Ejemplo n.º 1
         * Calculate a checksum over a chain of pbufs (without pseudo-header, much like
         * lwip.inet_chksum only pbufs are used).
         * @param p pbuf chain over that the checksum should be calculated
         * @return checksum (as ushort) to be saved directly in the protocol header
        public static ushort inet_chksum_pbuf(pbuf p)
            uint acc;
            pbuf q;
            byte swapped;

            acc     = 0;
            swapped = 0;
            for (q = p; q != null; q = q.next)
                acc += LWIP_CHKSUM(q.payload, q.len);
                acc  = FOLD_U32T(acc);
                if (q.len % 2 != 0)
                    swapped = (byte)(1 - swapped);
                    acc     = SWAP_BYTES_IN_WORD((ushort)acc);

            if (swapped != 0)
                acc = SWAP_BYTES_IN_WORD((ushort)acc);
            return((ushort)~(acc & 0xffffUL));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        internal void input(pointer packet, int length, ip_addr srcn, ip_addr destn, byte proto)
            ip_addr src = new ip_addr(lwip.lwip_htonl(srcn.addr));
            ip_addr dest = new ip_addr(lwip.lwip_htonl(destn.addr));
            pbuf    p = pbuf_alloc(pbuf_layer.PBUF_RAW, (ushort)length, pbuf_type.PBUF_POOL);
            int     pos = 0, rest = length;

            for (pbuf q = p; q != null; q = q.next)
                int len = rest;
                if (len > q.len)
                    len = q.len;

                pointer.memcpy(q.payload, new pointer(packet, pos), len);
                pos  += len;
                rest -= len;

            if (ip_input(p, src, dest, proto) != err_t.ERR_OK)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        internal err_t output(lwip ip, pbuf p, ip_addr src, ip_addr dest, byte ttl, byte tos, byte proto)
            int pos = 0, rest = p.tot_len;

            byte[]  packet = new byte[rest];
            ip_addr srch   = new ip_addr(lwip_ntohl(src.addr));
            ip_addr desth  = new ip_addr(lwip_ntohl(dest.addr));

            for (pbuf q = p; q != null; q = q.next)
                int len = rest;
                if (len > q.len)
                    len = q.len;

                Buffer.BlockCopy(q.payload.data, q.payload.offset, packet, pos, len);
                pos  += len;
                rest -= len;

            m_output(ip, packet, srch, desth, proto);

Ejemplo n.º 4
        internal void input(byte[] packet, ip_addr srcn, ip_addr destn, byte proto)
            ip_addr src = new ip_addr(lwip.lwip_htonl(srcn.addr));
            ip_addr dest = new ip_addr(lwip.lwip_htonl(destn.addr));
            pbuf    p = lwip.pbuf_alloc(pbuf_layer.PBUF_RAW, (ushort)packet.Length, pbuf_type.PBUF_POOL);
            int     pos = 0, rest = packet.Length;

            for (pbuf q = p; q != null; q = q.next)
                int len = rest;
                if (len > q.len)
                    len = q.len;

                Buffer.BlockCopy(packet, pos, q.payload.data, q.payload.offset, len);
                pos  += len;
                rest -= len;

            if (lwip.ip.ip_input(p, src, dest, proto, this) != err_t.ERR_OK)
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public ER NetworkToHost(pbuf pk_data)
            if (pk_data == null)


            if (m_RecvTaskQueue.First != null)
                Task task = m_RecvTaskQueue.First.Value;

                if (!task.ReleaseWait())
                m_ctcp.callback(m_CepID, FN.TFN_TCP_RCV_DAT, null);

