public void Update(long timeSpan)
        TerrainCell groupCell = Group.Cell;

        float randomModifier = groupCell.GetNextLocalRandomFloat(RngOffsets.ACTIVITY_UPDATE + RngOffset);

        randomModifier = 1f - (randomModifier * 2f);
        float randomFactor = MaxChangeDelta * randomModifier;

        float maxTargetValue = 1f;
        float minTargetValue = 0f;
        float targetValue    = 0;

        if (randomFactor > 0)
            targetValue = Value + (maxTargetValue - Value) * randomFactor;
            targetValue = Value - (minTargetValue - Value) * randomFactor;

        float timeEffect = timeSpan / (timeSpan + TimeEffectConstant);

        _newValue = (Value * (1 - timeEffect)) + (targetValue * timeEffect);
    protected void AddPolityProminenceEffectInternal(CulturalSkill politySkill, PolityProminence polityProminence, long timeSpan, float timeEffectFactor)
        float targetValue      = politySkill.Value;
        float prominenceEffect = polityProminence.Value;

        TerrainCell groupCell = Group.Cell;

        float randomEffect = groupCell.GetNextLocalRandomFloat(RngOffsets.SKILL_POLITY_PROMINENCE + RngOffset + unchecked ((int)polityProminence.PolityId));

        float timeEffect = timeSpan / (timeSpan + timeEffectFactor);

        // _newvalue should have been set correctly either by the constructor or by the Update function
        float change = (targetValue - _newValue) * prominenceEffect * timeEffect * randomEffect;

//#if DEBUG
//        if (Manager.RegisterDebugEvent != null)
//        {
//            if (Manager.TracingData.Priority <= 0)
//            {
//                if (Group.Id == Manager.TracingData.GroupId)
//                {
//                    string groupId = "Id:" + Group.Id + "|Long:" + Group.Longitude + "|Lat:" + Group.Latitude;

//                    SaveLoadTest.DebugMessage debugMessage = new SaveLoadTest.DebugMessage(
//                        "PolityCulturalProminenceInternal - Group:" + groupId,
//                        "CurrentDate: " + Group.World.CurrentDate +
//                        ", Name: " + Name +
//                        ", timeSpan: " + timeSpan +
//                        ", timeEffectFactor: " + timeEffectFactor +
//                        ", randomEffect: " + randomEffect +
//                        ", polity Id: " + polityProminence.PolityId +
//                        ", polityProminence.Value: " + prominenceEffect +
//                        ", politySkill.Value: " + targetValue +
//                        ", Value: " + Value +
//                        ", change: " + change +
//                        "", Group.World.CurrentDate);

//                    Manager.RegisterDebugEvent("DebugMessage", debugMessage);
//                }
//            }
//            else if (Manager.TracingData.Priority <= 1)
//            {
//                string groupId = "Id:" + Group.Id + "|Long:" + Group.Longitude + "|Lat:" + Group.Latitude;

//                SaveLoadTest.DebugMessage debugMessage = new SaveLoadTest.DebugMessage(
//                    "PolityCulturalProminenceInternal - Group:" + groupId,
//                    "CurrentDate: " + Group.World.CurrentDate +
//                    "", Group.World.CurrentDate);

//                Manager.RegisterDebugEvent("DebugMessage", debugMessage);
//            }
//        }

        _newValue = _newValue + change;
    protected void UpdateInternal(long timeSpan, float timeEffectFactor, float specificModifier)
        TerrainCell groupCell = Group.Cell;

        float randomModifier = groupCell.GetNextLocalRandomFloat(RngOffsets.SKILL_UPDATE + RngOffset);

        randomModifier *= randomModifier;
        float randomFactor = specificModifier - randomModifier;

        float maxTargetValue = 1.0f;
        float minTargetValue = -0.2f;
        float targetValue    = 0;

        if (randomFactor > 0)
            targetValue = Value + (maxTargetValue - Value) * randomFactor;
            targetValue = Value - (minTargetValue - Value) * randomFactor;

        float timeEffect = timeSpan / (float)(timeSpan + timeEffectFactor);

        float newValue = (Value * (1 - timeEffect)) + (targetValue * timeEffect);

