Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void SetTemplate()
            StringResources stx = new StringResources( "/libtaotu/Message" );
            PrimaryButtonText = stx.Str( "OK" );

            MessageBus.OnDelivery += MessageBus_OnDelivery;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void SetTemplate()
            StringResources stx = new StringResources( "/libtaotu/Message" );
            PrimaryButtonText = stx.Str( "OK" );

            int[] KnownCodePages = new int[] {
                37, 437, 500, 708, 720, 737, 775, 850, 852, 855, 857, 858, 860, 861, 862, 863, 864
                , 865, 866, 869, 870, 874, 875, 932, 936, 949, 950, 1026, 1047, 1140, 1141, 1142, 1143
                , 1144, 1145, 1146, 1147, 1148, 1149, 1200, 1201, 1250, 1251, 1252, 1253, 1254, 1255
                , 1256, 1257, 1258, 1361, 10000, 10001, 10002, 10003, 10004, 10005, 10006, 10007, 10008
                , 10010, 10017, 10021, 10029, 10079, 10081, 10082, 12000, 12001, 20000, 20001, 20002
                , 20003, 20004, 20005, 20105, 20106, 20107, 20108, 20127, 20261, 20269, 20273, 20277
                , 20278, 20280, 20284, 20285, 20290, 20297, 20420, 20423, 20424, 20833, 20838, 20866
                , 20871, 20880, 20905, 20924, 20932, 20936, 20949, 21025, 21866, 28591, 28592, 28593
                , 28594, 28595, 28596, 28597, 28598, 28599, 28603, 28605, 29001, 38598, 50220, 50221
                , 50222, 50225, 50227, 51932, 51936, 51949, 52936, 54936, 57002, 57003, 57004, 57005
                , 57006, 57007, 57008, 57009, 57010, 57011, 65000, 65001 };

            Encoding.RegisterProvider( CodePagesEncodingProvider.Instance );

            foreach ( int CodePage in KnownCodePages )
                    Encoding Enc = Encoding.GetEncoding( CodePage );
                    SupportedCodePages.Add( Enc.EncodingName, Enc.CodePage );
                catch ( Exception ) { }

            Encodings.ItemsSource = SupportedCodePages;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private static void initIfNeeded()
     if (_instance == null)
         _instance = new StringResources();
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void MemberStatusChanged()
            StringResources stx = new StringResources();
            LoginOrInfo = Member.IsLoggedIn
                ? stx.Text( "Login_AccountName" )
                : stx.Text( "Login" )


            if( !Member.IsLoggedIn )
                if ( Member.WillLogin ) return;

                Image.Destroy( Avatar );
                NotifyChanged( "Avatar" );

            X.Instance<IRuntimeCache>( XProto.WRuntimeCache, 0, false )
                , X.Call<XKey[]>( XProto.WRequest, "GetUserAvatar" )
                , AvatarLoaded
                , ( string id, string url, Exception ex ) => { RefreshAvatar(); }
                , false
 public static string LoadStringResource(StringResources path, string name)
     string resourcePath = "";
     switch (path)
         case StringResources.RESOURCES:
             resourcePath = "Resources";
         case StringResources.ERRORS:
             resourcePath = "Errors";
             new Exception("Can't find any resource");
     return ResourceLoader.GetForCurrentView(resourcePath).GetString(name);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void LoadUrl( LocalModeTxtList.DownloadBookContext Context )
            RuntimeCache rCache = new RuntimeCache();
            Logger.Log( ID, Context.Id, LogType.DEBUG );
            Logger.Log( ID, Context.Title, LogType.DEBUG );

            Worker.UIInvoke( () =>
                StringResources stx = new StringResources( "AdvDM" );
                Loading = stx.Text( "Active" );
            } );

            rCache.GET( Context.Url, ( e, url ) =>
                Loading = null;
                SaveTemp( e, Context );
            , ( id, url, ex ) =>
                Logger.Log( ID, "Cannot download: " + id, LogType.WARNING );
                Logger.Log( ID, ex.Message, LogType.WARNING );

