed");

        for (int i = 0; i < xs.Count; i += 900)
            // for(int i=0;i<xs.Count;i+=10)
            WriteLine($"{xs[i]} {ys[i][0]} {ys[i][1]}");
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private void xuanranshow(Graphics g)
         vector     pVector = new vector();
         SolidBrush brush   = null;
         rayvector pFrmRayVector = new rayvector();
         // 模态窗口
         if (pFrmRayVector.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
             pVector = pFrmRayVector.GetRayvector();
         vec = new vector[Convert.ToInt32(dem.RowsNum), Convert.ToInt32(dem.ColsNum)];
         vec = Gp.brightness(dem.ElementData, dem.Cellsize, Convert.ToInt32(dem.RowsNum), Convert.ToInt32(dem.ColsNum));
         double[,] anger = new double[Convert.ToInt32(dem.RowsNum), Convert.ToInt32(dem.ColsNum)];
         anger           = Gp.d_raytovector_angle_all(vec, Convert.ToInt32(dem.RowsNum), Convert.ToInt32(dem.ColsNum), pVector);
         double[,] huidu = new double[Convert.ToInt32(dem.RowsNum), Convert.ToInt32(dem.ColsNum)];
         huidu           = Gp.i_cellvalue_hillshade(anger, Convert.ToInt32(dem.RowsNum), Convert.ToInt32(dem.ColsNum));
         for (int i = 0; i < dem.ColsNum; i++)
             for (int j = 0; j < dem.RowsNum; j++)
                 Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(i * this.dem.Cellsize, j * this.dem.Cellsize, this.dem.Cellsize, this.dem.Cellsize);//定义一个方形的大小
                 brush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb((int)huidu[i, j], Color.Black));
                 g.FillRectangle(brush, rect);
     catch (System.Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    static void Main(string[] args)
        writetitle("\nPlain sampling");
        Func <vector, double> f = (x) => Sin(x[0]) / x[0];
        vector a = new vector(0.0), b = new vector(PI);
        int    N = (int)1e4;
        double exp = 1.852;                          // expected

        (double res, _) = mcint.plainmc(f, a, b, N); // result

        WriteLine(string.Format("{0, -28} {1, -8} {2, -8} {3, -8} {4, -8}", "function", "a", "b", "expected", "result"));
        WriteLine($"{"Sin(x)/x", -28} {0, -8} {PI, -8:F3} {exp, -8:F3} {res, -8:F3}");

        f        = (x) => Pow(PI * PI * PI * (1 - Cos(x[0]) * Cos(x[1]) * Cos(x[2])), -1);
        a        = new vector(0, 0, 0); b = new vector(PI, PI, PI);
        N        = (int)1e5;
        exp      = 1.392;
        (res, _) = mcint.plainmc(f, a, b, N);
        WriteLine($"{"(pi³(1-cosx*cosy*cosz))⁻¹", -28} {0, -8} {PI, -8:F3} {exp, -8:F3} {res, -8:F3}");

        writetitle("\nRecursive stratified sampling");
        N        = (int)1e4;
        exp      = 1.852;                        // expected
        (res, _) = mcint.stratified(f, a, b, N); // result
        WriteLine(string.Format("{0, -28} {1, -8} {2, -8} {3, -8} {4, -8}", "function", "a", "b", "expected", "result"));
        WriteLine($"{"Sin(x)/x", -28} {0, -8} {PI, -8:F3} {exp, -8:F3} {res, -8:F3}");

        f        = (x) => Pow(PI * PI * PI * (1 - Cos(x[0]) * Cos(x[1]) * Cos(x[2])), -1);
        a        = new vector(0, 0, 0); b = new vector(PI, PI, PI);
        N        = (int)1e5;
        exp      = 1.392;
        (res, _) = mcint.stratified(f, a, b, N);
        WriteLine($"{"(pi³(1-cosx*cosy*cosz))⁻¹", -28} {0, -8} {PI, -8:F3} {exp, -8:F3} {res, -8:F3}");
Ejemplo n.º 5
        internal bool addBud(RoadBud bud, short x, short y, Direction dir)
            PointS at = PointS.pointFrom(x, y, dir, 1);

            if (!world.isInWorld(at.x, at.y))
            Voxel toward = world[at.x, at.y];

            if (toward.road != null && toward.road.getLevel(dir) <= bud.level)
            vector key = new vector(x, y, dir);

