Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static ulong AddHatchImageToFigure(vdDocument activeDocument, Vertexes vertexs, string toolTip, string imagePath, double hatchScale, vdXProperties xProperties)
            //We will create a vdPolyline object and add it to the Active Layout which is the basic Model Layout always existing in a Document.
            VectorDraw.Professional.vdFigures.vdPolyline onepoly = new VectorDraw.Professional.vdFigures.vdPolyline();
            //We set the document where the polyline is going to be added.This is important for the vdPolyline in order to obtain initial properties with setDocumentDefaults.
            onepoly.ToolTip = toolTip;
            if (null != xProperties && xProperties.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < xProperties.Count; i++)

            onepoly.VertexList = vertexs;
            onepoly.Flag       = VectorDraw.Professional.Constants.VdConstPlineFlag.PlFlagCLOSE;

            //Initialize the hatch properties object.
            onepoly.HatchProperties = new VectorDraw.Professional.vdObjects.vdHatchProperties();
            //And change it's properties
            onepoly.HatchProperties.FillMode     = VectorDraw.Professional.Constants.VdConstFill.VdFillModeImage;
            onepoly.HatchProperties.HatchScale   = hatchScale;
            onepoly.HatchProperties.DrawBoundary = false;
            string path = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath) + "\\" + imagePath;

            onepoly.HatchProperties.HatchImage = activeDocument.Images.Add(path);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void AddAreaHatch(vdDocument activeDocument, LJJSHatch ljjsHatch, Vertexes fillArea)
            if (null == fillArea || fillArea.Count < 3)
            //We will create a vdPolyline object and add it to the Active Layout which is the basic Model Layout always existing in a Document.
            VectorDraw.Professional.vdFigures.vdPolyline onepoly = new VectorDraw.Professional.vdFigures.vdPolyline();
            //We set the document where the polyline is going to be added.This is important for the vdPolyline in order to obtain initial properties with setDocumentDefaults.

            //The two previus steps are important if a vdFigure object is going to be added to a document.
            //Now we will change some properties of the polyline.
            onepoly.VertexList = fillArea;

            onepoly.Flag = VectorDraw.Professional.Constants.VdConstPlineFlag.PlFlagCLOSE;
            //  onepoly.SPlineFlag = VectorDraw.Professional.Constants.VdConstSplineFlag.SFlagQUADRATIC;

            onepoly.PenColor.SystemColor = Color.FromArgb(ljjsHatch.PenColor);
            //Now we will change the hacth properties of this polyline.Hatch propertis have all curve figures(circle,arc,ellipse,rect,polyline).
            //Initialize the hatch properties object.
            onepoly.HatchProperties = new VectorDraw.Professional.vdObjects.vdHatchProperties();
            //And change it's properties
            onepoly.HatchProperties.FillMode = ConvertToVDFillMode(ljjsHatch.FillMode);

            if (ljjsHatch.FillMode.Equals(LJJSFillMode.ModeHatchPattern))
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ljjsHatch.HatchPattern))
                    onepoly.HatchProperties.HatchPattern = activeDocument.HatchPatterns.FindName(ljjsHatch.HatchPattern);
            if (ljjsHatch.FillMode.Equals(LJJSFillMode.ModeHatchBlock))
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ljjsHatch.HatchBlk))
                    onepoly.HatchProperties.HatchBlock = activeDocument.Blocks.FindName(ljjsHatch.HatchBlk);

            onepoly.HatchProperties.FillColor.SystemColor   = Color.FromArgb(ljjsHatch.FillColor);
            onepoly.HatchProperties.FillBkColor.SystemColor = Color.FromArgb(ljjsHatch.FillBKColor);
            onepoly.HatchProperties.DrawBoundary            = ljjsHatch.IsDrawBoundary;
            onepoly.HatchProperties.HatchScale = ljjsHatch.HatchScale;
            onepoly.PenColor.SystemColor       = Color.FromArgb(ljjsHatch.PenColor);
            onepoly.PenWidth = ljjsHatch.PenWidth;