            }, false );
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public while_node NewWhileStmt(token_info tkWhile, expression expr, token_info opt_tk_do, statement stmt, LexLocation loc)
            var nws = new while_node(expr, stmt, WhileCycleType.While, loc);

            if (opt_tk_do == null)
                file_position    fp      = expr.source_context.end_position;
                syntax_tree_node err_stn = stmt;
                if (err_stn == null)
                    err_stn = expr;
                parsertools.errors.Add(new PABCNETUnexpectedToken(parsertools.CurrentFileName, StringResources.Get("TKDO"), new SourceContext(fp.line_num, fp.column_num + 1, fp.line_num, fp.column_num + 1, 0, 0), err_stn));
Ejemplo n.º 8
 //load resource corresponding to current culture
 public static void Reload()
     _strings = new StringResources("Granados.strings", typeof(Strings).Assembly);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private async void ProcessVols()
            StringResources stx = new StringResources( "LoadingMessage" );
            string LoadText = stx.Str( "ProgressIndicator_Message" );

            IEnumerable<string> BookIds = Shared.Storage.ListDirs( FileLinks.ROOT_LOCAL_VOL );
            string[] favs = new BookStorage().GetIdList();

            List<LocalBook> Items = new List<LocalBook>();
            foreach ( string Id in BookIds )
                Loading = LoadText + ": " + Id;
                LocalBook LB = await LocalBook.CreateAsync( Id );
                if ( LB.ProcessSuccess )
                    Items.Add( LB );
                    LB.IsFav = favs.Contains( Id );

            Action<string, SpiderBook> ProcessSpider = ( Id, LB ) =>
                 Loading = LoadText + ": " + Id;
                 if ( LB.aid != Id )
                         Logger.Log( ID, "Fixing misplaced spider book" );
                         Shared.Storage.MoveDir( FileLinks.ROOT_SPIDER_VOL + Id, LB.MetaLocation );
                     catch ( Exception ex )
                         Logger.Log( ID
                             , string.Format(
                                 "Unable to move script: {0} => {1}, {2} "
                                 , Id, LB.aid, ex.Message )
                                 , LogType.WARNING );

                 if ( LB.ProcessSuccess || LB.CanProcess )
                     Items.Add( LB );
                     LB.IsFav = favs.Contains( Id );
                         Logger.Log( ID, "Removing invalid script: " + Id, LogType.INFO );
                         Shared.Storage.RemoveDir( LB.MetaRoot );
                     catch ( Exception ex )
                         Logger.Log( ID, "Cannot remove invalid script: " + ex.Message, LogType.WARNING );

            BookIds = Shared.Storage.ListDirs( FileLinks.ROOT_SPIDER_VOL );
            foreach ( string Id in BookIds )
                if ( Id[ 0 ] == ZONE_PFX )
                    IEnumerable<string> ZoneItems = Shared.Storage.ListDirs( FileLinks.ROOT_SPIDER_VOL + Id + "/" );
                    foreach ( string SId in ZoneItems )
                         * This code is a mess. I'll explain a bit more in here
                         *   First, the location of the Book.MetaLocation for ZoneItems
                         *   can only be retrived from BookInstruction
                         *   However ZoneId and Id are assinged by Spider on the fly,
                         *   restoring this information is a bit tricky

                        // Create BookIntstruction just to retrieve the correct id pattern
                        BookInstruction BInst = new BookInstruction( Id, SId );

                         * After 2 hours of investigations...
                         * Welp, just outsmarted by myself, The CreateAsyncSpide works because:
                         *   Inside the TestProcessed method, the BookInstruction are created
                         *   using BoockInstruction( Id, Setings ) overload
                         *   the provided id is "this.aid" here BUT the full id is restored again
                         *   in InitProcMan() method
                         *   Fortunately, ssid will be set correctly inside the ReadInfo method
                        ProcessSpider( BInst.Id, await SpiderBook.CreateAsyncSpider( BInst.Id ) );
                    ProcessSpider( Id, await SpiderBook.CreateAsyncSpider( Id ) );

            if ( 0 < Items.Count ) SearchSet = Items;
            Loading = null;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 private void UpdateLLText()
     StringResources stx = new StringResources( "AppResources", "Settings" );
     LLText = LoggedIn ? stx.Text( "Account_Logout", "Settings" ) : stx.Text( "Login" );
     NotifyChanged( "LLText", "LoggedIn" );
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private void RequestsStatus( DRequestCompletedEventArgs e, string QId )
                int NGrants = 0;
                int NScripts = 0;
                JsonObject JMesg = JsonStatus.Parse( e.ResponseString );
                JsonArray JData = JMesg.GetNamedArray( "data" );