            if (buds.ContainsKey(key))
            buds.Add(key, bud);
            Debug.WriteLine("new bud at:(" + x + "," + y + ") to " + dir);
Ejemplo n.º 6
    public static vector newton
        (Func <vector, vector> f, vector x, double eps = 1e-3, double dx = 1e-7)
        int    n = x.size;
        vector fx = f(x), z, fz;

        while (true)
            matrix          J   = jacobian(f, x, fx);
            qrdecomposition qrJ = new qrdecomposition(J);
            matrix          B   = qrJ.inverse();
            vector          Dx  = -B * fx;
            double          s   = 1;
            while (true)    // backtracking linesearch
                z  = x + Dx * s;
                fz = f(z);
                if (fz.norm() < (1 - s / 2) * fx.norm())
                if (s < 1.0 / 32)
                s /= 2;
            x  = z;
            fx = fz;
            if (fx.norm() < eps)
    } //broyden
Ejemplo n.º 7
    public void handleColisions()
        PhysicsObject[] AllObjects = FindObjectsOfType <PhysicsObject>();
        for (int i = 0; i < AllObjects.Length; i++)
            for (int j = i + 1; j < AllObjects.Length; j++)
                IntersectData intersectdata = AllObjects[i].col.intersect(AllObjects[j].col);

                if (intersectdata.DoesIntersect)
                    vector direction      = intersectdata.distance.normalized;
                    vector otherdirection = vector.reflect(direction, AllObjects[i].vel).normalized;

                    AllObjects[i].vel = vector.reflect(AllObjects[i].vel, otherdirection);
                    AllObjects[j].vel = vector.reflect(AllObjects[j].vel, direction);

                    Debug.Log("intersection done");
Ejemplo n.º 8
    static void Main()
        System.IO.StreamReader inputfile = new System.IO.StreamReader("higgs_data.data");
        string s = inputfile.ReadLine();

        while (!(s == null))
            string[] values = s.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            s = inputfile.ReadLine();

        double epsilon      = 1e-7;
        vector param        = new vector(120, 4.83, 20);
        int    num_of_steps = qnewton(chiSquared, ref param, epsilon);

        WriteLine("Question A\n Higgs discovery");
        WriteLine("Fit of higgs mass:");
        WriteLine("m = {0}, Γ = {1}, A = {2}", param[0], param[1], param[2]);
        WriteLine("Expected mass: {0}", 125.3);
        WriteLine("Number of steps              : {0}", num_of_steps);
        WriteLine("See fit in PlotB.svg");

        System.IO.StreamWriter outputfile = new System.IO.StreamWriter("out.fitfun.txt", append: false);
        vector Es = linspace(101, 159, 400);

        for (int i = 0; i < 400; i++)
            outputfile.WriteLine("{0} {1}", Es[i], breit_wigner(param, Es[i]));
Ejemplo n.º 9
    public static int Main()
        // Using a gaussian function, since the integral from -infty to infty is sqrt(pi)
        Func <double, double> g = delegate(double x){
            return(Exp(-x * x));

        vector g1 = integrator.recint_inf(g, Double.NegativeInfinity, Double.PositiveInfinity);
        vector g2 = integrator.recint_inf(g, 0, Double.PositiveInfinity);
        vector g3 = integrator.recint_inf(g, 0, Double.NegativeInfinity);

        Write($"The result, which should be {Sqrt(PI)} gave {g1[0]}+-{g1[1]} in {g1[2]} iterations\n");
        Write($"The result, which should be {Sqrt(PI)/2} gave {g2[0]}+-{g2[1]} in {g2[2]} iterations\n");
        Write($"The result, which should be {-Sqrt(PI)/2} gave {g3[0]}+-{g3[1]} in {g3[2]} iterations\n");

        double o1 = integrator.o8av(g, Double.NegativeInfinity, Double.PositiveInfinity);
        double o2 = integrator.o8av(g, 0, Double.PositiveInfinity);
        double o3 = -integrator.o8av(g, Double.NegativeInfinity, 0);

        Write($"The values returned for the same 3 integrals by o8av are\n{o1}\n{o2}\n{o3}\n Although the integral from 0-> NegInfty had to be manually rearranged for o8av\n");

Ejemplo n.º 10
    public OrdLeastSquares(vector x, vector y, vector dy, Func <double, double>[] fs)
        int    n = y.size;
        int    m = fs.Length;
        matrix A = new matrix(n, m);
        vector b = new vector(n);   // Creating the matrix and vector going into QRdecomp.