Ejemplo n.º 6
         * Simple interface to ip_output_if. It finds the outgoing network
         * interface and calls upon ip_output_if to do the actual work.
         * @param p the packet to send (p.payload points to the data, e.g. next
         *                      protocol header; if dest == ip.IP_HDRINCL, p already includes an IP
         *                      header and p.payload points to that IP header)
         * @param src the source IP address to send from (if src == IP_ADDR_ANY, the
         *         IP  address of the netif used to send is used as source address)
         * @param dest the destination IP address to send the packet to
         * @param ttl the TTL value to be set in the IP header
         * @param tos the TOS value to be set in the IP header
         * @param proto the PROTOCOL to be set in the IP header
         * @return err_t.ERR_RTE if no route is found
         *         see ip_output_if() for more return values
        public err_t ip_output(pbuf p, ip_addr src, ip_addr dest,
                               byte ttl, byte tos, byte proto)
            /* pbufs passed to IP must have a @ref-count of 1 as their payload pointer
             * gets altered as the packet is passed down the stack */
            lwip.LWIP_ASSERT("p.ref == 1", p.@ref == 1);

            return(ip_output_if(p, src, dest, ttl, tos, proto));
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /* lwip.inet_chksum_pseudo:
         * Calculates the pseudo Internet checksum used by TCP and UDP for a pbuf chain.
         * IP addresses are expected to be in network byte order.
         * @param p chain of pbufs over that a checksum should be calculated (ip data part)
         * @param src source ip address (used for checksum of pseudo header)
         * @param dst destination ip address (used for checksum of pseudo header)
         * @param proto ip protocol (used for checksum of pseudo header)
         * @param proto_len length of the ip data part (used for checksum of pseudo header)
         * @return checksum (as ushort) to be saved directly in the protocol header
        public static ushort inet_chksum_pseudo_partial(pbuf p,
                                                        ip_addr src, ip_addr dest,
                                                        byte proto, ushort proto_len, ushort chksum_len)
            uint   acc;
            uint   addr;
            pbuf   q;
            byte   swapped;
            ushort chklen;

            acc     = 0;
            swapped = 0;
            /* iterate through all pbuf in chain */
            for (q = p; (q != null) && (chksum_len > 0); q = q.next)
                lwip.LWIP_DEBUGF(opt.INET_DEBUG, "inet_chksum_pseudo(): checksumming pbuf {0} (has next {1}) \n",
                                 q, q.next);
                chklen = q.len;
                if (chklen > chksum_len)
                    chklen = chksum_len;
                acc        += LWIP_CHKSUM(q.payload, chklen);
                chksum_len -= chklen;
                lwip.LWIP_ASSERT("delete me", chksum_len < 0x7fff);
                /*lwip.LWIP_DEBUGF(opt.INET_DEBUG, "inet_chksum_pseudo(): unwrapped lwip_chksum()={0} \n", acc);*/
                /* fold the upper bit down */
                acc = FOLD_U32T(acc);
                if (q.len % 2 != 0)
                    swapped = (byte)(1 - swapped);
                    acc     = SWAP_BYTES_IN_WORD((ushort)acc);
                /*lwip.LWIP_DEBUGF(opt.INET_DEBUG, "inet_chksum_pseudo(): wrapped lwip_chksum()={0} \n", acc);*/

            if (swapped != 0)
                acc = SWAP_BYTES_IN_WORD((ushort)acc);
            addr = ip_addr.ip4_addr_get_u32(src);
            acc += (addr & 0xffffU);
            acc += ((addr >> 16) & 0xffffU);
            addr = ip_addr.ip4_addr_get_u32(dest);
            acc += (addr & 0xffffU);
            acc += ((addr >> 16) & 0xffffU);
            acc += (uint)lwip.lwip_htons((ushort)proto);
            acc += (uint)lwip.lwip_htons(proto_len);

            /* Fold 32-bit sum to 16 bits
             * calling this twice is propably faster than if statements... */
            acc = FOLD_U32T(acc);
            acc = FOLD_U32T(acc);
            lwip.LWIP_DEBUGF(opt.INET_DEBUG, "inet_chksum_pseudo(): pbuf chain lwip_chksum()={0}\n", acc);
            return((ushort)~(acc & 0xffffUL));
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private int CopyRecvData(pointer p_data, int len)
            int  spos = 0, rest = len;
            int  dpos = m_RecvPos;
            pbuf buf = m_RecvPBuf;
            pbuf p = m_RecvPBufPos, q;

