Ejemplo n.º 1
        public double[] ActivateNeuralNetwork(double[] environmentOutput)
            Debug.DLog($"Neural Network Input:  {Utilities.ToString(environmentOutput, "f4")}{Utilities.ToString(_turingMachineOutput, "f4")}", true);

            // Reset the neural network state

            // NN Input is the output from the environment, and the output from the turing machine in the previous activation
            Phenome.InputSignalArray.CopyFrom(environmentOutput, 0);
            Phenome.InputSignalArray.CopyFrom(_turingMachineOutput, environmentOutput.Length);

            // Activate the neural network

            double[] nnOutput = new double[Phenome.OutputSignalArray.Length];
            Phenome.OutputSignalArray.CopyTo(nnOutput, 0);

            Debug.DLog($"Neural Network Output: {Utilities.ToString(nnOutput, "f4")}", true);

            // Environment inputs are first of the NN outputs
            double[] environmentInput = Utilities.ArrayCopyOfRange(nnOutput, 0, nnOutput.Length - _turingInputLength);

            // Turing inputs are the last of the NN outputs
            double[] turingMachineInput = Utilities.ArrayCopyOfRange(nnOutput, nnOutput.Length - _turingInputLength, _turingInputLength);

            // Activate turing machine with the NN outputs, and store the result for the next iteration, since the environment must be activated in the mean time
            _turingMachineOutput = ProcessTuringMachineOutput(TuringMachine.ProcessInput(turingMachineInput));

            // Return the environment input (remaining NN outputs)