        for (int i = 0; i < n; i = i + 1)
            b[i] = y[i] / dy[i];
            for (int j = 0; j < m; j = j + 1)
                A[i, j] = fs[j](x[i]) / dy[i];
        } // Matrix and vector ready for QRdecomp

        QRdecompositionGS QRdecomp = new QRdecompositionGS(A);

        c = QRdecomp.solve(b);
        matrix            sigmainv = QRdecomp.R.transpose() * QRdecomp.R;
        QRdecompositionGS cov      = new QRdecompositionGS(sigmainv);

        sigma = cov.inverse();
Ejemplo n.º 11
    }    //end randomx...

    public static vector plainmc(Func <vector, double> f, vector a, vector b, int N)
        //the volume is calculated as:
        double vol = 1;

        for (int i = 0; i < a.size; i++)
            vol = vol * (b[i] - a[i]);
        }        //end for

        //something else:
        var           rand     = new Random();
        Func <vector> randomx1 = delegate() {
            vector x = new vector(a.size);
            for (int i = 0; i < x.size; i++)
                x[i] = a[i] + rand.NextDouble() * (b[i] - a[i]);
            }                            //end for
        };                               //end func..

        double sum = 0; double sum2 = 0; // sums...

        //sampling the integration area N times:
        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
            vector v = randomx1();                             // sampel
            sum  = sum + f(v);
            sum2 = sum2 + f(v) * f(v);                         //updating sums
        }                                                      // end for

        double mean  = sum / N;                                //mean value
        double SIGMA = Sqrt(sum2 / N - mean * mean) / Sqrt(N); //the an estimate for the error

        return(new vector(mean * vol, SIGMA * vol));
    }    //end plainmc
Ejemplo n.º 12
    public static vector plainmc(Func <vector, double> f, vector a, vector b, int N)
        double volume = 1;

        // Total volume
        for (int i = 0; i < a.size; i++)
            volume *= b[i] - a[i];
        double sum  = 0;
        double sum2 = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
            double fx = f(randomx(a, b));
            sum  += fx;
            sum2 += fx * fx;
        double mean  = sum / N;                      // <f_i>
        double sigma = Sqrt(sum2 / N - mean * mean); // sigma² = <(f_i)²> - <f_i>²
        double SIGMA = sigma / Sqrt(N);              // SIGMA² = <Q²> - <Q>²

        return(new vector(mean * volume, volume * SIGMA));
Ejemplo n.º 13
    public static Result mc_plain(Func <vector, double> func, vector a, vector b, int N)
        double volume = 1;

        for (int i = 0; i < a.size; i++)
            volume *= b[i] - a[i];
        double sum  = 0;
        double sum2 = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
            var fx = func(randomx(a, b));
            sum  += fx;
            sum2 += fx * fx;
        double mean      = sum / N;
        double sigma     = Sqrt(sum2 / N - mean * mean);
        double res_sigma = sigma / Sqrt(N);
        var    res       = new Result(mean * volume, res_sigma * volume);

Ejemplo n.º 14
    public void train(vector x, vector y)
        double res1 = 0;
        Func <vector, double> deltaP = (k) => {
            p = k;
            double res = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < x.size; i++)
                res += Pow((feedforward(x[i]) - y[i]), 2);

            res1 = res;
        vector pa      = p.copy();
        int    ncounts = Quasi.qnewton(deltaP, ref pa);

        p = pa;

        double TH = 0.01;  //threshhold

        if (res1 > TH)
            res1 = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < 3 * n; i++)
                double u1 = 1.0 - rand.NextDouble();
                double u2 = 1.0 - rand.NextDouble();
                p[i] = Math.Sqrt(-2.0 * Math.Log(u1)) * Math.Sin(2.0 * Math.PI * u2);
            train(x, y);
Ejemplo n.º 15
    static int Main(string[] args)
        double        xa = 0;
        double        xb = 3;
        vector        ya = new vector(0.5);
        List <double> xs = new List <double>();
        List <vector> ys = new List <vector>();

        Func <double, vector, vector> ydiff = delegate(double x, vector y){
            var res = new vector(y[0] * (1 - y[0]));
        vector yb = ode.rk23(ydiff, xa, ya, xb, xs, ys);

        double logistic = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < xs.Count; i++)
            logistic = 1 / (1 + Exp(-xs[i]));
            WriteLine($"{xs[i]} {ys[i][0]} {logistic}");