                for (q = p; q != null; q = q.next, dpos = 0)
                    int tmp = dpos + rest;
                    if (tmp > q.len)
                        tmp = q.len;
                    tmp -= dpos;

                    pointer.memcpy(p_data + spos, q.payload + dpos, tmp);
                    spos += tmp;
                    dpos += tmp;
                    rest -= tmp;
                    if (rest == 0)
                        if (dpos == q.len)
                            q    = q.next;
                            dpos = 0;
                            if (q == null)
                                if (buf != null)
                                buf = p = (m_RecvDataQueue.Count > 0) ? m_RecvDataQueue.Dequeue() : null;
                        goto end;
                if (buf != null)
                buf = p = (m_RecvDataQueue.Count > 0) ? m_RecvDataQueue.Dequeue() : null;
            } while (p != null);

            m_RecvPBuf    = buf;
            m_RecvPBufPos = p;
            m_RecvPos     = dpos;

Ejemplo n.º 9
        public static ushort inet6_chksum_pseudo(pbuf p, ip6_addr src, ip6_addr dest, byte proto, ushort proto_len)
            uint acc;
            pbuf q;
            byte swapped;

            acc     = 0;
            swapped = 0;
            /* iterate through all pbuf in chain */
            for (q = p; q != null; q = q.next)
                lwip.LWIP_DEBUGF(opt.INET_DEBUG, "_inet_chksum.inet_chksum_pseudo(): checksumming pbuf {0} (has next {1}) \n",
                                 q.GetHashCode(), q.next == null ? 0 : q.next.GetHashCode());
                acc += LWIP_CHKSUM(q, q.len);
                /*lwip.LWIP_DEBUGF(opt.INET_DEBUG, "_inet_chksum.inet_chksum_pseudo(): unwrapped lwip_chksum()={0} \n", acc);*/

                /* just executing this next line is probably faster that the if statement needed
                 * to check whether we really need to execute it, and does no harm */
                acc = FOLD_U32T(acc);
                if (q.len % 2 != 0)
                    swapped = (byte)(1 - swapped);
                    acc     = SWAP_BYTES_IN_WORD((ushort)acc);
                /*lwip.LWIP_DEBUGF(opt.INET_DEBUG, "_inet_chksum.inet_chksum_pseudo(): wrapped lwip_chksum()={0} \n", acc);*/

            if (swapped != 0)
                acc = SWAP_BYTES_IN_WORD((ushort)acc);
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                acc += lwip_htons(src.saddr[i]);
                acc += lwip_htons(dest.saddr[i]);
                while ((acc >> 16) != 0)
                    acc = (acc & 0xffff) + (acc >> 16);
            acc += (uint)lwip_htons((ushort)proto);
            acc += (uint)lwip_htons(proto_len);

            /* Fold 32-bit sum to 16 bits
             * calling this twice is propably faster than if statements... */
            acc = FOLD_U32T(acc);
            acc = FOLD_U32T(acc);
            lwip.LWIP_DEBUGF(opt.INET_DEBUG, "_inet_chksum.inet_chksum_pseudo(): pbuf chain lwip_chksum()={0}\n", acc);
            return((ushort)~(acc & 0xffffU));
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /* lwip.inet_chksum_pseudo:
         * Calculates the pseudo Internet checksum used by TCP and UDP for a pbuf chain.
         * IP addresses are expected to be in network byte order.
         * @param p chain of pbufs over that a checksum should be calculated (ip data part)
         * @param src source ip address (used for checksum of pseudo header)
         * @param dst destination ip address (used for checksum of pseudo header)
         * @param proto ip protocol (used for checksum of pseudo header)
         * @param proto_len length of the ip data part (used for checksum of pseudo header)
         * @return checksum (as ushort) to be saved directly in the protocol header
        public static ushort inet_chksum_pseudo(pbuf p, ip_addr src, ip_addr dest,
                                                byte proto, ushort proto_len)
            uint acc;
            uint addr;
            pbuf q;
            byte swapped;

            acc     = 0;
            swapped = 0;
            /* iterate through all pbuf in chain */
            for (q = p; q != null; q = q.next)
                lwip.LWIP_DEBUGF(opt.INET_DEBUG, "inet_chksum_pseudo(): checksumming pbuf {0} (has next {1}) \n",
                                 q, q.next);
                acc += LWIP_CHKSUM(q.payload, q.len);
                /*lwip.LWIP_DEBUGF(opt.INET_DEBUG, "inet_chksum_pseudo(): unwrapped lwip_chksum()={0} \n", acc);*/

