Ejemplo n.º 1
                public static Unitless CalculateCs(double I_e, double S_1, double S_D1, double S_DS, Time T_L, double R, Time T, ref RecordedCalculation calculation)
                    Unitless C_s = Eqn_12_8_2(S_DS, R, I_e, ref calculation);

                    if (T <= T_L)
                        Unitless C_s_12_8_3 = Eqn_12_8_3(S_D1, T, R, I_e, ref calculation);
                        C_s = (Unitless)Result.Min(C_s_12_8_3, C_s);
                    else if (T > T_L)
                        Unitless C_s_12_8_4 = Eqn_12_8_4(S_D1, T_L, T, R, I_e, ref calculation);
                        C_s = (Unitless)Result.Min(C_s_12_8_4, C_s);

                    Unitless C_s_12_8_5 = Eqn_12_8_5(S_DS, I_e, ref calculation);

                    C_s = (Unitless)Result.Max(C_s, C_s_12_8_5);

                    if (S_1 >= 0.6)
                        Unitless C_s_12_8_6 = Eqn_12_8_6(S_1, R, I_e, ref calculation);
                        C_s = (Unitless)Result.Max(C_s, C_s_12_8_6);

        private Force DetermineSeismicBaseShear()
            var baseShearCalc = new RecordedCalculation("Seismic Parameter Calculations", CalculationType.SeismicDesign);

            var seismicParameters = _seismicProperties.SeismicParameters;

            double C_t = seismicParameters.SystemParameters.Ct;
            double X   = seismicParameters.SystemParameters.X;
            double I_e = seismicParameters.BuildingParameters.ImportanceFactor;

            double S_1  = seismicParameters.Seismicity.SiteParameters.S1;
            double S_D1 = seismicParameters.Seismicity.SiteParameters.SD1;
            double S_DS = seismicParameters.Seismicity.SiteParameters.SDS;
            double R    = seismicParameters.SystemParameters.R;

            Time T_L = new Time(seismicParameters.Seismicity.SiteParameters.TL);

            Force W = new Force(_seismicProperties.BuildingWeight, ForceUnit.Kip);

            Time T_a = Chapter_12.Section_12_8.Eqn_12_8_7(_buildingHeight, C_t, X, ref baseShearCalc);

            _fundamentalPeriod = T_a;

            Unitless C_s = Chapter_12.Section_12_8.CalculateCs(I_e, S_1, S_D1, S_DS, T_L, R,
                                                               _fundamentalPeriod, ref baseShearCalc);

//            CalcLog.AddCalculation(baseShearCalc);

            return(Chapter_12.Section_12_8.Eqn_12_8_1(C_s, W, ref baseShearCalc));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public NodalDisplacement DetermineRigidbodyPointDisplacement(Point2D coordinate, LoadPattern loadPattern)
            LateralLevelForce forceAtLoadPattern = Forces.First(f => f.LoadPattern == loadPattern);

            var alpha = new Unitless((coordinate - LateralLevel.CenterOfRigidity).SignedAngleTo(Vector2D.XAxis));
            var d     = new Length(coordinate.DistanceTo(LateralLevel.CenterOfRigidity), LengthUnit.Inch);

            Moment M = forceAtLoadPattern.TotalT(LateralLevel.CenterOfRigidity);

            var rotation = (Unitless)(M / LevelStiffness.J);

            Length displacementX = (Length)(forceAtLoadPattern.DirectX / LevelStiffness.X + d * rotation * Result.Sin(alpha));
            Length displacementY = (Length)(forceAtLoadPattern.DirectY / LevelStiffness.Y + d * rotation * Result.Cos(alpha));

            if (LoadPatternTypeConverter.Convert(loadPattern) == LoadPatternType.Earthquake)
                displacementX = (Length)(displacementX * Cd);
                displacementY = (Length)(displacementY * Cd);

            return(new NodalDisplacement
                LoadPattern = loadPattern,
                Ux = displacementX.ConvertTo(LengthUnit.Inch),
                Uy = displacementY.ConvertTo(LengthUnit.Inch),
                Rz = 0
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void LengthTimesUnitlessEqualsLength()
            var l        = Length.FromMetres(1.2);
            var percents = Unitless.FromPercents(50);
            var actual   = l * percents;

