Ejemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Used from regulation modules to add a new local output neuron connected
 /// to the regulatory neuron of the module we are adding. Also creates
 /// connections from local inputs to the new local output.
 /// </summary>
 public void AskAddModuleToRegModule(UIvariables uiVar, newLink localOutInfo)
         _ea.GenomeList, baseFilesPath, experiment_name, uiVar, localOutInfo);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    /// <summary>
    /// Make this the active module if it is not already.
    /// If the module has basic regulation it is also (provisionally) made
    /// the only active module (children left normal). This is so during evolution
    /// only the behaviour of this module is shown, with no interference.
    /// </summary>
    protected void EvolveContinue(List <int> childrenId)
        if (!isActive)
            // This will be a new evolutionary process, so we need to set this
            // module as the active module in the genome!

        // If this module uses basic regulation, then we set it as the only
        // active module! (its children will also remain active!)
        // CAUTION!
        newLink newRegulation = new newLink();

        // Regulation from bias
        newRegulation.otherNeuron = 0;
        // With weight 1
        newRegulation.weight = 1.0;
        // Takes the ID following that of the regulatory neuron
        newRegulation.id = regulatoryId + 1;

        uiManager.MakeOnlyActiveMod(moduleId, newRegulation, childrenId);

Ejemplo n.º 3
    /// <summary>
    /// Adds a new connection to the regulation list (from a given input, with
    /// a desired weight). As of this version this method does not work
    /// with other inputs (only global input neurons not, for example,
    /// local output neurons as regulation sources).
    /// </summary>
    public void AddInputToReg(int newInput, double newWeight)
        newLink auxLink = new newLink();

        // Bias (0) will take id = reg + 1, input 1 will take reg + 2 and so on.
        auxLink.id = regulatoryId + (uint)newInput + 1;
        // For basic regulation, source neuron Id = source neuron Index
        // (if this changes, we will need to be sure to find the Id first!)
        auxLink.otherNeuron = (uint)newInput;
        auxLink.weight      = newWeight;

Ejemplo n.º 4
    /// <summary>
    /// Sets a new weight for all output connections.
    /// </summary>
    public void newOutputWeightBasic(double newWeight)
        for (int i = 0; i < localOutputList.Count; ++i)
            newLink auxLink = localOutputList[i];
            auxLink.weight     = newWeight;
            localOutputList[i] = auxLink;
        // Returns the new values back to UImanager
        uiManager.GetNewOutputConnectionList(moduleId, localOutputList);

        // We record this action:
        uiManager.WriteToRecord("New weights for " + moduleId + " now: " + newWeight.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 5
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates the new element for the local output and adds it to the list.
    /// The new local output will link with the regulatory neuron of the other
    /// module. This is notified to UImanager, which invokes EspGenomeFactory
    /// so this connection is actually created in the genome.
    /// </summary>
    void UpdateLocalOutAndNotify()
        newLink newLocalOut = new newLink();

        newLocalOut.otherNeuron = otherModule.GetComponent <ModuleController>().RegulatoryId;
        newLocalOut.weight      = 1.0;

        uint lastLocalOutId;
        int  lastLocalOutindex;

        if (uiManager.Genome.NeuronGeneList.FindLastLocalOut(moduleId,
                                                             out lastLocalOutindex))
            lastLocalOutId = uiManager.Genome.NeuronGeneList[lastLocalOutindex].Id;

            if (modulesContained > 1)
                // Our new local output neuron will take the index of the last
                // + 2, and + 1 for the protected connection, which comes first
                newLocalOut.id = lastLocalOutId + 1;
                // If modulesContained == 1, this is the first module we are adding,
                // and the ID for the connection is the ID of the local output
                // neuron, - 1.
                newLocalOut.id = lastLocalOutId - 1;

            // Call add

            // Before leaving we add the information of this connection to the
            // input-to-regulation list of the other module. Note that this
            // connection (coming from a local output instead of an input or
            // bias neuron) will be disregarded in factory, but it can be very
            // useful for the interface.
            // We need to change the "otherNeuron" field, because in the other
            // module we need the source of the connection, not the target!
            newLocalOut.otherNeuron = newLocalOut.id + 1;
            otherModule.GetComponent <ModuleController>().
            // TODO: Notify error!
            Debug.Log("Could not find local out neuron. RegModuleController.");