        public void modify()
            if (mInputTriangleBuffer == null)
                OGRE_EXCEPT("Exception::ERR_INVALID_STATE", "Input triangle buffer must be set", "__FUNCTION__");
            //for (List<TriangleBuffer.Vertex>.Enumerator it = mInputTriangleBuffer.getVertices().begin(); it != mInputTriangleBuffer.getVertices().end(); ++it)
            foreach (var it in mInputTriangleBuffer.getVertices())
                Vector3 input = it.mPosition.NormalisedCopy;
                Vector3 v     = new Vector3();
                Radian  r     = new Radian();
                if (input.y > 0)
                    Vector3.UNIT_Y.GetRotationTo(input).ToAngleAxis(out r, out v);
                    Vector3.NEGATIVE_UNIT_Y.GetRotationTo(input).ToAngleAxis(out r, out v);
                Vector2 v2 = new Vector2(input.x, input.z);
                Vector2 uv = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f) + 0.5f * (r / Math.HALF_PI).ValueRadians * v2;

                if (input.y > 0)
                    it.mUV = Utils.reframe(mTextureRectangleTop, uv);
                    it.mUV = Utils.reframe(mTextureRectangleBottom, uv);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override void OnCollision(GameObject _otherObj)

            // Circle Collision
            // Calculate reflection
            // Push objects apart
            // Change Direction
            m_LocalTransform.m7 = m_PreviousPos.x;
            m_LocalTransform.m8 = m_PreviousPos.y;

            Vector2 normal = GetGlobalPosition() - _otherObj.GetGlobalPosition();


            Vector2 reflection = -1.0f * m_Velocity;

            m_Velocity = reflection;


            DrawText("Reflect X : " + reflection.x.ToString(), 50, 100, 16, RLColor.RED);
            DrawText("Reflect Y : " + reflection.y.ToString(), 50, 130, 16, RLColor.RED);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ret"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static float Normalize(Vector2 ret)
            //float fLength = Utility.Sqrt(ret.x * ret.x + ret.y * ret.y);

            //// Will also work for zero-sized vectors, but will change nothing
            //if (fLength > 1e-08)
            //    float fInvLength = 1.0f / fLength;
            //    ret.x *= fInvLength;
            //    ret.y *= fInvLength;

            //return fLength;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private static void NudgeTowers(MapSegment segment)
            List <int> [] groups = Utils.GroupTowers(segment, Constants.nudging_distance_threshold);

            foreach (List <int> group in groups.Where(x => x.Count >= 2))
                Tower [] towers = group
                                  .Select(x => segment.towers [x])

                Vector2 centre = Tower.Centre(towers);

                if (towers.Length == 2)
                    if (!towers [0].map_position.Equals(towers [1].map_position))
                        foreach (Tower tower in towers)
                            tower.map_position = centre + (tower.map_position - centre).normalised * (Constants.nudged_distance / 2);
                        Vector2 direction = Vector2.one;


                        towers [0].map_position = centre + direction * (Constants.nudged_distance / 2);
                        towers [1].map_position = centre - direction * (Constants.nudged_distance / 2);
                    Console.WriteLine("!!!!!!! MORE THAN TWO TOWERS NOT IMPLEMENTED !!!!!");
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public override void Update(float _deltatime)
            m_MousePosition  = GetMousePosition().ToVector2();
            currentGlobalPos = GetGlobalPosition();
            targetDirection  = m_MousePosition - currentGlobalPos;

            float rotation = 0.0f;

            if (IsKeyDown(KeyboardKey.KEY_RIGHT))
                rotation += m_TurretTurnSpeed * _deltatime;
            if (IsKeyDown(KeyboardKey.KEY_LEFT))
                rotation -= m_TurretTurnSpeed * _deltatime;

            if (IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_SPACE))

            Matrix3 rotationMatrix = new Matrix3();


            m_LocalTransform = m_LocalTransform * rotationMatrix;



Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void ResolveCollision(CollisionComp colliderA, CollisionComp colliderB)
            RidgedBodyComp objectA     = colliderA.gameObject.getComponent <RidgedBodyComp>() as RidgedBodyComp;
            RidgedBodyComp objectB     = colliderB.gameObject.getComponent <RidgedBodyComp>() as RidgedBodyComp;
            Vector2        relVelocity = objectB.GetVelocity() - objectA.GetVelocity();
            Vector2        normal      = relVelocity.Normalise();

            float velByNormal = relVelocity.DotProduct(normal);