Ejemplo n.º 16
    }     // end constructor

    public int training(vector xs, vector ys, double eps = 1e-3)
        // Create a vector with initial parameters, that spread out activation functions
        // somewhat evenly.
        // We set the a_i's to evenly span the distance from [c, d] where c and d are the
        // start and end-point of the interval along the x-axis, that we are interested in.
        // I assume that the training data is provided in order, with the first point being at
        // c and the last at d
        vector param = new vector(3 * n);

        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            param[0 + 3 * i] = xs[0] + (xs[xs.size - 1] - xs[0]) * i / (n - 1);
            param[1 + 3 * i] = 1;         // b_i's start at 1
            param[2 + 3 * i] = 1;         // Weights start at 1

        Func <vector, double> deviation = delegate(vector p){
            double sum = 0;
            // Go through the data points, and calculate the total deviation
            for (int i = 0; i < xs.size; i++)
                sum += Pow((feedforward(xs[i], p) - ys[i]), 2);

        // Perform the optimization
        int nsteps = minimization.qnewton(deviation, ref param, eps);

        // The vector param now contains the optimized parameters, so we now save this in
        // the finalParams vector that is available to all functions and outside the class
        finalParams = param;

    }     // end training
Ejemplo n.º 17
    public static vector newton(Func <vector, vector> f, vector x, double eps = 1e-3, double dx = 1e-7)
        vector fx = f(x);
        matrix J  = jacobian(f, x, dx);
        matrix R  = new matrix(J.size2, J.size2);

        gs.decomp(J, R);
        matrix B  = gs.inverse(J, R);
        vector Dx = -B *f(x);

        vector root;
        double lambda = 1.0;

        while ((f(x + lambda * Dx)).norm() > (1 - lambda / 2) * fx.norm() && (lambda > 1.0 / 64))
            lambda /= 2;
        x = x + lambda * Dx;

        if (Dx.norm() < dx)
            root = x;
        else if (f(x).norm() < eps)
            root = x;
            root = newton(f, x, eps, dx);

Ejemplo n.º 18
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        vector x    = new vector(0, 1, 2, 3);
        vector y    = new vector(0, 2, 4, 6);
        vector siny = new vector(x.size);

        for (int i = 0; i < x.size; i++)
            siny[i] = Sin(x[i]);

        WriteLine(string.Format("# {0, -8} {1, -10} {2, -10} {3, -10} {4, -10}, {5, -10}", "x", "y", "integral", "sin(x)", "integral", "exactint"));
        double z;
        double steps = 4;         // interpolates 4 steps between points

        for (int i = 0; i < x.size - 1; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < steps; j++)
                z = x[i] + (x[i + 1] - x[i]) * j / steps;
                WriteLine($"{z, -10:F3} {interpolate.linear.spline(x, y, z), -10:F3} {interpolate.linear.integrate(x, y, z), -10:F3} {interpolate.linear.spline(x, siny, z), -10:F3} {interpolate.linear.integrate(x, siny, z), -10:F3} {-Cos(z) + 1, -10:F3}");
Ejemplo n.º 19
    public static int Main(string[] args)
        // Require exactly 1 input parameter
        if (args.Length != 1)

        // The input parameter is the dimension of the matrix
        int n = int.Parse(args[0]);

        // We start out by creating a random symmetric matrix.
        var rand = new Random();

        // We can pull out new random numbers between 0 and 1 with rand.NextDouble() and
        // stuff it into a matrix
        matrix A = new matrix(n, n);

        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            A[i, i] = 2 - 4 * rand.NextDouble();
            for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++)
                A[i, j] = 2 - 4 * rand.NextDouble();
                A[j, i] = A[i, j];

        // Perform a cyclic sweep on the matrix A
        matrix V = new matrix(n, n);
        vector e = new vector(n);

        jacobi.cycle(A, e, V);