                if ( 0 < Grants.Count() )
                    List<SHGrant> CurrGrants = new List<SHGrant>( Grants );
                    foreach( JsonValue JValue in JData )
                        SHGrant G = new SHGrant( JValue.GetObject() );
                        if ( Grants.Any( x => x.Id == G.Id ) ) continue;
                        CurrGrants.Add( G );
                    Grants = CurrGrants.ToArray();
                    Grants = JData.Remap( x =>
                        SHGrant G = new SHGrant( x.GetObject() );

                        int l = G.Grants.Length;
                        if ( !G.SourceRemoved )
                            if ( 0 < l ) NScripts++;
                            NGrants += l;

                        return G;
                    } );

                if ( 0 < NGrants )
                    AddActivity( () =>
                        StringResources stx = new StringResources();
                        return string.Format( stx.Text( "GrantsReceived" ), NGrants, NScripts );
                    }, () => MessageBus.SendUI( typeof( SharersHub ), AppKeys.SH_SHOW_GRANTS ) );
            catch ( Exception ex )
                Logger.Log( ID, ex.Message, LogType.WARNING );
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public program_module NewProgramModule(program_name progName, Object optHeadCompDirs, uses_list mainUsesClose, syntax_tree_node progBlock, Object optPoint, LexLocation loc)
            var progModule = new program_module(progName, mainUsesClose, progBlock as block, null, loc);

            progModule.Language = LanguageId.PascalABCNET;
            if (optPoint == null && progBlock != null)
                var fp      = progBlock.source_context.end_position;
                var err_stn = progBlock;
                if ((progBlock is block) && (progBlock as block).program_code != null && (progBlock as block).program_code.subnodes != null && (progBlock as block).program_code.subnodes.Count > 0)
                    err_stn = (progBlock as block).program_code.subnodes[(progBlock as block).program_code.subnodes.Count - 1];
                parsertools.errors.Add(new PABCNETUnexpectedToken(parsertools.CurrentFileName, StringResources.Get("TKPOINT"), new SourceContext(fp.line_num, fp.column_num + 1, fp.line_num, fp.column_num + 1, 0, 0), err_stn));
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public static void ReloadStringResource()
     _stringResource = new StringResources("Poderosa.Terminal.strings", typeof(GEnv).Assembly);
     EnumDescAttribute.AddResourceTable(typeof(GEnv).Assembly, _stringResource);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public for_node NewForStmt(bool opt_var, ident identifier, type_definition for_stmt_decl_or_assign, expression expr1, for_cycle_type fc_type, expression expr2, token_info opt_tk_do, statement stmt, LexLocation loc)
            var nfs = new for_node(identifier, expr1, expr2, stmt, fc_type, null, for_stmt_decl_or_assign, opt_var != false, loc);

            if (opt_tk_do == null)
                file_position    fp      = expr2.source_context.end_position;
                syntax_tree_node err_stn = stmt;
                if (err_stn == null)
                    err_stn = expr2;
                parsertools.errors.Add(new PABCNETUnexpectedToken(parsertools.CurrentFileName, StringResources.Get("TKDO"), new SourceContext(fp.line_num, fp.column_num + 1, fp.line_num, fp.column_num + 1, 0, 0), err_stn));
            if (!opt_var && for_stmt_decl_or_assign == null)
                parsertools.AddWarningFromResource("USING_UNLOCAL_FOR_VARIABLE", identifier.source_context);
Ejemplo n.º 15
 private void ShowBlockedTrafficModal()
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public ScraperHateoasExceptionFilterAttribute(StringResources stringResources)
     this.stringResources = stringResources ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(stringResources));
 private static ScopedLifestyle ThrowDefaultScopeLifestyleIsNotSet()
     throw new InvalidOperationException(
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public CyclicDependencyException(Type typeToValidate)
     : base(StringResources.TypeDependsOnItself(typeToValidate))
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public static string GetName(string code)
     return(code != null
         ? StringResources.Get($"Country_val_{code.ToUpper()}")
         : "");