            //do not resolve if moving away from each other
            if (velByNormal < 0)
            Vector2 tempnorm;//= (objectA.gameObject.GetTransform().Position - objectB.gameObject.GetTransform().Position).Normalise();

            //Console.WriteLine("X: " + tempnorm.X + " Y: " + tempnorm.Y);

            minPosA = (colliderA as BoundingBoxComp).min + colliderA.gameObject.GetTransform().Position;
            maxPosA = (colliderA as BoundingBoxComp).max + colliderA.gameObject.GetTransform().Position;
            minPosB = (colliderB as BoundingBoxComp).min + colliderB.gameObject.GetTransform().Position;
            maxPosB = (colliderB as BoundingBoxComp).max + colliderB.gameObject.GetTransform().Position;

            xAxisleft  = minPosA.X - maxPosB.X;
            xAxisRight = maxPosA.X - minPosB.X;

            yAxisUp   = minPosA.Y - maxPosB.Y;
            yAxisDown = maxPosA.Y - minPosB.Y;

            maxY     = Math.Max(yAxisDown, yAxisUp);
            maxX     = Math.Max(xAxisleft, xAxisRight);
            tempnorm = new Vector2(1, 1);
            if (maxY > maxX)
                tempnorm.X = -1;
                tempnorm.Y = -1;

            // if (tempnorm.Y !=1)
            //     if (tempnorm.Y < 0 || tempnorm.Y > 0)
            // {
            //     tempnorm.Y = -1;
            // }
            // if(tempnorm.X != 1)
            //if (tempnorm.X < 0 || tempnorm.X > 0)
            // {
            //     tempnorm.X = -1;
            // }

            objectA.velocity.X = objectA.velocity.X * tempnorm.X;
            objectA.velocity.Y = objectA.velocity.Y * tempnorm.Y;

            /*  float epsilon = Math.Min(objectA.restitution, objectB.restitution);
             * float impulseScalar = -(1 + epsilon) * velByNormal;
             * impulseScalar /= objectA.GetInvMass() + objectB.GetInvMass();
             * Vector2 impulse = impulseScalar * normal;
             * float mass_sum = objectA.GetMass() + objectB.GetMass();
             * float ratio = objectA.GetMass() / mass_sum;
             * objectA.RemoveForce(ratio * impulse);
             * ratio = objectB.GetMass() / mass_sum;
             * objectB.AddForce(ratio * impulse);*/
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public static void GetCollisionInformation(CollisionPair pair, out float penetration, out Vector2 collisionNormal, out CollisionPoints collisionPoints)
            //Collision Detection using SAT
            //only works with rectangles, but because of that it is way more efficient! (or it would be if rotation wasn't involved)

            Collider aCol        = pair.a.GetCollider();
            Collider bCol        = pair.b.GetCollider();
            Vector2  aHalfWidth  = aCol.GetHalfWidthVector();
            Vector2  aHalfHeight = aCol.GetHalfHeightVector();
            Vector2  aCentre     = aCol.GetCentrePoint();
            Vector2  bHalfWidth  = bCol.GetHalfWidthVector();
            Vector2  bHalfHeight = bCol.GetHalfHeightVector();
            Vector2  bCentre     = bCol.GetCentrePoint();

            Matrix3 aTransform = pair.a.GetGlobalTransform();
            Matrix3 bTransform = pair.b.GetGlobalTransform();

            Vector2 normal = new Vector2(float.PositiveInfinity, float.PositiveInfinity);
            float   pValue = float.PositiveInfinity;
            float   pV;
            float   a;
            float   b;

            penetration     = 0;
            collisionNormal = Vector2.zero;
            collisionPoints = null;

            //I used this to get how to find penetration and stuff with rectangles
            //it doesn't expressly explain how to do it with non axis aligned
            //rectangles that are stored like mine are, but it explains all the pieces

            //A X Axis
            if (!doPA(aTransform.GetRightVector()))
            //A Y Axis
            if (!doPA(aTransform.GetUpVector()))
            //B X Axis
            if (!doPB(bTransform.GetRightVector()))
            //B Y Axis
            if (!doPB(bTransform.GetUpVector()))

            collisionNormal = normal;
            penetration     = pValue;

            //The rest is to find collision points
            // ^ all other sources I could find on the internet are based off this
            //this is from the guy that made the box2d engine

            //this also explains very well how clipping is used to find collision points

            if (pair.a.GetInverseInertia() == 0 && pair.b.GetInverseInertia() == 0)
                //no need to calculate
                collisionPoints = new CollisionPoints(new List <Vector2>()
            Vector2[] mainPoints;
            Vector2[] secondaryPoints;

            mainPoints      = bCol.GetGlobalPoints();
            secondaryPoints = aCol.GetGlobalPoints();