Ejemplo n.º 20
    public static void Main()
        // y[0] = y
        // y[1] = y'
        // y'[1] = -y[0]
        // y'[0] = y[1]
        // y'(x) = y(x) * (1 - y(x))
        Func <double, vector, vector> f = delegate(double x, vector y){
            return(new vector(y[0] * (1 - y[0]), 0));
        int           xa = 0;
        int           xb = 3;
        vector        ya = new vector(0.5, 0);
        List <double> xs = new List <double>();
        List <vector> ys = new List <vector>();

        ode.rk23(f, xa, ya, xb, xlist: xs, ylist: ys);
        List <double> expected = xs.Select(x => 1 / (1 + Exp(-x))).ToList();

        for (int i = 0; i < xs.Count; i++)
            WriteLine($"{xs[i]} {ys[i][0]} {expected[i]}");
Ejemplo n.º 21
    public static int Main()
        double eps = 1e-3;

        energy = new System.Collections.Generic.List <double>();
        sigma  = new System.Collections.Generic.List <double>();
        error  = new System.Collections.Generic.List <double>();
        System.IO.StreamReader data = new System.IO.StreamReader("higgs_data.txt");
            string s = data.ReadLine();
            if (s == null)
            char[]   sep      = new char[] { ' ' };
            string[] splitted = s.Split(sep, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
        } while (true);

        vector parameters = new vector(new double [] { 125.0, 4.0, 5 });
        var    fit        = minimization.qnewton(D, ref parameters, eps);

        WriteLine($"Parameters from fit: mass, m = {parameters[0]}, widths of resonance, gamma = {parameters[1]}, and scale factor, A = {parameters[2]}");
        WriteLine($"Computed with {fit} steps.");
        for (double e = energy[0]; e <= energy[energy.Count - 1]; e += 1.0 / 10)
            Error.WriteLine("{0} {1}", e, parameters[2] * breitWigner(parameters[0], parameters[1], e));

Ejemplo n.º 22
    static int Main(string[] args)
        int N;

        if (args.Length > 0)
            N = int.Parse(args[0]);
            N = 3;
        int    nm = N;
        matrix A1 = randmatrix_sym(nm, nm);
        matrix V  = new matrix(nm, nm);
        int    nr = 0;
        vector e  = jac_dia_red(A1, V, 1, ref nr);

        WriteLine($" {nr}");

Ejemplo n.º 23
    public static (vector, matrix, int) cyclic(matrix A)
        rotations = 0;
        int    n = A.size1;
        matrix V = new matrix(n, n);      // eigenvectors
        vector e = new vector(n);         // eigenvalues

        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            V[i, i] = 1;             // initialized to I
        bool change = true;

        while (change)
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                e[i] = A[i, i];      // update eigenvalues
            sweep(A, V);             // perform a sweep
            change = changed(A, e);  // check if the eigenvalues were actually changed in this iteration
        return(e, V, rotations);
Ejemplo n.º 24
	return int_sum; } //method:feed_int

public void train(double[] xs, double[] ys){
	int calls=0;
	Error.WriteLine("STARTING TRAINING");

	Func<vector,double> diviation = (u) =>{

		double diviation_sum=0;

		for(int i=0;i<xs.Length;i++){

		Error.WriteLine($"Diviation = {diviation_sum/xs.Length}");
		return diviation_sum/xs.Length;


	vector v=parameters;

} //method:train
Ejemplo n.º 25
    // This constructor reads a two column file, 1st column is xs, second is        // ys, and calculates the dys as errorFunc(ys);
    public data(string filename)
        var reader     = new System.IO.StreamReader(filename);
        int fileLength = 0;

        while (reader.ReadLine() != null)
            fileLength += 1;
        xs       = new vector(fileLength);
        ys       = new vector(fileLength);
        sigma_ys = new vector(fileLength);
        reader   = new System.IO.StreamReader(filename);
        for (int i = 0; i < xs.size; i++)
            string line = reader.ReadLine();
            // Error.Write($"Read line: \"{line}\"\n");
            string[] words = line.Split(' ');
            xs[i]       = double.Parse(words[0]);
            ys[i]       = double.Parse(words[1]);
            sigma_ys[i] = double.Parse(words[2]);
Ejemplo n.º 26
    static void Main()
        Write("Problem B:\n");
        Write("See B.sigmaNDependence.svg\n");
        // Now for Dimitris function:

         * Func<vector, double> f = (v) =>
         *      1/(1-Cos(v[0])*Cos(v[1])*Cos(v[2]))*1/(PI*PI*PI);
         * vector a = new vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
         * vector b = new vector(PI, PI, PI);
         * double expectedRes = 1.3932039296856768591842462603255;
        Func <vector, double> f = (v) => Sin(v[0]) * Sin(v[0]);
        vector a           = new vector(0.0);
        vector b           = new vector(2 * PI);
        double expectedRes = PI;