            Assert.IsInstanceOf <Length>(actual);
            Assert.AreEqual(Length.FromMetres(1.2 * 0.5), actual);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private ShearWallPanelRigidAnalysisParameters DetermineWallStiffnessParametersSansOffset(AnalyticalWallLateral wall)
            var wallVector       = wall.WallLine.ToVector2D();
            var wallAngleToXAxis = new Unitless(wallVector.SignedAngleTo(Vector2D.XAxis).Radians, UnitlessUnit.Radian);

            var k = new ForcePerLength(wall.Stiffness.ConvertTo(ForcePerLengthUnit.KipPerInch), ForcePerLengthUnit.KipPerInch);

            return(new ShearWallPanelRigidAnalysisParameters
                K = k,
                AngleFromWallAxisToGlobalXAxis = wallAngleToXAxis
Ejemplo n.º 6
                /// <summary>
                /// Returns the seismic base shear of the building
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="C_s">Seismic response coefficient determined in accordance with Section</param>
                /// <param name="W">Effective seismic weight per Section 12.7.2</param>
                /// <returns></returns>
                public static Force Eqn_12_8_1(Unitless C_s, Force W, ref RecordedCalculation calc)
                    string equationNumber = "12.8-1";
                    string expression     = @"C_s W";
                    string resultDisplay  = @"V";

                    SubCalculation subCalc = new SubCalculation(_standard, "Calculate seismic base shear of the building", Chapter, SectionNumber, equationNumber, expression, resultDisplay);

                    subCalc.AddVariable("C_s", C_s, UnitlessUnit.Unitless);
                    subCalc.AddVariable("W", W, ForceUnit.Kip);

                    subCalc.Result = C_s * W;


Ejemplo n.º 7
                /// <summary>
                /// Calculates approximate fundamental period (T_a) for masonry or concrete shear wall structures
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="C_w"></param>
                /// <param name="h_n"></param>
                /// <returns></returns>
                public static Time Eqn_12_8_9(Unitless C_w, Length h_n, ref RecordedCalculation Calculation)
                    string equationNumber = "12.8-9";
                    string expression     = @"\frac{0.0019}{\sqrt{C_w}} h_n";
                    string resultDisplay  = @"T_a";

                    SubCalculation subCalc = new SubCalculation(_standard, @"Calculate the approximate fundamental period", Chapter, SectionNumber, equationNumber, expression, resultDisplay);

                    subCalc.AddVariable(new LaTexVariable("C_w", C_w, UnitlessUnit.Unitless));
                    subCalc.AddVariable(new LaTexVariable("h_n", h_n, LengthUnit.Foot));

                    subCalc.Result = new Time(0.0019 / Math.Sqrt(C_w.Value) * h_n.ConvertTo(LengthUnit.Foot));


Ejemplo n.º 8
                /// <summary>
                /// Calculate the lateral seismic force induced at any level
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="C_vx">Vertical distribution factor</param>
                /// <param name="V">Total design lateral force or shear at the base of the structure</param>
                /// <returns></returns>
                public static Force Eqn_12_8_11(Unitless C_vx, Force V, ref RecordedCalculation calc)
                    var equationNumber = "12.8-11";
                    var expression     = @"C_{vx} V";
                    var resultDisplay  = @"F_x";

