Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected override void LoadContent()
            // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures.
            spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);

            terrainSprite = Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Terrain");
            var appSprites = Content.Load <Texture2D>("DesertRatsSprites");

            selectionSprite = CreateSelectorTexture(GraphicsDevice);

            var waterTextures   = new WaterTextures(terrainSprite);
            var cityTexture     = new TextureHolder(terrainSprite, new Rectangle(7 * Config.SpriteSize, 9 * Config.SpriteSize, Config.SpriteSize, Config.SpriteSize));
            var groundTexture   = new TextureHolder(terrainSprite, new Rectangle(0 * Config.SpriteSize, 0, Config.SpriteSize, Config.SpriteSize));
            var landUnitTexture = new TextureHolder(appSprites, new Rectangle(1 + 0 * Config.SpriteSize, 1 + 0, Config.SpriteSize, Config.SpriteSize));

            var spriteSize = new Rectangle(1, 1 + 1 + Config.SpriteSize, Config.SpriteSize, Config.SpriteSize);

            window = new Window(
                new DefaultStrategy(waterTextures.Sea),
                new CoastWithLandToTheNorthStrategy(waterTextures.CoastWithLandToTheNorth),
                new CoastWithLandToTheSouthStrategy(waterTextures.CoastWithLandToTheSouth),
                new GroundStrategy(groundTexture),
                new LandUnitStrategy(landUnitTexture),
                new CityStrategy(cityTexture)
            window.AddCity(new CityEntity(20, 20));
            window.Include(new LandUnitEntity(21, 20));
Ejemplo n.º 2
    IEnumerator Compare(TextureHolder textureHolder)
        //Texture2D prueba = ScaleTexture((Texture2D)textureHolder.materialGameObject.mainTexture, 128, 128);
        // Obtenemos la textura de tiempo real
        textureHolder.runtimeTexture = ((RenderTexture)textureHolder.materialGameObject.mainTexture).ToTexture2D();

        //textureHolder.runtimeTexture = ScaleTexture(textureHolder.runtimeTexture, 128, 128);

        Color32[] textura1 = textureHolder.runtimeTexture.GetPixels32();;
        Color32   tempColor1;

        int[] values = new int[colores.Length];

        tempColor1 = textura1[0];

        var a = new Rgb {
            R = 149, G = 13, B = 12
        var b = new Rgb();

        yield return(StartCoroutine(BucleFor(a, b, values, textura1, tempColor1, textureHolder.palabras, textureHolder)));

        // Debug.LogError(textureHolder.nameObject);
Ejemplo n.º 3
    public TextureHolder GenerateTextures(TexturesGenerationMode mode, int[] resolutions)
        TextureHolder newTextureHolder = new TextureHolder();
        Color         mainColor        = Utils.GenerateRandomColor(Color.white);
        Color         secondColor      = Utils.GenerateRandomColor(mainColor);

        newTextureHolder.mainColor   = mainColor;
        newTextureHolder.secondColor = secondColor;
        switch (mode)
        case TexturesGenerationMode.LinearRamp:
            for (int i = 0; i < resolutions.Length; i++)
                newTextureHolder.AddTexture(GetLinearRampTexture(resolutions[i], mainColor, secondColor));

        case TexturesGenerationMode.CircularRamp:
            for (int i = 0; i < resolutions.Length; i++)
                newTextureHolder.AddTexture(GetCircularRampTexture(resolutions[i], mainColor, secondColor));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Load textures from extended data that were stored with <see cref="Save"/>.
        /// </summary>
        public void Load(PluginData data)
            if (data == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(data));
            lock (_data)
                foreach (var dataPair in data.data.Where(x => x.Key.StartsWith(DataMarker)))
                    var idStr = dataPair.Key.Substring(DataMarker.Length);
                    if (!int.TryParse(idStr, out var id))
                        KoikatuAPI.Logger.LogDebug($"Invalid ID {idStr} in key {dataPair.Key}");

                    var value = dataPair.Value as byte[];
                    if (value == null && dataPair.Value != null)
                        KoikatuAPI.Logger.LogDebug($"Invalid value of ID {id}. Should be of type byte[] but is {dataPair.Value.GetType()}");

