Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to load the source test container.
        /// If successful, this entity is replaced with the loaded test container.
        /// Otherwise, the LoadError property is set, indicating the reason.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool TryLoad(bool loadDescendentIncludes = true, bool registerWithSession = true)
            // Remove our previous error
            // It's not in the try-catch because any error is due to other code, not due to a loading failure.
            if (LoadError != null)

            var loader = new TestContainerLoader(this)
                LoadRecursiveIncludes = loadDescendentIncludes,
                RegisterWithSession   = registerWithSession,

            if (loader.Load())
                TestContainerUtil.MergeInSettingsFromInclude(loader.TestContainer.DataElement, DataElement);

                this.AddEntity <ErrorEntity>(loader.LoadError);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static TestGroupingEntity LoadTestContainer(string containerPath)
            TestContainerLoader loader = new TestContainerLoader(containerPath)
                Model = Model.Instance

            if (!loader.Load())
                throw new Exception(loader.LoadError.Message);

            // TODO: If the loader failed, then the TestContainer will be an error entity, not a test group
Ejemplo n.º 3
        protected override bool PerformExecute(Model model)
            if (!_entity.GetSessionProperty_DetectChanges())

            // First, ask if we should refresh first
            if (interactive && _confirmWithUser)
                string msg     = String.Format(@"The source file ""{0}"" has changed.

Would you like to refresh it?", _hsf.SourceFilePath);
                string caption = "Source File Changed";
                if (MessageBox.Show(msg, caption, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1) != DialogResult.Yes)

                // In case it got changed while waiting on the user
                if (!_entity.GetSessionProperty_DetectChanges())

                var loader = new TestContainerLoader(_hsf.SourceFilePath)
                    Model = model,
                    LoadRecursiveIncludes = true,
                    RegisterWithSession   = false,

                if (!loader.Load())
                    SetError("Error: failed to refresh test container.\n" + loader.LoadError.Message);
                    return(true);    // true indicates no followups

                var newEntity = loader.TestContainer;
                if (newEntity.DataElement.Name != _entity.DataElement.Name)
                    throw new ArgumentException("The new data element has a different XName than the original entity.");

                // Figure out which entity to select when done
                Func <EntityBase, EntityBase> selectAncestorFunc = null;
                var prevSelectedEntity = model.selection.current.SelectedEntity;
                if (prevSelectedEntity != null && _entity.Contains(prevSelectedEntity))
                    selectAncestorFunc = EntityUtil.CreateFindEquivalentEntityFunc(model.session.Entity, prevSelectedEntity, true);
                    model.selection.Update(null, _entity.Parent);

                // Create a temporary xml element for while merging because we don't want to raise entity changed
                // events for every run added, just one at the very end.
                var ph = PlaceholderEntity.CreatePlaceholder(model, "Loading tests container...");

                MergeSessionState(newEntity, _entity);

                // Need to make a copy so we aren't bound anymore
                _entity.SetSessionProperty_DetectChanges(false); // Turn this off here to prevent trying to update it again

                // Select the old selected node within the new sub-tree
                if (selectAncestorFunc != null)
                    var entityToSelect = selectAncestorFunc(model.session.Entity);
                    if (entityToSelect != null)
                        //model.controller.AddFollowupCommand(new SelectEntityCommand(this, entityToSelect));
                        model.selection.Update(this, entityToSelect);
            catch (Exception ex)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex, "RefreshCommand.Execute threw exception");
                SetError("Failed to refresh:\n" + ex.Message);