                    SubCalculation subCalc = new SubCalculation(_standard, $"Calculate the lateral seismic force induced",
                                                                Chapter, SectionNumber, equationNumber, expression, resultDisplay);

                    subCalc.AddVariable(new LaTexVariable("C_{vx}", C_vx, UnitlessUnit.Unitless));
                    subCalc.AddVariable(new LaTexVariable("V", V, ForceUnit.Kip));

                    subCalc.Result = C_vx * V;


        private LevelDataDictionary <VerticalDistributionFactors> DetermineDistributionFactors()
            var distributionFactors = new LevelDataDictionary <VerticalDistributionFactors>();

            var k = 1.0;

            if (_fundamentalPeriod.Value > 0.5 && _fundamentalPeriod.Value < 2.5)
                k = 1.0 + (_fundamentalPeriod.Value - 0.5) / 2d;
            else if (_fundamentalPeriod.Value >= 2.5)
                k = 2.0;

            List <Force>  w = _levels.Select(l => l.SeismicWeight).ToList();
            List <Length> H = _levels.Select(l => l.Height).ToList();

            var n = _levels.Count;

            var calc = new RecordedCalculation("Vertical Distribution Factors", CalculationType.SeismicDesign);

            foreach (BuildingLevelLateral2 level in _levels)
                Force  w_x = level.SeismicWeight;
                Length h_x = level.Height;

                Unitless C_vxi = Chapter_12.Section_12_8.Eqn_12_8_12(w_x, h_x, k, n, w, H, ref calc);

                distributionFactors.Add(new VerticalDistributionFactors
                    Level = level.Level,
                    X     = C_vxi,
                    Y     = C_vxi

//            CalcLog.AddCalculation(calc);

Ejemplo n.º 10
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Gu.Units.Wpf.UnitlessExtension"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value"><see cref="Gu.Units.Unitless"/>.</param>
 public UnitlessExtension(Unitless value)
     this.Value = value;
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
            var stringValue = reader.Value as string;

            return(Unitless.Parse(stringValue, serializer.Culture));
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public object ConvertBack(object value,
                                  Type targetType,
                                  object parameter,
                                  CultureInfo culture)
            if (!this.initialized)

            var message = this.errorText.ToString();

            if (!(targetType == typeof(Unitless) || targetType == typeof(Unitless?)))
                message += $"{GetType().Name} does not support converting to {targetType.Name}";

            if (message != string.Empty)
                message = message.TrimEnd('\r', '\n');
                if (Is.DesignMode)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(message);


            if (value == null)

            if (value is double)
                return(new Unitless((double)value, this.unit.Value));

            var text = value as string;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))

            var unitInput = UnitInput ?? Wpf.UnitInput.ScalarOnly;

            switch (unitInput)
            case Wpf.UnitInput.ScalarOnly:
                double d;
                if (double.TryParse(text, NumberStyles.Float, culture, out d))
                    return(new Unitless(d, this.unit.Value));
                Unitless result;
                if (Unitless.TryParse(text, NumberStyles.Float, culture, out result))
                    return($"#{text}#");        // returning modified text so that TypeConverter fails and we get an error

                return(text);        // returning raw to trigger error

            case Wpf.UnitInput.SymbolAllowed:
                double d;
                int    pos = 0;
                WhiteSpaceReader.TryRead(text, ref pos);
                if (DoubleReader.TryRead(text, ref pos, NumberStyles.Float, culture, out d))
                    WhiteSpaceReader.TryRead(text, ref pos);
                    if (pos == text.Length)
                        return(new Unitless(d, this.unit.Value));

                goto case Wpf.UnitInput.SymbolRequired;

            case Wpf.UnitInput.SymbolRequired:
                Unitless result;
                if (Unitless.TryParse(text, NumberStyles.Float, culture, out result))


                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
 protected void SetScalarValue(DependencyProperty property, Unitless? quantity)
     // we set this flag to prevent from setting scalar value changing quantity values.
     this.isUpdatingScalarValue = true;
     var value = quantity != null
         ? this.Unit.GetScalarValue(quantity.Value)
         : (double?)null;
     this.SetCurrentValue(property, value);
     this.isUpdatingScalarValue = false;
 protected virtual void OnMaxValueChanged(Unitless? oldValue, Unitless? newValue)
     this.SetScalarValue(ScalarMaxValueProperty, newValue);