        // Make data file:
        var outfile = new System.IO.StreamWriter("out.dataB.txt");

        int Nmin  = 1000;
        int Nmax  = 50000;
        int Nstep = (Nmax - Nmin) / 100;

        vector intResult0 = mcIntegrator.plainmc(f, a, b, Nmax);
        Func <double, double> simpleFit = (N) => intResult0[1] * Sqrt(Nmax) / Sqrt(N);

        for (int N = Nmin; N <= Nmax; N += Nstep)
            vector intResult = mcIntegrator.plainmc(f, a, b, N);
            outfile.Write("{0} {1} {2} {3}\n", N, intResult[1], Abs(intResult[0] - expectedRes), simpleFit(N));

Ejemplo n.º 27
    static int Main(string[] args)
        // input to vector...
        var input        = new System.IO.StreamReader("sin_data.txt");
        int input_lenght = 0;

        while (input.ReadLine() != null)
        input = new System.IO.StreamReader("sin_data.txt");
        vector x1 = new vector(input_lenght);
        vector y1 = new vector(input_lenght);

        string line;

        for (int n = 0; n < input_lenght; n++)
            line = input.ReadLine();
            string[] words = line.Split(' ');
            x1[n] = double.Parse(words[0]);
            y1[n] = double.Parse(words[1]);
        //end input to vector...
        cspline a = new cspline(x1, y1);

        for (double n = 0; n <= 10; n += 0.05)
            WriteLine($"{n} {a.c_spline(n)}");

Ejemplo n.º 28
        private void Fire()
            if (this.Energy > ShipParameters.MinEnergyToFire)
                this.Energy -= ShipParameters.EnergyToFire;

                var orthogonalDirection = Direction.FromRadian(Heading.InRadians + radian.FromDegree(-90));

                var rightInFront = new WrappingLocation(this.Location, Heading, new Distance(2000.0d));
                var bitLeft      = new WrappingLocation(rightInFront, orthogonalDirection, new Distance(1000.0d));
                var bitRight     = new WrappingLocation(rightInFront, orthogonalDirection, new Distance(-1000.0d));

                var fireVector   = new vector(Heading, ShipParameters.BulletVelocity);
                var bulletVector = this.Movement + fireVector;

                var bulletLeft  = new Bullet(bitLeft, bulletVector, ShipParameters.BulletSize, ShipParameters.BulletDamage, ShipParameters.BulletLifetime);
                var bulletRight = new Bullet(bitRight, bulletVector, ShipParameters.BulletSize, ShipParameters.BulletDamage, ShipParameters.BulletLifetime);

Ejemplo n.º 29
    public static vector Gradient(Func <vector, double> f, vector x) // Input function with vector as arguments
        vector Gradient = new vector(x.size);
        vector dx = new vector(x.size); double δx;

        double Ɛ = 1.0 / 4194304; //

        for (int i = 0; i < x.size; i = i + 1)
            if (Abs(x[i]) < Sqrt(Ɛ))
                δx = Ɛ;
                δx = Abs(x[i]) * Ɛ;
            dx[i]       = δx;
            Gradient[i] = (f(x + dx) - f(x)) / δx;
            dx[i]       = dx[i] - δx;

Ejemplo n.º 30
Archivo: main.cs Proyecto: nronne/ppnm
    public static void Main()
        Write("==== A.1 ====\n");
        Write("Testing on random tall matrix A:\n");
        matrix a = rndMat.randomMatrix(5, 3);

        a.print("A =");
        qrDecompositionGS qr = new qrDecompositionGS(a);

        Write("Q and R matrices found from QR-factorization:\n");
        (qr.q).print("Q = ");;
        (qr.r).print("R = ");;
        Write("Testing that Q is orthogonal:\n");
        (qr.q.transpose() * qr.q).print("Q^T*Q = ");
        Write("Calculating the difference between A and QR, which should be 0:\n");
        (a - qr.q * qr.r).print("A-QR = ");