                /* just executing this next line is probably faster that the if statement needed
                 * to check whether we really need to execute it, and does no harm */
                acc = FOLD_U32T(acc);
                if (q.len % 2 != 0)
                    swapped = (byte)(1 - swapped);
                    acc     = SWAP_BYTES_IN_WORD((ushort)acc);
                /*lwip.LWIP_DEBUGF(opt.INET_DEBUG, "inet_chksum_pseudo(): wrapped lwip_chksum()={0} \n", acc);*/

            if (swapped != 0)
                acc = SWAP_BYTES_IN_WORD((ushort)acc);
            addr = ip_addr.ip4_addr_get_u32(src);
            acc += (addr & 0xffffU);
            acc += ((addr >> 16) & 0xffffU);
            addr = ip_addr.ip4_addr_get_u32(dest);
            acc += (addr & 0xffffU);
            acc += ((addr >> 16) & 0xffffU);
            acc += (uint)lwip.lwip_htons((ushort)proto);
            acc += (uint)lwip.lwip_htons(proto_len);

            /* Fold 32-bit sum to 16 bits
             * calling this twice is propably faster than if statements... */
            acc = FOLD_U32T(acc);
            acc = FOLD_U32T(acc);
            lwip.LWIP_DEBUGF(opt.INET_DEBUG, "inet_chksum_pseudo(): pbuf chain lwip_chksum()={0}\n", acc);
            return((ushort)~(acc & 0xffffU));
Ejemplo n.º 11
        internal void copy_from(tcp_seg seg)
            this.next = seg.next;
            this.p    = seg.p;
            this.len  = seg.len;
            this.oversize_left = seg.oversize_left;
            this.chksum         = seg.chksum;
            this.chksum_swapped = seg.chksum_swapped;
            this.flags  = seg.flags;
            this.tcphdr = seg.tcphdr;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        private static int CopyToPBuf(pbuf dst, pointer src, int len)
            int pos = 0, rest = len;

            for (pbuf q = dst; q != null; q = q.next)
                int tmp = rest;
                if (tmp > q.len)
                    tmp = q.len;

                pointer.memcpy(q.payload, src + pos, tmp);

                pos  += tmp;
                rest -= tmp;

Ejemplo n.º 13
        private static err_t RecvData(object arg, tcp_pcb tpcb, pbuf p, err_t err)
            TcpCep _this = (TcpCep)arg;

            if (p == null)

            if (err != err_t.ERR_OK)


            _this.m_lwIP.tcp.tcp_recved(tpcb, p.tot_len);

Ejemplo n.º 14
        private void recv(object arg, udp_pcb pcb, pbuf p, ip6_addr addr, ushort port)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((arg == this) && (pcb == m_Pcb));
            pointer  data      = new pointer(new byte[sizeof(ushort) + T_IPV6EP.length + p.tot_len], 0);
            T_IPV6EP p_dstaddr = new T_IPV6EP(data, sizeof(ushort));
            pointer  p_dat     = new pointer(data, sizeof(ushort) + T_IPV6EP.length);

            pointer.memcpy(p_dstaddr.ipaddr, addr, T_IPV6ADDR.length);
            p_dstaddr.portno = lwip.lwip_ntohs(port);

            for (pbuf q = p; q != null; q = q.next)
                pointer.memcpy(p_dat, q.payload, q.len);
                p_dat += q.len;

            lock (m_CallBack) {

            SetState(true, TMO.TMO_POL, null, OnTimeOut);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public ER SendData(T_IPV6EP p_dstaddr, pointer p_dat, int len, TMO tmout)
            pbuf     buf;
            ip6_addr addr = new ip6_addr(p_dstaddr.ipaddr);

            buf = m_lwIP.pbuf_alloc(pbuf_layer.PBUF_TRANSPORT, (ushort)len, pbuf_type.PBUF_POOL);
            if (buf == null)

            int pos = 0;

            for (pbuf q = buf; q != null; q = q.next)
                pointer.memcpy(q.payload, new pointer(p_dat, pos), q.len);
                pos += q.len;