            Edge e1 = GetMostPerpendicular(mainPoints, -1 * normal);
            Edge e2 = GetMostPerpendicular(secondaryPoints, normal);

            Edge reference;
            Edge incident;

            if (Math.Abs((e1.v1 - e1.v2).Dot(normal)) <= Math.Abs((e2.v1 - e2.v2).Dot(normal)))
                reference = e1;
                incident  = e2;
                reference = e2;
                incident  = e1;

            Vector2 refV = (reference.v2 - reference.v1).Normalised();

            float           o1 = refV.Dot(reference.v1);
            CollisionPoints cP = Trim(incident.v1, incident.v2, refV, o1);

            if (cP.points.Count < 2)
                collisionPoints = null;

            float o2 = refV.Dot(reference.v2);

            cP = Trim(cP.points[0], cP.points[1], -1 * refV, -o2);

            if (cP.points.Count < 2)
                collisionPoints = null;

            Vector2 refNorm = Vector2.ZCross(refV, -1);

            float max = refNorm.Dot(reference.max);

            //I don't actually use these depths at any point but too late to remove it now (aka I am too lasy right now)
            cP.depths.Add(refNorm.Dot(cP.points[0]) - max);
            cP.depths.Add(refNorm.Dot(cP.points[1]) - max);
            if (cP.depths[0] < 0)
            if (cP.depths[cP.depths.Count - 1] < 0)
                cP.depths.RemoveAt(cP.depths.Count - 1);
                cP.points.RemoveAt(cP.points.Count - 1);

            collisionPoints = cP;

            #region Local Functions

            CollisionPoints Trim(Vector2 point1, Vector2 point2, Vector2 norm, float limit)
                List <Vector2> clippedPoints = new List <Vector2>(2);
                float          d1            = norm.Dot(point1) - limit;
                float          d2            = norm.Dot(point2) - limit;

                if (d1 >= 0)
                if (d2 >= 0)

                if (d1 * d2 < 0)
                    Vector2 e = point2 - point1;
                    float   u = d1 / (d1 - d2);

                    e *= u;
                    e += point1;
                return(new CollisionPoints(clippedPoints));

            Edge GetMostPerpendicular(Vector2[] points, Vector2 n)
                float furthestVertex = float.NegativeInfinity;
                int   index          = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    float projectedDist = n.Dot(points[i]);
                    if (projectedDist > furthestVertex)
                        furthestVertex = projectedDist;
                        index          = i;

                Vector2 v  = points[index];
                Vector2 v1 = points[(index + 1) % 4];                 //forward one
                Vector2 v0 = points[(index + 3) % 4];                 //back one

                Vector2 l = v - v1;
                Vector2 r = v - v0;


                if (r.Dot(n) <= l.Dot(n))
                    return(new Edge(v, v0, v));
                    return(new Edge(v, v, v1));

            bool doPA(Vector2 ax)
                float aW = ax.Dot(aHalfWidth);
                float aH = ax.Dot(aHalfHeight);
                //aW + aH will equal half the size of the box on a given axis

                float bH = ax.Dot(bHalfHeight * Math.Sign(bHalfHeight.Dot(ax)));
                float bW = ax.Dot(bHalfWidth * Math.Sign(bHalfWidth.Dot(ax)));

                a = ax.Dot(aCentre);
                b = ax.Dot(bCentre);

                pV = (((aW + aH) + (bH + bW)) - Math.Abs(a - b));

                //this is basically exactly the same as circle1radius + circle2radius > distancebetweencentrepoints
                if (pV > 0)
                    if (pV < pValue)
                        pValue = pV;
                        normal = ax * Math.Sign(b - a);

            bool doPB(Vector2 ax)
                float aW = ax.Dot(aHalfWidth * Math.Sign(aHalfWidth.Dot(ax)));
                float aH = ax.Dot(aHalfHeight * Math.Sign(aHalfHeight.Dot(ax)));

                float bH = ax.Dot(bHalfHeight);
                float bW = ax.Dot(bHalfWidth);

                a = ax.Dot(aCentre);
                b = ax.Dot(bCentre);

                pV = (((aW + aH) + (bH + bW)) - Math.Abs(a - b));

                if (pV > 0)
                    if (pV < Math.Abs(pValue))
                        pValue = pV;
                        normal = ax * Math.Sign(b - a);

Ejemplo n.º 8
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Vector2 <float> nvec  = new Vector2 <float>(5.2f, 5.0f);
            Vector2 <float> nvec1 = new Vector2 <float>(5.0f, 5.2f);