        Write("\n==== A.2 ====\n");
        Write("Testing solver on random matrix A:\n");
        a = rndMat.randomMatrix(5, 5);
        a.print("A = ");
        qr = new qrDecompositionGS(a);
        Write("and random vector b:\n");
        vector b = rndMat.randomVector(5);

        b.print("b = ");
        Write("Solution to Ax=b is found to be:\n");
        vector x = qr.solve(b);

        x.print("x = ");
        Write("Checking that x is a solution by calculating 0=Ax-b:\n");
        vector diff = a * x - b;

        diff.print("A*x-b = ");
    } //Main
Ejemplo n.º 31
    public static int Main()
        int    n = 6;
        double x1 = 0, xend = 2 * PI;

        vector xs = new vector(n);
        vector ys = new vector(n);

        System.IO.StreamWriter outputfile = new System.IO.StreamWriter("out-xydata.txt", append: false);
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            xs[i] = x1 + (xend - x1) / (n - 1) * i;
            ys[i] = Sin(xs[i]);
            outputfile.WriteLine("{0} {1}", xs[i], ys[i]);

        int    N    = 2000;
        double z    = 0;
        double z1   = x1;
        double zend = xend;

        System.IO.StreamWriter outputfileSpline   = new System.IO.StreamWriter("out-linterp.txt", append: false);
        System.IO.StreamWriter outputfileIntegral = new System.IO.StreamWriter("out-integral.txt", append: false);

        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
            z = z1 + (zend - z1) / (N - 1) * i;
            outputfileSpline.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", z, linspline.linterp(xs, ys, z), Sin(z));
            outputfileIntegral.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", z, linspline.linterpInteg(xs, ys, z), 1 - Cos(z));

Ejemplo n.º 32
 public static vector operator ^(matrix a, vector x)
     vector y = new vector(a.cols);
     for(int i=0;i<a.cols;i++){
     y[i]=0; for(int k=0;k<a.rows;k++) y[i]+=a[k,i]*x[k];
     return y;
Ejemplo n.º 33
 public static vector operator *(matrix a, vector x)
     vector y = new vector(x.size);
     for(int i=0;i<x.size;i++){
     y[i]=0; for(int ac=a.cols,k=0;k<ac;k++) y[i]+=a[i,k]*x[k];
     return y;
Ejemplo n.º 34
 public vector col(int i)
     //	get{
     vector v = new vector();
     return v;
     //	}
     //	set{for(int k=0;k<nrows;k++)data[k+i*nrows]=value[k];}
 string minMultiples(int N, vector <int> forbiddenDigits);
Ejemplo n.º 36
 public vector this[int i]
     vector v = new vector();
     return v;
     set{for(int k=0;k<nrows;k++) data[k+i*nrows]=value[k];}
Ejemplo n.º 37
        Bitmap render_layer(TreeNode layer_node, int height, int width, int centerX, int centerY, wz_file f, image map_img)
            TreeNode t_node, t_node2;
            int x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, i = 0;
            vector v		= new vector(0, 0);
            bool flipped	= false;
            SortedList<int, List<tile>> z_layer_objects	= new SortedList<int, List<tile>>();
            SortedList<int, List<tile>> z_layer_tiles	= new SortedList<int, List<tile>>();
            Bitmap bMap		= new Bitmap(width, height);
            Graphics gMap	= Graphics.FromImage(bMap);
            image tile_img, obj_img;
            string tS_tile	= "";
            TreeNode		found_node;

            toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Getting Objects...";

            t_node = FindNode(layer_node, "obj");
            for (i = 0; i < t_node.Nodes.Count; i++) {
                t_node2 = FindNode(t_node, i.ToString());

                if (t_node2 != null) {
                    found_node		= FindNode(t_node2, "x"); if (found_node != null) { x = (int)found_node.Tag; }
                    found_node		= FindNode(t_node2, "y"); if (found_node != null) { y = (int)found_node.Tag; }
                    found_node		= FindNode(t_node2, "z"); if (found_node != null) { z = (int)found_node.Tag; }
                    found_node		= FindNode(t_node2, "f"); if (found_node != null) { flipped = System.Convert.ToBoolean(found_node.Tag); }
                    string oS_obj	= (string)(FindNode(t_node2, "oS").Tag);
                    string l0_obj	= (string)(FindNode(t_node2, "l0").Tag);
                    string l1_obj	= (string)(FindNode(t_node2, "l1").Tag);
                    string l2_obj	= (string)(FindNode(t_node2, "l2").Tag);

                    obj_img			= FindImage("Map\\Obj\\" + oS_obj + ".img",treeView1.Nodes[0]);
                    object png_uol	= get_value(l0_obj + "\\" + l1_obj + "\\" + l2_obj + "\\0", obj_img);

