private static DateTime CalculateDaily(this Schedule schedule, DateTime lastRunDateTime)
			var dt = schedule.CalculateSubDayInterval(lastRunDateTime);

			// Check to see if we need to roll to the next interval day
			if (dt.TimeOfDay > schedule.EndTime || dt.Day != lastRunDateTime.Day)
				lastRunDateTime = lastRunDateTime.AddDays(schedule.Interval);
				lastRunDateTime = lastRunDateTime.Date + schedule.StartTime;
				return lastRunDateTime;
				if (dt.TimeOfDay < schedule.StartTime)
					dt = dt.Date + schedule.StartTime;
				return dt;
		private static DateTime CalculateWeekly(this Schedule schedule, DateTime lastRunDateTime)
			var dt = schedule.CalculateSubDayInterval(lastRunDateTime);

			// Check to see if we need to roll to the next interval day
			if (dt.TimeOfDay > schedule.EndTime || dt.Day != lastRunDateTime.Day)
				lastRunDateTime = lastRunDateTime.Date + schedule.StartTime;

				// Assume we'll reach the end of the week without a match
				bool iswithinWeek = false;
				// Start iterations at the Current Day of the Week
				int i = (int)lastRunDateTime.DayOfWeek;
				//	Loop through the days of the Week
				while (i <= 6)
					//	Get the WeekDay Interval value from the given Day of the Week
					var wd = (WeeklyInterval)Enum.Parse(typeof(WeeklyInterval), dt.DayOfWeek.ToString(), true);
					//	use Bit wise & operator to determine of the weekday is within the interval
					if ((schedule.Interval & (int)wd) == 0)
						// No Match was found so Increment the interval to the next day.
						dt = dt.Add(TimeSpan.FromDays(1));
						// Match was found and we're still within this week, so no need to increment Week Interval
						iswithinWeek = true;

				if (schedule.RecurrenceFactor != 0 && iswithinWeek == false)
					// Increment the current date object by the number of weeks (7 days) until the first interval day is reached
					WeeklyInterval fid = GetFirstWeekDayDay(schedule.Interval);
					int wi = schedule.RecurrenceFactor * 7;

					// Increment the Current date object until we reach the end of the week (Sunday)
					// Add Week Interval value
					// Increment the Days until we reach the First selected Day of the week
					int dw = (((int)dt.DayOfWeek - 6) * -1) + wi;
					dt = dt.Add(TimeSpan.FromDays(dw));
					int j = 0;
					while (j < 6)
						if (fid == (WeeklyInterval)Enum.Parse(typeof(WeeklyInterval), dt.DayOfWeek.ToString(), true))
							dt = dt.Add(TimeSpan.FromDays(1));
				lastRunDateTime = dt;
			else // We haven't exceeded the end time range yet so increment the time and continue.
				lastRunDateTime = lastRunDateTime + dt.TimeOfDay;
			return lastRunDateTime;
		private static DateTime CalculateMonthlyRelative(this Schedule schedule, DateTime lastRunDateTime)
			var intrval = schedule.Interval;
			var endtime = schedule.EndTime;

			var subdayType = schedule.SubdayType;
			var subdayInterval = schedule.SubdayInterval;
			var dt = schedule.CalculateSubDayInterval(lastRunDateTime);

			var rst = dt.TimeOfDay;
			// Check to see if we need to roll to the next interval day
			if (rst > endtime || dt.Day != lastRunDateTime.Day)
				// Set the Next Run Time to the Active Start Time Value
				lastRunDateTime = lastRunDateTime + schedule.StartTime;

				//	How many months should be skipped
				var nmonths = schedule.RecurrenceFactor;

				var i = 0;
				while (i < nmonths)
					//	Calculate the number of days in a given month and increment the current dateTime object
					dt = dt.AddDays(((dt.Day - DateTime.DaysInMonth(dt.Year, dt.Month)) * -1) + 1);

				bool resultfound = false;
				//	Create Date Time Array to hold first/second/third/forth day of the week
				List<DateTime> daysofmonth = new List<DateTime>();
				//	Calculate the Monthly Interval
				DateTime _smp = dt;
				int s = 0;
				while (s < DateTime.DaysInMonth(_smp.Year, _smp.Month))
					WeeklyInterval wd = (WeeklyInterval)Enum.Parse(typeof(WeeklyInterval), _smp.DayOfWeek.ToString(), true);
					if ((intrval & (int)wd) != 0) // Non Zero results in a positive match
						switch ((RelativeInterval)schedule.RelativeInterval)
							case RelativeInterval.First:
								if (daysofmonth.Count == 1)
									resultfound = true;
							case RelativeInterval.Second:
								if (daysofmonth.Count == 2)
									resultfound = true;
							case RelativeInterval.Third:
								if (daysofmonth.Count == 3)
									resultfound = true;
							case RelativeInterval.Fourth:
								if (daysofmonth.Count == 4)
									resultfound = true;
					if (resultfound == true)
				// Calculate the Difference between the two days
				TimeSpan _datediff = _smp.Subtract(dt);
				// Add the Difference to the current time object
				dt = dt.Add(_datediff);
				// Set the Value
				lastRunDateTime = dt;
			else // We haven't exceeded the end time range yet so increment the time and continue.
				lastRunDateTime = lastRunDateTime + rst;
			return lastRunDateTime;