                    _data[id] = new TextureHolder(value, _format);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load
        /// all of your content.
        /// </summary>

        protected override void LoadContent()
            // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures.
            spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);
            TheCursor.Create(Content.Load <Texture2D>("ASCursor"), Content.Load <Texture2D>("CursorAim"), Content.Load <Texture2D>("CharacAim"), Color.White);

            // TODO: use this.Content to load your game content here

            List <String> TextureNames = FileServices.ReadFileLines(@"Files\TextureNames.txt");

            foreach (string TexName in TextureNames)
                TextureHolder temp = new TextureHolder();
                temp.Texture  = Content.Load <Texture2D>(TexName);
                temp.Filename = TexName;

            Areas.Create(TheContentHolder, graphics, TheCamera);

            List <string> WeaponLines = FileServices.ReadFileLines(@"Files\Weapons.txt");

            TheWeapons.Create(WeaponLines, TheContentHolder);

            //must make sure character spawns within normal camera boundaries
            TheMainCharacter.Create(150, 150, 0f, TheContentHolder.GetTexture("Man2"), TheContentHolder.GetTexture("Man_Aim2"), TheWeapons.WeaponList[0], TheCamera);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private void RandomizeNightModeTextures()
            // This is called if global texture randomization is disabled, but night-mode randomization is selected.
            // The main idea is to replace the SkyBox in levels that are now set at night, but this is treated as a
            // texture category so potentially any other textures could also be targeted.
            _textureOptions = new Dictionary <TextureCategory, bool>();

            foreach (TR23ScriptedLevel lvl in Levels)

                if (_levelInstance.IsNightMode)
                    TextureLevelMapping mapping = GetMapping(_levelInstance);
                    using (TextureHolder holder = new TextureHolder(mapping, this))
                        foreach (AbstractTextureSource source in holder.Variants.Keys)
                            if (source.IsInCategory(TextureCategory.NightMode))
                                RedrawTargets(holder.Mapping, source, holder.Variants[source], _textureOptions);


                if (!TriggerProgress())
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public RedLaser(Weapon newweapon, IMediator mediator) : base(mediator)
     newweapon.LaserSight  = new string("Red");
     newweapon.LaserSprite = new Sprite(TextureHolder.GetInstance().Get(TextureIdentifier.RedLaser));
     CheckGun(newweapon.Name, newweapon);
     //this.Origin = new Vector2f(SpriteUtils.GetSpriteCenter(this).X, 3f);
Ejemplo n.º 8
            protected override void ProcessImpl()
                Dictionary <TextureCategory, bool> options = new Dictionary <TextureCategory, bool>(_outer._textureOptions);

                foreach (TR2CombinedLevel level in _holders.Keys)
                    options[TextureCategory.NightMode] = level.IsNightMode;
                    options[TextureCategory.DayMode]   = !options[TextureCategory.NightMode];

                    using (TextureHolder holder = _holders[level])
                        foreach (AbstractTextureSource source in holder.Variants.Keys)
                            _outer.RedrawTargets(holder.Mapping, source, holder.Variants[source], options);

                        // Add landmarks, but only if there is room available for them
                        if (holder.Mapping.LandmarkMapping.Count > 0)
                            _landmarkImporter.Import(level, holder.Mapping);

                    if (!_outer.TriggerProgress())

                    if (!_outer.TriggerProgress())
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Store a texture and get an ID representing it. The ID can be used to get the texture with <see cref="GetSharedTexture"/>.
        /// If you try to store a texture that was already stored before, the ID of the previous texture is returned so there are no multiple identical textures stored.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tex">Raw PNG data of the texture. If you reuse a texture make sure you always use the same PNG data or deduplicating won't work.</param>
        public int StoreTexture(byte[] tex)
            if (tex == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(tex));
            lock (_data)
                var existing = _data.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value != null && x.Value.Data.SequenceEqual(tex));
                if (existing.Value != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("StoreTexture - Texture already exists, reusing it");