                    PNG png;
                    if (png_uol.GetType().Name == "UOL") {
                        MessageBox.Show("UOL obj");
                        TreeNode uol_node		= FindNode(FindNode(FindNode(FindNode(obj_img.node, l0_obj), l1_obj), l2_obj), "0");
                        png						= (PNG)resolve_UOL((UOL)png_uol, uol_node).Tag;
                    else { png = (PNG)png_uol; }

                    found_node	= FindByFullPath(l0_obj + "\\" + l1_obj + "\\" + l2_obj + "\\0", obj_img.node);
                    found_node	= FindNode(found_node, "origin"); if (found_node != null) { v = (vector)found_node.Tag; }

                    if (z_layer_objects.ContainsKey(z)) {
                        z_layer_objects[z].Add(new tile(extract_png(png, f), x, y, v.x, v.y, flipped));
                    } else {
                        z_layer_objects.Add(z, new List<tile>());
                        z_layer_objects[z].Add(new tile(extract_png(png, f), x, y, v.x, v.y, flipped));

            toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Getting Tiles...";
            t_node = FindNode(layer_node, "info");
            if (t_node.Nodes.Count > 0) { tS_tile = (string)(FindNode(t_node, "tS").Tag); }

            t_node = FindNode(layer_node, "tile");
            if ((t_node.Nodes.Count > 0)) {
                for (i = 0; i < t_node.Nodes.Count; i++) {
                    t_node2 = FindNode(t_node, i.ToString());
                    if (t_node2 != null) {
                        found_node	= FindNode(t_node2, "x");	if (found_node != null) { x = (int)found_node.Tag; }
                        found_node	= FindNode(t_node2, "y");	if (found_node != null) { y = (int)found_node.Tag; }
                        found_node	= FindNode(t_node2, "zM");	if (found_node != null) { z = (int)found_node.Tag; }

                        string u_tile = "", no_tile = "";

                        found_node	= FindNode(t_node2, "u");	if (found_node != null) { u_tile	= (string)(found_node.Tag); }
                        found_node	= FindNode(t_node2, "no");	if (found_node != null) { no_tile	= found_node.Tag.ToString();}

                        tile_img	= FindImage("Map\\Tile\\" + tS_tile + ".img", treeView1.Nodes[0]);
                        PNG png		= (PNG)get_value(u_tile + "\\" + no_tile, tile_img);
                        found_node	= FindByFullPath(u_tile + "\\" + no_tile , tile_img.node);
                        found_node 	= FindNode(found_node, "origin"); if (found_node != null) { v = (vector)found_node.Tag; }

                        found_node	= FindByFullPath(u_tile + "\\" + no_tile, tile_img.node);
                        found_node 	= FindNode(found_node, "z");
                        if (found_node != null) { z += (int)found_node.Tag; }

                        if (z_layer_tiles.ContainsKey(z)) {
                            z_layer_tiles[z].Add(new tile(extract_png(png, f), x, y, v.x, v.y, flipped));
                        } else {
                            z_layer_tiles.Add(z, new List<tile>());
                            z_layer_tiles[z].Add(new tile(extract_png(png, f), x, y, v.x, v.y, flipped));

            toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Adding Objects";
            foreach (KeyValuePair<int, List<tile>> z_layer in z_layer_objects) {
                foreach (tile t in z_layer.Value) {
                    if (!t.flip) {
                        gMap.DrawImage(t.pic, t.x + centerX - t.ox, t.y + centerY - t.oy);
                    } else {
                        Bitmap flippedBmp = t.pic;
                        gMap.DrawImage(flippedBmp, t.x + centerX + t.ox - flippedBmp.Width, t.y + centerY - t.oy);

            toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Adding Tiles...";
            foreach (KeyValuePair<int, List<tile>> z_layer in z_layer_tiles) {
                foreach (tile t in z_layer.Value) {
                    if (!t.flip) {
                        gMap.DrawImage(t.pic, t.x + centerX - t.ox, t.y + centerY - t.oy);
                        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("set position X {0} {1}",t.x,t.ox));
                        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("set position Y {0} {1}", t.y, t.oy));
                        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("set map {0} {1}", centerX, centerY));
                    } else {
                        Bitmap flippedBmp = t.pic;
                        gMap.DrawImage(flippedBmp, t.x + centerX + t.ox - flippedBmp.Width, t.y + centerY - t.oy);

            return bMap;