            //Now we will add this object to the Entities collection of the Model Layout(ActiveLayout).
            //gPoint g1 = new gPoint(0, 0);
            //gPoint g2 = new gPoint(0, 10);
            //activeDocument.ActiveLayOut.ZoomWindow(g1ff,g2 );
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static ulong AddHatchToFigure(vdDocument activeDocument, Vertexes vertexs, int lineColor, int hatchColor, VdConstSplineFlag splineFlag)
            if (null == vertexs || vertexs.Count < 3)

            //We will create a vdPolyline object and add it to the Active Layout which is the basic Model Layout always existing in a Document.
            VectorDraw.Professional.vdFigures.vdPolyline onepoly = new VectorDraw.Professional.vdFigures.vdPolyline();
            //We set the document where the polyline is going to be added.This is important for the vdPolyline in order to obtain initial properties with setDocumentDefaults.

            //The two previus steps are important if a vdFigure object is going to be added to a document.
            //Now we will change some properties of the polyline.
            onepoly.VertexList = vertexs;

            onepoly.Flag = VectorDraw.Professional.Constants.VdConstPlineFlag.PlFlagCLOSE;
            //  onepoly.SPlineFlag = VectorDraw.Professional.Constants.VdConstSplineFlag.SFlagQUADRATIC;
            onepoly.SPlineFlag = splineFlag;   //相当于上一句话

            onepoly.PenColor.SystemColor = Color.FromArgb(lineColor);
            //onepoly.PenColor.SystemColor = Color.Yellow;

            //Now we will change the hacth properties of this polyline.Hatch propertis have all curve figures(circle,arc,ellipse,rect,polyline).
            //Initialize the hatch properties object.
            onepoly.HatchProperties = new VectorDraw.Professional.vdObjects.vdHatchProperties();
            //And change it's properties
            onepoly.HatchProperties.FillMode = VectorDraw.Professional.Constants.VdConstFill.VdFillModeSolid;
            onepoly.HatchProperties.FillColor.SystemColor = Color.FromArgb(hatchColor);
            //onepoly.HatchProperties.FillColor.ColorIndex = 122;

            //Now we will add this object to the Entities collection of the Model Layout(ActiveLayout).

            //    gPoint gp1 = new gPoint(vertexs[0].x, vertexs[0].y);
            //    gPoint gp2 = new gPoint(vertexs[2].x, vertexs[2].y);
            //     activeDocument.ActiveLayOut.ZoomWindow(gp1,gp2 );

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static ulong BuildSpineWithSolidHatch(vdDocument activeDocument, Vertexes vertexs, VdConstPlineFlag pLineFlag, VdConstSplineFlag spLineFlag, int hatchColor, string toolTip)
            VectorDraw.Professional.vdFigures.vdPolyline onepoly = new VectorDraw.Professional.vdFigures.vdPolyline();
            //We set the document where the polyline is going to be added.This is important for the vdPolyline in order to obtain initial properties with setDocumentDefaults.

            onepoly.VertexList           = vertexs;
            onepoly.ToolTip              = toolTip;
            onepoly.Flag                 = pLineFlag;
            onepoly.SPlineFlag           = spLineFlag;
            onepoly.PenColor.SystemColor = Color.FromArgb(hatchColor);
            //Now we will change the hacth properties of this polyline.Hatch propertis have all curve figures(circle,arc,ellipse,rect,polyline).
            //Initialize the hatch properties object.
            onepoly.HatchProperties = new VectorDraw.Professional.vdObjects.vdHatchProperties();
            //And change it's properties
            onepoly.HatchProperties.FillMode = VectorDraw.Professional.Constants.VdConstFill.VdFillModeSolid;
            onepoly.HatchProperties.FillColor.SystemColor = Color.FromArgb(hatchColor);

            //Now we will add this object to the Entities collection of the Model Layout(ActiveLayout).
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static ulong CommonPolyLine(vdDocument activeDocument, List <gPoint> polyLineLst, double penWidth, Color color)
            VectorDraw.Professional.vdFigures.vdPolyline onepoly = new VectorDraw.Professional.vdFigures.vdPolyline();
            onepoly.PenWidth = penWidth;
            vdColor LineColor = new vdColor(color);

            onepoly.PenColor = LineColor;

            if (polyLineLst != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < polyLineLst.Count; i++)
                    onepoly.VertexList.Add(new gPoint(polyLineLst[i].x, polyLineLst[i].y));