                // Use random ID instaed of sequential to help catch code using IDs that no longer exist
                for (var i = Random.Range(1000, 9990); ; i++)
                    if (!_data.ContainsKey(i))
                        _data[i] = new TextureHolder(tex, _format);
 public static GetTexture()
           instance = new TextureHolder();
      return instance;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public TextureHolder(string name, int w, int h, N64TexFormat format, byte[] tex) : base(name)
     Width  = w;
     Height = h;
     Format = format;
     Tlut   = null;
        // キャッシュにテクスチャソースを保持する
        private void FilterTexture(Texture2D texture, FilterParam filter)
            TextureHolder orgTex = originalTexCache.GetOrAdd(texture);

            orgTex.dirty = false;

            FilterTexture(texture, orgTex.texture, filter);
Ejemplo n.º 13
    public void Setup(int _id, float _scale, float _speed, TextureHolder _bubbleTexture)
        id                   = _id;
        speed                = _speed;
        bubbleTexture        = _bubbleTexture;
        transform.localScale = new Vector3(_scale, _scale, _scale);
        renderer.material.SetColor("_DiffuseColor", Color.white);
        int resolution = Mathf.FloorToInt((_scale * ConfigDictionary.Config.texturesResolutions.Length) / GameController.maxBubbleSize);

        resolution = Mathf.Clamp(resolution, 0, ConfigDictionary.Config.texturesResolutions.Length - 1);
        renderer.material.SetTexture("_Texture", bubbleTexture.GetTextureByResolution(ConfigDictionary.Config.texturesResolutions[resolution]));
Ejemplo n.º 14
    private void Awake()
        if (instance != null)

        instance = this;

            public TextureHolder GetOrAdd(Texture2D tex)
                TextureHolder holder;

                if (!cacheDic.TryGetValue(tex.name, out holder))
                    holder             = new TextureHolder();
                    holder.texture     = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(tex) as Texture2D;
                    cacheDic[tex.name] = holder;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public Button()
            normalTexture   = TextureHolder.GetInstance().Get(TextureIdentifier.ButtonDefault);
            selectedTexture = TextureHolder.GetInstance().Get(TextureIdentifier.ButtonSelected);
            pressedTexture  = TextureHolder.GetInstance().Get(TextureIdentifier.ButtonClicked);
            sprite          = new Sprite();
            text            = new Text(string.Empty, ResourceHolderFacade.GetInstance().Fonts.Get(FontIdentifier.PixelatedSmall), 16);
            sprite.Texture  = normalTexture;
            var bounds = sprite.GetLocalBounds();

            text.Position = new Vector2f(bounds.Width / 2, bounds.Height / 2);
Ejemplo n.º 17
    public GameObject explosionGif;             // displayed when switching singleplayer games

    void Awake()
        keyboardPlayerMap = new int[4] {
            (int)PartyNames.Guigl, (int)PartyNames.Ubaldino,
            (int)PartyNames.Walusneaki, (int)PartyNames.Blooch

        swapper      = GetComponent <TextureHolder>();
        inputManager = GetComponent <KeyInput>();
        allGames     = new GameObject[4][];
        allGames [0] = games1P;
        allGames [1] = games2P;
        allGames [2] = games3P;
        allGames [3] = games4P;

        allPosns     = new Vector3[4][];
        allPosns [0] = posns1P;
        allPosns [1] = posns2P;
        allPosns [2] = posns3P;
        allPosns [3] = posns4P;

        miniGames = new MiniGame[4];

        names = new string[4] {
            "Guigl", "Ubaldino", "Walusneaki", "Blooch"
        gameCams = new GameObject[4];
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            gameCams[i] = transform.FindChild("Q" + (i + 1) + "Cam").gameObject;

        partyers = new Partyer[4];
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            partyers [i] = new Partyer(names [i], sprites [i], Constants.lights [i], Constants.darks [i]);

        scoreTemplate   = transform.FindChild("scoreDisplayTemplate").gameObject;
        scoreBoards     = new GameObject[4];
        scoreBoardPosns = new Vector3[4] {
            new Vector3(-4.7f, 3f, 0f),
            new Vector3(4.7f, 3f, 0f),
            new Vector3(-4.7f, -3f, 0f),
            new Vector3(4.7f, -3f, 0f)

        jukeBox = transform.FindChild("JukeBox").GetComponent <JukeBox>();
            public TextureHolder GetOrAdd(Texture2D tex)
                TextureHolder holder;

                if (_cacheDic.TryGetValue(tex.name, out holder))

                holder = new TextureHolder {
                    texture = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(tex)
                _cacheDic[tex.name] = holder;
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public WaterTextures(Texture2D terrain)
            var spriteSize = new Point(32, 32);
            var ss         = Config.SpriteSize;