        //		#if DEBUG
        //		if ((Manager.RegisterDebugEvent != null) && (Manager.TracingData.Priority <= 0)) {
        //			if (Group.Id == Manager.TracingData.GroupId) {
        //				string groupId = "Id:" + Group.Id + "|Long:" + Group.Longitude + "|Lat:" + Group.Latitude;
        //				SaveLoadTest.DebugMessage debugMessage = new SaveLoadTest.DebugMessage(
        //					"UpdateInternal - Group:" + groupId,
        //					"CurrentDate: " + Group.World.CurrentDate +
        //					", Name: " + Name +
        //					", timeSpan: " + timeSpan +
        //					", timeEffectFactor: " + timeEffectFactor +
        //					", specificModifier: " + specificModifier +
        //					", randomModifier: " + randomModifier +
        //					", targetValue: " + targetValue +
        //					", Value: " + Value +
        //					", newValue: " + newValue +
        //					"");
        //				Manager.RegisterDebugEvent ("DebugMessage", debugMessage);
        //			}
        //		}
        //		#endif

        _newValue = newValue;
    public void AddPolityProminenceEffect(CulturalActivity polityActivity, PolityProminence polityProminence, long timeSpan)
        float targetValue      = polityActivity.Value;
        float prominenceEffect = polityProminence.Value;

        TerrainCell groupCell = Group.Cell;

        float randomEffect = groupCell.GetNextLocalRandomFloat(RngOffsets.ACTIVITY_POLITY_PROMINENCE + RngOffset + unchecked ((int)polityProminence.PolityId));

        float timeEffect = timeSpan / (timeSpan + TimeEffectConstant);

        // _newvalue should have been set correctly either by the constructor or by the Update function
        float change = (targetValue - _newValue) * prominenceEffect * timeEffect * randomEffect;

        _newValue = _newValue + change;
Ejemplo n.º 5
    protected void AddPolityProminenceEffectInternal(CulturalKnowledge polityKnowledge, PolityProminence polityProminence, long timeSpan, float timeEffectFactor)
        int rngOffset = RngOffsets.KNOWLEDGE_POLITY_PROMINENCE + InstanceRngOffset + unchecked ((int)polityProminence.PolityId);

        int   targetValue      = polityKnowledge.Value;
        float prominenceEffect = polityProminence.Value;

        TerrainCell groupCell = Group.Cell;

        float randomEffect = groupCell.GetNextLocalRandomFloat(rngOffset++);

        float timeEffect = timeSpan / (float)(timeSpan + timeEffectFactor);

        int valueDelta = targetValue - _newValue;

        float d;
        // _newvalue should have been set correctly either by the constructor or by the Update function
        int valueChange = (int)MathUtility.MultiplyAndGetDecimals(valueDelta, prominenceEffect * timeEffect * randomEffect, out d);

        if (d > Group.GetNextLocalRandomFloat(rngOffset++))

//#if DEBUG
//        if (Manager.RegisterDebugEvent != null)
//        {
//            if (Manager.TracingData.Priority <= 0)
//            {
//                if (Group.Id == Manager.TracingData.GroupId)
//                {
//                    string groupId = "Id:" + Group.Id + "|Long:" + Group.Longitude + "|Lat:" + Group.Latitude;

//                    SaveLoadTest.DebugMessage debugMessage = new SaveLoadTest.DebugMessage(
//                        "CellCulturalKnowledge.PolityCulturalProminenceInternal - Group:" + groupId,
//                        "CurrentDate: " + Group.World.CurrentDate +
//                        ", Name: " + Name +
//                        ", timeSpan: " + timeSpan +
//                        ", timeEffectFactor: " + timeEffectFactor +
//                        ", randomEffect: " + randomEffect +
//                        ", Group.PolityProminences.Count: " + Group.PolityProminences.Count +
//                        ", polity Id: " + polityProminence.PolityId +
//                        ", polityProminence.Value: " + prominenceEffect +
//                        ", politySkill.Value: " + targetValue +
//                        ", Value: " + Value +
//                        ", _newValue: " + _newValue +
//                        ", valueChange: " + valueChange +
//                        "", Group.World.CurrentDate);