            //m_lwIP.udp.udp_sendto(m_Pcb, buf, addr, p_dstaddr.portno);

Ejemplo n.º 16
        internal err_t ip_input(pbuf p, ip_addr src, ip_addr dest, byte proto)

            /* copy IP addresses to aligned ip_addr */
            ip_addr.ip_addr_copy(current_iphdr_dest, dest);
            ip_addr.ip_addr_copy(current_iphdr_src, src);

            /* broadcast or multicast packet source address? Compliant with RFC 1122: */
            /* DHCP servers need to be allowed as source address (RFC */
            if (check_ip_src != 0 && !ip_addr.ip_addr_isany(ip.current_iphdr_src))
                if ((ip_addr.ip_addr_isbroadcast(current_iphdr_src, this)) ||
                    /* packet source is not valid */
                    lwip.LWIP_DEBUGF(opt.IP_DEBUG | lwip.LWIP_DBG_TRACE | lwip.LWIP_DBG_LEVEL_WARNING, "ip_input: packet source is not valid.\n");
                    /* free (drop) packet pbufs */

            /* send to upper layers */
            lwip.LWIP_DEBUGF(opt.IP_DEBUG, "ip_input: \n");
            lwip.LWIP_DEBUGF(opt.IP_DEBUG, "ip_input: p.len {0} p.tot_len {1}\n", p.len, p.tot_len);

            //lwip.current_header = iphdr;

            /* raw input did not eat the packet? */
            if (raw.raw_input(p, inp) == 0)
#endif // LWIP_RAW
                switch (proto)
                case lwip.IP_PROTO_UDP:
                case lwip.IP_PROTO_UDPLITE:
#endif // LWIP_UDPLITE
                    udp.udp_input(p, this, proto == lwip.IP_PROTO_UDPLITE);
#endif // LWIP_UDP
                case lwip.IP_PROTO_TCP:
                    tcp.tcp_input(p, this);
#endif // LWIP_TCP
                case lwip.IP_PROTO_ICMP:
                    lwip.icmp.icmp_input(p, inp);
#endif // LWIP_ICMP
                case lwip.IP_PROTO_IGMP:
                    lwip.igmp.igmp_input(p, inp, lwip.current_iphdr_dest);
#endif // LWIP_IGMP
                    /* send ICMP destination protocol unreachable unless is was a broadcast */
                    if (!ip_addr.ip_addr_isbroadcast(lwip.current_iphdr_dest, inp) &&
                        p.payload = iphdr;
                        lwip.icmp.icmp_dest_unreach(p, icmp_dur_type.ICMP_DUR_PROTO);
#endif // LWIP_ICMP

                    LWIP_DEBUGF(opt.IP_DEBUG | LWIP_DBG_LEVEL_SERIOUS, "Unsupported transport protocol {0}\n", proto);


            //lwip.current_header = null;

Ejemplo n.º 17
        internal static err_t output(netif netif, pbuf p, ip_addr src, ip_addr dest, byte proto)
            int pos = 0, rest = p.tot_len;
            byte[] packet = new byte[rest];
            ip_addr srch = new ip_addr(lwip.lwip_ntohl(src.addr));
            ip_addr desth = new ip_addr(lwip.lwip_ntohl(dest.addr));

            for (pbuf q = p; q != null; q = q.next)
                int len = rest;
                if (len > q.len)
                    len = q.len;

                Buffer.BlockCopy(q.payload.data, q.payload.offset, packet, pos, len);
                pos += len;
                rest -= len;

            netif.m_output(netif, packet, srch, desth, proto);

            return err_t.ERR_OK;