            CoastWithLandToTheNorth     = new TextureHolder(terrain, new Rectangle(new Point(4 * ss, 0 * ss), spriteSize));
            CoastWithLandToTheSouth     = new TextureHolder(terrain, new Rectangle(new Point(10 * ss, 0 * ss), spriteSize));
            CoastWithLandToTheWest      = new TextureHolder(terrain, new Rectangle(new Point(6 * ss, 0 * ss), spriteSize));
            CoastWithLandToTheEast      = new TextureHolder(terrain, new Rectangle(new Point(18 * ss, 0 * ss), spriteSize));
            CoastWithLandToTheNorthEast = new TextureHolder(terrain, new Rectangle(new Point(14 * ss, 0 * ss), spriteSize));
            CoastWithLandToTheNorthWest = new TextureHolder(terrain, new Rectangle(new Point(6 * ss, 1 * ss), spriteSize));
            CoastWithLandToTheSouthEast = new TextureHolder(terrain, new Rectangle(new Point(8 * ss, 0 * ss), spriteSize));
            CoastWithLandToTheSouthWest = new TextureHolder(terrain, new Rectangle(new Point(0 * ss, 1 * ss), spriteSize));
            Sea = new TextureHolder(terrain, new Rectangle(new Point(2 * ss, 0 * ss), spriteSize));
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public AssaultRifle(IMediator mediator) : base(mediator)
     this.Name             = "AK-47";
     this.MagazineSize     = 45;
     this.Ammo             = 45;
     this.Damage           = 25;
     this.ProjectileSpeed  = 2000;
     this.AttackSpeed      = 90;
     this.ReloadDuration   = 800;
     this.Projectiles      = new List <Projectile>();
     this.SpreadAmount     = 50;
     this.CanShoot         = true;
     this.ProjectileSprite = new Sprite(TextureHolder.GetInstance().Get(TextureIdentifier.Bullet));
     this.Texture          = TextureHolder.GetInstance().Get(TextureIdentifier.GunAk47);
     this.Origin           = new Vector2f(SpriteUtils.GetSpriteCenter(this).X, 3f);
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public Flamethrower(IMediator mediator) : base(mediator)
     this.Name             = "FlameThrower";
     this.MagazineSize     = 200;
     this.Ammo             = 200;
     this.Damage           = 10;
     this.ProjectileSpeed  = 500;
     this.AttackSpeed      = 20;
     this.ReloadDuration   = 2000;
     this.Projectiles      = new List <Projectile>();
     this.SpreadAmount     = 50;
     this.CanShoot         = true;
     this.ProjectileSprite = new Sprite(TextureHolder.GetInstance().Get(TextureIdentifier.Bullet));
     this.Texture          = TextureHolder.GetInstance().Get(TextureIdentifier.Flamethrower);
     this.Origin           = new Vector2f(SpriteUtils.GetSpriteCenter(this).X, 3f);
Ejemplo n.º 22
 /// <summary>
 /// Loads in all textures for this state.
 /// </summary>
 private void LoadTextures()
     TextureHolder.AddTexture("player", _game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("player"));
     TextureHolder.AddTexture("explosion", _game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("explosion1"));
     TextureHolder.AddTexture("bullet_light", _game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("bullet_light"));
     TextureHolder.AddTexture("bullet_medium", _game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("bullet_medium"));
     TextureHolder.AddTexture("bullet_heavy", _game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("bullet_heavy"));
     TextureHolder.AddTexture("meteor_tiny", _game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("meteor_tiny"));
     TextureHolder.AddTexture("meteor_small", _game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("meteor_small"));
     TextureHolder.AddTexture("meteor_medium", _game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("meteor_med"));
     TextureHolder.AddTexture("meteor_big", _game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("meteor_big"));
     TextureHolder.AddTexture("planet_blue", _game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("planet_blue"));
     TextureHolder.AddTexture("planet_brown", _game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("planet_brown"));
     TextureHolder.AddTexture("planet_red", _game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("planet_red"));
     TextureHolder.AddTexture("healthbar", _game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("healthbar"));
            public void Refresh(Texture2D[] maidTextures)
                // 既に使われなくなったテクスチャを削除
                var nonExistNames = new List <string>();