//                    Manager.RegisterDebugEvent("DebugMessage", debugMessage);
//                }
//            }
//            else if (Manager.TracingData.Priority <= 1)
//            {
//                string groupId = "Id:" + Group.Id + "|Long:" + Group.Longitude + "|Lat:" + Group.Latitude;

//                SaveLoadTest.DebugMessage debugMessage = new SaveLoadTest.DebugMessage(
//                    "CellCulturalKnowledge.PolityCulturalProminenceInternal - Group:" + groupId,
//                    "CurrentDate: " + Group.World.CurrentDate +
//                    "", Group.World.CurrentDate);

//                Manager.RegisterDebugEvent("DebugMessage", debugMessage);
//            }
//        }

        _newValue = _newValue + valueChange;
Ejemplo n.º 6
    protected void UpdateValueInternal(long timeSpan, float timeEffectFactor, float specificModifier)
        TerrainCell groupCell = Group.Cell;

        int rngOffset = RngOffsets.KNOWLEDGE_UPDATE_VALUE_INTERNAL + InstanceRngOffset;

        float randomModifier = groupCell.GetNextLocalRandomFloat(rngOffset++);

        randomModifier *= randomModifier;
        float randomFactor = specificModifier - randomModifier;

        randomFactor = Mathf.Clamp(randomFactor, -1, 1);

        int maxTargetValue = Limit;
        int minTargetValue = 0;
        int targetValue    = 0;

        if (randomFactor > 0)
            targetValue = Value + (int)((maxTargetValue - Value) * randomFactor);
            targetValue = Value - (int)((minTargetValue - Value) * randomFactor);

        float timeEffect = timeSpan / (timeSpan + timeEffectFactor);

        float d;
        int   newValue = MathUtility.LerpToIntAndGetDecimals(Value, targetValue, timeEffect, out d);

        if (d > Group.GetNextLocalRandomFloat(rngOffset++))

        if ((Limit > 1) && (newValue > Limit) && (newValue > Value))
            throw new System.Exception("UpdateValueInternal: new value " + newValue + " above Level Limit " + Limit);

        if (newValue > 1000000)
            throw new System.Exception("UpdateValueInternal: new value " + newValue + " above 1000000");

        if ((Id == SocialOrganizationKnowledge.KnowledgeId) && (newValue < SocialOrganizationKnowledge.MinValueForTribeFormation))
            if (Group.GetFactionCores().Count > 0)
                Debug.LogWarning("Group with low social organization has faction cores - Id: " + Group.Id + ", newValue:" + newValue);

            if (Group.WillBecomeFactionCore)
                Debug.LogWarning("Group with low social organization will become a faction core - Id: " + Group.Id + ", newValue:" + newValue);

        //#if DEBUG
        //        if ((Manager.RegisterDebugEvent != null) && (Manager.TracingData.Priority <= 0))
        //        {
        //            if (Group.Id == Manager.TracingData.GroupId)
        //            {
        //                string groupId = "Id:" + Group.Id + "|Long:" + Group.Longitude + "|Lat:" + Group.Latitude;

        //                SaveLoadTest.DebugMessage debugMessage = new SaveLoadTest.DebugMessage(
        //                    "CellCulturalKnowledge.UpdateValueInternal - Group:" + groupId,
        //                    "CurrentDate: " + Group.World.CurrentDate +
        //                    ", Id: " + Id +
        //                    ", IsPresent: " + IsPresent +
        //                    ", Value: " + Value +
        //                    ", _newValue: " + _newValue +
        //                    ", newValue: " + newValue +
        //                    ", targetValue: " + targetValue +
        //                    ", Limit: " + Limit +
        //                    ", randomModifier: " + randomModifier +
        //                    ", specificModifier: " + specificModifier +
        //                    ", InstanceRngOffset: " + InstanceRngOffset +
        //                    ", timeEffect: " + timeEffect +
        //                    //", AcquisitionDate: " + AcquisitionDate +
        //                    "");

        //                Manager.RegisterDebugEvent("DebugMessage", debugMessage);
        //            }
        //        }

        _newValue = newValue;