            Vector2 <float> Sum        = nvec + nvec1;
            Vector2 <float> Difference = nvec - nvec1;
            Vector2 <float> Product    = nvec * nvec1;
            Vector2 <float> Quotient   = nvec / nvec1;
            Vector2 <float> Modulus    = nvec % nvec1;
            float           Magnitude  = Vector2 <float> .Mag(nvec1);

            Vector2 <float> Normalise = Vector2 <float> .Normalise(nvec1);

            float Dot = Vector2 <float> .Dot(nvec, nvec1);

            Console.WriteLine("Vector 2 Math: ");
            Console.WriteLine("Sum is: ({0})", Sum);
            Console.WriteLine("Difference is: ({0})", Difference);
            Console.WriteLine("Product is: ({0})", Product);
            Console.WriteLine("Quotient is: ({0})", Quotient);
            Console.WriteLine("Modulus is: ({0})", Modulus);
            Console.WriteLine("Magnitude is: ({0})", Magnitude);
            Console.WriteLine("Normalised is: ({0})", Normalise);
            Console.WriteLine("Dot Product is: ({0})", Dot);

            Vector3 <int> nvec2 = new Vector3 <int>(1, 2, 3);
            Vector3 <int> nvec3 = new Vector3 <int>(1, 2, 3);

            int mag = Vector3 <int> .Mag(nvec2);

            Vector3 <int> Sum2        = nvec2 + nvec3;
            Vector3 <int> Difference2 = nvec2 - nvec3;
            Vector3 <int> Product2    = nvec2 * nvec3;
            Vector3 <int> Quotient2   = nvec2 / nvec3;
            Vector3 <int> Modulus2    = nvec2 % nvec3;
            int           Magnitude2  = Vector3 <int> .Mag(nvec2);

            Vector3 <int> Normalise2 = Vector3 <int> .Normalise(nvec2);

            int Dot2 = Vector3 <int> .Dot(nvec2, nvec3);

            Vector3 <int> Cross = Vector3 <int> .Cross(nvec2, nvec3);

            Console.WriteLine("\nVector 3 Math: ");
            Console.WriteLine("Sum is: ({0})", Sum2);
            Console.WriteLine("Difference is: ({0})", Difference2);
            Console.WriteLine("Product is: ({0})", Product2);
            Console.WriteLine("Quotient is: ({0})", Quotient2);
            Console.WriteLine("Modulus is: ({0})", Modulus2);
            Console.WriteLine("Magnitude is: ({0})", Magnitude2);
            Console.WriteLine("Normalised is: ({0})", Normalise2);
            Console.WriteLine("Dot Product is: ({0})", Dot2);
            Console.WriteLine("Cross Product is: ({0})", Cross);

            Color <double> white = new Color <double>(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
            Color <double> black = new Color <double>(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

            Color <double> Sum3        = white + black;
            Color <double> Difference3 = white - black;
            Color <double> Product3    = white * black;
            Color <double> Quotient3   = white / black;
            Color <double> Modulus3    = white % black;
            double         Magnitude3  = Color <double> .Mag(white);

            Color <double> Normalise3 = Color <double> .Normalise(white);

            double Dot3 = Color <double> .Dot(white, black);

            Console.WriteLine("\nColor Math: ");
            Console.WriteLine("Sum is: ({0})", Sum3);
            Console.WriteLine("Difference is: ({0})", Difference3);
            Console.WriteLine("Product is: ({0})", Product3);
            Console.WriteLine("Quotient is: ({0})", Quotient3);
            Console.WriteLine("Modulus is: ({0})", Modulus3);
            Console.WriteLine("Magnitude is: ({0})", Magnitude3);
            Console.WriteLine("Normalised is: ({0})", Normalise3);
            Console.WriteLine("Dot Product is: ({0})", Dot3);

            //Create An Array For Storing The Input Variables From The User
            char[] cHex = { '#', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1' };

            Color <int> hecdec = Color <int> .HexConv(cHex);

            Console.WriteLine("RGBA Values Are: ({0})\n", hecdec);

Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void Vector2IsNormaliseTest()
            var a = new Vector2(3.0f, 4.0f);
            var expectedResult = true;


            var r = a.IsNormalised;

            Assert.Equal<bool>(expectedResult, r);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void Vector2NormaliseTest()
            var a = new Vector2(3.0f, 4.0f);
            var expectedResult = new Vector2(0.6f, 0.8f);


            Assert.Equal<Vector2>(expectedResult, a);