                foreach (string name in cacheDic.Keys)
                    bool b = false;
                    foreach (Texture2D t in maidTextures)
                        if (t.name == name)
                            b = true;
                    if (!b)
                foreach (string name in nonExistNames)
                    TextureHolder texHolder;
                    if (cacheDic.TryGetValue(name, out texHolder))

                // 知らないテクスチャを追加
                foreach (Texture2D t in maidTextures)
                    if (!cacheDic.ContainsKey(t.name))
                        var texHolder = new TextureHolder();
                        texHolder.texture = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(t) as Texture2D;
                        texHolder.dirty   = false;
                        cacheDic[t.name]  = texHolder;
Ejemplo n.º 24
            protected override void StartImpl()
                // Load the level mapping and variants outwith the processor thread
                // to ensure the RNG selected for each level/texture remains consistent
                // between randomization sessions.
                List <TR2CombinedLevel> levels = new List <TR2CombinedLevel>(_holders.Keys);

                foreach (TR2CombinedLevel level in levels)
                    TextureLevelMapping mapping = _outer.GetMapping(level);
                    if (mapping != null)
                        _holders[level] = new TextureHolder(mapping, _outer);
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public void CheckGun(string text, Weapon newweapon)
     //if (text == "Pistol")
     //    newweapon.Texture = TextureHolder.GetInstance().Get(TextureIdentifier.RedPistolLaser);
     //    newweapon.LaserSprite.Origin = new Vector2f(SpriteUtils.GetSpriteCenter(this).X, 3f);
     if (text == "AK-47")
         newweapon.Name               = "AK-47R";
         newweapon.Texture            = TextureHolder.GetInstance().Get(TextureIdentifier.RedGunAk47Laser);
         newweapon.LaserSprite.Origin = new Vector2f(SpriteUtils.GetSpriteCenter(this).X, 8f);
     else if (text == "Sniper")
         newweapon.Name               = "SniperR";
         newweapon.Texture            = TextureHolder.GetInstance().Get(TextureIdentifier.RedSniperLaser);
         newweapon.LaserSprite.Origin = new Vector2f(SpriteUtils.GetSpriteCenter(this).X, 10f);
            public void Refresh(Texture2D[] maidTextures)
                // 既に使われなくなったテクスチャを削除
                var nonExistNames = new List <string>();

                foreach (var key in _cacheDic.Keys)
                    var b = maidTextures.Any(t => t.name == key);
                    if (!b)

                foreach (var name in nonExistNames)
                    TextureHolder texHolder;
                    if (_cacheDic.TryGetValue(name, out texHolder))

                // 知らないテクスチャを追加
                foreach (var t in maidTextures)
                    if (_cacheDic.ContainsKey(t.name))
                    var texHolder = new TextureHolder {
                        texture = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(t),
                        dirty   = false
                    _cacheDic[t.name] = texHolder;
        public static Rect[] GenerateTextureAtlas(int maxWidth, Texture2D[] textures, ref Texture2D TextureAtlas)
            List <Rect>          rects       = new List <Rect>();
            List <TextureHolder> targetPanel = new List <TextureHolder>();

            int highestThisRow = 0;

            int   count = 0, total = 0, rowCount = 1;
            float totalHeight = 0f;

            int maxRowWidth    = maxWidth;
            int highestLastRow = 0;

            foreach (var sprite in textures)
                TextureHolder pb = new TextureHolder();
                pb.Width   = sprite.width;
                pb.Height  = sprite.height;
                pb.Texture = sprite;
                if (targetPanel.Count > 0)
                    var lastControl = targetPanel[targetPanel.Count - 1];
                    var loc         = lastControl.Location;

                    var w = lastControl.Width;
                    var h = lastControl.Height;

                    var outOfBounds = ((w + loc.X + 1 + pb.Width) > maxRowWidth);

                    if (outOfBounds)
                        count = 0;
                        if (highestThisRow < h)
                            highestThisRow = (int)h;

                        pb.Location = new Point(0, loc.Y + highestThisRow + 1);

                        totalHeight += highestThisRow + 1;

                        highestLastRow = highestThisRow;
                        highestThisRow = 0;
                        if (count == 0)
                            highestThisRow = highestLastRow;

                        if (highestThisRow < h)
                            highestThisRow = (int)h;

                        if (rowCount == 1)
                            totalHeight = highestThisRow + 1;

                        // var newY = loc.Y;
                        // if (total > 10) newY = loc.Y + size.Height;
                        pb.Location = new Point(loc.X + w + 1, loc.Y);



            foreach (var pb in targetPanel)
                // 0,1       1,1
                //  |-\ \-----|
                //  |  \ \    |
                //  |   \ \   |
                //  |    \ \  |
                //  |-----\ \-|
                // 0,0       1,0

                // X: 400
                // Y: 200

                var uvX = pb.Location.X / (float)maxWidth;

                var uvY = (pb.Location.Y / (float)totalHeight);

                var uvX2 = ((pb.Width + pb.Location.X) / (float)maxWidth);

                var uvY2 = ((pb.Height + pb.Location.Y) / (float)totalHeight);

                // Debug.Log();

                rects.Add(new Rect(uvX, uvY, uvX2, uvY2));

                Debug.Log("UV: " + uvX + "," + uvY + "," + uvX2 + "," + uvY2);

            TextureAtlas = new Texture2D(maxWidth, (int)totalHeight, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false);
            foreach (var t in targetPanel)
                var pixels = t.Texture.GetPixels();
                // Debug.Log("Set Pixels At: " + t.Location.X + "," + t.Location.Y);

                TextureAtlas.SetPixels((int)t.Location.X, (int)t.Location.Y, (int)t.Width, (int)t.Height, pixels);

            //var reversed = TextureAtlas.GetPixels().Reverse();

            //TextureAtlas = Rotate(TextureAtlas, RotateFlipType.RotateNoneFlipY);

            var data = TextureAtlas.EncodeToPNG();

            File.WriteAllBytes(@"c:\textures2\texturepack.png", data);
            public void Refresh(Texture2D[] maidTextures) {
                // 既に使われなくなったテクスチャを削除
                var nonExistNames = new List<string>();
                foreach (string name in cacheDic.Keys) {
                    bool b = false;
                    foreach (Texture2D t in maidTextures) {
                        if (t.name == name) {
                            b = true;
                    if (!b) {
                foreach (string name in nonExistNames) {
                    TextureHolder texHolder;
                    if (cacheDic.TryGetValue(name, out texHolder)) {

                // 知らないテクスチャを追加
                foreach (Texture2D t in maidTextures) {
                    if (!cacheDic.ContainsKey(t.name)) {
                        var texHolder = new TextureHolder();
                        texHolder.texture = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(t) as Texture2D;
                        texHolder.dirty   = false;
                        cacheDic[t.name] = texHolder;
Ejemplo n.º 29
 public void Start()
     notIgnoredInDerivedClass         = new TextureHolder();
     notIgnoredInDerivedClass.texture = new Texture2D(1024, 1024, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);
Ejemplo n.º 30
 public Wall()
     this.Texture = TextureHolder.GetInstance().Get(TextureIdentifier.Wall);
 public static void Draw(this SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Vector2 position, TextureHolder texture)
     spriteBatch.Draw(texture.Texture2D, position, texture.Source, Color.White);
 public TextureHolder GetOrAdd(Texture2D tex) {
     TextureHolder holder;
     if (!cacheDic.TryGetValue(tex.name, out holder)) {
         holder = new TextureHolder();
         holder.texture = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(tex) as Texture2D;
         cacheDic[tex.name] = holder;
     return holder;